
We are Fucked

(MATURE CONTENT!!!) If you have zero tolerance for psychological torture and tragic apocalypse, please stay away from this book. Set in 2099, the world goes blind as a blackout sweeps the Earth with causes yet to be known. In the light of this, all humans above 21 years and below 17 years vanish in that very instant. How do they get through the darkness? Can they get through anything at all? Journey with me to 2099

Stoic7God · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The Cosmic Climax

"Half the world is foolish. The other half is too high to know the difference" Travis said as he smiled flirtatiously. He was a charmer with a lethal smile and a packet of words that sounded like poetry.

"You ever wonder if life was better in the past than now?" Margot asked in a rather philosophical tone.

"I can't say. Cosmically, we all meet one end" Travis continued as he popped out a purple pill into his soft comely white palms.

"And what's that?" Margot asked curiously.

"We all fucking die. Some lived, some stayed, some held life right at the balls. That last one's my cosmic climax" Travis said in a lower pitched voice now with an almost high face.

Margot didn't need a prophet or love algorithm to tell her that this was her 'own person'.

Margot sniffled again as she remembered these Memories vividly. AVID+ was not a regular drug. It recreated memories as they happened and this was a blessing and curse for the grieving Margot.

She headed to the desk that looked more like a shit show than anything else and she shook the pills bottle and poured down the bottle into her mouth with about 3 falling into it.

She wiggled her body sadly, as these drugs were her only comfort and solace.

Margot took a wild, long sniff of nothing but air into her lungs as she raised her head towards the ceiling and tickled the outside of her nose with her fingers. She then walked back to the toilet whose seat chimed as an alert came right through.

"Lexila, can you spill it out already?" Margot said with apathy surrounding her voice.

"Margot, you might want to sit down for this one. You're pregnant. There's a baby inside of you, and from the readings, it's about 11 weeks old" Lexila stopped.

"What??" Margot looked around her eye sockets in search of words or some joke of a sort to get her mind off this nightmare.

How was she just knowing this? The toilet was automated and scanned the body for biological changes, but this could only happen if the user sat on it for more than 20 minutes and Margot recently did that.

"Ohh! fuck!" Margot said with a comic tone as she yawned and rubbed her right hand on her forehead.

"I can't do this alone. I can't" Margot yelled as she cried and laughed at the very same time.

Margot always wanted to have kids with Travis, but they just weren't ready yet, and now, this kid was all she had left of Travis's existence, what was she going to do with it?

Fast forward to 6 weeks after, Margot was in bed, with her empty pills bottle in her arms and her other arm on her stomach. She had no doubt she was gonna be a good parent but a bad mother.

She got up from bed, still looking all haggard and went outside with a designer handbag in her hand as she staggered to find her way to the lift in the hallway.

"Are you okay?" An old woman, all grey and barely standing straight, asked Margot with a concerned look for the evidently- heavily pregnant.

"Why don't you ask yourself that and move away from my face" Margot replied in a bitchy manner as she walked away.

Margot got to her car, put her finger right by the door. It opened up, then she walked in and set it to auto drive mode.

"Where are we off to, today, Margot?" the car's AI asked her.

"Calloway Avenue" Margot replied without much enthusiasm.

The car routed itself and was on the move while Margot rested her back on the chair with a sigh of comfort and her eyes closed.

The car jerked, not once, not twice and this opened up Margot's eyes. She wondered what could have been wrong. This was unusual and had never happened to her.

The jerking stopped and in that little second interval, Margot retreated to rest her back again in search of that feeling of comfort.

"Bxzzzdds" The whole car system went quiet and the car stopped moving. The lights all around the skyscrapers and energy powered murals on the multimillion dollar buildings went black, too. Daylight became as dark as the word gets with not a single trace or semblance of light.

There were numerous shouts outside of the car and this intensified every passing second. Within the car, there were just two sounds noticeable- a person's breath and a gentle cry.

These weren't Margot's. She wasn't here. They were that of the baby who was on the foot floor of the car wrapped in what felt like thick animal skin.

Where was Margot? How did a 6 month's old baby become a real one, and how was he born?

What in the hell was this?

What in the heavens is this??

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