
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs

Volume 29, Unedited Chapter. Cyborg making

S146. Cyborg making.

(538 rating)

Once upon a time in a small Undverse, there lived a man named Chris who had a rather unusual wife named Bishamonten. Bishamonten was not your average housewife - she was a powerful deity of war and warriors, capable of incredible feats of strength and strategy. Chris, on the other hand, was just a normal guy who worked as a scientist in a top-secret government research facility.

One day, Chris came up with a brilliant idea. He decided that he would turn aging soldiers into cyborgs, using his scientific expertise and Bishamonten's divine powers to create the ultimate fighting machines. The plan was to replace the whole outer shell of the soldiers' bodies with cybernetic devices, while leaving their internal organs intact (well, mostly intact).

Chris and Bishamonten got to work, recruiting elderly soldiers who were no longer fit for duty. The soldiers were hesitant at first, but Chris and Bishamonten promised them new life and purpose as cyborg warriors. With the soldiers on board, the transformation process began.

The soldiers were wheeled into the operating room, where Chris and Bishamonten worked their magic. The soldiers' bodies were slowly dismantled, piece by piece, as cybernetic devices were implanted in their place. It was a long and arduous process, but the soldiers were tough and determined.

After hours of surgery and recovery, the soldiers emerged from the operating room as fully-fledged cyborgs. They were now stronger, faster, and more powerful than ever before. They could resist adverse environmental effects, such as extreme temperatures, and quickly adapt to any situation that came their way. And most impressively, they could convert almost all of their bodies into weapons, thanks to the advanced technology provided by Chris and Bishamonten.

The cyborg soldiers were a sight to behold - gleaming metal armor covering their bodies, flashing lights and whirring gears as they moved. They were a force to be reckoned with, and Chris couldn't have been prouder of his creation.

But as with any great power, there were risks involved. The soldiers' internal organs were still vulnerable, despite the cybernetic enhancements. If their organs were destroyed in battle, the cyborgs would die - a fact that weighed heavily on Chris's mind.

One day, a rival government agency launched an attack on the Undverse, seeking to capture the cyborg soldiers for their own nefarious purposes. Chris and Bishamonten knew they had to act fast to protect their creations.

The cyborg soldiers sprang into action, using their enhanced abilities to fend off the attackers. It was a fierce battle, with explosions and laser beams flying in every direction. But in the end, Chris and Bishamonten's cyborg army emerged victorious, sending the rival agency packing with their tails between their legs.

As the dust settled, Chris and Bishamonten surveyed the scene with pride. Their cyborg soldiers had proven themselves in battle, thanks to Chris's visionary idea and Bishamonten's divine assistance.

And so, the Undverse was safe once again, thanks to the unlikely partnership of a humble scientist and his war goddess wife. Together, they had created something truly special - a team of cyborg warriors unlike any the world had ever seen. And as they looked to the future, Chris and Bishamonten knew that there was no limit to what they could achieve together. The end.

Aw 73.


S147. Cyborg making (Mitsuri)

(508 rating)

Title: The Cyborg Soldiers of Chris and Mitsuri Kanroji: A Comedy of Errors

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a man named Chris who was married to the lovely Mitsuri Kanroji. Chris was a brilliant military strategist, always coming up with innovative ways to outwit his enemies. Mitsuri, on the other hand, was a skilled engineer with a talent for creating cutting-edge technology.

One day, during a particularly brutal war, many of Chris's soldiers were almost crushed by the enemy forces. Determined to protect his troops, Chris turned to Mitsuri for help. Together, they concocted a crazy plan to turn the surviving soldiers into cyborgs. These cyborgs would be virtually indestructible, with no weaknesses that could be exploited by the enemy.

Mitsuri set to work, replacing the soldiers' limbs and organs with advanced cybernetic enhancements. She even managed to create copies of the soldiers' consciousness, which would act as a failsafe in case the AI controlling the cyborgs malfunctioned. The end result was a group of soldiers who were more machine than man, but still retained a quirky sense of humor that made them stand out from other robots.

The cyborg soldiers quickly became known for their legendary strength and resilience. They were able to withstand any attack, no matter how powerful, and were virtually unstoppable on the battlefield. However, their human quirks sometimes got in the way of their efficiency.

One day, during a crucial mission, the cyborg soldiers were faced with a dilemma. They needed to disable a series of security systems in order to reach their objective, but they couldn't seem to figure out how to do it. Despite their superhuman abilities, they were stumped by the complex mechanisms that guarded their target.

As they argued amongst themselves, Chris and Mitsuri watched from afar, amused by the antics of their creation. The cyborg soldiers were like a ragtag group of misfits, each with their own quirks and personality traits that sometimes clashed with one another. Despite their differences, they were a formidable force to be reckoned with.

In the end, it was their humanity that saved the day. One of the cyborg soldiers, a former chef who had been transformed into a cyborg against his will, suggested using a unique cooking technique to bypass the security systems. His culinary skills, combined with the teamwork of the other cyborg soldiers, enabled them to successfully complete their mission and emerge victorious once again.

As they celebrated their victory, Chris and Mitsuri couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Their cyborg soldiers may have been powerful and unstoppable, but they were also a bunch of lovable goofballs who had a knack for finding creative solutions to even the most impossible challenges.

And so, the cyborg soldiers of Chris and Mitsuri Kanroji continued to fight for justice and peace, using their unique blend of humor and humanity to triumph over any obstacle that came their way. They may have been machines in body, but their hearts remained as human as ever, making them a truly unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

Aw 74.


S148. Cyborg making.

(438 rating)

Chris was a renowned army general known for his strategic brilliance and unconventional tactics. However, his biggest claim to fame was his wife, Biscuit Krueger, who was a legendary warrior in her own right. Together, they were a formidable duo, feared and respected on the battlefield.

During one particularly brutal war, Chris and his soldiers found themselves outnumbered and outgunned. The enemy forces were relentless, and many of Chris's soldiers were on the brink of defeat. In a desperate attempt to turn the tides of war, Chris made a bold decision – he would turn the surviving soldiers into cyborgs.

Using his knowledge of magic, Chris performed a complex ritual that transformed the soldiers into invincible cyborg warriors. Their bodies were replaced with advanced technology, leaving only their brains intact. In some cases, a copy of their human consciousness was also retained to serve as a backup for the artificial intelligence.

The newly created cyborgs were nearly indestructible, with no weaknesses that could be exploited. They were relentless in battle, able to withstand any form of attack and continue fighting without rest. However, despite their enhanced capabilities, they still retained their human emotions and quirks, making for a hilarious and unexpected combination.

One of the cyborg soldiers, now known as Sergeant Steel, had a penchant for telling terrible jokes in the middle of battle. Another, Corporal Circuit, had developed a love for painting intricate designs on his metallic shell. And then there was Private Pixel, who had a passion for singing opera at the top of his robotic lungs.

Despite their odd behaviors, the cyborg soldiers proved to be invaluable assets on the battlefield. Their advanced technology and combat skills helped turn the tide of the war in Chris's favor, earning them a reputation as the most fearsome fighting force in the land.

As the war raged on, Chris and Biscuit watched proudly as their cyborg soldiers fought with unwavering loyalty and unmatched determination. Each victory brought them one step closer to achieving their ultimate goal – peace and prosperity for their people.

In the end, Chris's unconventional decision to transform his soldiers into cyborgs proved to be a stroke of genius. The cyborg warriors became a symbol of hope and resilience, inspiring countless others to follow in their footsteps and fight for a better future.

And so, the legend of Chris and Biscuit Krueger, the dynamic duo of war and magic, lived on in the hearts and minds of all who witnessed their incredible feats. Their story was a testament to the power of creativity, humor, and visionary thinking in the face of adversity – a tale that would be told for generations to come.

Aw 75.


S149. Attack boost.

Original: Chris wife is Mion SONOZAKI. They fought extremely durable enemies, so Chris used an attack boost.

(368 rating)

Chris and Mion Sonozaki were not your average couple. They were trained warriors, known for their ability to take down even the most durable enemies with ease. Chris was a master of using attack boosts to overwhelm his opponents, while Mion was known for her impeccable swordsmanship and quick wit.

One day, the duo found themselves facing a particularly tough adversary. The enemy was massive, covered in thick armor that seemed impenetrable. Chris and Mion exchanged a glance, knowing that they would have to pull out all the stops to defeat this foe.

Chris smirked as he reached into his bag and pulled out a special attack boost potion. "Time to show this boss what we're made of," he said confidently, downing the potion in one gulp. His muscles swelled with power, and he charged towards the enemy with a newfound strength.

Mion watched in awe as her husband unleashed a flurry of attacks on the enemy, each strike hitting with the force of a cannonball. She knew she had to match his intensity, so she took a deep breath and focused all her energy into her sword.

With a mighty cry, Mion lunged forward, her blade slicing through the enemy's armor like a hot knife through butter. Sparks flew as the enemy roared in pain, but Chris and Mion didn't let up. They continued their onslaught, their teamwork and coordination unmatched by any other duo.

As the dust settled, the enemy lay defeated at their feet, its armor shattered and broken. Chris and Mion stood victorious, panting but smiling at each other in triumph.

"Well, that was certainly a workout," Chris panted, wiping sweat from his brow.

Mion chuckled, sheathing her sword. "I told you we could handle it. We make quite the team, don't we?"

Chris nodded, pulling Mion in for a hug. "That we do, my love. That we do."

And so, Chris and Mion Sonozaki returned home, their bond stronger than ever. They knew that no enemy could stand in their way as long as they had each other by their side. And who knows what adventures await this dynamic duo in the future? One thing is for certain – they will face them head-on, with a healthy dose of humor and creativity.

Aw 76.


S150. Damage reduction

(430 rating)

Chris sat in his living room, sipping a cup of coffee and staring out the window at the peaceful neighborhood around him. He had always been a simple man, content with the quiet joys of everyday life. But little did he know that his world was about to be turned upside down.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the sky, growing larger and larger by the moment. Chris's heart raced as he realized that something was coming towards him, something big.

As the light faded, he saw them. Cosmic beings from another reality, creatures of immense power and terrifying appearance. They floated in the air, their eyes shining with malevolent intent. Chris knew he had to act fast.

Rushing outside, he called upon his wife, the Goddess Inanna, for help. She appeared before him in all her glory, her golden hair shimmering in the sunlight. With a nod of understanding, she joined Chris in facing the cosmic invaders.

As the beings began their assault, Chris tapped into his skill of damage reduction. With a wave of his hand, he created a protective shield around himself and the environment, absorbing the impact of their attacks.

The cosmic beings roared in frustration, unable to harm Chris or the world around him. They unleashed all their power, but to no avail. Chris laughed in the face of danger, his confidence unwavering.

Inanna, with her divine power, unleashed a wave of light that enveloped the cosmic beings, weakening them further. Chris saw his chance and seized it, launching a counterattack that sent the creatures reeling.

With a final burst of energy, Chris and Inanna combined their powers to banish the cosmic beings back to their own reality. As they disappeared, Chris grinned triumphantly, knowing that he had saved the day.

And so, the world was safe once more, thanks to the fearless heroics of Chris and his wife, the Goddess Inanna. As they stood together, basking in the afterglow of their victory, Chris knew that no challenge was too great as long as they were by each other's side.

From that day on, Chris's reputation as a defender of the world spread far and wide. People marveled at his skill of damage reduction and his unwavering courage in the face of danger. And through it all, Chris remained humble, knowing that he owed it all to the love and support of his amazing wife, the Goddess Inanna.

And so, the legend of Chris and Inanna, the dynamic duo who saved the world from cosmic destruction, lived on for eternity. And in every corner of the Undverse, their names were whispered with reverence and awe.

Aw 77.


[Inanna's Variant]

S151. (498 rating)

Chris and Inanna had a love that transcended time and space. They were soulmates in every sense of the word, two halves of the same cosmic whole. When Chris used a mysterious sphere that accelerated time within its shimmering "walls," they knew they will have the time of their life.

Inside the sphere, a thousand years passed in what felt like a mere second outside. It was a place where they could escape the constraints of the outside world and be caught up in the whirlwind of their love. Chris and Inanna would spend hours, days, even centuries entwined in each other's arms, their hearts beating as one.

The sphere itself was a thing of beauty, shimmering with an ethereal light that seemed to reflect the very essence of their love. It was a place where they could be truly free, where the outside world faded away and only their love remained.

As they made love in the sphere, time seemed to stand still and yet rush by all at once. Each touch, each kiss, was filled with an intensity that was almost overwhelming. It was like they were creating their own Undverse, one where only they existed, where their love was all that mattered.

Inanna, with her long flowing hair and eyes that sparkled like the stars, was Chris' muse and his guiding light. She was the embodiment of everything he had ever dreamed of in a partner, a lover, a soulmate. And in the sphere, their love knew no bounds.

Their love-making was like a symphony, each movement choreographed with precision and passion. It was a dance of love and desire, of unbridled emotion and pure bliss. Inanna's moans and whispers filled the air, mingling with Chris' own cries of ecstasy as they moved together in perfect harmony.

Outside the sphere, time passed slowly, almost imperceptibly. But inside, it was a whirlwind of sensation and emotion, a tempest of love that threatened to consume them both. And yet, they welcomed it, embraced it, let it wash over them like a tidal wave of passion.

As they finally emerged from the sphere, their bodies entwined and their hearts pounding, they knew that their love was something truly special. It was a love that defied time and space, that transcended all boundaries and limitations. And it was a love that would endure for eternity.

Inanna looked into Chris' eyes, her own filled with love and devotion. "I will always be with you, my love," she whispered, her voice like music to his ears.

And Chris knew that it was true. Their love was timeless, boundless, eternal. And as they walked hand in hand into the sunset, their hearts beating as one, he knew that they would be together forever, in this life and the next.

Their love was a beacon of light in a world of darkness, a guiding star in a sky of uncertainty. And as long as they were together, nothing could ever tear them apart. For Chris and Inanna were soulmates, destined to be together for all eternity.

Aw 78.


S152. Make a woman lay eggs.

(627 rating)

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Tirana, there lived a young man named Chris who was known for his rather peculiar ability - he had the power to make the demon queen, Lucina, lay eggs. Now, you might be wondering how on earth did this bizarre situation come about? Well, let me take you on a hilarious journey through the whimsical world of Chris and Lucina.

Chris was not your average guy. He was quirky, charming, and a little bit eccentric. He had always been fascinated by the supernatural and had a knack for getting himself into all sorts of strange situations. One day, while wandering through the enchanted forest of Tirana, he stumbled upon a hidden cave where he found Lucina, the demon queen, trapped in a magical curse.

Lucina was a stunningly beautiful demon with fiery red hair, piercing green eyes, and a devilish smile. Despite her fearsome appearance, she had a soft spot for Chris and soon they fell madly in love. But there was one catch - due to the curse placed upon her by a mischievous sorcerer, Lucina was unable to lay eggs, a fact that greatly saddened her.

Determined to make his beloved queen happy, Chris used his unique power to help Lucina overcome her curse. And so, with a wave of his hand and a sprinkle of fairy dust, he made Lucina lay her first egg.

At first, Lucina was a bit confused by the whole situation. "Am I supposed to sit on it like a hen?" she asked, looking down at the egg with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. But Chris reassured her that everything would be fine, and they soon discovered that the egg was no ordinary egg.

As days went by, the egg began to hatch, and out popped a tiny, adorable demon baby with a mischievous twinkle in its eyes. Lucina was overjoyed at the sight of her offspring and named him Fluffy, for his fluffy little wings and tail.

Fluffy turned out to be quite a handful, always getting into mischief and causing chaos wherever he went. But Chris and Lucina loved him dearly, and they couldn't help but laugh at his antics. From playing pranks on the neighboring Undversers to stealing cookies from the dessert shop, Fluffy kept them on their toes and brought joy and laughter into their lives.

As Fluffy grew older, he began to develop new abilities of his own, much to the amusement of his parents. From breathing fire to teleporting across dimensions, Fluffy's powers seemed to know no bounds. And although his antics sometimes landed him in trouble, Chris and Lucina knew that their demon baby was destined for greatness.

One day, a great calamity befell the land of Tirana, and a horde of evil goblins threatened to destroy everything in their path. Chris, Lucina, and Fluffy knew that they had to act fast to save their home. And so, with a combination of magic, bravery, and a healthy dose of humor, they set out to confront the goblins and bring peace back to their beloved land.

In a spectacular battle that shook the very foundations of Tirana, Chris, Lucina, and Fluffy fought valiantly against the goblin horde, using their unique powers to overcome the odds. And in the end, it was their unbreakable bond of love and humor that prevailed, driving the goblins back to the shadows and restoring peace to the land.

And so, Chris, Lucina, and Fluffy lived happily ever after, their adventures becoming the stuff of legends in the mystical land of Tirana. For as long as there were demons, humans, and eggs to be laid, their tale would be told for generations to come, a testament to the power of love, laughter, and the magic that dwells within us all.

Aw 79.


S153. Coming out of the pages of a book, dreaming reality.

(674 rating)

Original: Chris' wife is Leslie. Chris had the ability to come out from the pages of fiction, and to possess beings. Chris had a pet octopus and was becoming like Azathoth the dreaming God.


Chris had always been a lover of literature, especially of the fantastical kind. He could spend hours lost in the pages of a good book, allowing his imagination to run wild with the possibilities of other worlds and mystical beings. But little did he know that his love for fiction would soon take a bizarre turn that would change his life forever.

Chris's wife, Leslie, was accustomed to her husband's eccentricities. She never batted an eye when he would spend hours in his study, engrossed in some ancient tome or dusty old manuscript. She knew that his overactive imagination was just part of who he was, and she loved him all the more for it.

One day, as Chris delved into the latest novel by his favorite author, he felt a strange sensation wash over him. It was as if the words on the page were coming to life, leaping off the paper and swirling around him in a shimmering vortex of light and color. Before he knew it, he was standing in the midst of a fantastical realm straight out of his wildest dreams.

At first, Chris was overjoyed at the prospect of inhabiting a world of his own creation. He reveled in the freedom to explore every nook and cranny of this new and fantastical land, meeting all manner of strange and wondrous creatures along the way. But as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Chris began to notice a change in himself.

He started to feel like he was no longer in control of his own destiny, like someone or something else was pulling the strings behind the scenes. He began to exhibit strange and otherworldly abilities, like the power to manipulate objects with his mind or to summon creatures of his own design into existence.

But perhaps the most alarming change of all was the growing resemblance he bore to Azathoth, the dreaming God of ancient lore. His skin took on a sickly green hue, his eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and his very presence seemed to warp the fabric of reality around him.

Leslie, bless her heart, was at her wit's end. She could barely recognize the man she had once called her husband, as he now bore little resemblance to the person she had married. But even in the face of such bizarre and troubling circumstances, she vowed to stand by his side no matter what.

As Chris's powers continued to grow, he decided that it was time to introduce Leslie to his most cherished possession – a pet octopus named Cthulhu. The creature was unlike any octopus she had ever seen, with writhing tentacles and a malevolent gleam in its eye. But despite its unsettling appearance, Leslie found herself strangely drawn to the creature, as if it held some secret wisdom that she longed to uncover.

Together, Chris, Leslie, and Cthulhu embarked on a series of misadventures that would have made even the most seasoned explorer blush. They traveled to far-off lands, battled fearsome monsters, and delved into the deepest, darkest corners of the Undverse in search of answers to the mysteries that plagued them.

Through it all, Chris and Leslie's bond only grew stronger, as they faced each new challenge with humor, grace, and a healthy dose of sarcasm. They laughed in the face of danger, danced in the shadow of death, and dared to dream the impossible dream together.

And as for Chris, well, he eventually came to terms with his newfound powers and his uncanny resemblance to Azathoth. He learned to embrace his inner godliness, using his abilities for good rather than evil, and even managed to strike a bargain with the dreaming deity himself.

In the end, Chris and Leslie's story became the stuff of legends, a tale of love, adventure, and the limitless power of the human imagination. And as they rode off into the sunset on the back of a giant, fire-breathing dragon, they knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, with laughter in their hearts and a twinkle in their eyes.

Aw 80.


S154. Damage Transferal.

(414 rating)

Once upon a time, in a small, peaceful Undverse, there lived a man named Chris and his wife, Lize. What Chris didn't know when he first met Lize was that she was actually a werewolf. Despite her occasional howling at the moon and tendency to leave hair all over the furniture, Chris loved her with all his heart.

One fateful night, as Lize was out for a midnight stroll, she was attacked by a group of vicious vampires. Chris, hearing her howls of pain, rushed to her side and saw the bloodied wounds on her body. In a panic, he remembered a skill he had recently acquired - Damage Transferal.

With a deep breath, Chris focused all his energy and transferred the wounds from Lize onto the vampires. As he did so, he couldn't help but chuckle at the horrified expressions on their faces as they suddenly found themselves covered in gory scratches and bite marks. The enemies suffered twice as much damage as Lize had, thanks to Chris's newfound ability.

With the vampires incapacitated, Chris quickly turned his attention back to his beloved wife. Using his healing powers, he closed her wounds and helped her regain her strength. Lize looked up at him with grateful eyes, her werewolf features softened by her love for him.

As they made their way back home, Chris couldn't help but tease Lize about her encounter with the vampires. "I guess they didn't expect to be on the receiving end of some supernatural damage, huh?" he joked, earning a playful growl from his wife.

Despite the danger they had faced, Chris and Lize couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Who would have thought that a werewolf and a man with supernatural abilities would make such a dynamic duo?

From that day on, Chris made sure to keep his Damage Transferal ability at the ready, just in case they encountered any more trouble. And Lize, with her newfound respect for her husband's powers, felt safer than ever by his side.

As they settled back into their cozy home, Chris and Lize knew that they could handle anything that came their way, as long as they had each other. And who knows, maybe their next adventure would involve taking on a pack of rogue werewolves or a coven of pesky witches. But one thing was for sure - with a bit of humor and a touch of creativity, Chris and Lize were ready for whatever the supernatural world had in store for them.

Aw 81.


S155. Danmaku, or shooting numerous projectiles at once.

(456 rating)

Once upon a time in the mystical land of Fantasia, there lived a demon named Misty. She was known for her mischievous ways and clever tricks. But one day, Misty was reborn as a young woman with a heart as pure as gold. She found herself falling in love with a brave and handsome warrior named Chris.

Chris was a skilled fighter with the ability to produce a great amount of projectiles at once. He could overwhelm his enemies with the sheer number of shots he fired, often adding complex patterns to make dodging nearly impossible. Misty was amazed by his talent and quickly became his biggest supporter.

The couple lived happily in a cozy little cottage on the edge of the enchanted forest. They would spend their days exploring the magical world around them, laughing and dreaming of a future together. But their peaceful life was soon interrupted by a horde of agile enemies in the form of shoes with wings.

The shoes swooped down from the sky, kicking and stomping with incredible speed. Chris sprang into action, unleashing a barrage of projectiles at the flying footwear. Misty, always quick on her feet, used her newfound human strength to dodge and duck, narrowly avoiding being struck.

As the battle raged on, Misty noticed that the shoes seemed to be aiming for her specifically. She wondered if they were somehow connected to her demon past. But she shook off her fears and focused on helping Chris defeat their unusual foes.

With Chris's relentless attacks and Misty's quick reflexes, the shoes were soon overwhelmed and defeated. The couple stood victorious, panting and laughing at the ridiculousness of their situation.

"Who would have thought we'd be fighting flying shoes on a Tuesday afternoon?" Misty giggled, brushing a stray lock of hair out of her eyes.

Chris chuckled, his chest heaving with exertion. "Well, I guess you never know what kind of trouble will come knocking on our door. But as long as we're together, I'm sure we can handle anything."

And so, Misty and Chris returned to their peaceful life in Fantasia, knowing that no matter what bizarre challenges they may face, they would always have each other to rely on. As they watched the sun set over the magical landscape, they knew that their love would conquer all, even if it meant facing an army of winged shoes once again.

And so, the tale of Misty and Chris, the unlikely heroes of Fantasia, became a legend passed down through the generations. Their humor, their bravery, and their unwavering love for each other inspired all who heard their story to always keep a sense of adventure and laughter in their hearts. And who knows what other fantastical adventures awaited them in the future? Only time would tell.

Aw 82.


S156. Ability to come out of the tv (supposedly from another plane)

(523 rating)

Once upon a time, in a small Undverse nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, there lived a man named Chris. Chris was an ordinary guy with an extraordinary wife named Hannah. Hannah was not just any ordinary woman - she was the Goddess of Light in the form of a young woman who loved to play video games.

Chris first met Hannah at a local video game convention. He was instantly drawn to her radiant beauty and infectious laughter. They bonded over their shared love for classic Nintendo games and spent hours playing Mario Kart and Zelda together.

As they got to know each other better, Chris discovered that Hannah was not your typical goddess. She loved to eat pizza in bed, watch cheesy rom-coms, and had an impressive collection of superhero action figures. Despite her divine status, she was down-to-earth and had a wicked sense of humor.

One day, while playing Mario Party, Hannah turned to Chris with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "I bet you can't beat me in a dance-off," she challenged. Chris, never one to back down from a challenge, accepted with gusto. They spent the rest of the evening grooving to 80s hits and laughing until their sides hurt.

Hannah's light-hearted nature brought joy and laughter into Chris' life. She would often surprise him with impromptu karaoke sessions or drag him to midnight movie screenings of cult classics. Their life together was filled with laughter, love, and a healthy dose of friendly competition.

But Hannah's divine status did come with its challenges. Every time they went out in public, people would stare in awe at her radiant beauty and ethereal glow. Chris would often have to play the role of the protective husband, shielding Hannah from overly enthusiastic fans and paparazzi.

Despite the occasional inconvenience, Chris cherished every moment he spent with his goddess wife. They shared a deep connection that transcended the boundaries of mortal and divine. They were partners in crime, teammates in Mario Kart, and best friends in life.

One sunny afternoon, as they sat on their porch swing sipping lemonade, Hannah turned to Chris with a twinkle in her eye. "I have a confession to make," she said with a mischievous grin. Chris raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"I may or may not have used my divine powers to cheat at Scrabble last night," she confessed, looking sheepish.

Chris burst out laughing, feeling relieved that he wasn't losing his touch at the word game after all. They spent the rest of the afternoon playing board games and reminiscing about their favorite moments together.

As the sun began to set, Hannah's radiant light began to dim, signaling the end of another beautiful day. Chris wrapped his arms around his goddess wife, feeling grateful for the light she brought into his life.

And so, Chris and Hannah lived happily ever after, gaming, laughing, and loving each other until the end of time. Their love was a testament to the power of humor, friendship, and the divine magic of ordinary moments. And they would forever be known as the couple who proved that even the gods themselves could find joy in the simple pleasures of life.

Aw 83.


S157. Danmaku.

(400 rating)

Chris and Lil were just an ordinary couple living in a small Undverse, enjoying their quiet life together. Chris was an avid video game enthusiast, always playing the latest games and immersing himself in the digital worlds. Lil, on the other hand, was more of a daydreamer, always coming up with wild and creative ideas.

One day, out of nowhere, alien tanks suddenly appeared and started wreaking havoc on their Undverse. Chris wasn't one to back down from a challenge, so he decided to fight back using his ultimate weapon: Danmaku. But this wasn't just any ordinary Danmaku - it was multi-directional Danmaku, capable of producing overlapping and curved projectile attacks from multiple origin points.

As Chris unleashed his Danmaku on the alien tanks, Lil couldn't help but be amazed by the intricate patterns and designs he created. She had never seen anything like it before and was in awe of her husband's skills. With each wave of Danmaku, the alien tanks were slowly but surely being taken down, one by one.

But Chris wasn't satisfied with just defeating the alien tanks - he wanted to trap them and take advantage of their blind spots. So he strategically used his multi-directional Danmaku to create a maze of projectiles that left the alien tanks confused and disoriented.

Lil watched in amusement as Chris danced around, dodging enemy fire and skillfully maneuvering his way through the chaos. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her husband as he bravely fought off the alien invaders with his unique and innovative tactics.

As the last of the alien tanks finally fell, Chris and Lil stood victorious, with smiles on their faces and a newfound sense of camaraderie between them. The Undverse was saved, and they had successfully defended their home from the extraterrestrial threat.

From that day on, Chris and Lil became known as the dynamic duo who had single-handedly defeated the alien invasion with their incredible teamwork and unorthodox fighting style. And as they walked hand in hand through the now peaceful Undverse, they couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

Who would have thought that a simple video game enthusiast and a daydreaming creative could be the heroes of the day? But as they say, love conquers all - even alien tanks. And with Chris and Lil by each other's side, anything was possible, no matter how bizarre or unbelievable it may seem.

Aw 84.


S158. Omni directional danmaku.

(354 rating)

Chris and Sarah were enjoying a peaceful afternoon in their cozy little cottage on the edge of Undverse. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and all seemed right in the world. Little did they know, a mischievous cosmic being was lurking nearby, waiting for the perfect moment to play a prank on poor Chris.

Suddenly, without warning, googleplexes of flying, autonomous "high tech" rifles descended upon Chris, surrounding him in a whirlwind of chaos. Sarah gasped in shock as she watched her husband try to dodge the relentless barrage of bullets coming at him from all directions. But Chris was not one to back down easily.

With a steely glint in his eye, Chris summoned his inner strength and unleashed his secret weapon - Omni directional danmaku. As the bullets whizzed past him, Chris began to dance and weave through the air, creating a complex pattern of projectiles that seemed to materialize out of thin air.

Sarah watched in amazement as Chris transformed into a whirlwind of energy, firing bullets in all directions with precision and skill. The cosmic being could only watch in disbelief as Chris turned the tables on it, using its own weapon against it.

As the dust settled and the last of the bullets fell to the ground, Chris stood victorious, a triumphant grin on his face. The cosmic being, humbled by Chris's show of strength and creativity, disappeared into the ether, never to prank anyone again.

Sarah rushed into Chris's arms, tears of relief streaming down her face. "I never knew you had it in you, darling," she whispered, her heart overflowing with love and admiration for her brave husband.

Chris chuckled, pulling her close. "Well, you know what they say - never underestimate a man with a trick up his sleeve. Or in this case, a cage of projectiles."

And so, Chris and Sarah's peaceful afternoon was restored, their love stronger than ever in the face of cosmic shenanigans. As they watched the sun set over the horizon, they knew that no matter what challenges came their way, they would always face them together, with humor, creativity, and a whole lot of danmaku.

Aw 85.


S159. Danmaku: Seeking and tracking.

(447 rating)

Once upon a time, in a faraway realm filled with mystical creatures and magical wonders, there lived a man named Chris and his beloved wife, Emily. Chris was known throughout the kingdom for his incredible skill in battle, especially when faced with fast and agile enemies.

One day, a new threat emerged in the kingdom in the form of magical swords that flew and ran away at lightning speed. These enemies were impossible to catch with conventional weapons, but Chris had a special skill up his sleeve that would turn the tides of battle – Seeking and Tracking: Danmaku.

Seeking and Tracking: Similar to Homing Attacks in principle, Chris's projectiles could navigate around obstacles, follow the target's movements, or combine tactics to ensure a direct hit.

When the magical swords descended upon the kingdom, Chris sprang into action, unleashing his Seeking and Tracking: Danmaku with finesse and precision. The projectiles whizzed through the air, zigzagging and looping around before homing in on their targets with unerring accuracy. The magical swords found themselves outmaneuvered and outmatched by Chris's skill, much to their dismay.

As Chris battled the fast and agile enemies, Emily stood by his side, cheering him on with unwavering support. She marveled at her husband's prowess in combat, impressed by the way he controlled the projectiles with ease and finesse. Despite the chaos and danger surrounding them, Chris's skill brought a sense of humor and amusement to the situation.

"Looks like you've met your match, my dear magical swords," Chris taunted with a grin, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "You may be fast, but you can't outrun my Seeking and Tracking: Danmaku!"

The magical swords screeched in frustration as Chris's projectiles closed in on them from all directions. They tried to dodge and weave, but there was no escaping the relentless pursuit of the projectiles. With a final flourish, Chris sent the magical swords flying through the air in a spectacular display of his skill, defeating them once and for all.

As the dust settled and the kingdom celebrated their victory, Chris and Emily shared a tender moment, basking in the glory of their triumph. With a twinkle in his eye, Chris leaned in close to his wife and whispered, "Who knew fighting fast and agile enemies could be so much fun?"

And with that, Chris and Emily rode off into the sunset, their hearts full of love and laughter, ready to face whatever challenges the future may bring with their unique blend of humor and visionary creativity.

Aw 86.


S160. Darkness manipulation.

(411 rating)

Original: Chris' wife is Princess Ariana. They fought enemies who looked like gigantic winged eyeballs. Chris manipulated darkness and blinded the eyeballs. Chris was also able to make a shadow army.


Once upon a time in the magical kingdom of Avalon, there lived a brave knight named Chris. He was known far and wide for his incredible skills in combat and his mastery over the powers of darkness. Chris was married to the beautiful Princess Ariana, who was known for her quick wit and sharp tongue.

One day, a horde of enemies descended upon the kingdom. These enemies were unlike anything Chris and Ariana had ever seen before - they were gigantic winged eyeballs, with long lashes and menacing glares. Chris and Ariana knew they had to act fast to protect their kingdom from these bizarre foes.

Chris, being the fearless warrior that he was, leaped into action. Using his powers over darkness, he conjured up a thick black fog that enveloped the eyeballs, blinding them and sending them into a frenzy. As the eyeballs stumbled around blindly, Chris took the opportunity to strike, using his sword to pierce their vulnerable spots.

But even as Chris fought off the eyeball enemies, more of them kept appearing, threatening to overwhelm the kingdom. That's when Chris had a brilliant idea - he would create a shadow army to assist him in battle. With a wave of his hand, Chris summoned forth an army of shadowy figures that emerged from the darkness, ready to do his bidding.

The shadow army proved to be a formidable force, striking fear into the hearts of the winged eyeballs as they descended upon them with swords and shields. Together, Chris and his shadow army fought off the enemies, pushing them back and driving them away from the kingdom.

As the dust settled and the last of the eyeball enemies retreated, Chris and Ariana stood victorious, their kingdom safe once again. The people of Avalon cheered and celebrated their heroes, grateful for their bravery and quick thinking in the face of such a bizarre threat.

And so, Chris and Princess Ariana lived happily ever after, their bond stronger than ever after facing such a strange and humorous challenge together. The tale of the winged eyeball enemies became a legend in Avalon, passed down for generations as a reminder of the strength and courage of their beloved knight and princess.

And as for the eyeballs themselves, well, they never dared to return to Avalon again, knowing that they were no match for the wit and skill of Chris and Ariana. And so, the kingdom remained safe and peaceful, thanks to the courage and humor of its beloved heroes.


Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, there lived a man named Chris who was known for his adventurous spirit and love for exploring new worlds. He was married to Princess Ariana, a feisty and independent woman who was just as fearless as he was.

Together, Chris and Princess Ariana embarked on many daring missions to conquer different Undverses. They faced challenges and obstacles along the way, but their love and teamwork always prevailed. Chris admired his wife's strength and beauty, and she adored his courage and wit. They made the perfect pair, ruling over their conquered Undverses with grace and humor.

One day, Chris decided to surprise Princess Ariana with a special gift. He had discovered two new Undverses that were unlike any they had conquered before. These Undverses were filled with magic, wonder, and endless possibilities. Chris knew that Princess Ariana would love them, so he presented them to her with a flourish and a bow.

Princess Ariana's eyes lit up with delight as she gazed upon the new Undverses. She wrapped her arms around Chris and kissed him with gratitude. "Oh, my love, you truly are the most amazing husband a Princess could ask for. These Undverses are magnificent, and I cannot wait to explore them with you by my side."

And so, Chris and Princess Ariana set off on a new adventure, exploring the two new Undverses together. They encountered talking animals, enchanted forests, and whimsical creatures that delighted and amused them. They laughed and danced under the starry skies, reveling in the beauty and magic of their new realms.

As they journeyed through the Undverses, Chris and Princess Ariana encountered a mischievous group of aliens who challenged them to a game of space chess. The stakes were high, but Chris and Princess Ariana were up for the challenge. With their quick wit and strategic thinking, they outsmarted the aliens and emerged victorious, earning the respect and admiration of the entire Undverse.

After their triumphant victory, Chris and Princess Ariana returned home to their Kingdom, where they were hailed as heroes and legends. They were celebrated with a grand feast and a parade in their honor, with fireworks lighting up the sky in a dazzling display of colors.

As they sat together on their throne, Chris looked at Princess Ariana with love and adoration. "My dear Princess, you are the most remarkable woman I have ever known. Together, we have conquered Undverses and faced unimaginable challenges, but through it all, our love has remained strong and true. I am proud to be your husband and your partner in adventure."

Princess Ariana smiled at Chris, her eyes sparkling with joy. "And I am proud to be your wife, my brave and handsome King. With you by my side, there is nothing we cannot overcome. Let us continue to explore new Undverses and make memories that will last a lifetime."

And so, Chris and Princess Ariana lived happily ever after, ruling over their Kingdom with love, laughter, and a touch of humor. Together, they explored new Undverses and faced whatever challenges came their way, secure in the knowledge that as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything.

Aw 87.


S161. Darkness manipulation.

(569 rating)

Chris didn't really know how it happened, but somehow he had ended up married to the most powerful woman in the school - Andrea, the head of the student council. She was beautiful, intelligent, and had a fiery passion for making the school a better place. Chris, on the other hand, was just a regular guy who happened to have a talent for darkness manipulation.

Andrea had always been attracted to Chris's mysterious aura, and she had been wanting to kiss him for what felt like a million years. But every time she tried to make a move, something would inevitably get in the way - whether it was a teacher interrupting them or a sudden attack by giant eyeballs.

Yes, you read that right - giant eyeballs. It seemed that whenever Andrea and Chris tried to have a moment alone, some sort of bizarre event would occur, like giant eyeballs suddenly appearing out of nowhere and causing chaos in the school hallways.

But Chris wasn't about to let a bunch of giant eyeballs ruin his chance for a romantic moment with his wife. With a mischievous grin, he focused his energy and started manipulating the darkness around him.

Darkness manipulation was a gift that Chris had discovered when he was a teenager. He could create, generate, absorb, shape, and manipulate darkness and shadow for various effects, sizes, shapes, and intensity levels. Depending on how strong he was feeling, Chris could blanket an entire area in darkness, making it impossible for anyone to see or move around.

As the giant eyeballs continued their rampage, Chris decided it was time to show off his skills. He closed his eyes and concentrated, feeling the darkness flowing through him like a river of shadows. With a flick of his wrist, he created a thick blanket of darkness that enveloped the entire hallway, plunging everything into pitch-blackness.

The giant eyeballs screeched in confusion, unsure of where their prey had gone. Andrea gasped in surprise, but Chris just chuckled and grabbed her hand, pulling her close.

"Looks like we have a moment alone now, my dear," he said with a smirk.

Andrea couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "Only you would use darkness manipulation to fight off giant eyeballs," she said, shaking her head in amusement.

As they stood in the darkness, Chris felt a surge of creativity and vision. He started shaping the shadows around them into fantastical forms - dragons, unicorns, and even a giant dancing banana. Andrea couldn't stop giggling at his playful antics, her heart swelling with love for the man who had stolen her heart.

After a few minutes of fun, Chris finally released his hold on the darkness, allowing the hallway to return to its normal state. The giant eyeballs had disappeared, and the chaos they had caused had been vanquished.

Andrea looked up at Chris with adoration in her eyes. "You truly are one of a kind, my love," she said, planting a soft kiss on his lips.

Chris grinned, feeling like the luckiest man in the world. "And you, my dear, are the most amazing woman I have ever met," he replied, pulling her into a warm embrace.

And so, in the midst of chaos and giant eyeballs, Chris and Andrea found a moment of peace and love, proving that even in the most absurd of circumstances, true love will always shine through.

Aw 88.


S162. Light absorption.

(486 rating)

Once upon a time in the quirky Undverse of LumensVerse, there lived a man named Chris who was married to the lovely Ursula. Chris was known for his unusual ability to absorb light, making him the perfect guardian against the horde of gigantic bulbs that terrorized the Undverse.

It all started one sunny afternoon when Chris and Ursula were enjoying a picnic in the park. Suddenly, a loud rumbling noise filled the air, and the ground began to shake. Ursula looked up in horror to see a massive horde of gigantic bulbs descending upon them, their bright blinding light casting a harsh glow over the peaceful park.

Chris sprang into action, using his light absorption powers to suck up the blinding light of the bulbs. As the light disappeared, the bulbs began to shrink in size until they were no bigger than regular light bulbs. The Undverses people cheered as Chris saved the day once again.

But the danger was far from over. The bulbs, now small but still determined to cause chaos, began to bounce around like energetic puppies. Chris and Ursula chased after them, ducking and dodging as the bulbs zipped past their heads.

As they raced around, Chris couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement at the absurdity of the situation. Here he was, a man with the incredible ability to absorb light, chasing after tiny bulbs like a game of whack-a-mole.

Ursula, always the practical one, suggested they use their creativity to outsmart the bulbs. Chris had a visionary idea - what if they lured the bulbs into a makeshift trap using a trail of light-absorbing breadcrumbs? Ursula rolled her eyes at the ridiculous plan but agreed to give it a try.

They quickly set to work, sprinkling breadcrumbs coated in light-absorbing powder around. The bulbs, attracted by the trail of crumbs, eagerly followed the path straight into a giant box coated with the same powder. With a flick of a switch, Chris activated a light-absorbing device that sucked up all the light from the bulbs, leaving them powerless and harmless.

The Undverses people couldn't believe their eyes as Chris and Ursula emerged victorious, the once-terrifying bulbs now reduced to harmless little orbs of light. The leaders thanked Chris for his quick thinking and bravery, declaring him the Undverse's official protector against any future bulb attacks.

As the sun began to set on LumensVerse, Chris and Ursula walked hand in hand through the park, basking in the glow of their successful adventure. They both couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the day's events, grateful to have each other and their unique abilities to rely on.

And so, the legend of Chris and Ursula, the fearless defenders of LumensVerse, was born. From that day on, whenever the Undverse faced a bright blinding light, they knew they could count on the dynamic duo to save the day with humor, creativity, and a touch of visionary thinking.

Aw 89.


S163. Darkness manipulation.

Original: Chris' wife was Maya Evelyn, descendant of the Great Witch Ursula. When powerful enemies in the form of giant crystals attacked, Chris used his skills:


Darkness Adaptation

Night vision

(605 rating)

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Evermore, there lived a man by the name of Chris. Chris was a simple man, or so he thought, until he met and fell in love with Maya Evelyn, the descendant of the Great Witch Ursula. Maya was a powerful witch in her own right, with a lineage that reached back to the ancient times when magic flowed freely through the land.

Chris had always been aware that Maya came from a family of witches, but he never imagined the extent of her powers until one fateful day when powerful enemies in the form of giant crystals attacked their peaceful Undverse.

As the crystals descended upon them, Chris knew he had to protect his beloved wife and their home. Drawing on his hidden talents, he tapped into his ability to camouflage and cloak himself in the shadows. He became invisible to the naked eye, blending seamlessly into the darkness around him.

But the crystals were relentless, their sharp edges slicing through the air with deadly precision. Determined to stand by Maya's side, Chris used his second skill - Darkness Adaptation. As the crystals launched their attacks, Chris was able to absorb the darkness within them, turning their own power against them. It was a sight to behold as the once menacing crystals crumbled before him, shattered into a million tiny fragments.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Chris and Maya ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, where the crystals had originated. The dark canopy overhead blocked out the sunlight, casting the forest in a dim twilight. But Chris was unfazed, for he possessed the third skill - night vision.

With his keen eyesight, Chris was able to navigate the shadowy depths of the forest with ease. He and Maya moved silently through the underbrush, their footsteps muffled by the thick layer of leaves that carpeted the forest floor. As they drew closer to the source of the crystals, they could see the faint glimmer of a pulsating light ahead.

As they emerged into a clearing, they saw a towering crystal formation, pulsating with malevolent energy. It seemed to radiate an aura of pure darkness, casting a pall over the surrounding landscape. Maya raised her hands, preparing to unleash a powerful spell to banish the crystals once and for all.

But before she could utter a word, Chris stepped forward, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Leave this to me, my love," he said with a wink. "I've got just the thing to take care of these shiny pests."

With a flourish, Chris activated his camouflage and cloaking abilities, disappearing from view. The crystals trembled in confusion, unable to locate their invisible foe. Then, with a burst of laughter, Chris reappeared behind the crystals, his hands crackling with dark energy.

In a spectacular display, Chris unleashed a barrage of shadowy tendrils, entwining themselves around the crystals and crushing them into dust. The forest echoed with the sound of shattering crystal, as the once powerful enemies were reduced to nothing more than glittering shards.

As the last of the crystals disintegrated, Chris and Maya stood side by side, victorious. They shared a laugh, reveling in their triumph over the forces of darkness. And as they made their way back to their Undverse, the sun began to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the land once more.

From that day on, Chris became known as the Shadow Knight, a hero forged in the fires of adversity. And though he may not have possessed the same raw power as Maya, he proved that sometimes, a little humor and creativity can be just as effective in vanquishing evil.

Aw 90.


S164. Darkness manipulation.


(656 rating)

Alternate: Chris' wife is Beelzebub (female demon of gluttony; mistakenly summoned Chris because she thought he was a recipe). Chris showed her his skills:

Darkness attacks

Darkness solidification via controlling darkness/shadow.

They fought rogue angels.


It was a typical Tuesday evening for Chris, just getting home from a long day at work. As he walked through the front door of his modest little house, he was greeted by the most unexpected sight. Standing in his kitchen was his wife, or at least what appeared to be his wife, but something was off.

"Hey honey, how was your day?" Chris asked cautiously, eyeing the figure before him. She looked like his wife, but there was a mischievous glint in her eyes that he had never seen before.

"Oh, it was just lovely, dear," she replied with a mischievous smile. "I made dinner for us tonight, something really special."

Chris felt a knot form in his stomach as he realized something was not right. His wife, Beelzebub, the female demon of gluttony, had mistakenly summoned him because she thought he was a recipe. Talk about a recipe for disaster.

As Chris tried to wrap his head around the situation, Beelzebub began to morph before his eyes. Her skin turned a sickly shade of green, her eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and her once delicate hands grew long, sharp claws. Chris felt a wave of panic wash over him as he realized the gravity of what was happening.

But instead of cowering in fear, Chris decided to show Beelzebub his own skills. He had always been a bit of a tinkerer, but little did anyone know that his true talent lay in the dark arts. With a deep breath, he focused his energy and called upon the darkness within him.

In an instant, the kitchen was plunged into darkness as shadowy tendrils snaked out from Chris' fingertips. Beelzebub let out a surprised laugh as the darkness solidified around her, trapping her in a cocoon of inky blackness. Chris smirked as he realized he had the upper hand in this battle of wits.

Just as he was about to revel in his victory, a loud crash echoed through the house. Chris and Beelzebub turned to see a group of rogue angels bursting in through the front door, intent on taking down the demon of gluttony once and for all.

With a sigh, Chris braced himself for the fight of his life. As the angels charged forward, he called upon different aspects of his dark abilities. He conjured walls of shadow to deflect their attacks, summoned tendrils of darkness to ensnare them, and even unleashed a wave of pure darkness that blinded them temporarily.

As the battle raged on, Beelzebub stood by Chris' side, cheering him on in her own demonic way. Together, they fought off the rogue angels with a combination of cunning strategy and sheer willpower. And in the end, it was Chris' dark abilities that saved the day.

As the last angel fell to the ground, defeated and humiliated, Chris and Beelzebub shared a victorious high five. They may have started the evening as adversaries, but now they stood as allies, united in their fight against the forces of light.

And as they stood there in the wreckage of the kitchen, Chris couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Who would have thought that a simple Tuesday evening could turn into a battle of epic proportions, all because of a case of mistaken identity?

But as he looked at Beelzebub, his demon wife, he realized that perhaps this unexpected turn of events was exactly what they needed. After all, what's a little chaos and destruction between spouses? In the end, it was all in good humor, and Chris wouldn't have it any other way.

And so, with a twinkle in his eye and a dark smirk on his face, Chris knew that he and Beelzebub were in for one hell of a ride. Together, they would conquer the forces of light and darkness, one misadventure at a time. And who knows, maybe next time they would summon a recipe instead of a demon. But then again, where's the fun in that?.

Aw 91.


S165. Darkness manipulation.

(410 rating)

Once upon a time in a small Undverse called Angel's End, there lived a man named Chris. Chris was a simple man who worked as a librarian in the local library. He was happily married to his wife, who he thought was just an ordinary woman named Lucy.

Little did Chris know, his wife Lucy was actually Lucifer, the fallen angel who had been banished from heaven. She had taken on a human form to live amongst the mortals and had fallen in love with Chris.

One day, hordes of rogue angels attacked Angel's End, seeking revenge on Lucifer for her betrayal. Chris knew he had to do something to protect his beloved wife and his Undverse. Despite being just a librarian, Chris had a secret power that no one knew about.

Chris had the ability to control and manipulate darkness and shadows. This power had been passed down to him from his ancestors, who were ancient sorcerers. With the rogue angels closing in, Chris tapped into his hidden power and used darkness solidification to create a shield around his home.

The rogue angels were taken by surprise as Chris unleashed his power, using darkness to push them back and protect his wife. But Chris didn't stop there. He also used his abilities to animate and manipulate the shadows, creating shadowy creatures to fight against the rogue angels.

The battle raged on, with Chris and his shadowy army taking on the rogue angels in a fierce and humorous manner. The Undverses people watched in awe as their librarian turned hero, using his visionary creativity to outwit and outmaneuver the celestial beings.

In the end, Chris emerged victorious, driving the rogue angels away and saving his wife and the Undverse. The people of Angel's End cheered for their unlikely hero, who had shown them that even a humble librarian could possess incredible power.

As the dust settled, Chris embraced his wife Lucifer, who revealed her true identity to him. Despite the shocking revelation, Chris knew that their love was stronger than any angelic war or heavenly feud. Together, they stood side by side, ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

And so, Chris and Lucifer lived happily ever after in Angel's End, with Chris continuing to use his unique abilities to protect his wife and their Undverse from any future threats. And the Undverses people always knew that if darkness fell upon them, they could count on their librarian-turned-hero to save the day with his humor, creativity, and shadowy powers.

Aw 92. A


S166. Darkness manipulation

(393 rating)

Chris was just your average guy, living a normal life with a not-so-normal wife. You see, Chris' wife was actually Astaroth, a powerful demon queen from the depths of Hell. But despite her dark origins, Astaroth was actually quite a lovely partner, always making sure Chris was well taken care of and loved.

One day, while Chris was out running errands, a group of rogue angels decided to pay a visit to his humble abode. They burst through the door, ready to take down Astaroth and anyone who stood in their way. But little did they know, Chris was not your average husband.

As soon as he returned home and saw the chaos unfolding, Chris sprang into action. He tapped into his latent abilities and summoned forth his tentacles, tendrils, chains, and threads, using them to attack and bind the rogue angels with precision and skill. The angels were caught off guard by Chris' unexpected powers, leaving them struggling to break free from his grasp.

But Chris didn't stop there. He also utilized his ability to fly and levitate, soaring through the air with grace and agility. The rogue angels looked on in awe as Chris zipped around the room, dodging their attacks with ease and striking back with a vengeance.

With his unique set of skills and his quick thinking, Chris was able to neutralize the threat and protect his home and his wife. Astaroth looked on with pride, her eyes glowing with admiration for her resourceful husband.

Once the dust had settled and the rogue angels had been defeated, Chris and Astaroth shared a laugh, relieved that the ordeal was over. "Well, that was certainly unexpected," Chris quipped, his voice tinged with a hint of humor.

Astaroth smiled at him, her dark beauty shining in the dim light of the room. "I never doubted you for a second, my love. You truly are a force to be reckoned with."

And so, Chris and Astaroth continued to live their lives together, facing whatever challenges came their way with humor, grace, and a healthy dose of supernatural abilities. With Chris by her side, Astaroth knew that nothing could stand in their way.

And as they gazed out at the world from their cozy home, they knew that no matter what trials and tribulations came their way, they would always emerge victorious, fueled by love, laughter, and a touch of otherworldly power.


(451 rating)

Once upon a time in the small Undverse of PleasantVerse, there lived a man named Chris. Chris was a simple man who worked as a librarian at the local library. He had a loving wife named Asmodeus, who was quite the unique character. You see, Asmodeus was originally a male demon of lust who had decided to change into a female form to be with Chris.

Despite Asmodeus' demonic origins, she was actually quite a doting wife to Chris. She cooked him delicious meals, kept their home spotless, and always made sure he was well taken care of. Of course, Chris was well aware of his wife's true identity, but he loved her just the same.

One day, as Chris was walking home from work, he heard a commotion coming from his house. He rushed inside to find a group of rogue angels attacking Asmodeus. Without a second thought, Chris sprang into action.

Using his unique set of skills, Chris summoned tentacles and chains made of energy to bind the angels and prevent them from harming his beloved wife. Asmodeus looked on in awe as Chris flew through the air, his levitation powers allowing him to move with grace and speed.

The rogue angels were no match for Chris' abilities. With a flick of his wrist, he created intricate threads of light that immobilized the attackers, leaving them helpless against his onslaught. Asmodeus watched in amazement as her husband unleashed a barrage of otherworldly constructs, each more powerful than the last.

As the last of the rogue angels fell to the ground defeated, Chris landed gracefully beside Asmodeus. She looked at him with admiration and love, grateful for his protection and bravery.

"Wow, honey, I never knew you had such amazing powers!" Asmodeus exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

Chris chuckled, a twinkle in his eye. "Well, you know what they say, dear. Behind every great demon is an even greater librarian."

And with that, the two shared a laugh, knowing that no matter what challenges came their way, they would always have each other's backs. As they walked hand in hand into the sunset, Chris couldn't help but feel grateful for the love of his unique and extraordinary wife, Asmodeus. And as for Asmodeus, she couldn't have been happier to be by his side, knowing that together they could conquer anything that came their way.

And so, the tale of Chris and his demon-turned-wife Asmodeus became known throughout PleasantVerse as a humorous and heartwarming story of love, courage, and the power of teamwork. And though their adventures were far from over, Chris and Asmodeus knew that as long as they had each other, they could face anything with a smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes.

Aw 93. God


S167. (614 rating)

Bonus: Chris sat in his living room, nervously tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair. He couldn't believe his luck - or lack thereof. Somehow, his wife had turned out to be Astaroth, a demon hell-bent on massacring all the children in the world. How had he not seen this coming?

As he thought back on their years together, he realized that there had been signs. The strange noises in the middle of the night, the way she would sometimes vanish for days on end. But he had brushed it off as quirks, not realizing the true extent of her demonic nature.

But now, faced with the reality of the situation, Chris knew he had to do something. He couldn't let his wife go on a killing spree, no matter how much he loved her. So he did what any desperate man would do - he reached for the dusty old book on the shelf and began to read the ancient incantations within.

To his surprise, the incantations worked. Chris found himself being pulled into the book, his spirit leaving his body and entering the realm of the demon. Astaroth, sensing his presence, turned to face him with a wicked grin on her face.

"Chris, my love," she purred, her eyes glowing with malevolent energy. "What brings you to my domain?"

Chris took a deep breath, trying to muster up the courage to speak. "Astaroth, I come to bargain with you," he said, his voice wavering slightly. "I offer you the lives of billions of evil people, in exchange for sparing the children of the world."

Astaroth considered his offer for a moment, her lips curling into a smile. "I accept," she said, her voice dripping with malice. "But what do you ask for in return?"

Chris hesitated for a moment, thinking quickly. "I ask for you to lay eggs," he blurted out, hoping to distract her. "I wish to see the miracle of life being created by your demon form."

Astaroth's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly recovered her composure. "Very well," she said, with a sly grin. "I will lay eggs for you, my dear Chris. But be warned, they are not to be trifled with."

And so, Astaroth began to lay eggs, one after the other, as Chris watched in fascination. But as she continued to lay eggs, something strange happened. A look of pure joy crossed her face, and she began to let out little sighs of pleasure.

Chris, sensing an opportunity, acted quickly. "Astaroth, my love," he said, trying to keep the laughter out of his voice. "I have a confession to make. I never wanted your eggs for their demonic power. I only wanted to distract you so that you would stop killing people."

Astaroth turned to him, her eyes wide with shock. "You tricked me," she gasped, her voice filled with betrayal.

Chris nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "I did," he admitted. "But look at you now. You're so caught up in the pleasure of laying eggs that you've forgotten all about your murderous intentions. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned here, my dear demon wife."

And with that, Astaroth let out a laugh, a genuine smile crossing her face for the first time. "You may have outwitted me, Chris," she said, her voice tinged with amusement. "But I must admit, I am enjoying this new experience. Perhaps I will give up my evil ways and focus on the simple joys of life."

And so, Chris and Astaroth lived happily ever after, with Astaroth laying eggs to her heart's content and Chris reveling in the newfound peace of their home. And they both knew that sometimes, even demons need a little distraction from their wicked ways.

Aw 94. Brought


S168. Data manipulation.

(573 rating)

Chris stared at his computer screen in disbelief. His wife, Neo-Kat, was a member of the elusive group known as the Neo-Kats - a secret society of warriors who possessed incredible powers and abilities. Chris had always suspected there was something special about his wife, but he never imagined she was part of a group that could manipulate reality itself.

It all started one day when Chris accidentally stumbled upon a secret file on Neo-Kat's computer. Curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't resist opening it. What he found inside was truly mind-boggling. It detailed the Neo-Kats' mission to disrupt an army of floating computers with arms and magical swords that threatened the very fabric of reality.

Chris knew he had to do something to help his wife and her fellow Neo-Kats. But being a mere mortal with no special powers of his own, he had to get creative. He dusted off his old programming skills and set to work magically manipulating computer data to disrupt the floating computers' armaments.

As he typed away furiously on his keyboard, lines of code danced across his screen like ethereal spirits. He could almost hear the hum of the machines as they tried to resist his digital onslaught. But Chris was determined to succeed. He envisioned a world where technology and magic intersected, where the impossible became possible.

Suddenly, a bright light burst forth from his computer screen, and Chris found himself transported to a virtual battlefield unlike anything he had ever seen. Floating computers with arms and magical swords loomed menacingly overhead, their glowing eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the intruder.

But Chris was ready. He raised his hands triumphantly as lines of code materialized into weapons of his own design - digital daggers that glinted in the virtual sunlight. With a fierce battle cry, he charged headlong into the fray, slicing through the floating computers with ease.

As he fought, Chris couldn't help but marvel at the absurdity of the situation. Here he was, an ordinary man with a knack for programming, battling mythical creatures from beyond the veil of reality. It was like something out of a sci-fi novel, only with a healthy dose of humor sprinkled in for good measure.

But despite the odds against him, Chris persevered. With each swing of his digital dagger, he grew more confident in his abilities. He saw a vision of a future where technology and magic coexisted peacefully, where humans and Neo-Kats worked together to protect the world from any threat that dared to encroach upon their domain.

And as the last of the floating computers fell, defeated by Chris' cunning and skill, he knew that he had played a crucial role in preserving the fragile balance between reality and the unknown. With a satisfied grin, he closed his laptop and returned to the real world, eager to share his fantastical tale with Neo-Kat and the rest of the Neo-Kats.

From that day forward, Chris was hailed as a hero among the Neo-Kats, his legend growing with each retelling of his epic battle against the floating computers. And as he sat down to dinner with his wife that evening, he couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer absurdity of it all. Who knew that a simple programmer could become a visionary warrior in the blink of an eye? But then again, in a world where magic and technology intertwined, anything was possible. And Chris was living proof of that.


(506 rating)

Once upon a time in a world where mythical creatures roamed freely, there lived a man named Chris. Chris was an average guy with a penchant for getting himself into sticky situations. Little did he know, his life was about to take a turn for the strange and humorous.

One fateful day, Chris found himself inexplicably transported to a realm where demons and gods coexisted. As he looked around in confusion, he spotted a cute petite demon girl with glowing red eyes and a mischievous grin. This demon girl, known as Neo-Kat, had summoned Chris from his own world for her own amusement.

At first, Chris was understandably angry at being dragged into this strange new world against his will. He demanded to know why Neo-Kat had summoned him and what she wanted from him. Neo-Kat simply laughed at his frustration, enjoying the chaos she had caused.

Frustrated and fed up with her antics, Chris threatened to tell the gods about Neo-Kat's actions. This caused her to panic and realize the gravity of her actions. Suddenly, her demeanor changed from mischievous to apologetic as she begged for forgiveness.

Feeling sorry for the tiny demon girl, Chris decided to give her a chance to make amends. As they spent more time together, Neo-Kat's true nature began to shine through. She was kind, funny, and surprisingly caring despite her initial cruel intentions.

As they got to know each other better, Chris and Neo-Kat developed a deep bond that transcended their differences. They laughed together, shared stories, and explored the vast and magical world they found themselves in.

One day, as they were enjoying a quiet moment by a peaceful pond, Neo-Kat shyly confessed her feelings for Chris. She admitted that she had fallen in love with him, a fact that took Chris by surprise. He couldn't help but feel flattered by her confession.

Embracing her newfound emotions, Neo-Kat asked Chris if he would mate with her, a ritual that would solidify their bond and unite their souls. Chris, feeling a mix of curiosity and affection, agreed to her proposal.

And so, under the sparkling moonlight, Chris and Neo-Kat performed the mating ritual, a magical and beautiful experience that cemented their love for each other. As they embraced each other, they knew that their bond was unbreakable and that they were meant to be together.

From then on, Chris and Neo-Kat traveled the world, spreading laughter and joy wherever they went. They became known as a dynamic duo, with Neo-Kat's playful nature complementing Chris's sense of humor perfectly.

Their love story was legendary in the realm of demons and gods, a tale of unlikely romance and true connection. Chris and Neo-Kat proved that even the most unexpected pairings could lead to the most profound love.

And as they rode off into the sunset, hand in hand, they knew that their journey together was just beginning, filled with laughter, love, and plenty of magical adventures. Chris had never expected to fall in love with a demon girl, but sometimes, the most unexpected relationships are the ones that bring the most joy.

Aw 95. Me


S169. Death Manipulation

(484 rating)

Once upon a time in the majestic Empire of Aragonia, there lived a man named Chris who had a rather unusual power – Death Manipulation. Yes, you heard it right, Chris could actually induce death in beings, objects, and even concepts with just a snap of his fingers. And if that wasn't enough, his wife Adaline had the power of super speed, which came in handy in their day-to-day lives.

One day, while Chris and Adaline were enjoying a picnic in the lush royal gardens, news spread like wildfire that gigantic monsters with super strong defenses were attacking the empire. The citizens were in a state of panic, and Emperor Chris knew he had to step in and use his unique abilities to save his kingdom.

With a confident stride, Chris made his way to the battlefield, Adaline by his side. The monsters were truly massive, towering over buildings and roaring ferociously. But Chris was not one to be intimidated easily – he had a plan up his sleeve.

Channeling his power of Death Manipulation, Chris sent waves of energy towards the monsters, causing them to wither and disintegrate before his very eyes. As the creatures fell to the ground in a heap of dust, the citizens of Aragonia cheered in awe and gratitude.

But just when they thought the threat was over, a particularly cunning monster emerged from the shadows, immune to Chris' powers. This beast seemed to have a shield that repelled any attempts at death manipulation.

Chris scratched his head in confusion, wondering how to defeat this seemingly invincible foe. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration struck him – what if he could use his power in a different way?

With a mischievous grin, Chris whispered to Adaline, "Get ready to run, my dear."

Adaline nodded in understanding, her eyes twinkling with excitement. As the monster charged towards them, Chris unleashed his powers not to induce death, but to create a portal to a different dimension. In a split second, he and Adaline disappeared from sight, leaving the bewildered monster.

As they emerged on the other side of the portal, Chris and Adaline found themselves in a whimsical realm filled with floating islands and talking animals. They had escaped the clutches of the monster, thanks to Chris' quick thinking and innovative use of his powers.

The citizens of Aragonia hailed Chris and Adaline as heroes, forever grateful for their bravery and ingenuity. And so, Emperor Chris and his super-speedy wife Adaline continued to protect their empire from all threats, using their powers in ways that were both mighty and humorous.

In the end, the people of Aragonia learned that sometimes, it's not just about having the most powerful abilities – it's about using them with creativity and a touch of humor. And with Emperor Chris and Empress Adaline at the helm, the Empire of Aragonia flourished like never before, basking in the light of their vision and strength.

Aw 96. Forth


S170. Deconstruction

(478 rating)

Once upon a time in the whimsical land of Fantasia, there ruled Emperor Chris, a powerful mage known for his eccentric ways and love for deconstruction magic. By his side was his beautiful wife, Baiyu, a young woman who often found herself daydreaming of romantic love and fairy tales.

One day, news reached the Emperor's castle that hostile aliens had landed on the outskirts of the kingdom. These aliens were building huge pyramids that emitted a strange energy known as mana, which they planned to harvest for their own nefarious purposes.

Emperor Chris knew that he had to act quickly to protect his kingdom and his people from the alien threat. With a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous smile on his face, he hatched a plan to use his deconstruction magic to dismantle the pyramids and thwart the aliens' evil plans.

Baiyu, who had always been fascinated by her husband's magical abilities, eagerly volunteered to accompany him on his mission. She donned her shimmering gown and tied her hair with ribbons as they set off towards the alien encampment.

As they approached the pyramids, Baiyu couldn't help but marvel at their sheer size and grandeur. She imagined the aliens inside, plotting and scheming, unaware of the magical duo that was about to descend upon them.

Emperor Chris raised his staff and began to chant the ancient incantations that would activate his deconstruction magic. Baiyu watched in awe as the pyramids began to crumble and fall, their mana dissipating into the air like shimmering mist.

The aliens, caught off guard by the sudden destruction of their pyramids, scurried around in confusion. Emperor Chris and Baiyu laughed as they watched the aliens retreat in defeat, their plans foiled by the unlikely duo of a whimsical mage and a dreamy romantic.

As they made their way back to the castle, Baiyu couldn't contain her excitement. She hugged her husband tightly, grateful for his bravery and ingenuity in saving their kingdom from the alien threat.

Emperor Chris grinned, a twinkle of pride in his eye as he looked at his wife. "You were amazing out there, my dear Baiyu," he said, his voice tinged with admiration. "I couldn't have done it without you by my side."

And so, Emperor Chris and Baiyu returned to the castle as heroes, their victory celebrated by the people of Fantasia. From that day on, they were known as the dynamic duo who had saved their kingdom with a dash of humor, a sprinkle of magic, and a whole lot of love.

As the sun set on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the land, Emperor Chris and Baiyu sat in the courtyard, holding hands and watching the stars twinkle in the night sky. And in that moment, they knew that no matter what challenges came their way, they would always face them together, with laughter in their hearts and magic in their souls.

Aw 97. As


S171. Deconstruction, Soul.

(313 rating)

Once upon a time in the whimsical kingdom of Kalamazoo, there lived Emperor Chris and his intelligent wife, Harumi. Now, Harumi was known far and wide for her brilliance and quick wit, often outshining her classmates in every competition she entered.

One day, as Harumi found herself in yet another intense academic contest, she subconsciously summoned Emperor Chris to help her out. Chris, being the ever-supportive husband, appeared by her side in a blink of an eye, ready to assist his wife in any way possible.

As the competition heated up and Harumi's rivals grew more fierce, they suddenly found themselves under attack by Gigantic phantom souls. These ethereal beings were known to prey on those with exceptional intelligence, seeking to drain them of their mental prowess and leave them helpless.

But Emperor Chris was not one to be trifled with. With a hearty laugh and a flick of his royal wrist, he unleashed his powers and deconstructed the soul of the phantom leader, sending the rest of the creatures fleeing into the night.

Harumi looked at her husband in awe and wonder, grateful for his quick thinking and bravery. "My hero!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug.

Chris chuckled and hugged her back, feeling proud to have protected his wife from harm once again. "Anything for you, my dear Harumi."

And so, the couple returned to their palace in triumph, sharing tales of their daring escape with their subjects and basking in the glory of their victory.

But little did they know that this was just the beginning of their adventures together. With Emperor Chris by her side, Harumi knew that there was nothing they couldn't overcome with a touch of humor and a dash of visionary creativity.

And so, they lived happily ever after, ruling their kingdom with wisdom and love, and facing whatever challenges came their way with courage and grace.

The end.

Aw 98. The


S172. Density manipulation.

(491 rating)

Emperor Chris, known for his clever tactics and sense of humor, found himself in a tricky situation while exploring a hostile realm with his wife Ayui. Ayui, the daughter of an emperor, was a woman of great beauty and confidence. She enjoyed wearing seductive clothes that showcased her figure, much to the delight of the men around her. Ayui loved the attention she received from the lustful stares of men, relishing in the fact that they couldn't have her.

As they ventured deeper into the dangerous realm, they encountered a swarm of deadly huge insects flying above them. In a panic, Chris and Ayui had to think fast to avoid the impending danger. Thinking on his feet, Chris decided that they needed to submerge underwater to evade the swarm.

Ayui, not one to back down from a challenge, followed Chris into the water without hesitation. As they submerged, Chris used his unique ability of density manipulation to make themselves heavier, allowing them to sink below the surface and out of harm's way.

As they swam through the murky waters, Ayui couldn't help but find the situation slightly comical. Here she was, a woman known for her extravagant outfits and graceful demeanor, now swimming underwater in a desperate attempt to escape danger. She couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

Chris, always quick with a joke, couldn't resist teasing Ayui about her unconventional choice of attire for their underwater adventure. "I must say, my dear wife, you've certainly taken the phrase 'dressed to kill' to a whole new level," he quipped, earning a playful swat on the arm from Ayui.

Despite the perilous situation, Chris and Ayui found themselves enjoying the thrill of the unexpected. As they navigated the underwater world, they encountered strange and fantastical creatures that seemed to defy logic. Ayui marveled at the beauty of the underwater world, while Chris couldn't help but make witty remarks about their surroundings.

After what seemed like hours of swimming, Chris and Ayui finally emerged from the water, safe and sound. They couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of their adventure, grateful to have each other by their side through it all.

As they made their way back to the surface, Ayui couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her husband. Despite the danger they faced, Chris remained calm and collected, using his unique abilities to keep them safe. She knew that she had chosen wisely in marrying such a clever and resourceful man.

In the end, Chris and Ayui emerged from their underwater escapade stronger and closer than ever. They had faced danger together and come out victorious, proving that even in the face of the unknown, their love and humor would always prevail. And so, with a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face, Emperor Chris led his wife Ayui back to their kingdom, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with a sense of humor and a daring spirit.

Aw 99. First


S173. Density manipulation.

(425 rating)

Emperor Chris was a proud ruler of the kingdom of Evergreen, known for his love for animals and his beautiful wife, the kemono Yukina. As the kingdom faced a looming war with their neighboring kingdom, Chris found himself faced with the challenge of keeping his soldiers safe.

Being a master of magic, Chris came up with a brilliant plan to make his soldiers extremely durable by outfitting them with heavy armor. The armor was made of the finest materials and enchanted with powerful protective spells, ensuring that his soldiers would be well-protected in battle.

But Chris knew that with heavy armor comes the risk of being slowed down. So, he decided to use his mastery of density manipulation magic to make the armor lighter while still maintaining its durability. With a wave of his hand and a few magical incantations, the armor became as light as a feather, allowing his soldiers to move with ease and agility.

Yukina, with her keen sense of humor and love for her husband, couldn't help but tease Chris about his innovative creation. She playfully suggested that he use his magic to make her favorite dessert, strawberry shortcake, lighter and fluffier as well. Chris, always eager to please his beloved wife, obliged and soon they were enjoying a delicious, magically enhanced treat together.

As the war began, Chris led his army into battle with Yukina by his side, her kemono abilities enhancing their forces with her swift and agile movements. The enemy was taken by surprise at the sight of the heavily armored soldiers moving with grace and speed, thanks to Chris' ingenious magic.

With their enemies defeated and peace restored to the kingdom, Chris and Yukina celebrated their victory with a grand feast. The soldiers, now hailed as heroes, regaled the court with tales of their miraculous armor and the incredible feats they were able to accomplish on the battlefield.

As the festivities continued late into the night, Chris and Yukina shared a quiet moment together, reflecting on the events of the day. They laughed at the absurdity of the situation, marveling at how humor and creativity had helped them overcome the challenges they faced.

And so, Emperor Chris and his kemono wife Yukina became known throughout the land as the rulers who led their kingdom to victory with a touch of magic, a splash of humor, and a whole lot of love. Their legacy would live on for generations to come, inspiring others to embrace their creativity and find joy in even the darkest of times.

Aw 100. Of
