
27. Chapter 27

Luisa was born in the middle of winter.

It was a very difficult birth for Julieta as Luisa was a rather big girl. Clearly getting her height from her father who was a tall man.

Luisa was a very energetic sort who tended to knock everything down and grab things… She was strong. It really hurt when she curiously grabbed one of Bruno's curls and Bruno shouted in pain which made Luisa let go at once. And then gently she padded him as if trying to make it better.

In spite of her size though. Luisa was the most gentle of the three children. She would gently pad soft things and get misty-eyed whenever something broke. She was a very sensitive and kind-hearted girl. Bruno could tell.

Isabela and Dolores had now grown up enough to understand most speech and Bruno had started to make more voices for them. Make up stories on the spot. Play with them. And the girls both loved it.

"Do Hernando again!" Isabela begged and Bruno smiled.

"Okay then." And Bruno pulled his hood over his head. "I am Hernando and I fear nothing!" he exclaimed and both girls just screamed in laughter as they fell down on the floor. "Not the sharks! Not the winds! Not even the sharks that come flying with the wind!"

"Sharks don't fly!" Dolores gasped.

"They don't?" Bruno asked as he pulled down his hood again. "Really? I'm pretty sure they do though."

"No, they don't!" Isabela exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" Bruno asked.

"Yes!" Isabela stated as she crossed her arms and pouted.

"So I assume you don't fly either?" Bruno asked.

"Huh?" Isabela asked and then Bruno just grabbed her under the arms and swung Isabela around in the air making Isabela scream in laughter.

"Me too!" Dolores begged. "Me too! Me too Tio! Up up!"

And Bruno put Isabela down so he could pick Dolores up for a similar spin making her shout happily.

"Now me again!" Isabela demanded.

"Erh I don't know. I'm getting a bit tired." Bruno sighed as he put Dolores down.

"Tio!" Isabela exclaimed.

"Tio? Who's Tio?" Bruno asked.

"You are!" Isabela exclaimed.

"No I'm not," Bruno said as he suddenly put a bowl on his own head. "I'm Alejandro. See?" he pointed.

And Isabela just snorted. And then she laughed. "You're weird Tio," she informed.

"Well. Yeah." Bruno admitted as he removed the bowl. "But also I really am tired," he informed while gently putting the bowl back on the table as he glanced down at Dolores who was yawning. "And so are you two it seems. I think it's time for you to have a nap." Bruno stated as he bowed down and picked up Dolores to carry her in his arms. "Come on Isabela." he nodded as he headed towards the nursery and the little girl followed.

"Tio," Dolores murmured as she held his neck. "Will you tell me a story when you put me to bed?"

"It's not nighttime yet. You are just having a nap." Bruno informed.

"Yeah… But it's easier falling asleep when you tell a story." Dolores mumbled.

Bruno smiled amused. The funny thing about Dolores was that she often needed someone to read or tell a story to fall asleep. If no one did she complained she couldn't fall asleep and when they did it… She always fell asleep long before the story was over. But don't you dare stop until she had actually fallen asleep. Then she would raise her head and complain.

"How come you're the only one who doesn't need a book to tell a story?" Isabela asked.

Bruno shrugged. "Your parents don't have my special gift of being able to just make up a story."

"I thought your gift was seeing into the future," Isabela commented and Bruno halted.

"Tio?" Dolores asked.

"Well… Yes." Bruno admitted. "That's my special gift. Like your Mama can heal with food and yours can change the weather," he said.

Wide-eyed did Isabela look up at Bruno. "Can I see?" she asked.

Bruno was quiet for a while and then he walked again. "No," he said.

"But… Why?" Isabela asked.

"I don't do readings for family members!" Bruno snapped and Isabela halted. Then her eyes watered.

Wide-eyed Bruno looked down at her and then he swallowed.

"Sorry," Bruno whispered. "Sorry about that. Just… No. I'm sorry. I just can't Sobrina." he said as they finally reached the nursery and they headed inside where Bruno could put Dolores down for her afternoon nap before dinner while Isabela crawled up into bed too so Bruno could pull a blanket over the both of them and then sat down on a chair. "So… Story. Where were we with that?"

"What is Lucile going to do?" Dolores asked. "She loves three different men."

"Ah yes." Bruno nodded. "The strong but stupid El Sanjo. The clever but cowardly Ramon. And of course… The handsome but very poor Phillipa. Who is it going to be?" he asked and Isabela giggled.

The best thing about her Tio's stories was that they were funny and so the girls settled in and were soon lulled to sleep allowing Bruno to sneak out of the nursery.

It was at the day of Isabela's five year birthday that Bruno and his family made a startling discovery. There was a new door next to the other three. Formless golden shapes just swirling around.

Wide-eyed the triplets, the two husbands, and Alma was looking at the door and then Pepa, now pregnant with her own second child, gasped. "Our children are going to have gifts too?!"

Bruno's eyes widened as horror spread throughout his body.

This was lost on Alma who beamed. "How marvelous! Absolutely wonderful!"

Bruno's head snapped towards Alma who was a big warm smile only looking at the door.

"I wonder what it will be." Now Julietta smiled.

Bruno looked at all the others around him who were now all smiling. Eagerly and proudly… Were… Were they out of their minds? If this was up to Bruno he would keep that candle far… far away from Isabela so she wouldn't accidentally end up touching it.

But it wasn't up to Bruno. And dread was collecting into the pits of his stomach as Julieta started to look more and more excited by the prospect.

"It could be anything couldn't it?" Felix beamed happily. "I mean healing. Weather. Future reading?" he asked. "Whatever it is. I'm sure it's going to be great!"

Bruno was shaking as he was trying to work up his courage to object. Then finally he managed to whisper. "Erhm… That this door appeared is great and all but… Does Isabela really have to?" he asked.

And they all turned to Bruno.

"I mean… Gifts are a lot of pressure." Bruno stammered. "And who knows. Maybe if we just wait the door will still be there when she's older. She's still so young."

Alma huffed. "Our entire Encanto and this Casita are made by this magic! It must be strengthened and maintained. For our Encanto. This is a blessing and Isabela will be blessed. And our home will be protected. That's what matters!"

Bruno's eyes were wide and then slowly… He lowered his head. Not really daring to object to his Mama.

When Isabela found out she screamed in happiness. "I GET A GIFT LIKE MAMA, TIA AND TIO?!" she shouted. "WOHOOOO!" as she made a cartwheel across the living room.

She was so happy…. Beyond happy. It really reminded Bruno of the first time he had figured out that he had powers. Before… Before.

"I just don't think it's a good idea to let children get gifts like that." Bruno tried to tell Julieta in the kitchen.

Julieta huffed as she was kneeing dough. "It's going to be fine Bruno. We were five when we got our gifts. And we're fine!"

"Well… I mean… I just." Bruno tried to come up with words.

"Beside Isabela seems very excited. Will you be the one to tell her she shouldn't have a gift?" Julieta asked.

"That… That's not what I'm saying!" Bruno exclaimed.

"Then what are you saying Hermano?" Julieta asked now clearly starting to be out of patience.

"Her fate is not decided yet!" Bruno exclaimed. "She can choose not to touch that door!"

Julieta turned to look at Bruno. "I don't get you," she said. "We were given gifts. So we could help the entire Encanto. What's wrong with that?"

Bruno swallowed. "We don't know what she'll get." he tried to reason.

"Whatever it is. I'm sure it'll be wonderful." Julieta said. "I trust the magic."

And Bruno closed his eyes… That was it. There was no winning this entire argument. Everybody else was beyond excited.

And so they decided to have a little ceremony for Isabela. She got to touch the candle… Alma spoke a few words to her. Told her about how it was the job of this family to serve the community and what these gifts were for and then...Little Isabela touched her door and the shapes started to become visible before at last an image of Isabel was made clear with flowers all around her.

Isabela's eyes widened as she held out a hand…. And made a flower appear. A beautiful pink flower. And then she grinned as she opened the door to reveal a huge landscape of flowers and Bruno… Bruno just deflated relieved.

Flowers! Isabela could make flowers grow. There was no way anyone could hate that. She was going to be okay.

…. But that still left the other two girls and the little one still inside of Pepa's stomach.

And then of course two weeks after Julieta announced her third pregnancy that would probably come to term two or three months after Pepa's.

Bruno just hoped… Hope and prayed that none of these children would be gifted with anything remotely similar to his own gift.

Please… For the love of god…. And below Bruno. Far beneath his feet… The cracks were growing.