
35. Chapter 35

The next moment it seemed like a thousand things happened all at once.

A huge surge of yelling erupted as people stepped forward. Julieta just rushed in and scooped up her little daughter who cried loudly the moment she had been picked up.

Agustin ran in and placed himself in front of his wife and daughter with spread out arms as if to shield them from the mob.

Dolores squinted her eyes and covered her ears as she squatted down looking like she was in pain. Then Camilo started to cry too and Felix picked him up as he backed away.

Pepa shouted as a surge of wind ripped through her dress and icy cold inside rain fell making people scream and now Alma tried to cover the candle from the rain while Pepa was fretting over her daughter.

"BRUNO!" Julieta suddenly screamed while clutching her youngest daughter. "Isabela and Luisa!"

And Bruno's eyes widened as he realized those two were without adult protection. "GOT IT!" he shouted without even hesitating and bolted forward to grab both girls and pull them away from the crowds.

"Tio!" Isabela cried with tears in her eyes. "Tio what is going on?"

"I… I don't know." Bruno gasped. "Sorry I ARH!" he shouted in pain as Luisa had squished his hand in fright but had obviously forgotten her strength and the girl gasped.

"I… I'm sorry Tio." Luisa gasped.

"Don't worry about it. There is plenty of your mother's food to go around." Bruno assured and put an arm around Luisa's shoulder so he could pull her in without using his hurt hand.

"EVERYTHING IS FINE!" Alma shouted as loudly as she could. "THE MAGIC IS FINE!"

But it had no effect as people just kept shouting and the inside storm certainly didn't help.

"PEPITAAAAA!" Alma shouted loudly.

Then Felix grabbed his wife's hand and pulled her away while carrying Camilo in his free hand. The issue just was that left Dolores alone who was cringing in pain.

"Luisa! Isabela!" Bruno gasped as he looked down at them. "Just stay here! I'll be there in a second!" he exclaimed as he ran forward and bowed down so he could pick Dolores up in bridal style.

Dolores hissed as she cried. "It hurts Tio."

Bruno gasped as he rushed to Dolore's door and kicked it open. "Luisa! ISABELA! COME HERE!" and the girls came rushing and ran past him so Bruno could grab the door with his good left hand and shut it tight. Killing all the sounds from outside and Dolores visibly relaxed as Bruno exhaled deeply.

But that still left three very distraught girls and Bruno swallowed as he walked over to Dolores's bed and gently put her down. "Are you okay now?" he asked.

Dolores sniffed as she looked up. Tears in her eyes. "Uhu."

"Good." Bruno gasped. "I need you three to stay in here okay?" he asked. "Just wait until an adult comes and gets you."

"But I don't understand!" Isabela sniffed. "What's happening? Why did the door vanish? Is the magic really breaking!"

"NO!" Bruno gasped as he held up his hands. "No, the magic is not breaking! Everything is fine! Just… Stay in here okay? And look after each other. Can you do that for me?" he asked.

The three girls all nodded.

"Good girls! Good." Bruno gasped. "Okay… You're going to be fine," he said as he turned around and headed back outside where things had not gotten any better.

"The magic is strong!" Alma shouted while still holding her candle. "We are protected! The Encanto is fine!"

Bruno gasped as he rushed towards his mother and then grabbed her shoulders, pulling her a bit back.

Shocked Alma looked behind herself and for a moment looked confused.

"Are you alright Mama?" Bruno asked honestly concerned.

As he said that. Alma's eyes cleared up in recognition and she breathed. "Brunito."

"The girls are fine," Bruno assured. "I needed to make sure you were okay too."

And Alma gasped. Then nodded as she turned back to the room, now with more strength in her. "THE PARTY IS OVER!" she shouted and that made people halt. "GO HOME! ALL OF YOU!" she demanded. "NOW!"

And finally, the shouts turned into disgruntled mumbles and slowly people started to pour out while Alma stood strong and proudly glaring at all of them.

However the moment the last one was outside. Alma seemed to just deflate and almost fell down.

"Woah!" Bruno gasped as he managed to catch his mother before she hit the ground or even lost the candle. "Mama. Are you okay?" he asked.

Alma gasped deeply for breath. Then slowly nodded. "I just… Need a bit of air." she gasped. "Brunito…. Help me to my room por favor."

Bruno nodded and then slowly helped Alma up as, for the first time, he found himself supporting her steps. It was weird. His mother was usually so strong and carried the entire family. Now walking with heavy steps and relying on his hand on her back.

"It's going to be okay mama," Bruno assured in a soft voice. "Things are going to be fine," he said as they finally reached her room.

Then Alma halted and she turned to Bruno. For a moment they looked at each other and Bruno swallowed. Then opened the door for Alma and gently lead her inside and towards the window where Alma could finally let go of the candle, putting it back into its rightful place. And then carefully Bruno sat her down in her chair.

Alma sighed deeply. "What could possibly have happened?" she asked.

"I… I don't know Mama. I'm sorry." Bruno whispered. "Listen I'm just going to go check on the others. You just rest okay?"

And Alma nodded without even looking at him as Bruno headed back out the door. The moment he was outside Agustin came out of Julieta's door. By the sight of Bruno, he gasped. "Isabela and Luisa?!" he asked anxiously.

"They are in Dolores's room," Bruno assured. "They are fine."

"Oh thank god." Agustin exhaled deeply relieved. Then looked at Bruno. "Thank you."

"No worries." Bruno assured and then halted. "Mirabel?" he had to ask in a quiet voice.

Agustin swallowed. "Julieta is with her she…. She's still crying. But who can blame her? I mean..." he gulped as he silenced.

Bruno nodded slowly.

Then Agustin looked up at Bruno as he hesitated. "Did you… Know?" he asked.

"No," Bruno whispered. "There were no visions… I'm sorry I.. I don't know any more than you do."

Agustin nodded. "Okay," he said. "Thank you anyway," he said as he grabbed Dolores's door and headed inside.

Bruno sighed as he ventured down the stairs to the now empty entrance hall still decorated for a big party. And then he picked up one of Julieta's arepas to take a bite. Instantly feeling his potentially broken hand knit itself back into place.

And then not knowing what else to do. Bruno slowly started to carry the food back into the kitchen. Starting on a little clean up.

Eventually, Felix arrived and started to join him. Mouthing a quiet. "Thank you for helping Dolores... I... I didn't mean to leave her like that. But I didn't know what to do! Pepa wasn't helping."

"Don't worry about it," Bruno whispered back. "It's why I am here."

Felix smiled a little amused and padded Bruno on the shoulder. "Good thing too Hermano. Thank you."

Bruno returned the amused smile. Then sighed as the two continued on the clean up. Pulling down the garlands and removing the lanterns. And slowly as the children were all put to bed. Everyone except Julieta helped out cleaning the whole thing up.

No one questioned that Julieta just needed to stay by her daughters' side for now.

And then, as it had gotten completely dark outside, the house was clean and it was like there had been no party at all.

Agustin, Felix, Pepa, and Bruno just all dropped down in the couches of the living room.

Quietly did Felix put glasses on the table, and poured a healthy portion of rum for all of them.

"What happened?" Pepa finally asked. "I don't understand."

Bruno rubbed the bridge of his nose as he groaned.

"She did have a door. And it vanished." Pepa whispered. "Can the magic really be…." she halted.

"I don't believe it," Felix said. "How could the magic be breaking?"

"I don't know." Bruno shook his head. "I mean it's magic… I don't know how or why it works. It just does." then suddenly, he remembered the cracks beneath them and Bruno swallowed… Was their time running out? Maybe… It really was time to come clean. "Ahem." Bruno cleared his throat. "I don't really know how to say this…" he hesitated. "urhm." Bruno held a hand towards his mouth while everyone was looking at him.

Just then Julieta came through the door. Looking disheveled and tired.

Immediately Bruno was forgotten and everyone's attention was on Julieta instead. Agustin rushed to her side to give Julieta support and Julieta sighed.

"How is Mirabel?" Pepa asked concerned.

"She's finally sleeping." Julieta sighed deeply as Agustin guided her to the big chair. "She cried herself to sleep and I… I just don't know what to do." she fell down in the chair and Felix offered her a glass of rum which Julieta took without a second's hesitation and took a healthy swig. "What about the other kids?" she asked.

"All sleeping," Agustin assured.

Bruno swallowed as he glanced down.

"Oh, Bruno. Mama wanted to see you." Julieta said and Bruno blinked.

"Me?" he asked confused. Then he frowned. "Do you have any idea what it's about?"

Julieta groaned as she held her forehead. "No, I didn't ask. Sorry I got enough on my mind."

"Ah yes. Sorry." Bruno said as he stood up. "I suppose I better go see her then. You take care now." he nodded and Julieta nodded in response.

Bruno offered her a last weak smile she didn't even see and then finally walked back out towards all the doors until he finally was at his mother's door and he knocked lightly.

"Mama it's me. You wanted to see me?"

"Come in Brunito," Alma asked and Bruno opened the door to see the back of his mother. Standing with her front towards the candle that illuminated the room with its soft light.

Quietly Bruno closed the door behind himself and stepped forward and finally, Alma turned around. Revealing her face that looked more vulnerable than Bruno had ever seen it before.

Alma was always so strong. But right now she looked scared and confused…. And old. It was so hard for Bruno to wrap his head around. Alma was so strong. She kept them all together.

"Brunito. Do you have any idea what happened today?" Alma asked.

Bruno shook his head. "I'm sorry. I don't," he said. "I didn't get any visions about this. Nothing. I'm as clueless as everybody else."

Alma looked down. "We must find out why this happened. We cannot lose this magic. It's the only thing keeping us safe."

"Mama." Bruno breathed and Alma looked up at him.

"Brunito… You must use your gift." Alma said. "Look into the future. Find out why this happened."

Bruno's eyes widened in shock and horror. In all the years he had had this power… His mother had never asked him for a prophecy. This came so much out of the blue that Bruno didn't even know what to say. Then he shook his head. "I'm not sure that's such a good idea," he said. "There are things people are just not meant to know… And I think maybe the future is one of those things."

"Please!" Alma begged as she stepped forward. "Brunito think of what is at stake here! Our Encanto. Our family!"

Bruno squinted his eyes as he looked aside.

"If you truly love this family. You know what you have to do!" Alma said and Bruno's eyes widened.

Then slowly… Slowly his eyes closed again. Never before had he heard his mother beg like this… To anyone. And her last words stung more than anything else. He glanced to the side then sighed. "If that's what you think is best," he said.

Then Alma lifted her hand and touched Bruno's cheek. "All that matters is the magic," she said. "It must never be allowed to extinguish. Do you understand?"

Bruno nodded. "Si Mama," he whispered.

"Then go." Alma removed her hand. "Find out why this happened."

Bruno nodded and finally turned, leaving the room to go directly to his own tower.