
41. Chapter 41

The next few days went by in an odd haze for Bruno.

At night he would sneak out, trying to see if he could find some leftover food. But also make sure he wouldn't take so much that he would be discovered. As well would he fill up a discarded bottle, he had managed to find in town, with water.

He wouldn't eat the food immediately though. That was for the morning. And a few times Bruno even went to the Encanto in the middle of the night in search of more spackle, tools, and…. More food scraps if possible.

As Bruno got back he would be beyond exhausted and go to sleep in his corner, but only for the one or two hours it took until the family started to move around.

Then as the family sat down for breakfast Bruno would sit down with crossed legs next to the wall and say the prayer with his family. Only then would he eat. But not all the food. Usually just half a tamale or similar. He had to save his food. And he needed to feed his rat.

Then Bruno would start to work on the cracks. As much as his body allowed him to do. Unfortunately, he was tired from barely getting any sleep doing the night and not really eating a whole lot.

When he felt like he couldn't work anymore Bruno went to sleep again. Until dinner time where the moving of people would wake Bruno up, and he would again sit by the wall with crossed legs and quietly eat as he tried to listen to whatever conversation was going on on the other side.

Julieta was planning to try a new recipe as she had now been given an abundance of limes from one of the townspeople she didn't know what to do with.

Camilo had to sadly inform he couldn't turn into animals no matter how hard he tried, not even a monkey, but he could make alterations to the people he turned into, giving his version of Isabela a big nose or making a midget version of Agustin.

Isabela was not pleased. She even hit Camilo over the head when none of the adults were watching.

Felix was starting to wear through his shoes and contemplated if he should buy new ones now or wait another month or two.

They were talking about all kinds of things out there. About what was going on in their life and their plans for the day or week. Even months.

….. It all sounded so… Normal and mundane. Life was just kind of going on out there… Everyone seemed to be doing fine.

Bruno sighed deeply as he nibbled at his piece of bread while Mirabel was asking her mother for a new spool of threat as her red was running out.

Today was Tuesday. That meant that Dolores's radio show would be on in the evening and as part of the family moved to the living room to listen Bruno moved with them through the walls until he was indeed right next to them in the living room. Laying down on his stomach and tried to listen.

It was a little hard to hear through the wall, especially when people started to talk over it which was annoying, but the sound of chatter and the show was nice and would often lul Bruno to sleep. And then he would wake up a few hours later when the house was quiet and empty so the whole thing could start over.

However things weren't well, as Bruno was doing his work, trying to fix the house, suddenly a crack came right open to his left.

"NO!" Bruno screamed. "No! Knock on wood! Knock on wood! Salt… I need…" he gasped as he started to panic but found nothing and the panic just overtook him. It was an amazing compulsion and Bruno fell down the ladder so he could reach the wooden floor and knocked.

"Knock on wood!" Bruno gasped. "Knock on wood!" he knocked three times on the floor and the last bang was his own head. Then he gasped in a big breath and held it, squinted his eyes closed, and crossed his fingers.

Go away… Go away cracks… Go away… and then the crack above him stopped its forming and Bruno looked up. But the cracks were still there.

Then Bruno let go of his breath and had to gasp in a new one before he shook his head and he groaned. "This is not stopping is it?" he asked.

There was no reply.

"Well." Bruno closed his eyes. "I guess I… I guess I have to stick around then." he swallowed. "Cause… You know. Who else is going to fix this? If the Cracks spread too much then…" he held a hand to his face…. Mirabel.

A rat came scurrying towards Bruno and Bruno reached down to pick it up then held the rat. "You would like that too wouldn't you?" he asked. "I mean…. We don't know what's out there. And those mountains are like…. Super-tall. Casita needs us so…" his eyes watered. "What do you say. Should we stay?"

The rat squeaked and Bruno swallowed as he sniffed.

"That's settled then." Bruno smiled and then held the rat close… This meant… He could still look over his family. He didn't have to actually leave. It worked.

He could help but would not be in the way! This was great.

Bruno had to sniff, the idea felt good but it also hurt… Just stay here…. Observe his family but never interact.

Still…. Better than any of the alternatives. And peace settled in Bruno's body... Kind of relieved to at least know where he was going to be in the future.

And so, now that Bruno knew he was going to stay he had fewer issues sneaking a pillow into his new room for when he was sleeping. He knew where Alma kept all the extra blankets for parties, in the back of a big closest and found some to pull into his room too to arrange a bed. And for the first time since Bruno had left he felt comfortable while snuggling up in his little nest of old blankets in the corner.

Just as a rat came and nestled in the crane of his neck too. "Hola Lucia," Bruno whispered a little satisfied and suddenly felt... A second pair of paws and he blinked as he turned his head to see a second rate with his current one. "Eeeerh..." he halted.

Bruno's first instinct was... Not good. The deal was what he got to have only one. But then suddenly Bruno remembered... He was alone in the wall. So what did it matter? and he smiled lightly.

"Who's your friend Lucia?" Bruno asked kindly.

The rat gave a little squeak.

"Aah. Pietro. I see." Bruno nodded as he laid back down. "Welcome, Pietro. It's not much but it's home." he yawned deeply. "Make yourself comfortable," he mumbled as he curled together and fell asleep.

Of course then when Bruno woke up... He had five rats nestled into the folds of his blankets. Looking all warm and comfy there.

"Huh." Bruno blinked. Then he smiled. "Okay, it might get a little tight on food. But if we work together I'm sure we can figure it out." he smiled happily as he reached forward his arms and allowed the rats to crawl up on him. "Heh." he beamed. "Ann-Marie, Tonicio, Pietro, Marcia." he named the four new rats and then picked up the last one. The original. "Lucia," he smirked pressing his own forehead towards hers. "I should be mad at you for bringing your friends here," he commented.

The rat offered such an innocent little sound.

"You're right. I can't be mad at you." Bruno sighed as he put her down again. "Come on we have to get ready for breakfast. The family is on their way to the dining room," he said as he stood up and brushed himself off from dust. "A good morning routine is important! We gotta wash up, brush teeth, brush our hair and..." Bruno pulled out in his Ruana and wrinkled his nose. "Ew... yeah. Need to be washed," he muttered. "I'm... Going to figure that one out," he stated as he headed for the chipped bowl he currently used for washing until he found something better.

And then finally after having made himself ready for the day Bruno sat down at the usual spot at the wall to say prayers with his family and eat a little breakfast he shared with his rats.

For the first time having a feeling that.. This might actually work out.