
We are the Monster

The blood of my father and the ones before me stain my very veins. I have truly become his shadow, my family want me to be like him but I'm not. I will never be the demon that he is or the deceiver that my adoptive father is. My Father, mother, brother and sister all want me to be the one light in the darkness that shall set them free. They wanted me to be stalwart, unbreakable, unyielding, a true champion so that is what I shall become. I will drag my family out of this darkness and into the light.

Thorny_Gecko · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Arno's Legacy

The stone city was located on a small mountain chain. The whole city was in the shape of a semicircle. The landscape outside of the city was grassy.


The city was protected in the front by the large stone defensive walls, and the back was where the mountain chain lay.


The city was separated into five districts. The outermost district was the garrison district. This was where all the guards in the city were trained, ate, and slept. Only the high-ranking guards were allowed to live outside of the district.


The slum district came next. It was full of poor people who couldn't make enough money to afford a home in the middle district. The people there were not all hoodlums and miscreants, but sadly, the minority spoke more than the majority. As the poorest district, it had very little in terms of supplies that it could obtain.


The Middle District held all of your ''normal'' people; they made enough to live there, as the middle district had most of the stores while having the biggest population of any of the districts.


The upper district held all of the rich and people of high standing within the city; this district held all of the best supplies compared to most of the other districts. This district also held a lot of the entertainment in the city; there were theaters, zoos, and auctions, and sometimes caravans would visit the city and end up staying in the upper district. But the best of all was that the festivals were free for everyone, and the festival could last for a week or a few days.

And lastly, the Ruler District was solely made for the ruling Lord, his family, and the veteran guards stationed there.

Arno lived in the slum district of the city, which made up about 20% of the whole city's population.

Arno had finished his mischief for the night and finally left for home.

He shuffled through the streets quieter than a mouse, checking every corner and alley before moving on.

Arno was always a mischievous man with a large, drunken outer shell, but deep within him lay a speck of caution.

Very few knew where he lived, and he wanted to keep it that way.

He only trusted his wife, son, daughter, and best friend/business partner, Adan.

There were many dangers out here in the slums, from rabid animals and hidden monsters to the worst of man and their corrupted counterparts.

But luckily, the corrupt should never be in the city; if they were, everyone would have something else to worry about.


Arno continued stalking down the streets at night until he finally made it to his destination.

Finally, he had made it home. Turning down the last street, he saw a two-story wooden house without curtains blocking the view from within the house.

Arno quickly walked toward the door and knocked on it five times.

The door slightly opened as a single eye peeked out from within.

What's the password? asked the person behind the door.

Arno rolled his three eyes and spoke irately.

Boy, be quiet! You know who I am, and don't open the door before asking for a password.

Arno quietly sighed.

Have I truly not taught you better than this?

Uh, sorry, father. The door quickly opened as a man similar to Arno appeared. He also had three eyes and a similar height, but he looked physically stronger than Arno.

Come on, son, let's hurry inside before anyone notices. Arno hastily pushed his son inside and quietly closed the door.

The inside of the wooden house was clean; it had no trash or dirt, and the main room had a small table with only a few chairs.

Where's that wife of mine? Asked Arno

Oh, she's upstairs lying down; apparently, she visited the witch doctor today; there isn't much time left.

Oh finally! Arno ran past his son and ran up the creaky stairs to the bedroom.

Arno hastily got to the door and pushed it open.

A skinny woman lay on a bed with a gigantic stomach building from the covers under her.

Is it true? Is it finally coming? Will we be set for life?

Arno got closer and closer to the bed with every question until he eventually stood right in front of the woman.

Come on, woman!

A long, bright pink tail pushed up against Arno's lips.

A seductive voice entered Arno's excited ears.

Don't get too excited; just because they called that man a demon doesn't mean his kin would share his strength.

Arno softly removed the bright pink tail from his lips.

If you had seen him fight, you would have changed your mind.

The bright pink tail moved away from Arno's face and moved down towards his crotch.

Oh, I did see something that night. I brought him to bed, and it was very big—way bigger than yours. She giggled softly.

Arno angrily shoved the tail out of the way. Oh, be serious, Diane!

This is our family's future, which we're talking about here!

Fine, since you never tell me about any of your plots, why don't you finally explain to me what's so good about that demon?