
We Don't Cry We Get Angry

Terrible_me88 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Beginning (Chapter 1)

Chapter 1

"Do you need anything else Lady Nicolette?" Said the errand boy.

"I dont. "

I said while swinging my hands as a sign of dismissing him.

"Just make sure to come back before the opera performance is finished." I added.

After I said that meaning he is free to do whatever he wants before the opera is finished he happily dismissed himself.

When he is completely gone I can finally breathe comfortably!

Ugh. All this formalities is killing me..

I automatically search for my suitcase.

My eyes roam around then finally I saw it with one of the operas man, who is in charge of the luggages.

No ,no..no! My suitcase! He's gonna put it in one of those rich scumbags things and they gonna find out that I'm here!

I dont want them bugging me again.

I quickly walk to him before he do something that will ruin my day.

"Im sorry, but thats my suitcase."

I said calmly.

He looked surprised when he saw me behind him.

Oh, I think I startled him.

When he finally composed himself he looked at me and then ask;

"Which one my lady?"

I looked at his hands which is holding my suitcase.

"That one you are holding ." I said.

He looked at the suitcase that he was holding and when he saw the crest he saddenly panicked.

He then quickly hand it over to me.

"I-m s-sorry my L-lady! " He said almost shouted while  shivering.

I was surprised by this man's sudden act.

Then suddenly I heard a murmurs around us.

"What did that lady do to that poor old man?"

"How cruel.."

I was shocked of what I'm hearing.

What the Hell? Did I do something bad?

I looked around and realized that there are now some people surrounding us.

Did we just caught attention?

I looked at the man who is still shivering.

Why is he shivering? I didn't do anything!

For Pete's sake! I just want my suitcase back.

Without any further sh*ts I quickly snatch my suitcase in the man's hands and walk away.

I need to get away from here. Attention is unnecessary..

Im so dead if one of those scumbags knew I am here!

As I walked away almost running suddenly I bumped into something hard.

"Ouch!" I shouted in pain as I bounced back and fall into my butt.

What the! Did I just crashed into a brick wall!

Eyes closed from the pain I quickly touched my forehead.

Sh*t my head is hurt and my butt as well! Whats up with this bad luck today?

And then suddenly I realized my suitcase.

Oh no! My suitcase!

I opened my eyes and stand up quickly looking for my suitcase and when I couldn't find it a panicked runs into me.

Where's my suitcase? NO. Please not today..

For all that I been through just to plan this day perfectly!

Then suddenly someone spoke.

"Is this what you are looking for?"

I shivered when I hear a unfamiliar baritone voice behind me.