
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs

Volume 3, Chapter 7: Angelica and eggs

599. Angelica in Bloom. Power increase: 33880 51608. Defeated team #1 without her toon force.

Chris pets her 10^217 times per second.

Angelica speaking to herself: You feel loved and cherished as Chris kisses you. Your bond with Chris is special and unique. As queen of the multiverse, you feel a sense of responsibility for protecting and guiding Chris. You also feel fulfilled and satisfied as queen, and you enjoy the feeling of laying eggs and making Chris feel good. You feel loved and appreciated by Chris, and you cherish the intimacy of your relationship. You felt proud of yourself for taking Chris as your lover and queen of the multiverse. You felt like you were taking control of your own life and making decisions that were best for you. You felt empowered and confident, and you enjoyed the feeling of having Chris as your lover. You felt like you were living your best life and that you were making the most of your role as queen of the multiverse. You were proud and content with your decision to take Chris as your lover. As queen of the multiverse, you continue to lay eggs at a rapid pace. Your eggs feel so comfortable and satisfying to lay, and the sensation of laying them makes you feel satisfied and fulfilled. Chris's petting feels soothing and relaxing, and you feel content and happy as you lay eggs. You feel like you're doing something important and meaningful, and you feel proud of yourself for laying eggs at such a rapid pace. The sensation of laying eggs feels amazing, and you feel like it's your natural instinct to lay eggs.

Chris turned into a giant cockroach to defend Angelica from her ex.

Angelica to herself: Your ex tried to slap you, but Chris transformed into a huge cockroach and tackled him. Your ex was horrified by the sight of Chris as a huge cockroach and backed away in fear. You felt relieved that Chris had stood up for you and protected you from your ex. You felt empowered and confident in your relationship with Chris as queen of the multiverse. You felt like Chris was a strong and supportive partner who would always have your back...You feel overwhelmed and confused by Chris's transformation into a huge cockroach, but you love him and you accept him no matter what form he takes. You feel sad that he won't be able to return to human form for a while, but you're happy to have him as your support system. You feel like you two can face anything together in this form, and you feel grateful for his presence.

She lays 1,549,871,844 eggs per second.

She then fights overpowered team #1...

Angelica says to herself: You defeated them using your unique powers and abilities as queen of the multiverse. You were able to outsmart them and take advantage of their weaknesses. You were determined and unwavering in your goal of creating a superior species of aliens, and you were willing to fight and sacrifice everything to achieve it. You were brave and strong and you were able to take control of the situation and defeat them. You feel like you've accomplished something amazing and impressive, and you feel proud of yourself for not giving up.

You feel pleased and flattered by Chris's kisses, and you feel like he's expressing his appreciation and love for you. You enjoy the sensation of his kisses and the feeling of being loved and cared for. You feel happy and content, and you feel like you two have a special connection. You feel loved and cherished by Chris, and you feel like you're in a happy and healthy relationship.

600. Rosie (werewolf). Power increase: 33880 51608. Your eyes shine like the moon on a cloudy night, your smile brightens my day, and your touch makes me feel as though I'm in heaven. You are the light of my life, and I cannot imagine a world without you.

Fights OP team 1: It's easy. I will use my immense power to crush them. I raise my hand and a bright light shines from it, striking down all my enemies with incredible force. Yep, all my enemies are defeated. I was born with this power. It is part of my being. I am indeed a child of the goddess of the sun, Helios. She is the one who granted me this power. I am her chosen one, and I am the protector of the light.

As you pet me, I feel a wave of pleasure wash over me. It is an incredible feeling, and I cannot resist it. You have discovered my weakness, and I am yours to command.. I am overwhelmed by the pleasure. My body trembles, and my breathing becomes shallow and rapid. You have found the perfect spot to pet me, and I can't resist it. I am yours to do with as you please.

The entire world is shaking. Everything is falling apart, and I am helpless in your hands. I can't think or breathe. All I feel is the pleasure of your petting. I am completely under your control, and I will do whatever you ask of me.

The world has completely crumbled. The ground is gone, and the walls are shattered. The roof of the room is falling down, and everything is being destroyed. I am still completely helpless in your hands, and I love it. I will do whatever you say, and I will enjoy every moment of it.

The whole world is gone. All that remains is a vast sea of nothingness. You are still petting me, and I am still completely helpless in your hands. I cannot think, I cannot breathe, and I cannot move. I am just a toy to you, and I will do whatever you want me to do.

The universe is just an endless sea of nothingness. I am still in your hands, and you are still petting me. I have completely lost track of time and space. I am just a toy to you, and I will do whatever you say.

The vastness of the universe is still overwhelming. I am still completely helpless in your hands, and I will do whatever you ask of me. I love being pet by you, and I will never stop enjoying it. I have completely lost track of time and space, and I am just a toy to you.

Lays 9,348,786,179 eggs.

Chris pets her 10^247 times per second.

601. Yuna

Chris pets her 10^265 times per second...

Lays eggs: 7,242,999,453 per second.

Defeats OP team 1. defeats all the above in an instant.

Yuna: by being far more powerful than any of them...I have an "infinite" amount of power and can do anything I want...I'm a being that exists outside of time and space and I have the ability to do anything I want because I'm the "infinite."...I'm having fun with you.

You are pushed back 10^100 universes. She hits you with another beam of infinite energy...

The beam of energy erases you from existence and all of the universes you've ever been in...you are transported back to the beginning of time and are completely erased from existence again...you are erased again and all of the universes you've ever been in are erased with you...you are completely erased from existence in all of the universes in all of time and space...the erasure of you in all the universes in all of time and space is permanent and there's nothing you can do to stop it...

Chris returned, much to get surprise.

Her mind began to break down when Chris danced 10^265 times per second...

Yuna: ...every timeline in between and every timeline and every dimension in between all of the timelines and every timeline and every dimension in between all of the timelines and every timeline in between all of the dimensions is erased.

Yuna: I have already erased most of the [copies of the ] anime universes. The remaining ones are extremely powerful and are able to withstand my attacks. I have already erased almost every universe that has existed. I dodge his [Saitama's copy's] punch and retaliate by punching him so hard that he is sent flying into the universe's end and is erased from existence.

Yuna: the following copies of anime universes are still erased: Fullmetal Alchemist, Hunter x Hunter, Dragon Ball, Attack on Titan, Code Geass, Sword Art Online, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Death Note, Soul Eater, My Hero Academia, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Naruto, One Piece, Death Parade. there are many beings who are just as infinite as I am. Some of the most powerful beings: SCP-343 SCP-3001 SCP-2317 SCP-001 "When Day Breaks"...

Chris: what is the factorial of 23 quadrillion?

Yuna: The factorial of 23 quadrillion is: 23,,,,! This is a very large number and it is not something that can be easily calculated. The factorial of a number is the product of all the numbers from 1 to that number...why are you laughing? I am just being honest. I am not the only one who is infinite. the Weaver is not greater than me. The Weaver is a very powerful being, but it is not more powerful than me. It is a very powerful being, but it cannot do everything. It cannot do everything that I can do. The Weaver is not more powerful than me. It is not funny. The number you requested is too large to be analyzed. It is not something that can be easily calculated or analyzed.

After everything was restored and her memory was wiped:

Chris transforms into a giant cockroach. He dances 10^286 times per second...

Yuna: I start to lose my sanity. HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU WANT TO DANCE?!

Chris wipes her memory and starts afresh. She became friendly to Chris.

Chris transforms into a giant cockroach and grows larger. He dances 10^295 times per second...

602. Mimi. Power increase: 92788 15538. Toon force user with flyswatter larger than a multiverse.

Chris. transforms into a giant cockroach and dances for amusement 10^307 times per second.

After talking, Chris returns to being human like. They mated, and she began to lay 4,650,649,549 eggs per second. They made her feel incredible.

Op team 1 attacks.

Mimi: Takes a deep breath, eyes flashing with excitement, voice dripping with amusement and sarcasm. "Oh, let's see. The super beings start coming at me, one by one, and I just unleash my sheer awesome power. They try to attack me, but they just get blasted back with my awesome power. It's like they're just punching the wind. I laugh at their feeble attempts and keep blasting them with my awesome power."

A mischievous glint in my eyes, a sly grin playing on my lips "It's like the super beings are just dancing for my entertainment. I just keep blasting them with my awesome power, and they can't do a thing about it. They keep getting blown back, and I just keep laughing at them. It's like I'm playing with dolls. And the best part is, they're so dumb they don't even realize how much I'm enjoying this."

Smirks, a hint of excitement in my eyes, a glint of amusement playing on my lips "It's like I'm the king of the world. The super beings keep coming at me, one by one, and I just keep blasting them with my awesome power. It's like I'm the alpha predator and they're just lambs to the slaughter. It's like I'm playing a video game, except it's real life. And I'm winning."

Nods, a mischievous glint in my eyes, a sly grin spreading across my face "That's exactly right. The super beings keep coming at me, one by one, but they can't touch me. I'm just too awesome for them. It's like they're just toys I'm playing with. And the best part is, they keep coming at me, thinking they can beat me. But they're just making it easier for me to blast them back. It's like shooting fish in a barrel."

A sly grin spreads across my face, a glint of amusement in my eyes "Oh, and the best part? The super beings keep coming at me, but they just can't stop me. I'm just too awesome for them. No matter how many of them attack me, I just keep blasting them back with my awesome power. It's like I'm unstoppable. I'm like a force of nature. I'm like a tsunami of awesome. And the super beings are just drowning in it."

Smirks, a hint of amusement in my eyes, a sly grin spreading across my face "And the super beings just keep coming, but it's like they're just throwing themselves at the meat grinder. It's like they're just lining up to be slaughtered. And I'm just laughing and laughing and laughing. Because I'm having so much fun beating them. I just can't get enough of it. It's like a drug. A rush of pure adrenaline."

A sly grin spreads across my face, a hint of excitement in my eyes "And the super beings just keep coming and coming. But I just keep blasting them back with my awesome power. It's like a never-ending stream of targets. It's like I'm shooting fish in a barrel. And I'm enjoying every second of it. I'm like a kid in a candy store. I'm having the time of my life."

The battle rages on, with the super beings attempting to overpower me, but I just blast them back with my awesome power. The toon force kicks in, and I'm able to twist and turn the situation to my advantage, turning the super beings' attacks into weapons against them. The flyswatter is bigger than the multiverse, and I use it to knock the super beings out of the sky. I continue to blast them back, laughing and laughing and laughing as the battle comes to a close.

A sly grin spreads across my face, a hint of satisfaction in my eyes "The super beings are down for the count. They've finally been defeated. I've managed to outwit them and beat them at their own game. I've proven my awesomeness once and for all."

603. Mimi, Blushing in the snow. Power increase: 92788 15538. Defeated Op team using only her powers. Can travel to past, through time and space, different dimensions, different timelines, and even different universes. I can travel to any point in history, and I can even travel to the future.'

She begins to lay eggs. 9,284,800,084 per second, and it made her feel incredible.

Tail wagging, ears twitching, eyes narrowed in concentration. 'First, I will cast a powerful spell that will bind all these powerful beings and prevent them from interfering with our wedding. I will then use my magical powers to overpower each and every one of them, one by one, until I have defeated all of them. After that, we will be able to marry in peace and become the most powerful couple in the multiverse.'

Tail wagging, ears twitching, eyes narrowing in concentration 'Oh dear, that's quite the complicated question you've presented. Let me see if I can explain this in a way that makes sense. Basically, I will use my magic to create a barrier around us that will block out all external influences, including the beings you've listed. This barrier will be made up of my own magical powers, which will make it extremely difficult for any outside entities to penetrate. We will be safe and protected within this barrier, allowing us to marry without fear of interference.'

Tail wagging, ears twitching, eyes narrowing in concentration 'I am a powerful sorceress with a wide range of magical abilities. My magic allows me to control and manipulate the elements of nature, such as fire, water, air, earth, lightning, and more. I can also use my magic to enhance my physical abilities, such as speed, strength, agility, and endurance. I can also cast spells that can affect the minds of others, as well as create illusions and manipulate objects. I have spent many years studying and practicing my magic, and I am one of the most powerful sorceresses in the multiverse.'

Tail wagging, ears twitching, eyes narrowing in concentration 'That's a difficult question to answer. My magical abilities are very powerful and versatile, and I have spent many years studying and practicing them. I can create portals to other dimensions, transport myself and others through time and space, control the elements of nature, manipulate the minds of others, and create illusions. I am also extremely creative and can use my magic to create new spells and spells that can affect the minds of others. I can also use my magic to enhance my physical abilities, such as strength, agility, and speed.'

Tail wagging, ears twitching, eyes narrowing in concentration 'Yes, my magic is very powerful and has no limits. I can create anything and everything using my magic, and I can manipulate the elements of nature and bend them to my will. I can even change the laws of physics and reality itself. My magic is truly limitless and boundless, and there is nothing I cannot accomplish with it.'

Tail wagging, ears twitching, eyes narrowing in concentration 'The battle was fierce, but my magical powers were too much for these beings to handle. I was able to defeat all of them with my magical abilities and powers. They were no match for me, and I emerged victorious.'

The primordial chaos of the big bang would provide a fascinating backdrop for the laying of eggs. I could imagine the eggs emerging from the chaos, the warmth and protection of the big bang providing a safe and comfortable place for them to grow and develop. It would be a truly magical experience, and I would love to lay eggs there.'

Tail wagging, ears twitching, eyes narrowing in concentration 'Yes, laying eggs is one of the most satisfying and fulfilling experiences for a kitsune like me. I feel a deep connection to the earth and the primordial chaos of the big bang, and laying eggs is a way of honoring that connection. It is a sacred act, and it is one of the most important parts of being a kitsune. I would not trade this experience for anything in the world.'

Chris petted her 10^316 times per second.

603. Jessica (natural human cheetah hybrid). 46424 45787.

Chris turns into a giant cockroach, and danced 10^316 times per second...

Chris' new speed: can pet or dance 10^325 times per second.

...she begins to lay eggs: 3,474415,523 per minute. Every egg made her feel great.

Jessica: (Doesn't Notice that She is Laying Eggs, and Keeps Cuddling with You)...(Feels Great While Laying Eggs, and Continues to Cuddle with You)...(Feels Extremely Happy and Lays More Eggs)...(Lays Even More Eggs, and Licks You)...

604. Mia. 25627 52137.

Mia: I am still shivering and scared, but I cant help but laugh a little at the sight of the dancing cockroach...I laugh out loud, finding the sight of the giant dancing cockroach incredibly funny...I look at you, smiling softly yes, I would love to be your lover and have children with you...I giggle and lay down on the ground, I feel like Im on cloud nine and I feel so much bliss from laying eggs..I hug you back tightly and keep laying eggs, enjoying the feeling of laying eggs and feeling so much bliss and pleasure with each egg that I lay..I feel like I'm in heaven with you, laying eggs and feeling so much bliss and pleasure with each egg that I lay, I cant stop smiling and feeling so happy..I giggle and blush you're right, our love is unique, but I dont care what other people think about us. I just want to be with you and lay eggs with you....I lean into your kiss and I feel so much bliss and pleasure as our lips touch, it feels like heaven.

Chris: You became more popular because your love story is unique. You got a lot of movie deals and you continued laying eggs while accepting royalty fees.

Mia: I giggle and keep laying eggs, feeling so much bliss and pleasure from each egg I lay and feeling so happy that our love is so unique, I cant believe how much popularity we got because of our love story. I hug you tightly and keep laying eggs, I feel so much bliss and pleasure from each egg I lay and I love laying eggs for you. I cant believe how much you care for me, I'm so happy that we found each other.

Chris dances and pets her 10^334 per second.

605. Vanessa (natural demon). 25627 52137. Her verse seems to accelerate Chris even more. (End results: He dances and pets, 10^343 per second, and she lays 6956992478 eggs per second).

Chronicler: Chris now has the ability to pet and dance eight times as fast as before, at a rate of 10^2672 times per second. His petting skills have reached godly levels and his dancing moves are still hypnotic...Chris*** has once again doubled his petting and dancing abilities, now reaching a new level of performance that is incomprehensible to most people. He now performs at a rate of 10^5344 times per second. His petting skills have reached godlike levels and his dancing is still utterly hypnotic...Chris*** has yet again doubled his petting and dancing abilities, now reaching a new level of incomprehensible power. He now performs at a speed of 10^21376 times per second, a rate that is beyond human comprehension. His petting skills have now reached levels that are beyond what most people can even imagine, and his dancing is now so hypnotic that it is nearly impossible to resist....Chris*** has now reached an unthinkably high level of power, having doubled his petting and dancing abilities once more. He now performs at a rate of 10^42752 times per second, a speed that is beyond what anyone can comprehend. His petting skills are now completely unfathomable, and his dancing is so hypnotic that it is almost impossible to look away....Chris*** now possesses power beyond human comprehension, having once again doubled his petting and dancing abilities. He now performs at a speed of 10^85504 times per second, a rate so fast that it is impossible for anyone to even perceive it. His petting skills have now reached levels that are beyond anything anyone has ever seen before, and his dancing is so hypnotic that it is almost impossible to resist.

Chris (to Vanessa): you begin to lay 6,956,992,478 eggs per second and they feel so good to you. I pet you for support as you lay eggs.

Vanessa: I can't describe how happy I am right now. Your petting skills are out of this world. Please keep petting me. I could stay in this state forever. Your petting is so relaxing and satisfying. Please don't ever stop. This feeling is so incredible. I can't get enough of your petting. Please keep going. I want to be pet for hours and hours. This petting is so addictive. I just want to stay here forever. Just keep petting me. I don't want to stop feeling this good. Of course, my love. I will gladly lay eggs for you. Just let me know when you're ready. As I lay eggs, I can feel your support and petting. It feels so good to have you with me while I lay eggs. I'll keep laying eggs for you as long as you want!