
Chapter 1-Kachiana

People say things could be worse but things could also be better. When life throws hell your way it's hard to believe what they all say. The funny thing is I don't show what I feel or my emotions at times. I try to hide how I feel. To be honest its easier that way because I move around a lot. Most of the foster homes I go to, tend to think I'm not good enough, so hopefully, this foster home works out.

  "Kat can you come help me with the food and dishes." Leticia calls up

  "I'll be down in a few I'm fixing my new schedule." I call back down

"okay, but please hurry because jhon is coming in twenty minutes." Leticia responds

"alright I'll be down in five "

  I'm so excited to meet my new foster brother I have always wanted a brother. Sadly, Leticia and Algernon can't have kids so they foster kids. By the time I get to the dining room Leticia already has most of everything done. About ten to fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rings. Surprisingly I have a smile on my face because I'm really excited. Algernon and I walk to the door with Leticia. When she opened the door, I was expecting a little kid around the age of five or six. Nope, Jhon is going to be a freshman in high school. Meaning he is also going to Chandler high school with me. At least I'm three years older than him. Jhon seemed pretty nice. He loved Leticia's carne asada and Caesar salad that's also my favorite. He gets along with Algernon and Leticia pretty well.  On my 18th birthday Algernon promised me he would get me nice motorcycle or he would help me build a motorcycle together. After dinner I show Jhon the engine that I am already building. When I'm done with everything, I go to my room to watch CSI Miami and bones. Like an hour later my biological mother "Sabrina" texts me. My biological father is dead. Three days before he died, he found out that my bio mom was pregnant with me.

"Hey Kat. Just checking on you. Hope you're doing okay. If you need anything let me know. I'm here. If you need me. Love you ttyl." Sabrina texted

"ok love you 2 ttyl" I respond

I never reply right away because I don't feel the need to.