
Chapter 4- The Party

Nicole's POV

"Nicole, I'll be waiting in the car, okay?" CJ said knocking on the bathroom door.

"Sure, I'll be out in a minute" I quickly applied lip gloss, took one last look in the mirror and stepped out of the bathroom. I rushed down the stairs to join CJ, if I spend one more second inside, she can change her mind about going.

The whole school was basically empty. This is what I like about Art school, everyone is there to have fun.

I still recall when CJ and I received our admission letters. I was so excited that I had called everyone on my contact list to tell them the good news. I ran all the way to CJ's house, but it was only 5 houses away. She wasn't jumping around like I was, actually she was sleeping.

Now I'm here, in the school of my dreams, attending my first college party. With my best friend by my side. Life couldn't be anymore perfect.

When CJ told me the news, I couldn't believe my ears. I remember watching her talk to Nathan, I wanted to know what it was about but she never came back to the table. The next time I saw her, she was at our dorm sleeping with her headphones. Then when she decided to wake up, I started to ask questions. She didn't answer any of them, the only thing she said was that and I quote 'we have all been invited, the end' she's very straight forward. And at that very moment I didn't care that she didn't answer any of my questions, all I did was inform the other girls. And like me, each of them screamed with excitement. I was too excited to notice that CJ had gone back to sleep.

"Finally, the queen arrives" CJ said bowing.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you very much" I say walking towards the car, correction, cat walking to the car, I brought out all my sexy model poses.

"Oh, would you get your ass in the car and let's go"

"Someone is excited" I said now running.

"Very funny" she said, then starts the car.

I had on my favorite black dress, it was short and sexy. I needed something short, because I'm short, so short clothes and heels are my everyday attire.

CJ on the other hand doesn't do gowns or skirts. Instead she had on an off shoulder white crop top with long sleeves and a short pretty black overall. It was very simple. Don't get me wrong, she looked amazing in it. She's the only one I know that can make something that simple look amazing.

We arrived at the party in no time and by the looks of it the whole school was probably there. CJ drove into the compound after the gates were opened. The house was amazing. It looked like a castle, except in this castle there were half naked, heavily drunk teenagers on the garden. The place had a water fountain and everything. I get that everyone in Prenton must be filthy rich to attend, but what the fuck do his parents do?

Cj walked ahead of me, I was busy admiring his house. I walked faster to catch up to her.

"This place is amazing" I said to her.

"I've seen better" she said to me before we were greeted with the intense volume of upbeat music. It was so loud I ould hardly hear myself think. So I didn't bother thinking, I did what every teenager does at a party. I joined the rest of the crowd dancing in the large living room. I noticed CJ didn't join me she had found her way to the mini bar in the living room, then she returned with drinks in her hands.

"You want one?" CJ asked holding a bottle of soda and a can of beer. The beer was for me the soda was hers.

"They serve beer?"

"No they serve really fancy alcoholic drinks with names that I can't even imagine pronouncing" she said then we both laughed.

"Then where did you get the beer?"

"From the fridge in the kitchen"CJ said then she looked around and said "Go ahead and dance, I'm going to look for drunk ass people"

"What for?"

"So I could take pictures and videos of them doing stupid things, then use it against them in the future" she laughed evilly. CJ despises being drunk, she says she hates not being in control.

I danced my ass off until I was exhausted. I got another beer and decided to check the place out. I started to notice things one at a time, Iike the Diana chick who was dating Alec Withmore, was the Dj at the party and I have to admit her beats were pretty sweet and not one repeat. She looked really professional until Alec showed up behind her and they start to make out right in front of everyone, but everyone else were too busy dancing to notice. Asher was taking shots with a really hot blonde guy. I moved further into the house, I found Vixen sitting on this really long couch with a bunch of other girls.

"Hey" she called to me before walking over to me. "You finally show up. I thought you guys were going to bitch out and be no shows to the hottest party of the year. I thought CJ was going to bail"

"Why would she? She's the one who got us the invite" I reminded her.

"Oh yeah, where is that angel?"

"She's taking pictures of drunk people"

"What? That's one weird ass chick"

"I could say the same about you" I accused "Why aren't you tearing the floor with your dance moves?"

"Trust me I was tearing just a second ago, I got so tired I had to take a break"

"Yeah, the Dj is really good"

"Oh, Diana is the Dj, I almost forgot. She's really good. She's studying Music production and sound design for visual media at the college and every track she played tonight are hers"

"That's so cool"

"Right? She's been doing it since she could spin a disc" Vixen explained

"Wow. How do you know so much about her. Talk about inspirational" I looked around the big room. The people dancing, the ones by the bar and the ones sitting. Everyone seemed to be having fun "Hey who are your friends over there?" I asked referring to the people she sat with.

"I just know, and those aren't my friends. I just sat with them because I was exhausted after dancing and that's the closest couch. Besides, those girls have been talking shit since I sat there"

"Sorry about that"

"I'm going to get another drink, see you later"

"Okay" I continue to explore. So I went to the back of the house and saw the massive indoor pool. There were drunk teenagers throwing themselves in, I would have joined in if I wasn't so self conscious. I looked around a little more then noticed Imogene making out with the Chase guy. A part of me wanted to clap for her. I know its weird, but I wasn't expecting her to go this far for popularity, besides the guy is just in it for sex. At least she's with someone, even if he is just using her. I decided to go back inside before they notice me. I went upstairs to look for a room, privacy is what I need right now.

The first door I tried was locked, then the next one wasn't but it was already occupied by two teens having fun. I went over to the next door and luckily no one was in it.

"Thank goodness" I said to myself. The room was pretty and spacious. I went over to the window, it had a perfect view of the pool and even Imogene and Chase making out. "Seriously" from my view the kiss looked pretty intimate, she looked like she wanted to swallow his mouth "Gross" I closed the curtain and went over to the bed. 'This is what I wanted so why am I not having fun' I thought to myself then I got dizzy so I laid back on the bed. When I finally closed my eyes someone decided to barge into the room, it made me jerk off the bed into a sitting position.

"Nathan what the hell?" before I could say anything else he shush me, that's when I noticed he was on the phone. "Hey, I was here first. I should be shushing you" he completely ignored me and even sat on the bed. I was actually mad, so I started pacing to and fro, by the time he was done with his call I was standing by the window once again.

"Hey sorry for barging in like that"

"Why didn't you go to another? You can't just enter like you own the place"

"It belongs to my best friend and I basically live here"

"Oh yeah, that's right. I'm sorry for lashing out like that" I said hiding my face.

"It's alright, are you okay?"

"I'm fine" who the fuck am I lying to "Actually, no I'm not okay"

"You want to talk about it?"

"Yeah, sure.  Why not" I said then joined him on the bed.

"So what's bothering you?" he asked. Why does he care? I asked myself, I mean we are at a party and there are lots of girls downstairs who want to do more than talk to him, but he's here, with me, asking what's bothering me. He seems sincere. I better not fuck this up.

"Honestly I don't know"

"Could it be the party?" he asked "Maybe you're not a party girl"

"No its not that, I'm having fun, my best friend is here with me taking pictures of drunk people, I have a group of friends now" I paused to breathe "I have everything I want"

"That might be it, this might not be what you want. Or maybe you feel there's something missing?"

"I don't know"

"Close your eyes think about it" he commanded and I obeyed. "Picture a perfect college life. Search for the missing piece"

"I've got it" I said with my eyes still closed "Romance" I wanted to take the word back immediately I said it. I still had my eyes closed, scared that if I open them I would see him laughing at me. What the hell was I thinking telling one of the most popular guys at college that I lack a love life. He didn't need to know that. Seconds passed and I still hadn't heard anything. Then I thought to myself the laughter is so strong he's probably choking on it. He surprised me when he suddenly asked "Is that it?" with no indication that he was about to explode with laughter.

"Yeah" I said, then finally opened my eyes.

"So what are you going to do about that?"

"You know what, forget about me. Your phone call earlier, you sounded like you have problems of your own" I quickly changed the subject.

"It was nothing"

"Come on I told you mine"

"Fine. So I accidentally hooked up with one of my friend's sister . She seemed really cool but the second she got a taste of me, she wanted more. So, she keeps calling me and her brother keeps trying to convince me to give her another shot. But I don't want a relationship, especially with her. So I had to cut her off and the brother as well. He was really cool, well too bad."

"So I'm hoping for a relationship while you don't want anything to do with one. Typical playboy"

"Thank you"

"You remind me a lot of CJ"


"Yeah, my best friend, you invited her to this party"

"Woah, so that's her name? She's your best friend? You guys are very different"

"Yeah, we get that a lot" I said with a weak smile "What about you? Who's your best friend?" I said walking over to the window.

"You see that guy over there, outside the window, by the pool, who looks like he's about to get swallowed by that girl"


"Yeah, he's a terrible influence on me" he said making me laugh. "Okay how about we head downstairs and enjoy the rest of the party, since we sorted everything out"

"Sure" we both left the room closing the door behind us. There was a couple making out in the hallway and I swear I recognized the girl "Jennifer?"

Jennifer turned around to see me "Oh hey" she said a bit embarrassed. Now that the two weren't eating each others faces off, I got a good look of the guy.

"HI, I'm Brian. Jennifer's boyfriend"

"Boyfriend? Wow nice to meet you. I'm Nicole. I'm a friend of Jennifer's" I recall when Vixen asked all the girls including me, if any of us had a boyfriend, I also recall we all answered No or was I mistaken.

"Come on Nicole, let's leave these two love birds alone" Nathan said dragging me down the stairs.

"Okay bye then" I shouted. Nathan and I walked towards CJ who was still taking pictures.

"Hey, where did you go?" CJ asked.

"Needed to take a break, I was exhausted" I said "Have you taken one though?"

"Yeah, I just stood up for round 2"

"How many pictures have you taken?" asked Nathan.

"A lot"

"Let's dance party animal" Nathan said to me.

"Okay" we were having fun until I decided to look around. I turned just in time to see Vixen smack a bowl from one of the girls she sat next to. Then she picked up a cup from the table in front of them, then spilled the contents from the cup onto the girls face and shirt. Then she walked away like a bad ass towards CJ and I. Everyone was staring at her.

"Come on let's go" Vixen said dragging CJ and I.

"Wait a minute" I said then ran up stairs to get Jennifer who was still making out with her boyfriend.

"Jennifer we have to go"


"Trouble" I said immediately then dragged her down the stairs. The four of us took the back. Where we saw Imogene still making out with Chase. I dragged her as well.

"Wait" she said went over to Chase gave him another kiss "Make sure you use that number" she said then ran off with us.