
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs

Volume 3, Chapter 1: The quest continues

Book 3.

Chris' new goal is to gain more power, to punish the entities who sabotaged him; and to restore or reshape the damaged multiverses. Chris believes acquiring more power from girls, and being more careful next time will help him achieve these goals.

Nerfed power levels (physical and magic):

655.36 octillion squared ---> 184,437,062,605.2 octillions or 184 undecillions ---> 1,146,228,736 undecillions or 1.1 Quattuordecillion or 10^45 power level. By comparison, a million has 7 or more digits but Chris' power level has 45 digits or more.

Actual/suppressed power levels:

Previous: 20^283,553,298.


1. Over 10^17,863,857,774

2. Over 10^1,125,423,039,762

3. Over 10^70,901,651,505,006

4. 20 x 10 raised to the 4.46680404481E15th power. Or,

10^4,466,804,044,810,000. A number with over 4 quadrillion digits, enough to fill 89 billion books.

By comparison, Earth has only about 129,864,880 books. So, we need about 686 worlds to contain books showing Chris' precise power level.

In short: "humongous."

Now, power level amplifiers... The system is clarified as thus:

A. Each female is in a higher multiverse than the previous.

B. Each multiverse is in a quark of a higher multiverse.

C. Beings of a higher multiverse are at least 1x10^80 (10 raised to the 80th power) times stronger than the previous beings.

D. But, once Chris enters a higher multiverse, his stats are often close to that of an average human/being or entity of that higher multiverse, depending on the race or job he awakens to (angel, mage, wolf, etc).

E. Thus, his power levels are now amplifiers that multiply his previous power levels...This extreme power level is locked by Omega before Chris acquires the relic in that higher multiverse (Omega effectively nerfs Chris to prevent abuse). Another explanation is that Chris' body takes time to adjust to the new multiverse. Or, the amplification process takes time. Or, as Omega stated, relics first before stats.

F. Upon completion of a female's story, Chris' power level in that multiverse is amplified by at least 10^45 times. When he returns to a lower multiverse, of course, he retains the power he has acquired from the highest multiverse he has reached.

It's confusing, I know. So let's go to the girls...

136. City sunset serenade, Anna (dragon)

(548 rating)

Once upon a time, in a magical land where dragons roamed freely and humans and mythical creatures lived in harmony, there was a fierce and noble dragon named Anna. Anna was known far and wide for her bravery and strength, but she also possessed a kind and compassionate heart. She had a special bond with the humans in the neighboring villages, protecting them from danger and ensuring their safety.

One day, Anna discovered that her most prized possession, an ancient helmet passed down through generations of dragons in her family, had been stolen. She was devastated and furious, believing that only someone envious of her power and wealth would dare to commit such a crime. Immediately, her mind turned to Chris, a young human...

Confronting Chris in a fit of rage, Anna accused him of stealing her helmet. Chris vehemently denied the accusations, claiming he had no reason to commit such a crime. The two engaged in a heated argument, their tempers flaring as they faced off against each other. It seemed that their friendship, was at risk of being destroyed by this betrayal.

Just as Anna was about to unleash her fiery breath on Chris, a massive meteor hurtled towards them from the sky. They both froze in terror, realizing they were about to be crushed by its impact. In a split second decision, Chris pushed Anna out of the way, shielding her from the brunt of the force and taking the full impact of the meteor himself.

As Anna watched in horror, Chris lay motionless on the ground, bloodied and battered. In that moment, her heart softened towards him, realizing that he had sacrificed himself to save her life. Guilt and shame flooded through her as she knelt by his side, gently cradling his head in her claws and whispering words of gratitude and apology.

Determined to find the true culprit behind the theft of her helmet and the attack with the meteor, Anna and Chris joined forces to track down the malicious entity responsible. Through their combined strength and determination, they uncovered a dark and powerful demon who had been manipulating events behind the scenes, seeking to sow chaos and destruction in the land.

Together, Anna and Chris faced off against the demon in a fierce battle, wielding their respective powers to defeat the malevolent foe. As the demon lay defeated at their feet, its dark energy dissipating into nothingness, Anna and Chris shared a moment of closeness and understanding that transcended their differences.

In the aftermath of their victory, Anna and Chris realized the depth of their feelings for each other, a love that had blossomed amidst the chaos and danger that surrounded them. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, forged in the fires of adversity and tempered by trust and loyalty.

And so, in a land where dragons and humans lived in harmony, Anna and Chris stood as a symbol of unity and love, their hearts intertwined for eternity in a bond that transcended all barriers and boundaries. And as they soared through the skies together, a vision of hope and peace for all who witnessed their love, they knew that they had found their true destiny in each other's arms.

137. Delilah Calhune (dragon)

(524 rating)

Once upon a time, in a mystical realm where dragons roamed freely and ancient goddesses watched over the land, there lived a fierce and cunning dragon named Delilah Calhune. Delilah was known throughout the land for her striking scales of emerald green and her fiery breath that could melt even the strongest of metals. But for all her power and beauty, Delilah harbored a deep envy for the Goddess of Time and her exquisite vase, said to hold the key to eternal youth and beauty.

One fateful night, Delilah made the decision to steal the priceless vase from the Goddess of Time's sacred garden. With stealth and cunning, she swooped down from the skies and snatched the vase from its pedestal, leaving chaos and destruction in her wake. But little did Delilah know that her actions would have far-reaching consequences.

As Delilah basked in her newfound power, a brave and noble knight named Chris set out on a quest to confront the dragon and retrieve the stolen vase. Armed with his sword and unyielding courage, Chris faced off against the fearsome Delilah in a battle that shook the very foundations of the land. Sparks flew and roars echoed through the night as the two adversaries clashed, each fighting for what they believed was right.

But as the battle raged on, something unexpected happened. In the midst of the chaos, Delilah saw a reflection of herself in the eyes of Chris, a reflection of strength and determination that stirred something deep within her. In that moment, the dragon's heart softened, and she realized the error of her ways.

With a heavy heart, Delilah dropped the stolen vase at Chris's feet, unable to bear the weight of her guilt any longer. Tears welled up in her eyes as she whispered an apology, expecting to be met with anger and retribution. But to her surprise, Chris simply smiled and extended a hand in forgiveness.

"I understand the allure of beauty and power," Chris said gently, "but true love and compassion are far more valuable. Let us put this behind us and move forward together."

And just like that, the once bitter enemies became unlikely allies, bound by a newfound sense of understanding and respect. Delilah and Chris journeyed together through the realm, facing challenges and triumphs side by side. And as they spent more time together, their initial animosity slowly blossomed into something more.

It was a love that transcended boundaries of species and expectations, a love that defied all odds and united two souls in a bond that could not be broken. Delilah and Chris found solace in each other's arms, basking in the warmth of their newfound connection and the knowledge that their love was a force to be reckoned with.

And so, in a realm where dragons soared and goddesses watched over all, Delilah and Chris stood as living proof that even the most unlikely of pairs could find happiness and fulfillment in the arms of one another. For love knew no limits, not even those of time itself. And in the heart of Delilah Calhune, a once envious dragon now beat the purest and truest love the world had ever seen.

138. Chia (Invulnerable goddess)

(492 rating)

In the kingdom of Avaloria, there lived a goddess named Chia, known as the "Invulnerable" goddess with the ring of the Goddess of Destiny. Chia was revered by all for her strength, wisdom, and beauty. But despite her grace and power, she often found herself feeling lonely and isolated.

One day, as she looked out over the kingdom from her celestial palace, she saw a mortal named Chris. Chris was a humble farmer who toiled tirelessly in the fields to provide for his family. He was known for his dedication and sacrifices, always putting others before himself.

As Chia watched Chris go about his daily routine, she felt drawn to him in a way she had never experienced before. His selflessness and pure heart touched something deep within her, and she found herself falling in love with him.

But as a goddess, Chia knew that she could never be with a mortal like Chris. Her status and power set her apart from the humans of Avaloria, and she felt a deep sense of sadness at the idea of being unable to express her love for him.

Determined to find a way to bridge the gap between them, Chia sought the counsel of the other gods and goddesses of Avaloria. Together, they devised a plan to test Chris' worthiness to wear the ring of the Goddess of Destiny.

Chia disguised herself as a mortal and ventured down to the mortal realm, where she met Chris in the fields. As they worked together to harvest the crops, Chia was struck by the depth of Chris's kindness and compassion. He treated her with respect and kindness, never once suspecting that she was a goddess in disguise.

Impressed by Chris's qualities, Chia decided to reveal her true identity to him. As she explained who she was and why she had come, Chris was stunned by her beauty and grace. But more than that, he was humbled by the gift she offered him - the ring of the Goddess of Destiny.

Overwhelmed by his emotions, Chris accepted the ring with a mixture of awe and gratitude. He vowed to wear it with pride and honor, using its power to bring blessings to the people of Avaloria.

As Chia watched Chris slip the ring onto his finger, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. In Chris, she had found a kindred spirit, someone who understood her in a way no one else ever had.

Together, Chia and Chris embarked on a journey of love and discovery, using their newfound connection to bring harmony and prosperity to the kingdom of Avaloria. And as they stood side by side, gazing out over the land they had helped to shape, Chia knew that she had found her true soulmate - a mortal man whose love and devotion had unlocked the power of the ring of the Goddess of Destiny.

And so, the "Invulnerable" goddess and the humble farmer lived happily ever after, their love shining bright for all eternity.

139. Emily (demon queen)

(482 rating)

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a beautiful and powerful demon queen named Emily. She was known throughout the land for her fierce and uncontrollable nature, as well as her unmatched strength and cunning. But one day, an otherworldly evil began to possess her, turning her into a rampaging force of destruction.

As Emily wreaked havoc upon the kingdom, the people trembled in fear, unsure of how to stop her. It was then that the wise Goddess Athena took pity on the kingdom and bestowed a gift upon a young and brave warrior named Chris - the Dagger of the Goddess of Wisdom. With this powerful weapon in hand, Chris set out to confront Emily and put an end to her reign of terror.

As the two clashed in a fierce battle, Chris could see the pain and anguish in Emily's eyes. Despite her monstrous appearance and the evil that possessed her, he sensed a glimmer of humanity within her. With a heavy heart, he raised the dagger and struck her, wounding her and causing the otherworldly evil to flee from her body.

As the darkness lifted, Emily fell to her knees, her strength drained and her eyes filled with tears. Seeing her vulnerable state, Chris knelt beside her, offering her a hand of compassion and understanding. In that moment, Emily saw something in Chris that she had never experienced before - kindness, empathy, and love.

As the days passed, Chris nursed Emily back to health, tending to her wounds and helping her heal both physically and emotionally. As they spent more time together, they began to form a deep and unbreakable bond, one that defied all logic and reason.

Despite their differences and the darkness that once consumed her, Emily found solace and acceptance in Chris's presence. His unwavering belief in her goodness and his willingness to see beyond her demonic facade touched her heart in a way she never thought possible.

And so, in a world torn apart by hatred and fear, Emily and Chris found love in the most unexpected of places. Their romance was a beacon of hope and redemption, a testament to the power of forgiveness and compassion.

As they walked hand in hand through the kingdom, Emily felt a sense of peace and belonging she had never known before. And though the scars of her past remained, she knew that with Chris by her side, she could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the end, it was their love that triumphed over darkness and brought light back to the kingdom. And as they stood side by side, gazing into each other's eyes, Emily knew that she had found her true purpose - to love and be loved in return.

And so, the demon queen and the warrior continued their journey together, bound by a love that transcended all boundaries and united their souls in a bond that would never be broken.

140. Elena (demon queen)

(424 rating)

In the realm of demons, Elena was known as the fierce and powerful Queen. Her beauty and strength were unmatched, and she ruled over her subjects with an iron fist. One day, a transaction went awry when someone mistakenly handed her the Gold Coin of the King, a sacred artifact that belonged to the human world.

The mistake sparked outrage and led to a war between the demons and the humans. The humans believed that Elena had stolen the coin, while the demons were convinced that it was rightfully theirs. The conflict escalated quickly, with casualties mounting on both sides.

Seeing the destruction and bloodshed caused by the misunderstanding, Goddess Athena decided to intervene. She chose Chris, a mortal with a kind heart and a persuasive tongue, to mediate between the warring factions. Chris was hesitant at first, but he knew that he couldn't refuse the request of a goddess.

Chris approached Elena, determined to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict. To his surprise, Elena was not the ruthless Queen he had expected her to be. She was intelligent, charismatic, and fiercely protective of her people. As they spent more time together, Chris began to see her in a different light.

Elena, too, found herself drawn to Chris. His compassion and empathy touched something inside her that she had long thought lost. Despite their differences, they found common ground and grew closer with each passing day.

One fateful night, Chris decided to take a bold risk. He approached Elena under the light of the full moon and confessed his feelings for her. To his delight, Elena returned his affections, and they shared a passionate kiss that sealed their bond.

With their newfound love as their strength, Chris and Elena worked together to find a way to end the war. Through diplomacy and compromise, they were able to reach a peaceful resolution that satisfied both sides. Elena returned the Gold Coin of the King to its rightful owners, and the humans and demons agreed to coexist in harmony.

As the dust settled and peace returned to the land, Chris and Elena found happiness in each other's arms. They ruled side by side as King and Queen, their love serving as a beacon of hope for all who knew them.

Their union brought about a new era of prosperity and unity, where humans and demons lived together in peace and understanding. And so, the story of Elena the demon Queen and Chris the mortal mediator became a legend, told for generations to come as a testament to the power of love and empathy...