
We are Fucked

(MATURE CONTENT!!!) If you have zero tolerance for psychological torture and tragic apocalypse, please stay away from this book. Set in 2099, the world goes blind as a blackout sweeps the Earth with causes yet to be known. In the light of this, all humans above 21 years and below 17 years vanish in that very instant. How do they get through the darkness? Can they get through anything at all? Journey with me to 2099

Stoic7God · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Grief Might Need Some Warmth

Kylie had forgotten what life meant at this moment and she was certain that anything outside her door had nothing to give her to make her feel less like shit like her drugs did.

Arrhythmia found its way to her entirety as she got up, staggering to the voice's call from the other side of the door.

She pulled the lock to herself and saw a man in a weird outfit she'd have mistaken for an Halloween prank. He was her chief agent, at least, when she still had a career and she'd sent him out of her life when she spiralled into this filthy half-sober junkie.

Malfoy, Kylie's agent who used to be her bestie ever before she struck limelight and he became her best pal in business and out of it, too. He was wearing a decade-thick hoodie that was greatly oversized, and had an engineer's helmet on his head and she could see this because of the candle he held in his hand.

Was this a stunt to get her back into the industry?

"You've got to be shitting me, Malfoy. You'll go this far to make me change my mind? Isn't an apocalypse a sick prop?" Kylie replied with as much fury as the drugs that controlled her could conjure as she hit his helmet with her hand that seemed to fling so lightly in the air like an Olympic baton.

"Kylie, I just need you to say nothing and just come with me right now." Malfoy said with a voice that could persuade even the devil to leave hell.

Kylie, obstinate and more high than angry gave him a weird look as a reply with one of her eyes more open than the other.

"I'm not leaving this place, not for you, not for me, and sure as hell not for some psuedo-apocalypse." Kylie said as she turned her back to him and returned inside with the door open.

"Kylie, I'm…" Malfoy attempted to speak before she cut him off.

"Malfoy, you've always been a big guy, and if you weren't always so uptight about being by best friend, I'd have had something, not one thing, a lot of things to do with you. I loved you. Well, now is no time for confessions. You left me, too. Now, come over here and let's drink till the ceiling becomes all our eyes can see" Kylie said as her hands trembled and her feet shook repeatedly.

Malfoy entered the house, which was more of a zoo than a home and the stench from every corner felt like an horror movie he'd rather not star in. He heard all that she said, but now was no time to let out his feelings too. He understood the threat that was around and getting them out of here and immediately to the bunker was all that his mind was fixed on.

"How do you like your drugs? With a bit of me by the edge of your tongue?" Kylie said, in an outrageous attempt to flirt.

Malfoy couldn't entertain her inebriated dialogues and seeing her this way saddened him. He moved nearer to her as she'd moved to the ground with a sound of pills in a bottle coming from her hands.

He held her hands softly and Kylie read more romantic meanings to it than he'd intended. He removed the pills case from her hands and rolled it to a far edge of the room and with his face just a few centimetres away from hers', he sighed.

"Kylie, I disappointed you. I know that..it hurt me everyday knowing that I wasn't with you and couldn't do anything about every horrible thing that happened to you. And that's why I'm here right now. I can't not be with you at the end of the world." Malfoy said so warmly even Jezebel would have had tears rising from her heart.

"Wait, Malfoy, are you serious about the end of the world?" Kylie asked with attentive curiousity.

"Yeah. How else would you explain this?..." Malfoy said, pointing his fingers towards the glass wall of her building trying to make her understand that there wasn't a sun or moon or any light whatsoever from the Big Lights above them.

"Thqdazazz.. Grahshs"

Right before Malfoy could get his message across to Kylie, a mid-sized flaming rock like structure came crashing into the wall that was to their left where Malfoy was pointing towards.

They didn't need any reminding of the urgency to get as far away from here as possible. Kylie got up, getting help from Malfoy as they proceeded to exit the door.

With two feet outside of the door, Kylie ran back inside in a panic and fear that she'd lost something yet again.

Malfoy didn't understand what this was about but he followed her in as she searched for her teddy bear which was all she'd really had as important to her. It was a few feet away from the growing fire which was being fuelled by the strange and heavy winds that came through the shattered glass walls.

"Kylie, hurry. " Malfoy said as she extended her hands to pick up the teddy bear with sweat dripping to the ground from her face.

She immediately turned with the teddy bear in her hand to leave this sight. Malfoy held on to the candle whose cover kept it from going off given the turbulent breeze.

A loud fiery burst sound came from the room as soon as Malfoy shut it behind them. They'd escaped one out of the thousand other ways that death had in store for them.

It didn't take rocket science to identify that the ultra lifts in the building were not working as they raced to the stairs, 100 plus floors from the ground.

"He came 100 floors up to see me, to get me, to save me?" Kylie had this thought as they walked. The fiery scare had been more than enough to sober her up.

Happy New Month, guys.

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