
We are Fucked

(MATURE CONTENT!!!) If you have zero tolerance for psychological torture and tragic apocalypse, please stay away from this book. Set in 2099, the world goes blind as a blackout sweeps the Earth with causes yet to be known. In the light of this, all humans above 21 years and below 17 years vanish in that very instant. How do they get through the darkness? Can they get through anything at all? Journey with me to 2099

Stoic7God · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The World Would Hurt Itself

"The planet is a ball after all, and a rolling one at that. What were we expecting anyway? It's all in motion already." A flier containing these words flew right into the face of Moritz, a German tourist in Japan.

Moritz removed it from this face as the wind's pressure was making it slightly difficult.

Japan was never on Moritz's travel destinations, but the world was a little beyond normal already. It was 2053 and the World War III had recently ended.

About 7 months ago, Moritz was Cruising in the Ocean in a country that was once known as Nigeria. He heard so much about regaining clarity from spending time at this part of the world.

Moritz was a 49 year old journalist and he used to be one of the world's best but he wasn't that person anymore, not after he'd lost his daughter and wife to the war while we went off to fight under forceful recruitment circumstances back home in Germany.

This was one of those few wars that was in the end, foolish and damning to man's existence as there was no winner, not in the actual sense of the word.

Asia had become a morgue for bodies and the capital of economic woes. Africa was the worst hit, with death tolls reaching more than 57 percent of the population due to biological and chemical properties that were deployed during the war whose traces still roamed the continent's atmosphere. Europe was like a scar on a pretty face as properties were destroyed beyond recognition and lives were lost mainly to the use of nuclear weapons and air to air missiles. The Americas were the least-hit with fewer casualties but poverty, hunger and crime rate at an all-time high. 

Moritz understood the fickleness and yet temerity of human beings. After a long hiatus which felt like a decade of his career, Moritz was here in Japan, pursuing a story or a "non-fatal cosmic hit" as he called it. 

"Arigato" Moritz said to the man who showed him his way to what looked like an undercover ops room with the latest of all technological gadgets lying around. 

This room spelt out grandeur and connection in large letters and Moritz finally was where he always used to be- in rooms like this. 

"Mr. Moritz, I'm glad you could come" A fairly old man said to him as entered the room which had about 9 people in it and two armed men at the door who shut it right behind him.

"I'm glad I could come, too" Moritz continued as he got very much closer to the other end of the table where Mr. Haruki stood.

The room went silent for a few seconds for some awkward reason hard to identify, and Moritz seized that moment.

"So, what's this story, Mr. Haruki?" 

"You see, it's a rather bad one for us as species and this threatens our existence. I'm afraid so…" Mr. Haruki's English was far from perfect and he refused the help of a translator who stood few feet from him just so he could convey his message and the utter importance behind it.

"I'm listening" Moritz said as he focused his sight on Mr. Haruki's face.

"You know how many lives were lost throughout the course of the World War III, Mr. Moritz?" Haruki said with a face of sadness as his speech slowed.

"About 4.9 billion according to Missoula's Statistics, but according to me, nothing less than 5.7 billion." Moritz said with all fluency.

"Thank you. How much of a news would it be to you to know that Japan is in the final stages of the creation of the world's greatest threat to her existence?..." Haruki said as he flashed his wristwatch towards the large screen that appeared to be floating; standing on nothing but air.

"Keep going" Moritz said with full blown interest in his voice.

"Right across the screen are 5 continents and in these places that we can't identify are secret sites housing hundreds of synthetically created and technologically advanced military bio-humans whose training and expertise are driven towards one singular end- annihilation and utter destruction the moment they are deployed. You see, Mr. Moritz, the world has gone insane, but this right here, we haven't seen anything like it. It's not men fighting men, embracing bullets, exchanging guns based on the size of their cocks or tossing bombs in the air like it's fireworks for Christmas, it's handing out our lives as shooting targets for sports. In German, it's called Hölle auf Erden (Hell on Earth)" Haruki ended what sounded like an apocalyptic lecture with every face in the room wearing fear and barely catching up with their breaths.

"Hell on Earth? That was what the last War was to me. We can't afford another. Let's end this, now!" Moritz said with a clenched fist placed heavily on the table.

Does the world ever heal before inflicting another injury on itself?

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