
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs

Volume 28, Chapter 8: Corruption

S121. Corruption (Albedo)

(371 rating)

Chris rubbed his temples as he surveyed the horde of enemies with extreme durability that lay before him. This was going to be a tough fight, but he had a secret weapon up his sleeve - his wife, Albedo.

Albedo was not your average housewife. She was a master of non-physical corruption, able to infect the minds, souls, and emotions of others with just a mere thought. Chris knew that her powers would come in handy in defeating this seemingly invincible horde.

As the enemies charged towards them, Chris whispered to Albedo, "Do your thing, honey."

Albedo closed her eyes and concentrated, sending out waves of corruption towards the enemies. The effects were immediate - the enemies began to turn on each other, their minds twisted and confused by Albedo's powerful influence.

Chris couldn't help but chuckle as he watched the chaos unfold before him. Albedo's corruption was not only affecting the enemies' minds, but their emotions as well. Some began to weep uncontrollably, while others started laughing maniacally for no apparent reason.

It was a sight to behold, and Chris couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his wife's abilities. Who knew that marrying a master of non-physical corruption would come in so handy in a battle like this?

As the enemies fell one by one, Chris and Albedo stood victorious amidst the chaos. They shared a knowing smile, both aware of the power that they possessed as a team.

"See, honey? I told you we make a great team," Chris said, wrapping his arm around Albedo's waist.

Albedo grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Of course we do, darling. After all, who else can corrupt an entire horde of enemies with just a flick of their wrist?"

The two of them laughed, basking in the glow of their victory. As they walked off into the sunset, hand in hand, Chris couldn't help but feel grateful for having such a talented and powerful wife by his side.

Who knew that love and corruption could go hand in hand in such a humorous and visionary way? But then again, in a world full of extreme durability enemies, anything was possible. And with Chris and Albedo on the case, there was no challenge too great for them to conquer together.

Aw 48.


S122. Corruption.

(423 rating)

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Etherea, there lived a courageous warrior named Chris. Chris was known far and wide for his unmatched skill in combat, as well as his quick wit and sharp sense of humor. But what truly set Chris apart from the rest was his beautiful wife, Albedo.

Albedo was a powerful sorceress with the ability to manipulate light and create illusions that could dazzle even the most jaded of enemies. She was also known for her kind heart and unwavering loyalty to Chris, standing by his side through every battle and triumph.

One fateful day, a horde of enemies with extreme durability descended upon Etherea, threatening to conquer the peaceful kingdom. Chris knew that he would need to use every trick in the book to defeat them, so he turned to Albedo for help.

"Darling, we need to come up with a plan to defeat these foes," Chris said, looking into Albedo's mesmerizing eyes.

Albedo nodded, her mind already whirring with possibilities. "I have an idea," she said, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "What if we use non-physical corruption to weaken their spirits and minds?"

Chris raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his wife's suggestion. "Non-physical corruption? How does that work?"

Albedo explained that non-physical corruption involved using the power of influence to infect the target from afar, bypassing the need to enter the body. This method could potentially mess with the target the most, as it could affect non-physical based things like emotions and souls.

With Albedo's plan in place, Chris set out to put it into action. As the horde of enemies approached, he and Albedo stood side by side, ready to face whatever came their way.

Using his sword to deflect the enemies' attacks, Chris focused his mind on corrupting their emotions and souls, while Albedo used her illusions to confuse and disorient them. The combination of physical and non-physical corruption proved to be a winning strategy, as the enemies soon found themselves overwhelmed and outmatched.

As the last of the enemies fell to the ground, defeated and demoralized, Chris and Albedo shared a triumphant high-five, their laughter ringing through the air.

"Well, that was certainly an interesting battle," Chris said, grinning at his wife.

"Yes, but we did it together," Albedo replied, her eyes shining with pride.

And so, Chris and Albedo emerged victorious once again, their bond stronger than ever before. As they returned to the safety of their kingdom, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, with humor, creativity, and a touch of visionary magic.

Aw 49.


S123. Corruption.

(525 rating)

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a man named Chris and his wife, Anko Mitarashi. They were a strange couple, known for their love of adventure and their quirky sense of humor. One day, they decided to visit a temple dedicated to the Goddess Ishtar, known for her wisdom and power.

As they entered the temple grounds, they were in awe of the beautiful architecture and the serene atmosphere. But their peaceful visit was soon interrupted by hordes of gigantic stone golems, who seemed to come to life before their very eyes. And leading them was a sinister wizard, who was using dark magic to control the golems and attack anyone with corruption who crossed his path.

Chris knew that their only chance of survival was to outsmart the wizard and his golems. Remembering a tidbit of information he once read in a book, he realized that inorganic lifeforms, such as robots, were immune to certain types of corruption. And so, with a mischievous glint in his eye, Chris decided to transform himself into a robot for fun.

In a flash of light, Chris was no longer the same man. He was now a walking, talking robot, complete with glowing red eyes and metallic limbs. Anko couldn't help but burst out laughing at her husband's new robotic appearance. But Chris was undeterred, feeling confident in his new form.

As the golems charged towards them, Chris used his newfound robotic abilities to outmaneuver them with ease. He dodged their crushing blows with agility and precision, all the while cracking jokes and making puns about the absurdity of the situation. Anko couldn't help but join in, adding her own witty commentary as they fought side by side.

The wizard, seeing that his golems were no match for the unexpected duo, tried to use his corrupting magic on Chris. But to his surprise, the magic had no effect on the robot, who simply shrugged it off with a metallic chuckle. Chris taunted the wizard, daring him to try and corrupt a being made of metal and circuits.

Realizing that he was outmatched, the wizard fled in defeat, leaving the temple grounds in chaos. The golems, no longer under his control, crumbled into rubble, their threat neutralized by the unlikely pair of adventurers. And as the dust settled, Chris and Anko stood victorious, laughing hysterically at the absurdity of their robot vs. golem showdown.

As they made their way out of the temple, still in their robotic form, Chris couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected turn of events. Who would have thought that a simple visit to a temple would lead to such a bizarre and hilarious adventure? But one thing was for certain - Chris and Anko would never forget the day they faced off against stone golems as a robot couple.

And so, with laughter in their hearts and a twinkle in their robotic eyes, they continued on their journey, ready for whatever strange and humorous escapades awaited them in the future. For in a world full of magic and wonder, anything was possible - even a robot husband and his wife taking on gigantic stone golems with humor and grace.

Aw 50.


S124. Cosmic awareness.

(442 rating)

Chris couldn't believe his luck. Not only was his wife, Kuroneko, one of the most amazing women he had ever met, but she was also the mature version of a popular cosplayer. As they stood in the temple, praying to the Goddess Inanna, Chris felt a strange sensation wash over him. He has become cosmic aware, able to sense things beyond the normal human perception.

Suddenly, he felt a wave of dread wash over him. He could sense a horde of eldritch beings on their way to attack their another Undverse. He turned to Kuroneko in panic, "We have to do something! The fate of the Undverse is at stake!"

Kuroneko, ever calm and collected, simply nodded. "Don't worry, darling. We'll come up with a plan. After all, we have the power of the Goddess on our side."

Together, they sprang into action. Using their combined powers and quick thinking, they were able to come up with a plan to rescue the people of their Undverse from the impending attack. They flew through the cosmos, dodging asteroids and navigating through black holes, all while cracking jokes and making light of the situation.

As they approached the horde of eldritch beings, Chris couldn't help but feel a knot of fear in his stomach. These creatures were like nothing he had ever seen before, with tentacles and glowing eyes that seemed to pierce through his very soul.

But Kuroneko was unfazed. She stood tall, her black cat ears twitching as she conjured up a powerful spell to ward off the beings. With a flick of her wrist, she sent a blast of energy towards the horde, causing them to scatter in all directions.

Chris couldn't help but be in awe of his wife. Not only was she beautiful and intelligent, but she was also incredibly powerful. He knew he was a lucky man to have her by his side.

As they returned to their Undverse, victorious in their battle against the eldritch beings, Chris couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. They had saved the day and prevented a catastrophe of cosmic proportions.

And as they sat in the temple, thanking the Goddess Inanna for her guidance and protection, Chris knew that he and Kuroneko were truly meant to be together. Through the ups and downs, the adventures and mishaps, they would always stand by each other's side, ready to face whatever challenges the Undverse threw their way.

And so, with a final prayer of gratitude, Chris and Kuroneko left the temple hand in hand, ready to face whatever other cosmic adventures awaited them. After all, with Kuroneko by his side, Chris knew they could handle anything that came their way.

Aw 51.


S125. Creation

(380 rating)


Chris' wife is the mature Rena RYUUGUU. Upon facing a horde of beings with the shape of a star (or a pentacle), Chris realized that they were forced to do so because googleplexes of their Undverse has been destroyed. Chris then created even better googleplexes of Undverses, though it costs a lot of mana. The creatures surrendered to him.


Once upon a time in the wacky world of Undverses, there lived a man named Chris who was married to the mature and wise Rena RYUUGUU. Chris was known for his creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, while Rena was known for her calm and collected demeanor. Together, they made quite the team.

One day, while strolling through the mystical land of Undverses, Chris and Rena were suddenly confronted by a horde of beings with the shape of a star. These creatures, known as Starfolk, were usually peaceful and friendly, so Chris was puzzled by their aggressive behavior.

As the Starfolk closed in on them, Chris noticed a look of desperation in their starry eyes. It seemed that they were forced to attack because googleplexes of their Undverse had been destroyed in a disaster. Chris knew he had to help them.

Using his quick thinking and magical abilities, Chris created even better googleplexes of Undverses, each one more magnificent than the last. However, this feat required a massive amount of mana, leaving Chris feeling drained and exhausted.

But his efforts paid off as the Starfolk surrendered to him, grateful for his help in restoring their home. They praised Chris for his generosity and vision, dubbing him the Savior of the Starfolk.

Rena, always the voice of reason, congratulated Chris on his bravery and resourcefulness. She knew that his ability to think outside the box and his willingness to help others were what made him truly special.

As they made their way back home, Chris and Rena shared a laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Who would have thought that a simple walk through the Undverses would lead to such a wild adventure?

And so, Chris and Rena returned to their cozy home, happy in the knowledge that they had made a difference in the lives of the Starfolk. As they settled in for the night, Chris wrapped his arms around Rena and whispered, "I couldn't have done it without you, my love."

And in that moment, surrounded by love and laughter, Chris and Rena knew that no matter what challenges came their way, they would always face them together with courage, humor, and a touch of magic. For in the world of Undverses, anything was possible - as long as you had the right partner by your side.

Aw 52.


S126. Crystal manipulation.

(427 rating)

Chris and Leone were always up for an adventure. They had heard rumors of a strange parallel Undverse where Venus was larger than any other planet in existence. Eager to explore this peculiar world, they hopped into their spaceship and set off on their journey.

As they entered the parallel Undverse, they were in awe of the massive size of Venus. It was so large that it seemed to stretch on forever, larger than many omniverses combined. The surface of the planet was covered in shimmering crystals that sparkled in the sunlight. Chris, being a scientist, was immediately intrigued by these unique crystals.

* Magic prevented it from collapsing into a black hole.

Leone, on the other hand, was more interested in taking in the sights and sounds of this new world. She marveled at the swirling colors of the sky and the strange creatures that roamed the landscape. As they explored further, they stumbled upon a field of crystals that seemed to be highly resistant to extreme heat.

Chris could hardly contain his excitement as he gathered samples of the crystals to study back on their home planet. As he examined them, he discovered that they had the ability to manipulate heat and energy in extraordinary ways. With this newfound power, Chris began to experiment with the crystals, trying to unlock their full potential.

However, their peaceful exploration was soon interrupted by a horde of lava-like creatures that emerged from the depths of the planet. These creatures were fierce and relentless, charging towards Chris and Leone with fiery determination. In a panic, Chris knew he had to act fast to protect them both.

Drawing on his newfound knowledge of the crystals, Chris began to manipulate them with his power. He replicated the crystals in a dazzling display of energy, creating a barrier that trapped the monsters inside. Leone looked on in amazement as Chris used his creative thinking to outsmart their attackers.

With the creatures safely contained, Chris and Leone breathed a sigh of relief. They had narrowly escaped a dangerous situation, thanks to Chris's quick thinking and the power of the mysterious crystals. As they made their way back to their spaceship, they couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of their wild adventure.

Back on their home planet, Chris continued to study the crystals, unlocking even more of their incredible abilities. He marveled at the vision of what could be possible with these extraordinary gems. And as they looked back on their adventure on the giant Venus, Chris and Leone knew that they were truly a dynamic duo, ready to face any challenge that came their way with humor and creativity.

Aw 53.


S127. Crystal manipulation. Channelling energy.

(361 rating)

Chris and Elizabeth LIONES were not your average couple. They were always seeking out new adventures and were intrigued by the unknown. So when they heard about an ancient Goddess' temple in outer space that held the powerful Star of Shamash, they knew they had to go and explore.

As they approached the temple, they were in awe of its beauty and grandeur. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings of lions and men, and the air was filled with a sense of mystery and power. Chris and Elizabeth made their way through the temple, following the faint glow of the Star of Shamash.

Suddenly, out of the shadows, they were attacked by creatures with bodies of lions and men. Chris and Elizabeth quickly sprang into action, dodging their sharp claws and teeth. Chris knew he had to find a way to defeat these powerful foes, and that's when he remembered his crystal manipulation skills.

With a quick flick of his wrist, Chris channeled the energy from the Star of Shamash through his crystals, creating a powerful blast of light that knocked down the creatures. As they lay defeated at his feet, Chris couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation.

"Looks like we've got some new servants," he joked, as Elizabeth laughed beside him. Together, they rounded up the creatures and led them out of the temple, their new lion-men servants dutifully following behind.

As they made their way back to their ship, Chris couldn't help but marvel at the strange turn of events. Who would have thought that a trip to an ancient Goddess' temple in outer space would lead to gaining a group of lion-men servants?

But as they flew back home, Chris and Elizabeth knew that their adventures were far from over. With the Star of Shamash in their possession and their new lion-men servants by their side, they were ready to take on whatever challenges came their way.

And so, with a twinkle in their eyes and a laughter in their hearts, Chris and Elizabeth LIONES set off into the unknown once again, eager to see what other humorous and visionary adventures awaited them in the vast expanse of outer space.

Aw 54.


S128. Crystal manipulation.

(404 rating)

Chris couldn't believe his luck. Not only was he married to the beautiful Loli Hestia, but he also got to go on amazing adventures with her. This time, they were visiting a huge planet with terrain so harsh, Chris thought no life forms could survive there.

As they explored the rocky landscape, gigantic creatures that looked like tardigrades suddenly appeared before them. Chris quickly assessed the situation and realized they were in danger. Thinking on his feet, he used his crystal manipulation abilities to turn the nearby crystals into a protective wall.

The tardigrades seemed taken aback by Chris's quick thinking and bravery. They apologized for startling them and expressed their desire to surrender peacefully. Chris, being the kind-hearted and forgiving soul that he was, accepted their surrender and proposed a truce.

The tardigrades were fascinated by Chris's powers and asked if he could teach them how to harness the power of crystals. Chris, always eager to share his knowledge, happily agreed to give them a crash course in crystal manipulation.

As Chris and Hestia spent more time on the planet, they discovered that the tardigrades were actually quite friendly and had a great sense of humor. They loved to play pranks on each other and had a unique way of communicating through elaborate dance routines.

One day, the tardigrades surprised Chris and Hestia by throwing a massive feast in their honor. They had prepared a delicious spread of exotic foods and beverages, all made from the resources of their planet. Chris and Hestia were touched by their gesture and joined in the festivities with enthusiasm.

As the night wore on, the tardigrades shared stories of their planet and their rich history. Chris was amazed by their resilience and resourcefulness, despite the harsh conditions they lived in. He admired their creativity and ingenuity, as well as their ability to find joy in the simple things in life.

After their visit, Chris and Hestia bid farewell to the tardigrades, promising to return one day. As they flew away in their spaceship, Chris couldn't help but feel grateful for the amazing experiences he had shared with his wife and the newfound friends they had made on the planet.

And so, Chris and Hestia continued on their journey through the galaxy, spreading laughter and joy wherever they went. Their adventures were filled with laughter, love, and endless possibilities, and they knew that as long as they had each other, nothing could stand in their way.

Aw 55.


S129. Immunity to magic. Creatures.

(481 rating)

Once upon a time in the magical land of Mystopia, Chris and his wife Sango decided to embark on a journey to explore the mysterious realm of creatures with immunity to magic. They had heard stories of these unique beings who had been blessed by the Supreme Female Deity herself, and were eager to witness their powers firsthand.

As they entered the realm, Chris and Sango were greeted by a group of creatures unlike any they had ever seen before. These creatures had shimmering scales and wings that sparkled in the sunlight, and their eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. Despite their ethereal appearance, they were also known for their remarkable abilities to withstand any form of magical attack.

Curious to learn more about these extraordinary beings, Chris and Sango approached them cautiously, unsure of how they would be received. To their surprise, the creatures were friendly and open, eager to welcome the newcomers to their realm. They explained that they had been granted immunity to magic by the Supreme Female Deity as a gift for their unwavering devotion to her.

As they chatted with the creatures, Chris couldn't help but notice their unique vulnerability to physical attacks. The creatures explained that while they were impervious to magic, they were twice as susceptible to any form of physical damage. This quirk of their nature had led to many humorous mishaps over the years, as they struggled to navigate a world where magic was more common than physical combat.

Despite this unusual weakness, the creatures remained lighthearted and playful, finding humor in their own misfortunes. Chris and Sango were amazed by their resilience and positive attitude, and couldn't help but be charmed by their endearing quirks.

As the day wore on, Chris and Sango found themselves caught up in a series of misadventures with their new friends. From accidental pratfalls to comical misunderstandings, they shared plenty of laughter and good-natured fun. Even when faced with challenges that would have daunted other beings, the creatures remained unfailingly cheerful and optimistic.

By the time the sun began to set, Chris and Sango had forged a deep bond with the creatures of the realm. They had shared stories and laughter, overcome obstacles and challenges, and gained a newfound appreciation for the magic of friendship and humor.

As they bid farewell to their new friends and prepared to return home, Chris and Sango couldn't help but reflect on the incredible day they had experienced. They had entered a realm of creatures with immunity to magic and discovered a world filled with laughter, joy, and unexpected surprises.

And as they walked hand in hand through the portal back to Mystopia, Chris and Sango knew that they would always cherish the memories of their time in the realm of the Supreme Female Deity's blessed creatures. And they would forever be grateful for the lessons in resilience, humor, and friendship that they had learned along the way.

Aw 56.


S130. Immunity to any action of magicians. (Creatures)

(642 rating)

Chris sat at the kitchen table, sipping his morning coffee as he listened to his wife Tohru excitedly recounting her latest discovery. Tohru was always full of surprises, but this one had Chris's attention piqued.

"So, get this," Tohru began, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I stumbled upon this realm where most entities are immune to any action by a mage or Magician. It's like a whole new world where magic just doesn't work as it should!"

Chris raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "That sounds fascinating. How did you come across this realm?"

Tohru leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I was out exploring the forest near our house when I stumbled upon a hidden portal. I couldn't resist stepping through, and that's when I found this magical realm."

Chris chuckled, amazed at his wife's adventurous spirit. "So, what's so special about this realm?" he asked.

Tohru grinned, her eyes lighting up with mischief. "Well, it turns out that in this realm, creatures receive four times more effects from non-magic users than they do from wizards. It's like a reverse magic world!"

Chris couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "So, let me get this straight. Wizards tried to conquer this realm, thinking their magic would make them all-powerful, but instead, they were powerless against these creatures?"

Tohru nodded, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "Exactly! It was quite the spectacle to witness. The wizards were left scratching their heads in confusion while the creatures had a grand old time wreaking havoc."

Chris couldn't help but be impressed by Tohru's discovery. "That's incredible. So, what do you plan to do with this knowledge?"

Tohru's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Oh, I have a few ideas up my sleeve. But first, I need your help."

Chris raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you need my help with?"

Tohru leaned in closer, her voice low and secretive. "I need you to come with me to this realm and help me test out some theories I have. I think we could have a lot of fun causing chaos in this magical world."

Chris couldn't help but be excited by the prospect of embarking on a new adventure with his daring wife. "I'm in. When do we leave?"

Tohru clapped her hands in excitement. "Tomorrow morning. We'll pack a picnic, some non-magical weapons, and our sense of humor. It's going to be a wild ride, Chris."

And so, the next morning, Chris and Tohru set out on their grand adventure to the magical realm where wizards were powerless, and non-magic users reigned supreme. Armed with their wits and a healthy dose of humor, they ventured forth into this fantastical world, ready to test the limits of their newfound knowledge.

As they explored the realm, they encountered all manner of fantastical creatures, from mischievous sprites to fearsome dragons. And true to Tohru's word, their non-magical weapons had a much greater effect on these creatures than any spells or incantations could muster.

Together, Chris and Tohru caused chaos and confusion wherever they went, laughing and joking as they outsmarted even the cleverest of creatures. They quickly became renowned throughout the realm as the dynamic duo who could outwit any wizard and charm any creature with their humor and creativity.

And so, Chris and Tohru's reputation spread far and wide, as they traveled from one end of the realm to the other, leaving a trail of laughter and chaos in their wake.

And as they returned home, Chris and Tohru knew that their adventures were far from over. With a twinkle in their eyes and a laugh on their lips, they looked forward to the next outlandish exploit that awaited them in the magical realm where wizards were powerless, and humor reigned supreme.

Aw 57.
