
28. Chapter 28

As Dolores's birthday grew closer people started to get curious. They wanted to see how this entire thing worked. How the Madrigal children were granted gifts.

"Well." Alma contemplated as they were all seated around the dining table for dinner. "It has been a very long time since we had anything to truly draw the Encanto together. Maybe it would be good for us."

"Yeah! We could have a party!" Felix smiled. "Have some music. Some good food!"

"It does sound lovely." Pepa smiled. And Bruno just hated to point out… She was due any second now. As her big stomach clearly showed. "I could use getting out," she complained.

Then Bruno cleared his throat. "Are we sure this is such a good idea?" he finally asked. And now everyone was just looking at him. "I mean… Putting Dolores on display like that. She's only turning five."

"I don't mind." Adorable little Dolores spoke up. "If it helps the Encanto. I wanna help! Like Mama!"

"If Dolores doesn't mind. I am not seeing any issue." Alma simply said. "It will do the Encanto good to see we are standing strong and the magic that keeps us all safe is stronger than ever!"

"Is the world outside of the Encanto really so terrible?" Bruno finally asked only to get a death glare from his mother.

"Need I remind you, what happened to your father?" Alma asked in a cold tone. "This magic is keeping us safe. All of us. We must protect it at any cost."

Bruno bit his lip as he was reminded of the cracks right below them. It was still only a small patch. But he seriously didn't like the way they seemed to be growing.

Nervously Agustin's eyes were darting between everyone as he was holding a spoon towards little Luisa's face so the toddler could eat.

"This place is a paradise. Trust me." Felix then informed. "The place I grew up… There was trash in every street corner and people left on the street. There are evil people out there. This place is… Unbelievable. We really need to protect it. For the children's sake too."

Bruno looked down. "I get that," he said. "But a public ceremony?" he asked.

"If you're so worried about it why don't you just check the future?" Pepa asked clearly annoyed and Bruno's eyes widened. Pepa though kept cutting up her chicken and then put a piece in her mouth. "I mean what else is your gift even for?"

Bruno was stunned into quiet. Absolute quiet.

Then slowly he picked up his wineglass and took a healthy drink. Hoping that he could avoid answering.

"Don't be like that." Julieta hissed over the table. "Bruno does plenty of things! He takes care of the children and…. Erh. Help out!"

Bruno squinted his eyes. He knew the reality of things. Aside from the children he had nothing going on for him in his life. Absolutely nothing! He avoided giving any visions when he could. He barely if ever went to the Encanto. And then of course there was the lack of spouse which Alma would hint at often enough… Just like right now.

"It might be a good opportunity for you Brunito." Alma continued as if nothing at all had happened. "If the entire town comes. We all appreciate you taking care of the children as well as you do. But isn't it about time you started your own family?" she asked.

And the shame just filled all of Bruno's being… He just wanted to flee… Run.

"Hey man. Not everyone wants to settle down." Felix pointed out. "There are all sorts of types out there."

Alma wrinkled her nose. Clearly not happy about being spoken back too. And while Bruno appreciated the backup. It also felt like a blow to his gut.

And sadly Bruno realized his wine glass was empty. Then he sighed as he filled it up again only to earn a dissatisfied look from Alma… Right. This would be Bruno's third glass. And he sighed deeply. Then glanced at Pepa's water glass and her big stomach that was ready to burst… That would certainly explain her cranky mood.

Pepa had been pretty cranky at the end of her last pregnancy too. It really wasn't her fault. And Bruno sighed again.

A few days after Pepa did indeed give birth. And the first male of the new generation was invited into the world. Camillo was a massive bundle of energy that could never sit still and throw with everything he got his hands on.

Dolores's ceremony and the accompanying party happened. She was given the gift of incredible hearing. Now able to hear everything that went on in the entire Encanto and she was happy, proud, and delighted while Bruno was being teased for being worried.

And then… Julieta gave birth for the third time. That evening Bruno was sitting next to his sister's bed while she was holding the little newborn and Agustin had fallen asleep in the other chair after having been panicking for the entire birth. Just like the other two times.

It was another girl… With dark skin and dark curls like her mother's.

Bruno smiled lightly as he saw them. "She's beautiful Julieta," he said. "Like the other two."

"Do you want to hold her?" Julieta asked and Bruno nodded as he reached out and accepted the little baby. Now holding her close and the baby yawned deeply.

Bruno smiled down at the little face. "Hola Sobrina. It's nice meeting you," he whispered. The girl blinked as she looked up at Bruno with curious eyes. It made Bruno smirk amused. "She's perfect." he declared.

"Just like all the others," Julieta smirked.

"Si. Just like all the others." Bruno nodded not taking his eyes away from the little face. "Any thoughts about a name yet?"

Julieta nodded. "Yes… Mirabel," she informed.

"Mirabel." Bruno smiled all over his face. "It suites her," he informed. "Hola…" he spoke to the baby again. "Mirabel."