
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs

Volume 28, Chapter 4: 4th wall breaking and toon force

S81. 4th wall breaking and toon force. (509 rating)

It was a typical day in the peaceful Undverse of Springfield, where Chris and his wife Esdeath lived. Chris was a simple man, content with his life as a humble farmer. Esdeath, on the other hand, was not your typical wife. She was a powerful ice mage with a fierce reputation for her ruthless efficiency in battle.

One day, as Chris was tending to his crops, a strange portal appeared in the Undverse. Out poured a horde of bizarre and otherworldly beings, each more outrageous than the last. Among them were look-alikes of Ajimu Najimi, a girl with reality-warping powers; Mister Mxyzptlk, a mischievous imp from the fifth dimension; Cosmic Armor Superman, a god-like being from another Undverse; Deadpool, the wisecracking mercenary with a penchant for breaking the fourth wall; Gintoki Sakata, a silver-haired samurai with a penchant for laziness; Lobo, the intergalactic bounty hunter with a bad attitude; She-Hulk, the green-skinned lawyer with a mean right hook; Sonic the Hedgehog, the speedy blue blur with an attitude; Patrick Star, the lovable but dim-witted starfish; Nui Harime, the sadistic fashionista with a deadly scissor blade; and Mine, the fiery sniper with a chip on her shoulder. - all look-alikes, but with crowns on their heads and baseball bats in their hands.

As the Undverse was plunged into chaos, Chris knew he had to do something to protect his home and his loved ones. With a determined glint in his eye, he turned to Esdeath and said, "Honey, it looks like we've got some unwanted guests. Time to show them what we're made of."

Esdeath nodded, her icy blue eyes flashing with determination. "Let's do this, Chris. It's hammer time."

With that, the couple unleashed their secret weapon - a colossal hammer imbued with the power of toon force. The hammer was comically oversized, with bright colors and cartoonish sound effects emanating from it. As Chris swung the hammer, it grew to absurd proportions, larger than undverses, easily crushing any foe in its path.

The invaders were caught off guard by the sheer ridiculousness of the hammer, and soon found themselves being sent flying in all directions. Deadpool tried to make a quip about the situation, but was promptly silenced by a bonk on the head from the hammer. Lobo tried to summon his space dolphins for backup, only to have them zapped out of existence by Esdeath's ice magic. Sonic tried to outspeed the hammer, but found himself caught in a loop of slapstick comedy as he was repeatedly flattened like a pancake.

As the dust settled and the last of the invaders fled in defeat, Chris and Esdeath stood victorious. The Undverse people cheered and applauded, grateful for their heroes' valiant efforts. Chris and Esdeath shared a triumphant high-five, their love and bond stronger than ever.

And so, peace was restored to Springfield once more, thanks to the brave and absurd actions of Chris and his wife Esdeath. Who knew that a simple farmer and his powerful ice mage wife could save the day with a little humor and a whole lot of toon force? It just goes to show that sometimes, the most unlikely heroes can emerge in the strangest of circumstances.

Additional wives: 7.


S82. Ice and fire breath. (617 rating)

Chris and his wife Tsumugi KOTOBUKI were on a mission to uncover a secret on the moon. They were exploring the desolate landscape, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge army of gelatinous monsters emerged from the shadows.

Tsumugi gasped in terror as the monsters surrounded them, their jelly-like bodies pulsating with a grotesque slime. Chris, however, remained calm and collected. He knew that he had a secret weapon up his sleeve – his ice breath.

Taking a deep breath, Chris unleashed a powerful blast of frosty air, causing the monsters to freeze on the spot. Tsumugi watched in amazement as her husband's breath turned the gelatinous creatures into icy statues.

But Chris wasn't done yet. He then summoned his magic fire, and with a flick of his wrist, he ignited the monsters in a blazing inferno. The combination of ice and fire was a deadly one, as the monsters' durability was no match for the dual assault. With a loud crack, the monsters shattered into a million tiny pieces, their gooey remains sizzling on the lunar surface.

As the dust settled, Chris turned to Tsumugi with a triumphant smile. "Well, that was unexpected," he quipped, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I guess you could say we really put those monsters on ice."

Tsumugi couldn't help but chuckle at her husband's pun. "I guess we make a pretty hot team," she replied, her voice laced with humor. "But what are we going to do with all these monster remains?"

Chris stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I have an idea," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's take them back to Earth and put them to work as our personal servants. I think they'd make excellent slave labor."

Tsumugi raised an eyebrow at her husband's suggestion. "I'm not sure that's such a good idea," she said, a hint of skepticism in her voice. "I mean, can we even trust these monsters? They did just try to attack us, after all."

Chris grinned. "Oh, don't worry," he reassured her. "I'll make sure they're under my control. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? It's not like they can plot a rebellion with their gooey bodies."

And so, Chris and Tsumugi loaded up the frozen monster remains onto their spaceship and headed back to Earth. As they flew through the stars, the couple couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of their situation. Who would have thought that a simple mission to the moon would result in them becoming the masters of a gelatinous army?

When they arrived back on Earth, Chris wasted no time in putting his plan into action. With a wave of his hand, he unfroze the monsters and commanded them to be his loyal servants. To their surprise, the monsters obeyed without hesitation, eager to serve their new masters.

And so, Chris and Tsumugi became the proud owners of a legion of gelatinous minions, who carried out their every whim with unwavering loyalty. From cleaning the house to fetching groceries, the monsters proved to be surprisingly efficient servants, much to the amusement of Chris and Tsumugi.

As they sat back and watched their gelatinous minions at work, Chris turned to Tsumugi with a grin. "I guess you could say we really cracked the code on this one," he joked, earning a playful glare from his wife.

And so, with a newfound army of gelatinous slaves at their disposal, Chris and Tsumugi embarked on a series of wacky adventures, their life on Earth never boring with their newfound companions by their side. And as they laughed and joked together, they knew that no matter what challenges they faced, as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything – even a horde of gelatinous monsters on the moon.

Additional wives: 8


S83. Broadway Force. (440 rating)

Chris was a simple man, living his life in a world where mythical creatures and magic were not only real but also a part of everyday life. He was married to the mature and elegant Tsumugi KOTOBUKI, a woman who had always been his rock and source of wisdom. However, despite her calm nature, Tsumugi was also a force to be reckoned with when it came to protecting her loved ones.

One day, Chris found himself in need of guidance and turned to his friend Ra, a wise old wizard who had always been there to help him in times of need. As Chris explained his troubles, a horde of dark creatures suddenly appeared out of nowhere, surrounding them from all sides.

Panic began to set in as Chris and Ra realized they were outnumbered and outmatched. However, Chris quickly remembered a skill he had learned long ago - the Broadway Force. With a snap of his fingers and a grand gesture, he unleashed his power, causing the enemies to break into a spontaneous and wild dance routine.

The creatures danced like crazy, their dark and menacing forms moving in time to an invisible beat. Chris couldn't help but laugh as he watched them twirl and spin, completely under his control. Tsumugi looked on in amusement, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she admired her husband's unique abilities.

As the creatures danced on, Chris and Ra were able to take advantage of the distraction and swiftly dispatch them one by one. With each defeated foe, the dance became even more ridiculous and over-the-top, until finally, the last creature collapsed in a heap of exhaustion.

Breathless and victorious, Chris and Ra shared a knowing look, both recognizing the absurdity of the situation they had just been in. Tsumugi simply shook her head in amusement, her eyes twinkling with mirth at the sight before her.

And so, Chris learned that sometimes, the best way to overcome a challenge was not with brute force or magic, but with a little bit of humor and creativity. He also realized the importance of having a strong support system in the form of friends like Ra and a wife like Tsumugi, who could always be counted on to keep things in perspective.

As they walked away from the now-empty battlefield, the sounds of laughter and joy following in their wake, Chris knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would always have the love and support of those closest to him. And with that knowledge, he felt ready to face whatever the future may bring, armed with nothing more than his wits, his laughter, and his Broadway Force.

Additional wives: 9


S84. Broadway Force. (425 rating)

Chris couldn't believe his luck when he married the mature and sophisticated Koneko Toujou. She was known for her grace and elegance, always one step ahead of everyone else. But little did he know that his wife had a secret talent - she was a Jedi cosplayer.

One day, while Chris and Koneko were at a cosplay convention, a horde of Jedi cosplayers suddenly attacked with their lightsabers, pretending to be Anakin and Luke Skywalker. Chris was caught off guard, but Koneko quickly sprang into action, revealing her hidden Jedi skills.

Using her quick reflexes and agility, Koneko deftly dodged the swinging lightsabers and countered with her own moves, taking down cosplayers left and right. But Chris wasn't about to let his wife have all the fun.

Drawing on his own unique talent, Chris tapped into the Broadway Force - a power that allowed him to manipulate inanimate objects with the flair and drama of a Broadway show. He made swords twirl and rocks dance, sending them flying towards the cosplayers' heads with precision aim.

As the chaos unfolded, the cosplayers didn't know what hit them. Suddenly, they were being bombarded by flying objects from all directions, unable to keep up with the dynamic duo of Chris and Koneko. The sight of lightsabers clashing with twirling swords and rocks raining down on them was truly a spectacle to behold.

Amidst all the action, Chris couldn't help but marvel at his wife's skills and grace under pressure. She was like a fierce warrior queen, commanding the battlefield with confidence and precision. And with his own unique powers, Chris felt like a knight in shining armor, fighting alongside his Jedi wife to protect their turf.

In the end, the cosplayers were no match for the combined forces of Chris and Koneko. With a final flourish, Koneko delivered the winning blow, knocking the last cosplayer to the ground with a swift kick. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, amazed by the unexpected heroes who had saved the day.

As they basked in their victory, Chris couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Who would have thought that a simple cosplay convention could turn into a full-blown Jedi battle? But with Koneko by his side, he knew that anything was possible.

And so, the legend of Chris and Koneko, the Broadway Jedi and the Ninja Queen, spread far and wide, inspiring awe and laughter wherever they went. For in a world full of cosplayers and lightsabers, they were a force to be reckoned with - a comedic duo like no other.

* Chris suppressed his powers, of course. There was no point going all out on cosplayers.

Additional wives: 10


S85. Camouflage. (484 rating)

Chris was a simple man with a simple life. He worked a nine-to-five job, had a loving wife named Shura Kirigakure, and enjoyed relaxing at home with a good book or a movie. Little did he know that his life was about to take a turn for the strange and fantastical.

One day, while out exploring in the woods near his home, Chris stumbled upon a strange creature. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before - a monster with golden, divine blood coursing through its veins. In a moment of curiosity (or perhaps stupidity), Chris reached out and touched the creature, not realizing the power he was about to inherit.

As soon as his hand made contact with the monster, a surge of energy shot through his body. He could feel the golden blood flowing through him, filling him with strength and power beyond his wildest dreams. Excited and a little bit scared, Chris ran back home to share his discovery with Shura.

But as soon as he arrived, he realized that something was wrong. The air around their house was thick with the sound of buzzing wings and crawling legs. Looking out the window, Chris saw a swarm of gigantic vermin descending upon their home, drawn to the power of the golden blood coursing through his veins.

Panicking, Chris tried to think of a way to protect himself and Shura from the vermin. He remembered a skill he had been practicing - Camouflage. With a deep breath, he focused all his energy on blending in with his surroundings, hoping that the vermin would pass by without noticing them.

To his surprise, the Camouflage skill actually worked. The vermin flew right past their house, oblivious to the presence of Chris and Shura inside. Chris let out a sigh of relief, but as he turned to celebrate with Shura, he realized that she was gone.

Frantic, Chris searched high and low for his wife, calling out her name in a panic. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice coming from the backyard. Racing outside, Chris found Shura standing in the middle of a circle of vermin, holding her own against the creatures with nothing but a wooden spoon.

Chris couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sight. Shura, usually so calm and collected, was fending off gigantic vermin with a kitchen utensil, her hair in disarray and a look of determination on her face. It was both ridiculous and inspiring at the same time.

As the last of the vermin retreated, Shura turned to Chris with a smile. "I guess you're not the only one with hidden talents," she joked, twirling the wooden spoon in her hand.

And so, Chris and Shura stood together in their backyard, covered in dirt and surrounded by the remnants of the vermin attack. They may have been an ordinary couple living an ordinary life, but in that moment, they felt like heroes.

From that day on, Chris and Shura kept the golden blood a secret, using its power only when they needed to defend their home from the strange creatures that seemed drawn to it. And as they faced each new challenge with humor and determination, they knew that no matter what the future held, they would always have each other to rely on.

And so, the tale of Chris and Shura Kirigakure, the ordinary couple with extraordinary powers, lived on as a legend in their small Undverse. And though they may not have been the most powerful heroes in the world, they were certainly the most unforgettable.

Additional wives: 11


S86. Causality manipulation. (427 rating)

Chris was just an ordinary guy, living a relatively boring life until he met Maki ZEN'IN. Maki was anything but ordinary – she was fierce, intelligent, and downright stunning. Chris couldn't believe his luck when she agreed to marry him, and he felt like the luckiest man alive.

But their happiness was short-lived when an army of enemies suddenly attacked their home. Chris wasn't sure why they were being targeted, but he knew one thing for sure – he had to protect his beloved wife at all costs.

Thinking quickly, Chris tapped into a power he never even knew he had – causality manipulation. With a wave of his hand, he redirected the attacks of the enemies, turning their attacks to cause harmless flowers. The enemies were baffled, their aggression turning into confusion as they stared at the beautiful blooms in front of them.

But Chris didn't stop there. With another wave of his hand, he caused the flowers to grow rapidly, transforming them into towering Flower soldiers. These soldiers stood tall and proud, ready to defend their creators with all their might.

Maki couldn't believe her eyes. She had always known Chris was special, but this was beyond anything she could have imagined. She watched in awe as he controlled the Flower soldiers, leading them into battle against their enemies.

The enemies didn't stand a chance. The Flower soldiers were strong, agile, and utterly fearless. They fought with a grace and ferocity that left the attackers scrambling for cover. Before long, the enemies had retreated, defeated by the sheer power of Chris and his Flower army.

As the dust settled, Maki ran into Chris' arms, tears of relief and pride streaming down her face. She had always known he was a remarkable man, but this was something else entirely. Chris had not only saved her life but had done so with a humor and creativity that was truly visionary.

From that day on, Chris and Maki were known far and wide as the Flower Warrior Duo. Together, they traveled the land, using their powers for good and spreading joy wherever they went. They became legends, their names whispered in awe and reverence wherever they went.

But no matter how famous they became, Chris and Maki never lost sight of what was truly important – each other. They continued to fight side by side, their love and bond growing stronger with each passing day.

And so, the legend of Chris and Maki ZEN'IN, the Flower Warrior Duo, lived on for eternity – a testament to the power of love, humor, and a little bit of visionary creativity.

Additional wives: 12.


S87. Causality manipulation. (566 rating)

Chris wife, Maki ZEN'IN, was known for her quick wit and sharp sense of humor. Together, they were the perfect team - always ready for any challenge that came their way.

One day, as they were enjoying a peaceful evening together, a sudden onslaught of enemies descended upon them. It seemed like there was no end to the number of foes that were approaching, and Chris knew that they needed to come up with a plan fast.

Drawing upon his unique ability of causality manipulation, Chris took action. With a wave of his hand, he reversed the enemies' arrival, causing them to reach the place where they had come from. Yes. In a strange twist of fate, the enemies found themselves back at the starting point - only this time, they were pregnant.

Confused and disoriented, the enemies began laying eggs for no apparent reason. Maki couldn't help but burst into laughter at the absurd sight before them. "Well, that's one way to deal with unwanted guests!" she quipped, wiping away tears of laughter.

As the enemies continued to lay eggs, Chris and Maki realized that they had unknowingly stumbled upon a new form of warfare. With a mischievous glint in his eye, Chris turned to Maki and said, "I think we've just discovered the ultimate weapon against our foes - the power of unexpected motherhood!"

Together, they watched as the enemies scrambled to deal with their sudden transformation. Some tried to escape, only to find themselves laying more eggs with each step they took. Others simply sat in shock, unsure of what to do next.

As the chaos unfolded before them, Chris and Maki couldn't help but marvel at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. Who would have thought that causality manipulation could lead to such unexpected consequences?

But even in the midst of laughter, they knew that they couldn't let their guard down. The enemies may have been in a state of confusion now, but they were sure to regroup and come back stronger than ever.

With a wink, Chris turned to Maki and said, "Well, it looks like we'll have our hands full with these new 'mothers' on the loose. But hey, at least we can say we've experienced the weirdest battle of our lives!"

As they prepared to face whatever challenges came their way, Chris and Maki knew one thing for certain - no matter how bizarre the circumstances, as long as they had each other by their side, they could conquer anything with a touch of humor and a dash of creativity. And so, with a shared grin, they stood ready to take on whatever the future held in store for them.

Together, they would face the world with laughter in their hearts and a twinkle in their eyes, ready to embrace the absurdity of life with open arms. And who knows? Maybe next time, they would discover an even more unexpected way to outwit their enemies. But for now, they were content to bask in the joy of their newfound victory, surrounded by a sea of bewildered egg-laying foes.

And so, the tale of Chris and Maki ZEN'IN, the unlikely heroes who turned enemies into mothers, would go down in history as one of the most bizarre - and hilarious - battles ever fought. But one thing was for sure: they wouldn't have it any other way. Life was just too short not to embrace the unexpected with a smile and a chuckle.

Aw (Additional wives): 13.


S88. Causality manipulation. (437 rating)

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a man named Chris who was married to a woman named Maki ZEN'IN. Now, Chris was not your average Joe. He had a special ability known as causality manipulation, which allowed him to control the cause and effect of any situation.

One day, as Chris and Maki were enjoying a peaceful picnic in the meadow, they were suddenly ambushed by an innumerable number of enemies. The enemies came from all directions, armed to the teeth and ready to attack.

But Chris was not one to be easily intimidated. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he activated his causality manipulation powers. In an instant, he made every action of the enemy cause no effect except laying eggs.

Yes, you read that right. The enemies' attacks were rendered completely useless, as all they could do was lay eggs. Soon, the meadow was filled with eggs of all shapes and sizes, much to the confusion of the enemies.

Maki couldn't help but burst into laughter at the absurdity of the situation. "Chris, you never cease to amaze me with your quirky powers!" she exclaimed, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes.

Chris simply grinned and shrugged. "Well, what can I say? I like to keep things egg-citing," he quipped, earning a playful eye roll from Maki.

As the enemies continued to lay eggs fruitlessly, Chris and Maki took advantage of the situation. They gathered up the eggs and decided to have an impromptu omelette feast right there in the meadow. Chris whipped up a delicious spread of omelettes, using the eggs as the main ingredient.

The enemies, now completely baffled and disoriented, could only watch in bewilderment as Chris and Maki enjoyed their impromptu feast. Some even attempted to join in, laying eggs of their own and trying to mimic Chris's cooking skills.

After the feast, Chris and Maki bid farewell to the confused enemies and continued on their way, their bellies full and their hearts light. As they walked hand in hand, Maki couldn't help but shake her head in amusement.

"You never fail to surprise me, Chris," she said, giving him a fond look. "I guess that's why I fell in love with you in the first place."

Chris winked at her, his eyes full of mischief. "Who knew that causality manipulation could be so egg-citing, eh?"

And with that, the two of them continued on their journey, their laughter echoing through the meadow. For in a world full of chaos and uncertainty, Chris and Maki knew that as long as they had each other, they could always find humor and joy in even the most absurd of situations. And who knows what other egg-citing adventures lay ahead for this quirky couple? Only time would tell.

Aw: 14.


S89. Causality manipulation (384 rating).

Once upon a time in the whimsical land of Fantasia, there lived a man named Chris and his wife Morgiana. Chris was known far and wide for his incredible ability to manipulate concepts, bending reality to his will with a mere thought. Morgiana, on the other hand, was a talented artist who could bring her paintings to life with a touch of her brush.

One day, while Chris and Morgiana were enjoying a peaceful picnic in the enchanted forest, a horde of powerful enemies descended upon them. The foes were fierce and numerous, attacking from all sides with swords, spears, and magic spells. But Chris was not one to be easily defeated. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he unleashed his powers, making physical attacks unable to hit anywhere.

As the enemies swung their weapons and cast their spells, they found themselves striking at nothing but thin air. Chris had shifted the very fabric of reality, rendering their attacks useless. Morgiana, quick on her feet, used her artistry to create illusions and distractions, further confounding their foes.

The enemies grew frustrated and confused, unable to comprehend why their attacks were missing their mark. Chris and Morgiana, however, were thoroughly entertained by the chaos they had created. They danced and laughed as they dodged blows and weaved through the battlefield with ease.

With each passing moment, Chris and Morgiana's powers grew stronger and wilder. Chris began to twist reality into bizarre shapes, turning the enemies' weapons into butterflies and their armor into confetti. Morgiana painted swirling vortexes of color that engulfed their foes, sending them reeling with dizziness.

As the enemies stumbled and fell, Chris and Morgiana stood victorious, their laughter echoing through the forest. The defeated foes lay in a heap, bewildered and humiliated by their inability to land a single blow. Chris and Morgiana shared a tender kiss, their love shining brightly amidst the chaos they had unleashed.

And so, in the land of Fantasia, Chris and Morgiana became legends, known for their eccentric humor and boundless creativity. They continued to explore the limits of their powers, always ready to face whatever challenges came their way with a smile and a wink. And though their enemies may have been fierce, they were no match for the unstoppable duo of Chris and Morgiana, the masters of manipulation and whimsy.

Aw: 15.


S90. Causality manipulation. (492 rating).

Original: Chris wife is Louise Francoise.

When an innumerable number of powerful enemies attacked both beautiful and ugly, strong and weak, Chris manipulated concepts and made all ugly and weak enemies to be nonexistent (their own existence causing their non existence). Chris then imprisoned the survivors.


Chris's wife, Louise Francoise, had always known that her husband was a bit. eccentric. But she never imagined just how far his behavior would go until the day he revealed his plan to manipulate concepts and make their enemies disappear.

It all started when a group of powerful foes descended upon their small village. Louise watched in horror as they attacked with ferocity, leaving destruction in their wake. She knew that Chris was strong, but she never expected him to take matters into his own hands in such a bizarre way.

With a gleam in his eye, Chris explained his plan to Louise. He would use his unique abilities to twist reality, making all of the ugly and weak enemies vanish into thin air. Louise couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. She had always known that her husband had a wild imagination, but this was on a whole other level.

As Chris set to work, Louise watched in amazement as the enemies began to disappear one by one. Some of them looked confused, others terrified, but all of them eventually faded into nothingness. It was like a magic trick gone horribly wrong, but somehow, it was working.

Once the last of the enemies had vanished, Chris turned to Louise with a grin. "See, my dear? I told you I had a plan," he said proudly. Louise couldn't help but shake her head in disbelief. Only Chris would come up with something so outrageous and actually make it happen.

But the strangest part was yet to come. Chris decided to imprison the survivors of the attack, locking them away in a magical prison of his own creation. Louise couldn't help but giggle at the absurdity of it all. It was like something out of a bad fantasy novel, but she had to admit, it was kind of impressive in its own weird way.

As the days passed, Louise watched as Chris kept a watchful eye on their captives. He seemed almost giddy with excitement, like a child who had caught a particularly elusive butterfly. It was both endearing and slightly unsettling at the same time.

But Louise knew that her husband meant well, even if his methods were a bit. unconventional. She couldn't help but admire his creativity and vision, even if it did lead to some rather bizarre situations.

In the end, Chris's plan worked. Their village was safe once more, and the enemies were no longer a threat. It was a strange and comical turn of events, but Louise couldn't deny that she was proud of her husband for thinking outside the box and finding a way to save them all.

And so, as she sat by his side, watching the sunset over their newly peaceful village, Louise couldn't help but smile. Despite the chaos and absurdity of it all, she knew that she loved Chris more than ever. After all, who else could come up with such a ridiculous plan and actually make it work?.

Aw: 16.
