
We are Fucked

(MATURE CONTENT!!!) If you have zero tolerance for psychological torture and tragic apocalypse, please stay away from this book. Set in 2099, the world goes blind as a blackout sweeps the Earth with causes yet to be known. In the light of this, all humans above 21 years and below 17 years vanish in that very instant. How do they get through the darkness? Can they get through anything at all? Journey with me to 2099

Stoic7God · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Set Ibiza Ablaze

There's no night-life worldwide that comes any close to that of Ibiza.

Mencia was dressed in an all-white bikini and thong as the life of the party that she'd always been as she danced along the brownish white shores of the beach with traces of ashes littered across it. It was no accident that she was the most followed celebrity on the planet with 470 million followers across all Holo+ social media platforms. She owed most of this to her sexy body and mind-bending curves.

This party was not about the 19 year old. It was her sister, Estella's 22nd birthday. Estella had been under attack by a variety of journalists and tabloids for being opposed to popularity and being 'low-key' but that didn't matter to her. Estella walked hand-in-hand with her American boyfriend, Justin, as she smiled towards the crowd she met upon her arrival. There were no little than 200 half naked bodies gyrating and drinking around the evening bonfire that flamed fiercely. This was not her doing. Mencia was the crowd-pulling figure, but Estella planned on making this event a memorable one.

"Happy 22nd, Estella. I'm so happy for you" Mencia said as she leaned in towards her sister to kiss her cheeks. She paid no attention to Justin and he did the same. One could read over-the-charts tension between both of them as Mencia walked away from her sister's warm embrace towards the bunch of shouting thirsty boys calling her name.

If Mencia was being honest, she hated this life, at least, in that very moment. She was beautiful, but that was not all she wanted to be seen as. Her mother was a model and for this reason, she inherited the beauty and the curse that came with it. She enjoyed being alone with her younger brother who had been sick since birth and had recently passed away. His eyes always gave her comfort unlike the lens of the cameras that made her uneasy.

"Ffffzzziu" A big flame went high up into the sky from the bonfire that had been blazing rhythmically. This sight aroused ecstasy from the almost-high people at the party and thrill from the others who had beers in their hands. Right here was an exhibition from a gallery of smiles that the beach had become.

"I would love you until the day I die or the day the moon drops from the sky" Justin said to his much older girlfriend, Estella and she blushed heavily with her teeth escaping from her lips. In that moment where her feelings held more weight than her thoughts, she turned her face towards him to embrace his lips with hers.

Justin could feel her breath on his face as she drew nearer to his delicately carved jaw with her hand gently caressing the right side of his neck. He was anticipating this, and his pacing heartbeats were confessing just that.

"The heck?" Justin said out loud with an angered and yet bewildered expression on his face and his hands that swung helplessly in the air as there was no body on which his hands rested.

"Where was Estella?" This was the first question his halfway closed eyes and love-melted brain could make up.

There was a darkness he had never seen before. The only form of light as far as he could see was the bonfire that was about 30 feet away from him. The city's skyscrapers and towers were all lightless and something felt strange.

He traced his glance to the sky above the skyscrapers and he could not believe his eyes. He could not afford to. What sense could it possibly make to not see the moon because it was not there?

He looked behind him as a scream tapped him out of his quagmire. There was confusion from every angle of the beach. The heavy drinkers crew were no longer there as bottles laid across the floor in huge numbers. To his left, a girl wore his exact facial expression as she hurriedly yet nervously tried to pull up her underpants that were hanging between her lower thighs.

"Justin?" A familiar voice called out from the midst of the frenzy and confusion around. Justin traced the voice and ran towards her.

"They just vanished" Mencia said with a sad lowly pitch as she wrapped her hands around his upper back and every part of her body was touching his front side.

"I know" Justin replied as he embraced her tightly while staring at the beach from the position of the hug.

"What was this?" Justin saw a windy breeze and a growing wave coming from the farthest part of the water of the beach as far as his eyes could go.

"ohhh! No" Justin uttered with dread as he pushed Mencia from his embrace and turned her face towards the terror that was behind them in a fast and heavily raging form.

Mencia was lost in her words and could not move an inch as this sight swallowed every moving, breathing part of her.

Justin noticed her shock and stiffness, so he took her hand with all force and rigidity and ran away from the monstrous wave that was pursuing them and every other person relentlessly.

This was panic at its peak and the screams of terror were loudly and loosely scattered around the place as people scampered in pursuit of safety.

There's a certain terror in having more questions than answers.

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