
Chapter 3

_ Don't worry, Leonardo, my friend. How have you been? – Asked that boy, I never thought I would end up becoming friends with the nerdy boy, brother of the pretty girl, but my relationship with her had ended, Ana had found another guy who, according to her, treated him as he deserved.

_ Well, I have nothing to say, and your sister, how is she? – I asked smiling.

_ He still hates you, if that's what you wanted to hear, but I'm not spiteful and what you had doesn't interest me at all. - He mentioned smiling, I think this guy will never leave me, I guess he thinks that by being by my side he will be as popular as me, but that would not be his forte

_ I understand. I have to go to my class. – I answered trying to dodge it. In the distance I spotted my friends, the guys I usually hung out with on breaks.

_ I was also going there, do you think if we continue walking together to the corner. – he mentioned and I had no choice but to accept, I know the boys would bother him, but I wasn't going to say no either, I guess I felt sorry for Agustín and that's why I hadn't told him that I didn't like him at all.

_ No problem. – I mentioned smiling reluctantly, although I don't think he realized it.

_ Can I ask something? – He asked, I nodded in response. - Where have you been these last few weeks? – He mentioned, obviously trying to avoid it, but that would not be my answer.

_ I was busy with some projects. – I mentioned. – My father sometimes asks my opinion and that of my brother. – I mentioned again.

_ What a friend… if I hadn't known you for more than a year I would think that you were hiding from me. – He answered, I shook my head and we kept walking until he had to separate us, it was very uncomfortable to be seen with one of the most nerdy guys in the university, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Arriving at class I sat next to my friends and we started talking about the girls with whom they had spent the weekend, we loved talking about these things, the more details the better.

_ I was with a blonde… ugh, she had some curves. – Esteban mentioned, he was the son of one of my father's partners, so we had known each other all our lives.

Comments like this were what we heard every morning with the boys, I suppose it was true that we were promiscuous boys, that we lived day to day without caring what consequences we could obtain thanks to that, but it did not matter, each one was cautious, to his way.

We left class, it was more exhausting than usual and we headed to my house, we had to finish a project that we had more or less almost finished, but we still had to meet.

Many times we did the same thing, after that we would comment on our new conquests again, I suppose it was a hobby or we wanted to show which of us was the best conquering hearts and then ending up breaking them, which was neither more nor less for me.

"Hello". – It was a message from that girl, Camila. I smiled, surely it would also fall into my hands.

"Hello, what are you doing?". – I answered while trying to pay attention to what Esteban said

"Nothing interesting". – she replied.

She caused something strange in me, I couldn't figure out what, but that wouldn't stop me, I wanted to see her, if she looks that exciting in her photos, I imagine how she must be in person, see her carefully, undress her and feel her skin rubbing against mine . My skin prickled just thinking about it.

We stayed watching soccer on TV and after that everyone went home, finally tomorrow was the weekend, that meant I would rest a little from the whole university show, but I would enter the world in which he wants to see me working dad, his companies, since I was little he has told me that together with my brother we will work there and that we will take the family business much higher than what he has achieved.

Camila Saez

I was in my room, resting, thinking, trying to understand what all that had happened today was, trying to understand why Leonardo had communicated with me, and even better, what had happened with Adrián, surely I did something that could confuse him, but I don't remember what it could have been.

I checked my phone and I had messages from him and also from Leonardo, but I wouldn't answer, not today, because I don't want to go to sleep with that feeling if something goes wrong with my relationship with my friend, Julián, for his part, not even he has deigned to talk to me, I suppose that, at that point, Adrián was right, I don't have to continue with a relationship that doesn't take me anywhere.

I didn't want to talk to him now either, because Adrián would probably realize it, so I decided I'd better face those three men tomorrow who brought me something hysterical and paranoid...

The next day, I got up as usual, I made my breakfast and then I sat down to read a little, I loved reading, especially those novels in which love is always stronger and more lasting than the stones that are set in stone. the path of those couples. I suppose that one day I will find a love like that, or so I hoped… I had the illusion that we were all born with the possibility of finding a love like that.

I took my phone and got ready to answer the messages that I had left pending the night before, first I started with Julián.

"Good morning, I'm off to work." - He mentioned, he knew he had to end all this.

"We have to talk, you know this is not working, this relationship is not going to get us anywhere." – I mentioned.

"Because you said so?". – He asked.

"Look at us, Julián, we haven't seen each other for more than two months and hopefully you answer my messages, hopefully you say good morning or good night, we can't call this a relationship, not even friends." – I mentioned, I couldn't help a tear falling from my eyes, although my words sounded cold as ice, the truth is that it was still hard for me to say them, I suppose that in the end, I did love him.

"As you like". – He replied. - "Bye". – He added.

It didn't take ten seconds for him to block me on that social network, after that I tried to reply to Adrián, I had about ten messages from him, but I only focused on the last one.

"I understand that you are upset or do not understand what I revealed to you yesterday, but if you wish and if you want, you could forget it and think that our relationship remains the same, of friends, I hope you see this message soon." - He had said, he hoped that everything he said was true.

"So, as a friend, I tell you that I just ended my relationship with Julián, but I do not want things to be confused between us in the same way, I love you as a friend or brother and that will not change." – I replied, I hoped he would take it in the best possible way.

"It's fine. Camila, I'm glad to know that you ended up with that idiot who never knew how to appreciate you as the good woman you are. – He mentioned quickly, sure he was happy with the news he had just told her.

"Well, thanks for the emotional words." - I replied.

"It's the truth, any man would be lucky if he ran into a woman half as good as you." – He mentioned again.

"Okay, I have to go do some things." – I finished saying, this conversation should not get out of hand.

I left my phone on the table for a while while I went to get something to eat, I woke up with horrible anxiety, and I didn't like feeling that way. The cell phone vibrated and I checked what it was and it was Leonardo, I answered almost immediately.

"Hello, you've been a bit busy, it seems." – He wrote. I knew that he should reply to her before, but he had postponed it for some reason, I don't understand what, but well, now I would write to him.

"Hello, yes, a little busy, but already solving some issues, I just hope that everything goes the way I want." – I wrote.

"And what do you want?" – He asked, what should I answer? Would it be confused?

"That things do not get out of my hands." – I replied smiling at the screen.

"What does that mean?" – He mentioned again, I didn't know whether to explain why or just leave him with the doubt, I didn't want to air my problems with someone else who I didn't know.

"Don't worry, I understand myself." - I replied.