
We are Fucked

(MATURE CONTENT!!!) If you have zero tolerance for psychological torture and tragic apocalypse, please stay away from this book. Set in 2099, the world goes blind as a blackout sweeps the Earth with causes yet to be known. In the light of this, all humans above 21 years and below 17 years vanish in that very instant. How do they get through the darkness? Can they get through anything at all? Journey with me to 2099

Stoic7God · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Resonance and Luminesce

They appeared to be underground the tower which was awfully colder than where they recently were. Sophia was feeling very fuzzy and her eyelids were twitching and her eyes were slowly dancing in their sockets as she fell to the ground, passing out.

There was a critically low supply of oxygen at this side which was the entrance of the underground bunker whose door Anthony was trying so hard to open as it required an olden day dial combination lock which was to be used as a substitute in the case of a situation like this. He dropped the candle whose flames he had been protecting all the way on the ground in order to use both his hands to solve this puzzle before them.

He was barely breathing well too and trying so hard to not slip into the welcoming embrace of hallucinations. He knew the combination lock but this pressure was not helping to hasten him up.

After attempts that felt like forever, the lock on the other side of the door clicked open and the bunker's door was open.

Anthony let out a little ecstatic laugh given his feat and while looking at the bunker's door, he called out for Sophia, unknown to him that she'd passed out on the ground.

"Let's go in, Sophia" he said. He didn't get a response and after a few seconds, he took his hands from the bunker's door and looked back to see her looking lifeless on the ground.

He rushed towards her despite his short breathing and carried her from the ground and quickly into the bunker.

As soon as he stepped feet into the bunker and climbed down the entrance staircase, he lay her down gently on the ground which was either some antique marble or tiles.

He returned to the bunker's door up the stairs, picked up the candle that he had placed at the foot of the bunker's entrance and shut the door close. It was dark in here and he couldn't see anything without extending the candle towards it.

This wasn't how he remembered the bunkers from his guideline and last time here. He neared the walls towards the end of the staircase where he'd laid her down and as he moved closer to the walls, they glowed.

They resonated a neon glow and this freaked him out that he stepped back like quickly in fear like he'd seen Leviathan. The glow immediately died after he moved back.

After a few seconds of calming down and a number of deep breaths that happened so naturally in here, he moved towards the wall again, still holding the candle in his hand.

He gulped as the lights around the wall came alive and spread towards the first edge and second one by it's corner.

He stared at this beautiful sight that looked like shining crystals laced around the walls and in the midst of this awe that didn't seem to end, his candle burnt out and the lights were still up in the walls.

He didn't understand this and cluelessness had never looked good on him. He touched the walls and moved from left to right trying to know how or what gave this room the luminescence it resonated.

He scraped the lighted walls with his palms gently as he moved to the right and onto the very edge of the first wall where the lights seemed to end.

He touched the other corner of the wall that had no light and the lighted walls he'd formally seen began to dwindle before its eventual blackness.

"Ugh!" Anthony felt bad like he'd done something wrong. He'd have loved for Sophia to see it, but she was still out of it on the ground.

It was dark and he couldn't see a thing, he lifted his head towards the top of the room which he couldn't see.

"It always gets fucked in the end, doesn't it? I always do that to everything and everyone. " Anthony said to himself out loud like the walls before him had an answer for him.

He didn't get any reply and he was disappointed. Following this disappointment, he sighed deeply on to the wall which he faced and to his utter bewilderment and happy shock, the walls lighted up to the edges of the corner where they ended and were beginning to dwindle.

Anthony didn't know how that happened and in a bid to keep the lights on, his thoughts raced in his head but still no luck. The lights went off again but this time, Anthony was more positive that it wasn't luck or sheer apocalyptic hallucinations which Sophia was having a lot of.

He looked at the wall again which was expressing no warmth or light towards the optimistically confused Anthony and in what felt unforced, he sighed again, and this time, it was slightly deeper than the last.

The lights did the same, they replied with beaming and the walls coming to life with green, red, and blue lights spread across all walls around every edge of this room that felt like an entrance with nothing in it but empty space.

He'd done it. He'd figured it out. The lights were a product of the Photon Resonance sequence just like their breathing too.

This bunker had been wired to resonate their breathe, exchanging their oxygen and spreading it across the room. The lights, on the other hand, were a product of warmth that proceeded from their mouths as breathe. The more the warmth that met the walls, the more the lights beamed brighter.

Anthony was ecstatic as hell and couldn't keep it within his bubbling belly. "O, you Photon bastards. We really were geniuses after all". He said, letting out a "Harley Quinn fashioned laughter" to which the walls beamed lights in the like manner rhythmically.

This is crazy!!! Imagine the SciFi sophistication of these bunkers?! 2099 sure beats imagination.

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