
INTRO: When the world ends

THE NOISE IN THE ROOM is nothing compared to my racing heart. To my left and right all I see is bodies and screaming mothers, siblings and fathers, and in my lap is sat my little and only child..Who I've put at risk to do such terrible things.Who is the reason I'm alive at all as we speak.The sound seems to die out as I stare into two eyes above me, now only able to hear my heart beating in my ears. The figure looming over now smiles, his gentle and malicious smile that runs through me like silk. How far pretty people can take innocents for a ride.He opens his mouth, and though above my thumping heart and the distant screams i can't hear what he says, I can read is lips urge:"Surrender, sweetheart.""Mummy, are we gonna die?" Hajoon starts to shake me hard to try and wake me up from my daze. He does not know that we aren't going to make it out alive this time. His mother has done terrible things, taken lives, and now she has to pay for it.So does he.I think it's better than raising a monster. The crack of the gunshot is almost relaxing, the kind of feeling you'd get when you're listening to spirit calming piano music or a beautiful relaxing violin. like when you're dreaming about a life you're never going to have. Or when you're just fed up of yourself and it's finally time to go, and you're going to leave this place forever and get rid of all your sins.The noise of it being ejected from where it was snugly sat.The swish of it sailing through the air. And pain, which doesn't hurt at all.