
25. Chapter 25

Little Isabela Madrigal was the first one to arrive. On a beautiful summer day where the flowers were all in full bloom and the weather was beautiful.

Also, this little girl was a screamer. From her first breath, she would scream loudly and clearly prove that this little girl had a very healthy pair of lungs!

Man did she have a healthy pair of lungs. Isabela was a very decisive little lady who knew what she wanted and didn't settle for anything else.

If you gave her the pacifier when what she actually meant was bottle, she would spit the pacifier back out and continue to scream. If she wanted to be picked up it had to be by the correct person. However, as it happened… Who that person was always seemed to be changing. She would just decide on a person and only that person would do. So they just had to pass her around until Isabel giggled having arrived at the correct one.

And it could be anyone out of the Madrigal family.

Bruno didn't say it. But he was delighted anytime it turned out to be him and Bruno was the one who ended up bouncing little Isabel up and down. And then put the pacifier back where it belonged now she was done screaming and then now satisfied she would finally fall asleep making Julieta sigh relieved as she just fell down in the chair.

Yup… Isabel Madrigal was a massive attention seeker already and would demand the things she wanted in her own way.

Also, she was impossible cute with dark bronze skin and large beautiful eyes. Anyone with a pair of eyes could tell that Isabela was beautiful and it was probably going to be a pain when she grew just a little older and would start to use her charm to get what she wanted…. They had to take care not to spoil her.

Five months after at late winter. Miracle number two arrived. Little Dolores Madrigal with tiny curls on her head. Big wide eyes that would look everywhere with deep curiosity and incredible cute looking fly ears.

Dolores was an incredibly noisy and curious little sort. She would examine anything with her little hands. Whenever something happened in the room she would look with deeply curious eyes.

She loved music! If there was anything that could make Dolores quiet down it was music! So much so that when Agustin was practicing on the piano and Isabela was screaming to get attention. Dolores hit Isabela over the head to make her stop. Which only made Isabela scream even harder and then Dolores started to scream and the parents came rushing to pick up each of their screaming babies.

And then as the children got a little bit older and could crawl and take steps by themselves… They were everywhere!

It was ridiculous. It seemed like you couldn't take your eyes off the girls for one single second and they would just be somewhere else entirely!

Isabela laughed loudly as she had tipped a potted plant over and now was happily playing in the dirt getting her dress all dirty.

Dolores screamed as she had gotten inside of the piano somehow and was delighted in testing out the sounds of the strings.

Isabella screamed as she had fallen down and scraped a knee making her mother rush towards her with a home baked Tamale.

Dolores was wailing loudly because… Who knew?!

And all of the adults were just rushing back and forth trying to figure out what was going on and what to do! Then finally… Finally.

Both little girls had been caught and put in a bed together and now laid there and looked so adorable and so innocent as they were sharing a blanket while snuggling up towards each other.

And all the adults… Looking disheveled and exhausted just slunk down into the seats of the living room. Gasping for breath.

"How… How can someone so small be so full of energy?" Felix asked wide-eyed.

"Well, Felix. One of them is your daughter." Bruno pointed out in a light smile.

"Good point." Felix had to admit.

"Clear skies." Pepa gasped. "Clear skies… Clear skies… clear skies."

Julieta sighed deeply. "I need to get dinner started." she groaned. "But I am so tired! Isabella wouldn't sleep last night."

Agustin padded her on the shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll help you with dinner."

"No… No…" Julieta shook her head. "You have work tonight. You need to rest."

"I'll do it." Bruno then said in a light smile.

"Are you sure?" Julieta asked.

Bruno nodded. "Yeah. Whatever you need Julieta." and then he groaned as he leaned back. "You know something just occurred to me," he said and everyone looked at him. "We are five… five adults. With two kids." and he groaned deeply. "Mama was all alone with three. Just.. How?" he asked.

Stunned everyone looked at Bruno with big wide eyes…. There was stunned silence.

"No wonder Mama has little tolerance." Pepa then had to admit.

And Bruno groaned as he rubbed his forehead, just glad that the silence had settled so he could have a bit of peace.

And then… A huge wail sounded through the house. Joined up by a second wail obviously woken up by the first one and the adults groaned.