
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs

Volume 27, Chapter 7: Abstract existence

S6. Abstract existence. (509 rating)

Once upon a time, in a world where gods and mortals coexisted, there was a man named Chris who just so happened to catch the attention of the goddess of wisdom herself. Athena was intrigued by Chris's wit and charm, and she decided to bestow upon him a gift unlike any other.

One day, as Chris was walking through the forest, he stumbled upon a beautiful shrine dedicated to Athena. As he paid his respects and offered a prayer to the goddess, a blinding light enveloped him. When the light faded, Chris felt a surge of power coursing through his veins. Athena had granted him the ability to store mana at levels far beyond what any normal mortal could achieve.

Excited and eager to test out his newfound powers, Chris returned home to his loving wife, Hinata Hyuga. Hinata was a skilled warrior in her own right, but she was taken aback by the radiant glow that surrounded Chris. When he explained what had happened, she was overjoyed and proud of her husband.

As days turned into weeks, Chris began to experiment with his mana storage abilities. He found that he could channel the energy into various spells and enchantments, making him a formidable force to be reckoned with. But it wasn't until he encountered a powerful physical being that his true potential was put to the test.

The being, known only as the Titan of Destruction, was known for its ability to tear through mountains with a single swipe of its massive claw. When it came face to face with Chris, it saw nothing but a mere mortal to be crushed underfoot. However, Chris had a trick up his sleeve.

As the Titan lunged at him, Chris simply laughed. The abstract of comedy that was now Chris, allowed him to see the humor in even the most dire situations, and remained unscathed, possessing both the powers of toon force and gagginess. And so, every time the Titan struck the body down, Chris would rise again, seemingly unharmed.

The Titan grew frustrated and confused, for no matter how many times it killed Chris, he would always come back laughing. Eventually, the Titan grew so tired of Chris's antics that it simply gave up and wandered off into the sunset, defeated by the abstract of comedy.

Hinata watched in amazement as her husband continued to defy death with his newfound powers. She couldn't help but laugh along with him, marveling at the absurdity of it all. Together, they traveled the world, spreading joy and laughter wherever they went.

And so, Chris became known as the immortal jester, a legend in his own right. Thanks to the goddess of wisdom's blessing, he was able to embody the very essence of humor and bring light to even the darkest of corners. And as long as he had Hinata by his side, there was nothing that could stand in his way.

In the end, Chris and Hinata lived happily ever after, their love and laughter resonating throughout the land for all eternity. And the goddess of wisdom looked down upon them, pleased with her decision to bless such a unique and wonderful couple.


S7. Abstract existence. Survival even when the Omniverse was destroyed. (495 rating).

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there lived a mischievous man named Chris who loved nothing more than playing tricks on his friends. One day, he decided to trick his friend Samara with a book that he claimed held the secrets to eternal youth.

Samara, being a gullible soul, fell for Chris's ploy hook, line, and sinker. She eagerly devoured the book, hoping to uncover the elusive secret within its pages. However, to her dismay, all she found were poorly drawn stick figures and nonsensical ramblings.

When Samara confronted Chris about the trick, he couldn't contain his laughter. "I can't believe you fell for it!" he exclaimed, tears of mirth streaming down his face.

But little did Chris know that his antics would soon come back to haunt him. You see, Chris's wife, Asuna Yuuki, was not amused by his juvenile behavior. She scolded him for his immaturity and warned him that if he didn't shape up, she would leave him for good.

Chris, realizing the error of his ways, promised to change his pranking ways and be a better husband to Asuna. And true to his word, he kept his promise and became the model spouse, much to Asuna's delight.

But Chris's misadventures were far from over. One day, he stumbled upon a mysterious artifact that turned him into the abstract of Comedy. Suddenly, he found himself imbued with the power to make people laugh like never before.

As Chris's reputation as the funniest man in the land spread far and wide, he was invited to perform in different realms within the omniverse. His jokes were so side-splittingly funny that even the gods themselves couldn't help but burst into laughter.

But one day, disaster struck. The omniverse was on the brink of destruction, threatened by an evil force that sought to annihilate all existence.

However, to everyone's surprise, Chris remained unscathed. It was then that the gods revealed the reason behind Chris's miraculous survival - laughter happens even after the omniverse was destroyed. . And so, the gods restored the omniverse.

And so, Chris lived on, his comedic talents shining bright in a world on the brink of chaos. Asuna stood by his side, proud of her husband's ability to bring light in the darkest of times.

And as for Samara, she learned to laugh at herself and not take life too seriously. She forgave Chris for his trickery, realizing that sometimes, a little humor is all it takes to make the world a brighter place.

And so, the tale of Chris, the abstract of Comedy, and his merry band of misfits came to an end, leaving behind a legacy of laughter and joy that would be remembered for generations to come. And in a world filled with darkness, they stood as beacons of light, shining brightly for all to see.


S8. Acausality. (490 rating)

Once upon a time in a small Undverse called Dreamland, there lived a man named Chris whose mother was convinced that she had the power to erase his memories. She would tell him stories of how she had always possessed this mysterious ability and would use it whenever she saw fit. Chris never believed her, of course, but his mother was persistent in her claims.

One day, Chris decided to introduce his mother to his new wife, the 18-year-old Taiga AISAKA. Taiga was a vibrant and energetic young woman who brought a spark of light into Chris' life. His mother, however, was not pleased with his choice of partner and immediately set about trying to erase Taiga from Chris' memories.

Chris' mother would sneak into their house at night and sprinkle memory-wiping powder on their pillows, but to no avail. Taiga's presence in Chris' life was unshakeable, and Chris found himself falling more and more in love with her every day.

Despite his mother's best efforts, Taiga remained a constant in Chris' life. She was a force to be reckoned with, with her fiery personality and unwavering determination. Chris found himself drawn to her like a moth to a flame, unable to resist her charm.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, Chris discovered a peculiar ability within himself. He could trigger his own acausality, meaning that he was not affected by changes to the past. This newfound power brought a new perspective to his life, allowing him to view the world in a different light.

With his acausal ability, Chris was able to be unaffected by his mother's attempts to erase his memories of Taiga. He saw the humor in her desperate actions and found himself laughing at her feeble attempts to control his life. Taiga, with her free spirit and sense of adventure, taught Chris to embrace his true self and not be swayed by the whims of others.

Together, Chris and Taiga embarked on a journey of self-discovery and love, unbound by the constraints of time and memory. They laughed in the face of adversity and danced through life's challenges with grace and humor.

Chris' mother, realizing that her son was beyond her control, finally accepted Taiga into their lives. She saw the love and happiness that Taiga brought to Chris and knew that she could not erase those memories, no matter how hard she tried.

And so, Chris and Taiga lived happily ever after in the Undverse of Dreamland, their love stronger than ever and their spirits unbroken. They were a beacon of light in a world filled with darkness, showing others the power of humor and love in the face of adversity.

And as for Chris' mother, she learned to embrace her son's independence and the love he had found with Taiga. She may not have had the power to erase his memories, but she had the power to love unconditionally, and that was all that truly mattered in the end.


S9. Acausality. (493 rating)

Once upon a time in a small Undverse, there lived a man named Chris who was married to an 18-year-old girl named Kanade TACHIBANA. Yes, you read that right - Chris had somehow managed to marry a girl that pretty. But hey, love knows no bounds, right?

Now, Chris was not your ordinary guy. He had a special ability called acausality, which meant that he was not affected by changes to the past. This made him pretty much invincible when it came to altering timelines and messing with the fabric of reality.

One day, a jealous rival of Chris decided to take drastic measures to get rid of him once and for all. This rival was a time traveler who traveled back in time to when Chris was just a baby and decided to. well, let's just say he wasn't planning on sending Chris a birthday present.

However, thanks to Chris' acausality, the present was unaffected. Chris remained unharmed and continued living his life, oblivious to the fact that someone had tried to erase him from existence.

When Chris learned about the attempted assassination from the time traveler, he couldn't help but laugh. "What a ridiculous plan!" he exclaimed. "Did he really think that would work on someone like me?"

Kanade TACHIBANA, his young wife, rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Only you, Chris, could have such a bizarre and outlandish storyline."

But Chris wasn't done yet. He decided to confront the time traveler himself and show him just how futile his efforts were. With a mischievous grin, Chris traveled back in time to the moment right before the rival tried to kill him as a baby.

As the rival stood there, poised to strike, Chris appeared out of thin air and tapped him on the shoulder. "Looking for someone?" he teased.

The rival's eyes widened in shock as he realized his plan had been foiled. "But how?!" he stammered.

Chris shrugged nonchalantly. "I told you, I'm not someone you can mess with easily. Now, how about we settle this like civilized adults? Perhaps a game of rock-paper-scissors?"

And so, the two adversaries engaged in a fierce battle of wits and luck, trying to outsmart each other with their chosen hand gestures. In the end, Chris emerged victorious, leaving the rival dumbfounded and defeated.

As they bid farewell to each other, Chris couldn't help but admire the rival's tenaUndverse and determination. "You may be a worthy opponent, my friend," he said, "but remember - you can never outsmart someone who can't be affected by changes to the past."

And with that, Chris and his young wife Kanade TACHIBANA returned to their peaceful life in the small Undverse, where they continued to defy the laws of time and space with their unique brand of humor and creativity.

As they say, truth is stranger than fiction. And in the case of Chris and Kanade TACHIBANA, their love story was truly one for the ages - or should I say, for all ages.


S10. (552 rating)

Once upon a time in the small Undverse of Cloudberry Falls, there was a man named George who made an absurd claim that he could communicate with other worlds through a voice in the omniverse. However, his claim was met with skepticism as no one believed him since they all thought his "connections" weren't working properly. Despite the doubts, George continued to insist that he could hear otherworldly voices and receive messages from parallel dimensions.

One day, a couple named Chris and CC moved into Cloudberry Falls and heard about George's claims from the locals. Intrigued by the eccentric man, Chris and CC decided to pay him a visit to find out more about his supposed ability to communicate with other worlds. They found George living in a quaint little cottage on the outskirts of Undverse, surrounded by an assortment of peculiar gadgets and gizmos.

As they sat down with George, he began to tell them about his encounters with beings from different realms. He spoke of strange creatures with multiple eyes, beings made of pure light, and even entities that communicated through interstellar frequencies. Chris and CC couldn't help but chuckle at George's wild stories, but they were also fascinated by his imaginative mind.

Despite George's insistence that he was indeed communicating with other worlds, Chris and CC couldn't help but see the humor in the situation. They decided to play along with George's beliefs, asking him to relay messages from the beings he claimed to be in contact with. George eagerly obliged, closing his eyes and listening intently for any incoming transmissions.

"Ah, I'm receiving a message from the planet Zogon," George announced dramatically. "They say they are impressed by your kindness and wish to bestow upon you the gift of eternal happiness!"

Chris and CC exchanged amused glances, trying their best to keep a straight face. They thanked George for the message from the fictional planet Zogon and continued to humor him as he relayed more outlandish messages from his supposed interdimensional contacts.

As the evening went on, George's tales became more and more extravagant, with talk of time loops, quantum entanglement, and parallel universes colliding. Chris and CC couldn't help but be entertained by George's vivid imagination and his unwavering belief in his ability to communicate with otherworldly beings.

At the end of their visit, Chris and CC thanked George for his hospitality and his entertaining stories. They left his cottage with fond memories of their encounter with the eccentric man who claimed to speak to other worlds.

As they walked back to their own home, Chris turned to CC with a grin. "Well, that was certainly an interesting experience," he remarked. "Who knew that Cloudberry Falls had its very own resident alien communicator?"

CC laughed and nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it was quite the adventure," she said. "I suppose we'll never know for sure if George truly has the ability to communicate with other worlds, but hey, at least we got a good laugh out of it!"

And so, Chris and CC returned to their normal lives in Cloudberry Falls, content in the knowledge that sometimes, the most outlandish claims can bring a bit of humor and joy into their lives. And who knows, maybe George really is speaking to beings from other dimensions. After all, in a Undverse as whimsical as Cloudberry Falls, anything is possible.
