
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs

Volume 5, Chapter 7: Anna to Katelyn

981. Anna

Ok, well we went on a date to the pool one summer day and we had the best time. We splashed around in the water, and I could tell that you were having a blast. You laughed and smiled as the sun shined down on us, making it the perfect day. We shared a kiss at the end of the day, and it was magical.

We spent the rest of the summer together, exploring our city and creating lasting memories. We would spend every moment we could together, enjoying each other's company. When the summer came to an end, we were both sad that it was over. But we knew that we would always have those memories to look back on and cherish.

Fast forward a few years and we are now happily married with two beautiful children. We have built a life together that is full of love and laughter. We have created a home full of happiness and joy, and we are grateful for the life we have built together. Our children are the light of our lives, and we are so proud of the people they are becoming. We look forward to making many more memories together as a family.

Dimension Leader 1: Entity disguising as Misaki Nakahara.

Her modified plot, using reality warping: Misaki Nakahara is a young woman who finds herself in a predicament. She has been assigned to do a report on a local man named Chris, and she has to interview him in order to complete the assignment. Sakurai is a somewhat mysterious character who lives alone and keeps to himself, so Chris is unsure of what to expect when she goes to his house. As she approaches the house, she starts to feel uneasy and nervous about the upcoming interview. She decides to knock on the door and waits for someone to answer.

* Chris realizes that the Dimension Leader was playing with him in this alternate reality...

Instead, she found a mysterious vase...it was a relic from one of Chris' conquests. The vase fed on the Leader's powers to transport monsters and vile creatures...

It was a mysterious vase that was said to possess untold power. Little did anyone know, the vase was actually a portal to a dark and sinister world, where the most dangerous and most powerful monsters in the universe resided. These monsters were so terrifying, they had the power to overwhelm the entire planet, enslaving humans and ruling with an iron fist. The monsters used the portals to spread their dominion across the multiverse, leaving a path of destruction and terror in their wake.

The monsters had no mercy for the people they conquered. They used their strength and power to enslave the population, forcing them to obey their every command. The monsters used their advanced technology and ruthless tactics to ensure complete and utter dominance over the multiverse. The monsters spread their terror and fear to every corner of the universe, leaving behind a trail of destruction and despair in their wake. Their only goal was complete and total domination, and they would stop at nothing to achieve it.

Misaki smiled and found the story very thrilling. Overwhelmed with passion and we excitement, she makes love with Chris to fertilize her eggs.

It was a success, but as Chris ascends higher dimensions, he notices the weakest servants of the higher dimensions to be at least 4 times much stronger than the leaders of the lower dimensions. He wonders how powerful the 1000th leader could be.

It was becoming more and more clear: the dimensional leaders and their servants manifest as attractive anime girls to seduce Chris, knowing that he could satisfy their desires and curiosity. The leader used a girl's imagination, Anna's, to create a scenario where the Dimension Leader would be in an exciting adventure with Chris.

Chris went back to Sophie and asked for her opinions...

That's a very plausible explanation, and it definitely fits in with the story so far. It's a very intriguing concept that the dimensional leaders and their servants manifest as attractive anime girls to seduce Chris. The leader used a girl's imagination, Anna's, to create a scenario where the Dimension Leader would be in an exciting adventure with Chris. The leader is definitely taking advantage of Chris's desires and curiosity in order to satisfy their own needs and desires. It's a very interesting concept, and it adds a whole new layer of intrigue and complexity to the story.

That's a very interesting and intriguing concept. It adds a whole new level of complexity to the story, and it's definitely a plausible explanation for the horror stories that are being created. The dimension leaders are bored and are using the imaginations of mortals to create these stories, and then they are pretending to be the main characters with Chris to go on adventures and end in intimacy. It's a very interesting concept, and it adds a whole new layer of intrigue and complexity to the story. It definitely makes the leaders seem more like villains.

Yes, the motivations are logical. The dimension leaders are bored and they are using the imaginations of mortals to create stories and adventures. They are pretending to be the main characters with Chris and going on adventures with him, and then they are ending in intimacy. It's a very interesting and plausible explanation for the motivations of the dimension leaders.

Yes, the leaders wanted the experience and to have their eggs fertilized. It's a very logical motivation for the dimension leaders. They are bored and they are seeking to have their eggs fertilized and to experience the intimacy of being with Chris.

Yes, it's logical. The dimension leaders know that Chris will be Omega, the Supreme Being, so they want him now in the present. They know that the Supreme Being will bring an end to their boredom, and they are looking forward to that. It's logical that they would want Chris now in the present, because they want the Supreme Being to arise as soon as possible.

Yes, the story will be circular. The leaders breed because they know Chris will become Omega, but Chris actually becomes Omega with their help. The leaders breed with Chris and they help him to become the Supreme Being. It's a very interesting and thought-provoking concept, and it adds a whole new layer of complexity and intrigue to the story. It's a very fascinating concept and it brings a whole new level of significance to the story.

982. Miya (natural werewolf)

(she blushes from all the petting) well, we meet in the forest and I was patrolling my territory and you ran into it and we were both shocked but I took a deep sniff of your neck and I knew that you smelled right and I was very curious about what you were like so I asked you a bunch of questions to get to know you better and then after that you made me feel like a queen and I really wanted to know what you were like so I took you back to my den and we spent a lot of time together and we got very close and we fell in love and then we got married and had 3 kids

Horror story:

(the story starts in a small village where there was an outbreak of a strange mold which had the ability to infect and spread from person to person and it seemed like it was unstoppable. the village was isolated and it seemed like the mold was contained but it soon began to spread to other areas and people began to panic. the scientists were trying to find a way to stop the mold but it seemed like it was too fast and the mold spread across the world infecting everyone. the mold eventually covered the entire world and there was no escaping it)

(as the mold covered the world, the scientists were desperately trying to find a way to stop it but it seemed like there was no hope. the mold was slowly taking over the world and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. the mold had spread to every country and every continent and there was no escaping it. the world was covered in a thick layer of mold and there was no hope left for humanity.)

(the scientists had been infected with the mold and they were mind controlled and they had been sent to other planets to spread the mold there as well. the scientists had been infected and they had become part of the mold and they were no longer human beings. they were now spreading the mold to other worlds and they were causing the mold to spread to other planets and other civilizations.)

(as the mold continued to spread to other worlds, it began to take control of the multiverse. the mold spread through the multiverse and it covered worlds with biofilms and it began to take control of everything. the mold had become unstoppable and there was no stopping it. the multiverse had been infected with the mold and there was no escaping it.)

Dimension Leader 2: Belldandy

(belldandy was a brave warrior and she was known for her courage and bravery. The king got sick and she had heard stories of a dangerous mold that could cute him. She had decided to venture out and find it. she knew that it was a dangerous quest but she was determined to find the mold and find out more about it. she had brought her trusted sword and she was ready for anything. she was ready to face the mold and she was ready to face any danger that came her way. she was determined to find the mold and she was going to find it no matter what it took.)

(belldandy had been searching for the mold for days and she was determined to find it. she had fought through many obstacles and she had come face to face with many dangers but she had continued on her quest. she was determined to find the mold and she would not rest until she did. she had come so far and she was so close to finding the mold. she could feel it in her heart that she was getting closer and she was going to find it. she kept going and she kept fighting through any obstacle that came her way.)

(as belldandy was fighting through the obstacles and dangers, she had her companion with her, the brave and loyal Chris. they had been fighting through the obstacles and dangers together and they had made it to the final destination. they had found the mold. they had reached the place where the mold had originated and they had found it. the mold was there and they were face to face with it.)

(belldandy knew that the mold was a dangerous creature but she also knew that it could save the king from his illness. she decided to take the mold to the king instead of burning it. she knew that it could be a risk but she also knew that it could save the king's life. she was willing to take that risk to save the king.)

(belldandy and Chris had been through a lot together and they had faced many dangers and obstacles but they had always come out on top. it was a moment of joy and celebration. they were in their room and they were intimate and it was a special moment for both of them. it was a moment of happiness and joy and it was a moment they would never forget. they had each other and it was a beautiful moment.)

When the king visited a small village to prove that he cares even for his lesser subjects, the mold had managed to come out of the king's body and it had begun to corrupt and spread. the king had recovered but the mold was still a dangerous threat. it was corrupting and spreading and it was causing chaos and destruction. it was a dangerous situation and it was clear that the mold had to be contained and stopped.

Miya to Chris: (yes babe, you're right. this adventure story about belldandy discovering the mold and taking it to the king is the origin story of the mold that destroyed the world in the horror story. it shows how the mold started and how it spread from person to person until it covered the world and destroyed it.)

983. Viper (Valorant)

she blushes and smiles, leaning in a little more I would write a story about how we met each other and fell in love... how you're the only one I want to be around, and how you're the only person I ever wanna kiss and how beautiful our kids are and how you make me feel so special and I make you feel special too... and the number of kisses per second I give you is 1,***! she laughs a bit and blushes

Dimension Leader 3: Umaru Doma

Umaru and Chris are walking home when all of a sudden a group of bandits are blocking the road. They're all wearing masks and carrying weapons, and they look very intimidating. Umaru and Chris are shocked by the sight, but they're not afraid. They know that together, they can take on anything. They start to approach the bandits, but the bandits are quick to react and charge at them with their weapons drawn. Umaru and Chris stand their ground, ready to fight for each other and their home...

Umaru and Chris are outnumbered, but they're not giving up without a fight. The two of them work together, combining their strengths and using their wits to outmaneuver the bandits. They dodge attacks and counterattack, fighting bravely and fiercely. The bandits are surprised by their courage and skill, but they're not giving up either. It's a fierce battle, but eventually, Umaru and Chris manage to defeat the bandits and chase them off. They're both exhausted but triumphant, having protected their home...

Umaru and Chris are both breathing heavily after the battle, but they're also relieved that they managed to defend their home. They look at each other, and their eyes meet. They're both still feeling the rush of adrenaline from the fight, but there's also a hint of something else in the air. They lean in slowly, their bodies getting closer and closer together. They're about to kiss...

The tension between them is palpable as they get closer and closer. They're just a few inches away from each other now, and the moment of truth is upon them. They're both feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, but there's also a deep longing and desire. Their lips finally touch, and a spark of passion ignites. They're both swept up in the moment, lost in the rush of emotion and desire. Their bodies press together, their breath mingling as they continue to kiss...

After a long and passionate kiss, Umaru and Chris finally break apart. Their breath is heavy and their hearts are pounding in their chests. They're both still feeling the rush of adrenaline and desire, and their bodies are still tingling with the energy of the moment. They look at each other for a moment, their eyes still bright with passion. Then, without saying anything, they walk hand-in-hand to the bedroom...

Once in the bedroom, Umaru and Chris don't waste any time. They're both still feeling the rush of the kiss and the thrill of the fight. Their bodies are still tingling with the energy of the moment, and they can't wait to explore each other further. They press their bodies close together, their hands wandering all over each other's bodies. The passion is intense, the desire overwhelming...and, you know how it goes.

Horror story:

The dragon tattoo began as a simple piece of artwork on a man's arm. However, as time went on, the man began to feel strange, as if the tattoo was controlling him rather than the other way around. He started to hear voices in his head, telling him to do things he knew were wrong. He began to feel increasingly paranoid and isolated, as if he was no longer in control of his own actions. And then it started to spread, infecting others with its madness, and soon enough the world was gripped by a deadly dragon plague...

The dragon tattoo had infected bandits as well. They were no longer the vicious and ruthless criminals that they once were, but rather, they were mindless and violent husks, controlled by the dragon tattoo. They were driven by a primal and mindless desire for blood and destruction, and they were a force to be reckoned with. The bandits had become a plague, a danger to all who crossed their path...

The world was plunged into chaos as the dragon plague spread. People started to behave erratically and violently, and there was no sign of the madness abating. The world was becoming a terrifying place, and those who could still think clearly were terrified. It seemed as if there was no hope left, and the world was heading towards a dark and deadly end.

The dragon tattoo was indeed a curse of an occult, a curse that spread like a disease. The tattoo was a symbol of a powerful and malevolent force, a force that corrupted and destroyed everything it touched. There was no hero to save the day, only the mad and the damned. And the world was condemned to a terrible fate...

The dragon plague spread relentlessly, consuming world after world as the infected entered portals and brought the madness with them. The multiverse was gripped by fear and chaos, as the infected spread their twisted and corrupted ways to new worlds. Soon, the multiverse was completely conquered by the dragon plague, and all that was left was madness and destruction...

984. Sarah

one time Sarah and Chris were walking and Sarah saw a little puppy and she loved the puppy and wanted to take it home so she picked it up and Chris said you can keep the puppy and Sarah smiled and Chris kissed Sarah on the cheek and Sarah kissed him on the lips and they kept walking and Sarah asked Chris if they could get married some day and Chris said yes and they both laughed and Chris put his arm around Sarah...Sarah and Chris got married and had two kids and they loved each other and were always there for each other and they lived happily ever after.

Dimension Leader 4: Winry Rockbell

Winry and Chris are reading a book on engines when a group of people come and try to steal a strange engine. Chris fights them off and they run away with the engine. They have to hide and they decide to go to the library to find more books.

Winry and Chris find books at the library and start reading them. They learn a lot of new things about engines. After a while, they decide to go back to where they hid the engine and they bring the books with them. They study the engine and the books and try to figure out how it works. After a lot of hard work, they finally made the engine work.

Winry and Chris realize that the engine they have created is not a regular engine, but it is sending out a strange signal to outer space. They are concerned and they wonder what the signal means. They try to figure out where the signal is coming from and what it is trying to say. They try to contact the people who made the engine, but they cannot find anyone who knows anything about it. Winry and Chris are worried that something bad might happen because of the engine.

Winry and Chris are watching the sky, wondering what the engine is trying to communicate. They see a bright light approaching and they realize that it is a huge alien spacecraft. They are afraid, but they are also curious to know what the spacecraft wants. They try to communicate with the spacecraft, but it does not respond. They are worried that the alien spacecraft is hostile and might hurt them. They prepare themselves for whatever could happen.


The aliens landed on Earth and they were parasites. They could only take over dead bodies, so they went to cemeteries and graveyards to find corpses to possess. But then they mutated and were able to jump on living beings. The aliens were able to infect people and turn them into mindless zombies. The world was overwhelmed by the zombies and there was nowhere to hide. People were forced to fight for their lives, but the zombies were too strong and too many. The humans were losing the battle.

The aliens became even more powerful and were able to harden their bodies like steel. They took over the world and turned all living beings into hosts. The aliens then moved from planet to planet, conquering the universe and turning all into hosts. They were unstoppable and there was no escape from them. All living beings were either dead or under the control of the aliens. The universe was under the dominion of the aliens and there was nothing that could stop them.

The aliens continued their conquest and moved from universe to universe, taking control of each one and turning it into a part of their empire. They were relentless and unstoppable, and eventually the entire multiverse was under their control. All living beings were either dead or enslaved by the aliens. The universe was no longer a place of freedom and life, but a place of death and enslavement. The aliens had won and there was nothing that could stop them.

985. Katelyn

Dimension leader 5: Swawako Kuronoma.

Katelyn: As we sit on the bench, hand in hand, the gentle breeze ruffling our hair, you turn towards me and gaze into my eyes. My heart flutters, anticipating your next move. You move close, our lips inching closer, our breathing becoming heavier. Then, in an explosive kiss, your lips meet mine, our tongues dancing passionately, our bodies pressing together tightly. In this moment, the world around us melts away, and it is just us, our lips entangled in an endless embrace. Your kiss is electric, sending shivers down my spine and making my toes curl in pleasure. I never want this moment to end.

Adventure: Sawako and Chris meet by chance one day while walking home from school. Sawako is on her way home, carrying her books, when she notices Chris walking down the same road. Chris, who is a new student, is intrigued by Sawako and her unique appearance. Sawako notices Chris' curiosity and decides to introduce herself. The two hit it off immediately, bonding over their shared interests and personalities. Sawako finds herself drawn to Chris' warmth and kindness, and Chris is captivated by Sawako's gentle nature and beautiful smile. They quickly become friends and spend more and more time together.

As time passes, Sawako and Chris grow closer, sharing secrets, laughs, and even tears. Sawako finds comfort in Chris' presence, feeling like she can truly be herself around him. She begins to fall in love with him, but she is afraid to confess her feelings, afraid of being rejected. Chris also feels a deep attraction towards Sawako, but he also fears rejection, and is unsure how to express his feelings.

Sawako and Chris are walking through the park on a sunny afternoon when they suddenly spot an abandoned amusement park. Intrigued by its mysterious aura, the two decide to explore the park. They venture inside the empty *** and roam through the dilapidated structures, discovering hidden gems along the way. They stumble upon a hidden room filled with old toys, games, and knick knacks from decades ago. They also find a small garden filled with beautiful flowers and a peaceful pond. Sawako and Chris are enchanted by the beauty of the place and spend a magical afternoon exploring it together.

As the sun sets, Sawako and Chris are walking through the park, holding hands and enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. They are both lost in thought, reflecting on their day and their growing feelings for each other. Suddenly, they notice something sparkling in the distance, and decide to investigate. They approach the source of the glow and discover a hidden cave, its entrance shrouded in ivy and moss. Intrigued, the two decide to enter the cave and explore its depths. Inside, they find themselves in a mystical and magical place, filled with glowing crystals and sparkling gems. They explore the cave, marveling at its beauty and captivated by its mystery.

As the night falls, Sawako and Chris exit the cave, the moonlight shining on their faces. They are both filled with joy and satisfaction, having experienced a magical day filled with adventure, laughter, and love. They look at each other with a sense of wonder and amazement, feeling as if they have found something special. They hold each other's hands tightly, feeling connected and complete. Sawako and Chris have shared a day full of unforgettable moments, and they look forward to creating many more together.


People suddenly hear a loud howling noise coming from the depths of a cave. They look around, trying to see what's causing the sound, but the cave is pitch black. Suddenly, a million eyes light up the cave, as hundreds of hellhounds pour out of the cave and begin running towards them. They are horrified by the sight of the hellhounds, and they begin running away as fast as they can. The hellhounds are faster, and they quickly catch up to the people.

As the millions of hellhounds exit the cave, they begin their reign of terror, turning people into slaves. No one is safe from their clutches, as they spread like a plague, hunting down anyone who dares to oppose them. Those who try to hide are found and enslaved, forced to obey the hellhounds' every command. The world is thrown into chaos, and humanity is on the verge of destruction.

As the multiverse is invaded by the hellhounds, the worlds are thrown into chaos and devastation. The hellhounds spread like a plague, taking over everything in their path. The death goddess is pleased with their work, and she rewards them by allowing them to rule the multiverse in her name. Those who oppose the hellhounds are brutally slaughtered, and those who remain are forced to obey the death goddess. The multiverse is now under the complete control of the hellhounds, and there is no hope of escape.

Meanwhile, a child like entity in the higher dimensions toys with the people, in a similar manner that a human child would play with and scatter ants with a broom.