
26. Chapter 26

It was shortly after Dolores had turned two that Julieta announced her second pregnancy.

Which was… Great timing. Just as the two girls had gotten even more independence now able to walk and… Run.

Especially Isabela was a menace as she more than anything loved being outside. She always wanted to be outside. It didn't matter what the weather was. And she never wanted to go inside again. And when Isabela wanted something and people said no. She would throw a tantrum!

Like right now as Isabela once again had run straight outside and she had to go back inside to eat dinner with the family.

She didn't want to… Isabela just threw herself right on the ground as she started to scream and slam her little fists in the ground. "NOOOO!" she screamed as she rolled around in the dirt. "No no no!" Isabela had yet to form long sentences… But she understood the meaning of no and yes and how to use those words.

"Isabela!" Agustin gasped as he tried to pick his daughter up from the ground only for Isabela to scream.

"NOOOOO!" And she fell right back down.

Then Bruno squatted down in front of her. "You're not hungry?" he asked. "There's food inside. Food." he tried he gestured with his hands as to try and get the point across.

"No!" Isabela exclaimed.

Agustin groaned deeply and grabbed his daughter's hand. "We have to go inside. Now," he said.

And Isabela just screamed even louder and made herself heavy on the ground. "NOOOO!"

"Isabela Madrigal!"

The sentence was spoken with so much strictness that even Bruno and Agustin jumped in shock as they looked up to see one Alma with her hands on her hips and Isabela… Isabela had shut up in that same second as she wide-eyed looked up at her Abuela.

"I am very disappointed in you young lady!" Alma huffed. "Now go clean up so we can all eat dinner! I don't want another word from you."

Wide-eyed did Isabela looked up and then. Her lip started to quiver.

"No!" Alma said. "Go clean up!" she said and slowly Isabel stood up with a hung head and finally grabbed her father's hand allowing Agustin to take her back in silence.

Wide-eyed Bruno looked after the two and then at his mother who looked at him.

"Three." Alma simply said and Bruno swallowed.

"Please tell me I wasn't anything like that at that age," Bruno asked.

Alma looked at him. "Would you throw yourself down on the ground and scream when you didn't get enough attention?" she asked. "Yes."

"Oh." Bruno looked down.

"And need I remind you what happened to our first chandelier?" Alma asked making Bruno grimace… He did remember. He had loved to swing from that thing when he thought his mother wouldn't see it… But eventually, the chandelier just couldn't take anymore and it had all crashed down with Bruno who had been crying with shock.

Thankfully that had been after they got their gifts so Julieta could give him some food… But still… yeah.

"Heh heh." Bruno laughed nervously.

"You were a handful alright Mi Mijo," Alma commented.

"Sorry." Bruno blushed.

"Don't be." Alma lightly shook her head. "It was worth every single new gray hair you gave me," she assured in a light smile. "And now you get to have the pleasure."

Bruno smiled lightly at his mother. "That's true."

"Come on then." Alma turned around. "Dinner is already on the table. You know I hate it when people are late."

"Si Mama," Bruno replied as he took a few running steps so he could be next to Alma as they walked back and into the dining room where a rather tired Agustin was trying to make Isabela behave and Julieta looked slightly green from morning sickness.

Dolores had already gotten food all over her face somehow. That Felix was trying to dry off with a handkerchief while Pepa groaned deeply.

"Hey Bruno," Felix spoke up. "I was thinking maybe taking Pepa out tonight… She kind of needs a break. Would you mind terrible watching Dolores?" he asked.

And Bruno just brightened up. "You know I won't!" he smiled. "What do you say, Dolores? Maybe you want to watch the new Telenovela with your Tio Bruno?"

And Dolores laughed loudly as she reached her little hands towards Bruno.

"I guess that's a yes then." Bruno smiled already knowing that Dolores loved sitting in front of the television just looking at it. She wasn't old enough to get there was a story so it was more like the sounds and moving shapes she liked. But she loved observing things and loved when Bruno made voices that were different than his own.

It would always make her look at him in deep shock and wonderment.

"What about you Isabela. Do you want to join us?" Bruno asked jokingly.

"NO!" Isabela just shouted without even understanding the question.

"It's going to be great when she learns how to use other words," Bruno commented dryly.

"Carrot Isabela?" Julieta asked her little daughter holding the orange root in front of her and Isabela gasped.

"Yes!" as she just grabbed the carrot and started to munch at it.

Bruno looked at the little girl now looking perfectly happy and content with her carrot… Well… At least this one would eat her greens.

Unlike Dolores who was currently refusing the tomato handed to her.

Only for Alma to clear her throat and send a stern glare at Dolores which made Dolores freeze and then… Carefully she put the tomato into her mouth after all not making such a big fuss about it.

At this point, Bruno was seriously starting to wonder where this family would have been if it wasn't for their mother…. And now with a third one on the way.

By the end of it though. All triplets had already revealed that they were so happy that it would now be at least three children in the house.

That just… Felt so right. Pepa had lamented that the third one wasn't Bruno's but Bruno had assured them he didn't mind at all. He was plenty satisfied being the assigned babysitter when the others were too tired from their work and being kept up at night by their children. That was true. Bruno was just so happy being allowed to be a part of the entire thing.

Maybe the next one would be a boy? That prospect was sort of exciting. But even if the baby wasn't. They would love it all the same regardless.