
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs

Volume 28, Chapter 5: Casuality manipulation

S91. Causality manipulation. (343 rating)

Original: Chris wife is Kyouko HORI. When an innumerable number of powerful enemies attacked, Chris manipulated concepts and made every action of the enemies to lay eggs. Everything, including thoughts and breathing.


Once upon a time, in a world where concepts could be manipulated and enemies could be defeated with humor, there lived a man named Chris. Chris was not your ordinary hero - he was a master of manipulating concepts to his advantage. And to top it off, his wife, Kyouko HORI, was just as skilled in the art of combat.

One day, as they were enjoying a peaceful afternoon in their cozy home, they received word that a horde of powerful enemies was on their way to attack. Instead of panicking, Chris and Kyouko sprang into action, ready to show these enemies what they were made of.

As the enemies approached, Chris used his concept manipulation abilities to turn their thoughts into adorable fluffy bunnies. The enemies, confused and distracted by the sudden influx of bunnies, stumbled over themselves in a comical display of chaos.

Not one to be outdone, Kyouko unleashed her combat skills, using her incredible strength and speed to take down enemies left and right. With a quick-witted quip here and a well-timed punch there, she made quick work of the enemy forces, all the while laughing at their feeble attempts to defeat her.

But Chris wasn't done yet. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he manipulated the enemies' breathing, causing them to hiccup uncontrollably. As they struggled to catch their breath, Kyouko swooped in for the final blow, delivering a knockout punch that sent them flying into the horizon.

As the dust settled and the enemies lay defeated at their feet, Chris and Kyouko shared a triumphant high five, their laughter echoing through the battlefield. They had once again proven that with a little humor and a lot of creativity, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

And so, Chris and Kyouko returned to their peaceful life, ready to face whatever adventures lay ahead with a smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes. For in a world where concepts could be manipulated and enemies could be defeated with humor, there was no challenge too great for this dynamic duo.

Aw: 17.

Causality manipulation can also be used for: Physics Manipulation, Healing, Biological Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Invulnerability, Power Negation, Immortality, Reactive Evolution, Mental Manipulation, Intuitive Aptitude, Logic Manipulation, Nothingness Manipulation, Superpower Manipulation, Resurrection, Cyber Mind, Reality Warping, Shapeshifting, Creation


S92. Chaos manipulation. (371 rating)

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, there lived a man named Chris and his wife Shana. They were just an ordinary couple, or so they thought, until one day, geometric type aliens started attacking their planet.

These aliens were like nothing they had ever seen before. They were shaped like triangles, pyramids, cubes, and all sorts of other geometric shapes. Chris and Shana were terrified as they watched the aliens wreak havoc on their world, destroying everything in their path.

But Chris had a secret power that no one knew about. He had the ability to manipulate chaos. This meant that he had power over disharmony, confusion, disorder, and destructiveness in their most pure and vivid forms. In other words, he could create chaos wherever he pleased.

As the aliens continued their rampage, Chris knew that he had to do something to stop them. So he tapped into his chaos manipulation ability and started creating chaos all around the aliens. He made them bump into each other, lose their balance, and trip over their own feet.

Shana watched in amazement as her husband fought off the aliens using nothing but his chaotic powers. She couldn't help but laugh as she saw the confused and disoriented aliens trying to figure out what was going on.

In a moment of pure genius, Chris conjured up a whirlwind of chaos that enveloped the aliens, sending them flying in all directions. Shana cheered him on as he continued to wreak havoc on the geometric intruders.

After what seemed like hours of chaotic battle, the aliens finally retreated, defeated by Chris and his extraordinary powers. The planet was saved, thanks to his quick thinking and skillful manipulation of chaos.

As the dust settled, Chris and Shana embraced, relieved that the danger was finally over. They couldn't believe what had just happened, but they were grateful that they had come out victorious in the end.

From that day on, Chris was known as the Chaos Master, a legendary figure who saved his planet from destruction. He and Shana lived happily ever after, knowing that they could handle anything that came their way, thanks to Chris' incredible powers of chaos manipulation. And they never looked at geometric shapes the same way again.

Aw: 18.


S93. Chaos manipulation. (409 rating)

Once upon a time in a far-off Undverse, there lived a man named Chris who had a very unique ability - Chaos manipulation. Chris was married to a beautiful woman named Misato Katsuragi, who was known for her intelligence and wit. Together, they made an unusual yet perfect pair.

One day, geometric type aliens, in the form of triangles, pyramids, cubes, and other shapes, began to overrun their Undverse. These aliens were wreaking havoc and causing chaos wherever they went. Chris knew that he had to step in and use his Chaos manipulation ability to save their Undverse from destruction.

With a wave of his hand, Chris reverted the entire Undverse into Primordial Chaos, a swirling mess of energy and potential. Misato looked at him in awe, amazed at his power. But Chris wasn't done yet. He began to reshape the chaos into a new, orderly Undverse.

As Chris worked his magic, Misato began to lay eggs from the chaos. These eggs contained the building blocks of the new Undverse that Chris was creating. With each egg that she laid, a new planet or star was formed, adding to the beauty and complexity of the Undverse.

As they worked together, Chris and Misato shared laughter and jokes, finding humor in the absurdity of their situation. Misato would quip about the strange shapes of the aliens they had faced, while Chris would make puns about the chaos they were undoing.

Their creativity knew no bounds as they brought order to the chaos, creating galaxies and systems unlike anything the Undverse had ever seen. Each planet was unique, with its own quirks and inhabitants, all born from the chaos that Misato's eggs had produced.

As the final touches were put in place, Chris and Misato marveled at the Undverse they had created. It was a masterpiece of chaos turned order, a reflection of their love and teamwork. And as they stood hand in hand, gazing out at their creation, they knew that they were unstoppable together.

From that day on, Chris and Misato ruled over their Undverse with laughter and joy, their bond stronger than ever. And whenever they looked up at the stars, they could see the shapes of the aliens they had defeated, now transformed into twinkling lights in the night sky.

And so, the tale of Chris and Misato, the chaos manipulator and his egg-laying wife, became legend in the Undverse. A story of humor, creativity, and love that would be told for generations to come.

Aw: 19.


S94. Chi manipulation. (456 rating).

Once upon a time in a small Undverse, there lived a man named Chris who was married to a wonderful woman named Shiina. Chris was a bit of an eccentric fellow, always finding himself engrossed in ancient texts and puzzles. One day, while perusing through a book on the epic of Gilgamesh, Chris stumbled upon a hidden code that piqued his curiosity.

As he delved deeper into the mysterious code, he realized that it was a guide to mastering the art of Chi Manipulation. This ancient practice allowed one to manipulate the vital energy within living organisms, known as Qi, Ki, Youki, or various other names. Excited by his newfound discovery, Chris set out on a quest to master this extraordinary power.

Chris spent hours practicing the different techniques of Chi Manipulation, honing his skills and perfecting his abilities. He could feel the energy coursing through his body, giving him a renewed sense of vitality and vigor. Shiina watched with amusement as her husband became more and more engrossed in his newfound passion.

As Chris continued to explore the mysteries of Chi Manipulation, he found that he could use his newfound abilities in a variety of ways. He could heal minor injuries with a simple touch, summon bursts of energy to boost his strength, and even manipulate the elements around him. Shiina was both amazed and slightly concerned by her husband's newfound talents.

One day, Chris decided to put his skills to the test by entering a local talent show. With his newfound abilities, he wowed the crowd with a display of incredible feats, bending metal with his bare hands, creating beautiful displays of light with his energy manipulation, and even levitating objects with his mind. The audience was enthralled by his performance, cheering and applauding as Chris showcased his incredible abilities.

As Chris basked in the adoration of the crowd, Shiina couldn't help but chuckle at her husband's antics. She never would have imagined that the man she married would become a master of Chi Manipulation. But despite her bemusement, she was proud of Chris for embracing his talents and sharing them with the world.

In the days that followed, Chris continued to explore the possibilities of Chi Manipulation, using his abilities to help those in need and bring joy to those around him. He became known as a local hero, using his powers for the greater good and spreading laughter and positivity wherever he went.

And so, Chris and Shiina lived happily ever after, with Chris mastering the art of Chi Manipulation and using his powers to make the world a better place. Together, they embarked on incredible adventures and shared many laughs along the way, proving that sometimes, the most extraordinary powers can be found in the most unexpected places.

Aw: 20.


S95. Chi manipulation. (495 rating)

It was a normal day for Chris, a mild-mannered man with a love for ancient texts and puzzles. He was sitting in his study, surrounded by dusty tomes and intricate ciphers, when his wife Mashiro Shiina walked in. Mashiro was a stunning beauty with big, um, assets that always seemed to draw attention wherever she went.

"Hey, Chris," Mashiro purred, sauntering over to him and leaning in close. "What are you working on today?"

Chris looked up from his book of puzzles, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Oh, just deciphering the epic of Gilgamesh and trying to crack this hidden code I stumbled upon. It's supposed to teach Chi Manipulation."

Mashiro raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Chi Manipulation, huh? That sounds interesting. How does it work?"

Chris explained the basics of Chi Manipulation to Mashiro, detailing how it involved harnessing the energy within oneself to perform incredible feats of strength and agility. He even showed her a few simple exercises to demonstrate the concept.

Mashiro watched with rapt attention, her eyes wide with wonder. "That's amazing, Chris! You really are something special."

Chris blushed at the compliment, grateful for Mashiro's unwavering support. Little did he know that his newfound talent for Chi Manipulation would soon be put to the test in a way he never could have imagined.

Later that day, Chris received a distress call from a nearby village. A group of chi users had been terrorizing the Undverse, using their powers to bully and intimidate the other races. Chris knew he had to do something to help, so he enlisted Mashiro's aid and set off to confront the chi users head-on.

When they arrived at the village, they found the chi users wreaking havoc in the Undverse square. Without hesitation, Chris activated his Chi Manipulation abilities, channeling his energy into a powerful wave that sent the chi users flying. Mashiro stood by his side, her ample assets bouncing in time with the chaos around them.

The chi users were stunned by Chris's display of power, their confidence shaken by his unexpected resistance. Chris and Mashiro continued to fight back, their combined strength overwhelming the bullies and forcing them to retreat.

As the dust settled and the villagers emerged from their hiding places, Chris and Mashiro were hailed as heroes. The Undversespeople cheered and thanked them profusely, grateful for their bravery in the face of danger.

Chris grinned at Mashiro, his heart swelling with pride. "Well, it looks like we've saved the day once again, my dear. I couldn't have done it without you."

Mashiro smiled back, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, don't mention it, Chris. After all, it's all in a day's work for us superheroes with big. hearts."

And with that, Chris and Mashiro walked off into the sunset, ready to face whatever challenges came their way with a smile and a wink. For in a world filled with bullies and chaos, they knew that love, laughter, and a healthy dose of Chi Manipulation were all they needed to save the day.

Aw 21.


S96. Chi manipulation. Shutdown. (436 rating).

Once upon a time, in an Undverse called PuzzleVerse, there lived a man named Chris. Now, Chris was no ordinary man. He was a puzzle master extraordinaire, known far and wide for his uncanny ability to solve even the most perplexing of puzzles.

But there was one puzzle that had Chris stumped - his wife Kagura. Kagura was a force to be reckoned with, with her big, beautiful boobs that seemed to defy gravity. Chris often found himself lost in a sea of confusion when it came to understanding his enigmatic wife.

One day, as Chris sat in his study surrounded by his collection of puzzle books, a strange light began to glow in the corner of the room. Before he knew it, a portal opened up, and out stepped a group of invaders from another world. These invaders were unlike anything Chris had ever seen before - they were strange, otherworldly creatures with glowing eyes and a menacing aura.

Thinking quickly, Chris remembered the ancient teachings he had read in his puzzle books. He realized that the key to defeating these invaders lay in the power of chi. With a swift motion, Chris began to manipulate the flow of chi in the room, sending waves of energy towards the invaders.

To his surprise, the invaders began to falter. Their glowing eyes dimmed, and their menacing aura wavered. Chris had done it - he had shut down the chi of the invaders using his knowledge of puzzles.

As the invaders retreated back through the portal, Chris couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Who would have thought that the power of puzzles could save the day?

Just then, Kagura walked into the room, her big boobs bouncing with each step. She raised an eyebrow at Chris, clearly amused by the scene before her.

"What on earth is going on here, Chris?" Kagura asked, a playful smile on her face.

Chris couldn't help but grin. "Oh, just another day in PuzzleVerse, my dear. It turns out that puzzles have more power than we ever imagined."

Kagura chuckled and shook her head. "You never cease to amaze me, Chris. But I must say, I do love a man who can save the day with his knowledge of puzzles."

And with that, Kagura wrapped her arms around Chris and gave him a kiss that sent sparks flying. Chris knew that no puzzle in the world could ever compare to the joy of having Kagura by his side.

And so, in the quirky Undverse of PuzzleVerse, Chris and Kagura lived happily ever after, solving puzzles and shutting down invaders with their unique blend of humor, creativity, and big bouncing boobs.

Aw 22.


S97. Clairvoyance. Dream Scrying. (498 rating)

Once upon a time, in a quaint Undverse, lived a young couple named Chris and Diane. Chris was a quirky archaeologist who spent his days studying the ancient artifacts found along riverbanks. Diane, on the other hand, was a free-spirited artist who loved to paint the beautiful landscapes that surrounded their home. Together, they made the perfect pair - Chris with his analytical mind and Diane with her creative spirit.

One day, Chris stumbled upon a mysterious artifact that seemed to hold great power. As he studied it further, he discovered that it was rumored to grant the ability of clairvoyance - specifically, a skill known as Dream Scying. This power allowed the user to see visions of the past or future through their dreams. Excited by the prospect of unlocking this ancient ability, Chris immediately set to work trying to activate the artifact.

One night, as Chris and Diane lay in bed, Chris fell into a deep sleep. In his dreams, he found himself transported to a strange and mystical world. Hordes of nightmare creatures surrounded him, their glowing eyes filled with malice. Panicked, Chris tried to wake himself up, but found that he was unable to escape the dream world.

Diane, sensing her husband's distress, reached out to him in the dream realm. With a wave of her paintbrush, she created a shield of colorful energy that protected Chris from the creatures' attacks. Together, they fought off the nightmare creatures, using a combination of Chris' quick thinking and Diane's creative powers.

As they battled through the dream world, Chris and Diane encountered all manner of fantastical creatures - from fiery dragons to mischievous imps. Yet, through it all, they maintained their sense of humor, laughing and joking as they fought side by side.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Chris and Diane reached the heart of the dream world. There, they found the source of the nightmares - a dark and malevolent presence that threatened to consume everything in its path. With a determined gleam in their eyes, Chris and Diane joined forces and unleashed a powerful burst of energy that banished the dark entity from their dreams forever.

As they woke up from their shared dream, Chris and Diane lay in bed, breathing heavily from their adventure. They looked at each other with a sense of wonder and gratitude, knowing that they had faced their fears and emerged victorious.

From that day on, Chris and Diane continued to explore the mysteries of the Undverse, using their newfound abilities to uncover hidden treasures and unlock ancient secrets. And though they faced many challenges along the way, they knew that as long as they had each other, there was nothing they couldn't overcome.

And so, the tale of Chris and Diane became legend in the Undverse - a tale of love, courage, and the power of dreams to lead us on incredible adventures.

Aw 23.


S98. Clairvoyance. Scrying and Enhanced sight. (588 rating)

Chris always knew he had a unique set of abilities. His friends jokingly called him a superhuman, but Chris just shrugged it off with a smile. Little did they know, Chris was married to a woman named Darkness. No, she wasn't a vampire or some sort of supernatural being - her name was just Darkness.

Despite her unconventional name, Darkness was actually quite a light-hearted and fun-loving woman. She shared Chris' sense of humor and quirky personality, making them a perfect match. Plus, she had a knack for making Chris' abilities even more exciting.

Chris' first ability, Dream Scying, allowed him to see the past or future through his dreams. This often led to some interesting insights and predictions, but it was Darkness who really brought them to life. She would interpret Chris' dreams in the most hilarious and outlandish ways, turning what could have been a serious and foreboding gift into a source of endless amusement.

One night, Chris had a particularly vivid dream about their upcoming vacation to Hawaii. In his dream, he saw himself lounging on the beach with Darkness, sipping tropical drinks and soaking up the sun. But as the dream progressed, he started to see dark clouds gathering in the sky, threatening to ruin their perfect getaway.

When Chris woke up, he immediately told Darkness about his dream, feeling a sense of dread creeping over him. But Darkness just laughed and brushed it off, insisting that it was just a dream and nothing to worry about. She then proceeded to plan out their entire vacation, making sure to include plenty of activities that would keep them far away from any potential storm clouds.

Sure enough, when they arrived in Hawaii, the weather was perfect - clear blue skies, warm sunshine, and gentle breezes. Chris couldn't believe how accurate his dream had been, but Darkness simply winked at him and said, "I told you not to worry, babe. I've got your back."

In addition to Dream Scying, Chris also had Enhanced Sight, which allowed him to locate and perceive targets and distances far surpassing normal humans. This came in handy when Darkness would challenge him to a game of hide-and-seek in their spacious backyard. She would hide in the most ridiculous places - behind the bushes, up a tree, even in the doghouse - but Chris always managed to find her with his enhanced vision.

One day, as they were playing their usual game of hide-and-seek, Darkness decided to up the stakes. She blindfolded Chris and gave him a time limit to find her, giggling mischievously as she disappeared into the shadows. Chris relied on his Enhanced Sight to guide him through the backyard, using his heightened senses to detect even the slightest movement or sound.

After a few tense moments of searching, Chris finally spotted a flicker of movement in the corner of his eye. With a triumphant shout, he tore off his blindfold and saw Darkness crouching behind the barbecue grill, trying to stifle her laughter. Chris couldn't help but laugh too, realizing that Darkness had managed to outwit him once again.

As they sat on the grass, catching their breath and enjoying the warmth of the sun, Chris couldn't help but feel grateful for his wife - his beloved Darkness. She had brought so much light and humor into his life, making his abilities feel like a gift rather than a burden. Together, they were a quirky and unstoppable team, making the most out of every moment and turning even the darkest of dreams into a source of endless laughter.

Aw 24.


S99. Clairvoyance. Psychic navigation. (637 rating)

Once upon a time in a parallel omniverse, there lived a man named Chris whose wife was known as "Darkness". Now, before you start picturing a spooky, gloomy woman, let me clarify that Darkness was actually a very bright and cheerful person. Her name was just a quirky coincidence, or so they liked to joke.

Chris and Darkness found themselves in a strange reality where odd beings roamed freely and attacked unsuspecting travelers. It was a land filled with the bizarre and the bewildering, but our couple was not one to back down from a challenge. Armed with only their wits and each other, they set out to explore this weird and wonderful world.

As they journeyed through the unfamiliar terrain, Chris decided to use his unique ability called Psychic Navigation. With this power, he could create a mental map of their surroundings and all the curious creatures and objects that inhabited it. It was a handy skill to have in such a topsy-turvy place.

As they ventured deeper into the unknown, they encountered beings unlike anything they had ever seen before. There were talking trees that whispered secrets as they passed by, and furry creatures that seemed to float on air. It was like a whimsical dream come to life.

Darkness couldn't help but marvel at the sights around her, her eyes wide with wonder. "This is incredible, Chris! I never knew such fantastical creatures existed," she exclaimed.

Chris grinned, his mind buzzing with excitement. "I told you this would be an adventure like no other, my dear Darkness. And with my Psychic Navigation, we can navigate this wacky world with ease."

With Chris leading the way, they managed to evade the more mischievous denizens of the land and even befriended a few along the way. They met a group of singing mushrooms who serenaded them with their melodic tunes and a wise old owl who shared cryptic riddles.

But their journey was not without its challenges. They soon found themselves face to face with a menacing creature known as the Snaggletooth, a beast with razor-sharp teeth and a foul stench. It glared at them hungrily, ready to pounce.

Darkness clung to Chris, her heart pounding in her chest. "What do we do, Chris? How can we possibly defeat this monstrous creature?"

Chris remained calm, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Fear not, my love. With my Psychic Navigation, we can outsmart this beast and find a way to escape its clutches."

Closing his eyes, Chris delved deep into his mind, focusing all his psychic energy on mapping out a plan. Moments later, he opened his eyes with a smirk.

"I've got it, Darkness! We'll distract the Snaggletooth with a dazzling light show while we make our escape," he declared.

And so, using his psychic powers, Chris conjured up a dazzling display of lights and colors that mesmerized the Snaggletooth, leaving it temporarily blinded and confused. Seizing the opportunity, Chris and Darkness made a run for it, their laughter echoing through the strange land.

As they finally emerged from the odd reality and back into their own world, Darkness couldn't help but embrace Chris, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, my dear. You truly are a master of Psychic Navigation," she said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

Chris chuckled, his heart full of love for his adventurous wife. "And you, my dear Darkness, are the light that guides me through even the darkest of days. Together, we can conquer any challenge that comes our way."

And so, with a twinkle in their eyes and a skip in their step, Chris and Darkness set off on their next great adventure, ready to face whatever strange and wonderful sights lay ahead. For in a world as wild and whimsical as theirs, anything was possible. And with their love and laughter lighting the way, they knew they could overcome any obstacle with ease.

Aw 25.


S100. Clairvoyance. Visual Linking. (489 rating)

Chris had always known that marrying Mikuru Asahina, the quirky time traveler from a distant future, would lead to a life filled with adventure and unexpected challenges. Little did he know, however, that one of the most bizarre situations he would ever face would involve a horde of odd beings threatening to attack his empire.

As the ruler of a small but prosperous kingdom, Chris was used to dealing with the occasional political intrigue or economic crisis. But when rumors started to circulate about a group of strange creatures planning to launch an assault on his domain, he knew he had to take action.

Fortunately for Chris, he possessed a unique ability known as Visual Linking. This extraordinary gift allowed him to see through the eyes of his enemies, gaining valuable insight into their plans and strategies. With Mikuru by his side, he set out to uncover the truth behind the looming threat.

The first thing Chris noticed as he connected to the minds of the creatures was their sheer absurdity. They were a mishmash of mismatched body parts, with oversized heads, spindly limbs, and bulbous eyes that seemed to be perpetually crossed. As he peered into their minds, he couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

But as he delved deeper into their thoughts, Chris realized that these creatures were far more dangerous than their comical appearances suggested. They were highly intelligent, with a cunning plan to infiltrate his empire and sow chaos from within. With a sense of urgency, Chris knew he had to act quickly to thwart their diabolical scheme.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, Chris and Mikuru devised a plan to counter the impending attack. They set up elaborate traps and decoys, using their wit and humor to outsmart the creatures at every turn. As the day of reckoning approached, Chris felt a strange mix of excitement and trepidation, unsure of what the outcome would be.

When the odd beings finally launched their assault, Chris was ready. With Mikuru by his side, he used his Visual Linking ability to anticipate their every move, staying one step ahead of their nefarious tactics. The battle that ensued was a chaotic mix of slapstick humor and strategic brilliance, with Chris and Mikuru pulling off daring maneuvers and outlandish stunts to outwit their foes.

In the end, the creatures were defeated, their plans foiled by the unorthodox tactics of Chris and Mikuru. As they stood victorious amidst the wreckage of their once-imminent threat, Chris couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. He had faced down a horde of odd beings with nothing but his wit, humor, and sheer determination, emerging triumphant in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

And as he embraced his beloved wife Mikuru, Chris knew that no matter what strange challenges the future held, as long as they faced them together, they could overcome anything with a generous dose of humor and a touch of visionary creativity.

Aw 26.
