
We are the Monster

The blood of my father and the ones before me stain my very veins. I have truly become his shadow, my family want me to be like him but I'm not. I will never be the demon that he is or the deceiver that my adoptive father is. My Father, mother, brother and sister all want me to be the one light in the darkness that shall set them free. They wanted me to be stalwart, unbreakable, unyielding, a true champion so that is what I shall become. I will drag my family out of this darkness and into the light.

Thorny_Gecko · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A new beginning

A lively tavern within a large stone city boomed with vibrant laughter as a lanky man with three eyes was thrown out the tavern doors.


With a light thump, the lanky man hit the stone-covered street.


The man groaned as he brought his hands to the ground, trying to push himself up, only for his arms to give up on him.


A withered and drunken voice came from the lanky man struggling to get up.

Oh, come on, Adan! I can trick those suckers into one more drink.


A tall and heavyweight man stood in the tavern doorway, blocking the bright orange light within, looking down upon the drunk.

An old and weary voice spoke.

I'm not sure about that old friend; I heard those long-skins have quite the temper.

Hey Adan!

A soft yell came from the tavern. We need you in here; those new guys have almost finished their fifth round!


Adan slowly turned his head and peaked into the tavern to see that his long table had been surrounded by a crowd egging on five men who wore suspenders that held up their large skin flaps.


With a loud thump, the five men brought their empty glasses to the new-looking table.

Adan turned his head to look back at his friend.

Go on, Arno, the heavy-weight man said as he walked down from the doorway and into the street.


That child that we spent years conniving on will soon be here.

Adan reached down and offered his hand to Arno.

After its birth, things will be different. Your family won't need to work for the gangs anymore, and we can finally be the big-time tavern owners we always wanted to be.


With a smile, Adan pointed towards the tavern, similar to this part of the city area. It was a dump; the wooden walls were all cracked, the doors all creaked, and only the cheap or dangerous drinks were in stock.

Arno's eyes started to focus as he grabbed Adan's other hand, which still reached down to him. With a groan, Arno shakenly pulled himself up with the help of Adan.


Fine! I'll go back to that whore of a wife I have. That Welgan is going to get what's coming to him for bossing around my wife! Arno raised his left hand forward and made a stabbing motion. Take that, that, and that, Welgan! Arno began to raise his voice, which was initially the quiet speech of a drunk, into the loud ravings of a priest. My boy is going to beat you to death, Welgan!


As Arno went on and on about what he would do to Welgan one day, Adan moved past the raving Arno to the middle of the street and warily looked around, gazing down the old, stony street and towards the dark wooden buildings.

Thank the moons, none of his lackeys are stalking around, Adan happily whispered.

Turning around to his noisy friend, Adan softly reached from behind and put his hand over the ravings in Arno's mouth.


Hush, old friend, who knows when your wife is going to have that baby? You shouldn't leave her alone for too long. Your son is a good pit fighter, but he has no idea how to help with childbirth.

Adan quickly removed his girthy hand from Arno's mouth as he felt a warm sensation pulse from the palm of his hand.

With a loud squelching sound, green liquid flew out of Arno's mouth as he crouched down and continued to vomit.

Adan slowly watched in puzzlement as his friend truly drank so much.

Finishing his short vomit, Arno got up and wiped his hands over his lips. You're right, big man, that dumb son of mine only knows how to throw a punch.


Arno slowly turned around and slowly started walking down the dark streets, only for him to stop a moment later without turning around. He said, Make sure to take care of that tavern; you best keep that investment we worked on.

Of course I would never sell it, said Adan.

Good, Arno spoke back and continued slowly walking into the darkened streets of the city, seemingly going home.