
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs

Volume 26, Chapter 6: Tragedy

11. (757 rating). Tragedy.

The night was illuminated by the full moon as Chris sat in his dimly lit study, surrounded by ancient tomes and scrolls filled with magical incantations. His intense gaze was fixed on the intricate calculations he was scribbling on a piece of parchment, his mind fully immersed in the complexities of arcane magic.

Chris was a gifted sorcerer, known for his unparalleled ability to channel mana – the magical energy that flowed through all living things. His calculations were not just for show, but a way to unlock the mysteries of the universe and harness its power for his own purposes.

As he finished his calculations, a sudden chill ran down his spine, causing him to look up in surprise. Standing before him was a radiant figure, draped in flowing robes that seemed to shimmer with otherworldly light. It was the goddess of wisdom herself, Athena, who had been watching his progress with interest.

"Chris, your calculations have pleased me," Athena declared, her voice echoing like the chiming of a thousand bells. "I have decided to bestow upon you a gift – the ability to store mana at a level higher than any mortal has ever achieved."

Chris was stunned by her words, hardly daring to believe what he was hearing. To be granted such a boon by a goddess was beyond his wildest dreams, and he felt a surge of gratitude and awe wash over him.

But as he looked into Athena's piercing eyes, he saw something else there – a hint of mischief and curiosity that made his heart race. It was then that he noticed a figure standing in the shadows behind her, watching their exchange with a mixture of jealousy and longing.

Zoe Cali was a fellow sorceress, known for her beauty and charm as much as her formidable magical talents. She had long harbored feelings for Chris, but had never dared to reveal them, fearing rejection or scorn.

Now, as she witnessed Athena's favor towards him, Zoe's jealousy flared into something darker and more dangerous. She knew that Chris would never be hers as long as he was under the goddess's protection, and she vowed to find a way to break the enchantment that bound him.

As the days passed, Chris's power continued to grow, fueled by Athena's gift of heightened mana storage. He reveled in the newfound strength and clarity that coursed through him, using it to unravel the most complex of spells and charms with ease.

But Zoe's presence loomed over him like a shadow, her piercing gaze following his every move with a mixture of desire and despair. She began to cast her own spells, seeking to disrupt the delicate balance of power that Athena had bestowed upon him.

One night, as Chris delved into a particularly powerful enchantment, Zoe made her move. She appeared before him, her eyes blazing with a fierce intensity that took his breath away.

"Chris, I cannot bear to see you under Athena's spell any longer," Zoe declared, her voice trembling with emotion. "I love you, and I will do whatever it takes to free you from her influence."

Chris was torn between loyalty to the goddess who had granted him such immense power and the sorceress who had captured his heart. He knew that Zoe's intentions were driven by love, but he also knew that defying Athena was a dangerous and foolhardy endeavor.

As he struggled to make sense of his feelings, a vision of the future flashed before his eyes – a world torn asunder by the unleashed power of his magical abilities, with Zoe at his side as his equal and his downfall.

In that moment, Chris made his decision. He turned to Zoe, his heart filled with a fierce determination and a newfound clarity.

"I will not be swayed by jealousy or desire," he declared, his voice ringing with power. "I choose my own path, one that leads towards truth and wisdom, even if it means sacrificing everything I hold dear."

With those words, Chris broke free of the enchantment that had bound him to Athena and stepped into a future filled with uncertainty and possibility. Zoe watched him go, her eyes filled with a mixture of longing and regret, knowing that she had lost him to a destiny that was no longer hers to control.

And as Chris walked into the night, his heart heavy with the weight of his choices, he knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger and challenge. But he also knew that he was finally free to follow his own desires and dreams, no matter where they might lead.


(772 rating)

The dark clouds hung low in the sky as Chris stood atop the hill, his heart pounding in his chest. He had always been hailed as a prodigy when it came to calculations, but today was different. Today, he had invoked the favor of the goddess of wisdom herself, and she had responded in a way he could never have imagined.

As he closed his eyes and focused his mind, he could feel the energy coursing through him, a power unlike anything he had ever experienced. The goddess had blessed him with the ability to store mana, the very essence of magic, in a way that no normal mortal could. His calculations pleased her, and in return, she had granted him a potential that was beyond his wildest dreams.

But with great power came great danger, and Chris was all too aware of the risks that now lay before him. The goddess's blessing was a double-edged sword, one that could easily be turned against him if he was not careful. And as he looked out at the world below, he knew that he would need all of his newfound abilities if he was to survive what was to come.

It was then that he felt her presence behind him, a familiar warmth that made his heart skip a beat. Zoe Cali, his closest ally and friend, had always been by his side through thick and thin. But now, as she stood beside him on that lonely hill, he could see something more in her eyes. Something that sent a shiver down his spine.

She had fallen in love with him.

Chris felt a surge of emotion wash over him as he turned to face her, unable to tear his gaze away from her captivating eyes. She was beautiful, that much was certain, but it was more than that. There was a hunger in her gaze, a hunger that mirrored his own desires in a way he had never expected.

But their moment was cut short as a sudden gust of wind tore through the air, carrying with it the scent of danger. Chris felt a chill run down his spine as he realized that they were not alone on that hill. Something dark and malevolent was watching them, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

With a quick gesture, Chris summoned his newfound powers, feeling the energy crackle around him like electricity. He knew that whatever was out there, he would need all of his strength if he was to defeat it. And with Zoe at his side, he was determined to do whatever it took to keep her safe.

As the shadows began to close in around them, Chris and Zoe stood back to back, ready to face whatever was coming their way. The air was thick with tension as they waited, each second feeling like an eternity as they prepared for the battle ahead.

And then it came.

A dark figure materialized out of the mist, its eyes glinting with malice as it moved towards them. Chris could feel the darkness radiating from it, a tangible force that threatened to swallow them whole. But he was not afraid. He had the goddess's blessing, and he would not go down without a fight.

With a fierce cry, Chris unleashed his powers, a torrent of mana surging forth to meet the darkness head on. He could feel the energy pulsing through him, a raw power that seemed to light up the night sky. And as the two forces clashed, the hill was consumed in a blinding light, as Chris and Zoe fought for their lives.

When the dust had settled and the darkness had been vanquished, Chris and Zoe stood amidst the wreckage, battered but victorious. The goddess of wisdom had smiled upon them that day, granting them the strength they needed to overcome their greatest challenge yet.

As they looked out at the world below, a newfound sense of purpose filled their hearts. They were no longer just mortals, but warriors blessed with the power of the gods. And as they stood together, ready to face whatever lay ahead, they knew that their bond would never be broken.

For Chris's calculations had pleased the goddess of wisdom, and in return, she had given them both a chance to change the world. And as they embraced, the vision of a brighter future filled their minds, a future where anything was possible.

And so, with a newfound sense of determination, Chris and Zoe set out into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges came their way. For they were no longer just mortals. They were warriors, blessed by the goddess herself. And nothing could stand in their way.


12. (465 rating)

Chris sat in his dimly lit apartment, poring over the latest book on ancient mysteries and codes. His obsession with unraveling the secrets of the past had consumed his every waking moment, leaving little time for anything else. But he didn't mind - this was his passion, his purpose.

As he turned the pages, his mind raced with possibilities. What hidden knowledge could be waiting to be discovered? What ancient civilizations could have left behind clues to their existence? The thrill of the unknown fueled his appetite for more, driving him to delve deeper into the pages of the book.

But Chris wasn't alone in his quest for knowledge. Amelie Anstett, a fellow enthusiast of ancient mysteries, had caught his eye. They had met at a local library, where they bonded over a shared love of decoding cryptic messages and exploring forgotten tombs. Amelie was intelligent, witty, and beautiful - everything Chris had ever dreamed of in a partner.

As their friendship blossomed, so did their attraction to each other. They spent countless hours discussing their latest findings, bouncing ideas off one another, and challenging each other's theories. It wasn't long before their professional partnership turned into something more - they had fallen in love.

Amelie supported Chris in ways he never thought possible. She encouraged him when he hit dead ends, lifted his spirits when he grew frustrated, and celebrated his victories as if they were her own. Her unwavering belief in his abilities gave him the strength to push forward, even when the mysteries seemed unsolvable.

But their relationship wasn't without its challenges. The more they delved into the world of ancient codes and hidden symbols, the more danger they faced. They uncovered dark secrets that some would kill to protect, and their lives were suddenly in jeopardy.

As they raced against time to decipher the final piece of the puzzle, Chris and Amelie found themselves in the crosshairs of a shadowy organization bent on keeping their secrets buried. They were forced to make impossible choices, risking everything they held dear in pursuit of the truth.

But with each new revelation, their bond grew stronger. They fought side by side, their minds as sharp as their wits. Together, they were unstoppable - a force to be reckoned with in the world of ancient mysteries.

In the end, Chris and Amelie emerged victorious. They had cracked the code, unraveling centuries-old secrets that would rewrite history books. But their greatest triumph was not in the knowledge they had uncovered, but in the love they had found in each other.

As they stood hand in hand, gazing at the horizon of endless possibilities, Chris knew that with Amelie by his side, there was no mystery too daunting, no code too complex. Together, they were invincible - a team of visionaries destined to leave their mark on the world. And their adventure was only just beginning.


13. (510 rating)

In the bustling city of New York, Chris was known as one of the most talented codebreakers in the world. He had a knack for deciphering complex puzzles and ciphers, and his skills were unparalleled. However, his passion for codebreaking often clashed with his mother's expectations for him. She believed that he should focus on more practical pursuits and constantly berated him for wasting his time on what she deemed as frivolous.

The constant arguing with his mom took a toll on Chris. He felt misunderstood and unappreciated, which led to a deep sense of depression. Despite his accomplishments in the world of codebreaking, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being a disappointment to his mother.

One day, while attending a cryptography conference in the city, Chris caught the eye of Emma Nasfell, a brilliant mathematician and cryptanalyst. Emma was intrigued by Chris's talent and approached him to strike up a conversation. As they discussed their shared interest in codebreaking, Chris felt a spark of connection with Emma that he hadn't felt in a long time.

Emma was impressed by Chris's unique approach to cracking codes and ciphers. She admired his perseverance and creativity, traits that she found lacking in many of her colleagues. As they spent more time together, Emma began to see the layers of complexity and vulnerability that lay beneath Chris's tough exterior.

Slowly but surely, Emma and Chris fell in love. Emma's unwavering support and understanding became a source of strength for Chris, helping him to break free from the chains of depression that had held him captive for so long. With Emma by his side, Chris felt like he could conquer anything, even his mother's disapproval of his hobbies.

As their relationship deepened, Emma and Chris embarked on a thrilling journey of codebreaking together. They tackled some of the most challenging ciphers and puzzles, pushing the boundaries of their intellects and skills. Their partnership was a match made in heaven, combining Emma's analytical prowess with Chris's visionary creativity.

Together, they uncovered hidden messages in ancient texts, cracked encrypted communications between rival spies, and even thwarted a cyberattack on a government agency. Their achievements were legendary in the world of cryptography, earning them a reputation as the dynamic duo of codebreaking.

But their success didn't come without its challenges. Chris's mother continued to disapprove of his chosen path, causing tension and conflict within the family. However, with Emma's unwavering support and belief in him, Chris found the strength to stand up to his mother and assert his independence.

In the end, Chris realized that his worth wasn't defined by his mother's expectations or anyone else's. He had found his true calling in codebreaking, and Emma had helped him embrace his passion wholeheartedly. With Emma by his side, Chris felt like he could take on the world and conquer any challenge that came his way.

Together, they were unstoppable. A force to be reckoned with in the world of codebreaking, their love story was one for the ages. Emma and Chris, the brilliant minds behind the most daring and innovative cryptographic breakthroughs of their time.


14. (698 rating)

In another timeline, Chris sat alone in his cramped apartment, the weight of the world pressing down on him. He had never felt so alone, so desperate. His life had spiraled out of control, and he saw no way out. The walls seemed to be closing in on him, suffocating him with their darkness.

He had always struggled with mental health issues, but things had taken a turn for the worse in recent months. He had lost his job, his girlfriend had left him, and he had no friends to turn to for support. He felt like a failure, a burden to everyone around him.

In a moment of sheer desperation, Chris made a decision that would change everything. With tears streaming down his face, he picked up a bottle of pills and swallowed them down, hoping that the pain would finally end. As the pills took hold, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. He closed his eyes and let himself drift away, into the darkness.

But as Chris slipped into unconsciousness, a faint memory nagged at the back of his mind. Sadie Stanley. The woman he had been seeing on and off for the past few months. They had never defined their relationship, but she had always been there for him when he needed her. And now, as he lay on the brink of death, he remembered her with a pang of regret.

As if in a dream, Chris saw Sadie standing before him, her eyes filled with tears. "I'm pregnant," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of his heart. "I didn't know how to tell you, Chris. I didn't know if you would want to be a part of this. But now, it's too late. You're leaving me, leaving us behind."

Chris felt a surge of emotion flood through him, a mix of joy and sorrow, regret and hope. He reached out to Sadie, but she vanished before his eyes, leaving him alone once more in the darkness.

And then, as if by magic, the room around him began to change. The walls fell away, and he found himself standing on a vast plain, under a sky filled with stars. In the distance, he could see a figure walking towards him, a figure cloaked in shadows.

As the figure drew closer, Chris realized with a shock that it was himself. But not himself as he knew himself, but a version of himself that he had buried deep inside, a version of himself that had once been full of hope and dreams, a version of himself that had never given up.

The other Chris reached out a hand to him, a hand filled with light and warmth. "Come," he said, his voice echoing through the void. "There is still time for redemption. There is still time to change your fate."

And with that, the two Chrises merged into one, and Chris felt a surge of energy rush through him. He opened his eyes and found himself back in his apartment, the bottle of pills lying untouched on the floor.

He knew what he had to do. He had been given a second chance, a chance to make things right. He picked up the phone and dialed Sadie's number, his heart pounding with anticipation.

"Sadie," he said when she answered. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I want to be there for you, for us. I want to be a father to our child."

And as he spoke those words, a sense of peace settled over him, a sense of hope and renewal. He had been given a vision of what could be, and he was determined to make it a reality.

And so, Chris and Sadie embarked on a new chapter in their lives, a chapter filled with love and forgiveness, a chapter filled with hope and promise. And as they stood together, hand in hand, gazing up at the stars above, they knew that they were destined to be together, come what may.

For Chris had found his way back from the brink of despair, and he knew that as long as he had Sadie by his side, he would never be alone again. And together, they would create a future that was bright and full of love.


15. (535 rating). Tragedy.

Alternate Timeline when Chris was already married:

Chris awoke in a strange world, his head pounding as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. The air was thick with magic, and strange creatures roamed the land. Standing before him was a beautiful elf princess named Samara, her eyes filled with curiosity as she observed the newcomer in her realm.

As Chris stumbled to his feet, Samara approached him, her voice soft and melodic. She explained that he had somehow crossed over into their world from his own, and that she was the princess of the elves. Chris was taken aback by her beauty and grace, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

As he spent more time with Samara, Chris learned about the customs and traditions of the elven kingdom. He was amazed by their magical abilities and the ethereal beauty of their world. But as he grew closer to Samara, he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that lingered in the back of his mind.

You see, back in his own world, Chris had a wife named Beatrice Barichella. She was a fiery and passionate woman who had captured his heart from the moment they met. Despite his feelings for Samara, Chris couldn't forget about Beatrice and the life they had built together.

One night, as Chris lay awake in his bed in the elven kingdom, Beatrice appeared before him. She too had somehow crossed over into this strange world, and she was furious to find Chris in the arms of another woman. But as they talked, Beatrice softened towards him, realizing that they were both trapped in this unfamiliar place.

Chris found himself torn between two worlds, two women who held his heart in their hands. He couldn't bear to choose between them, knowing that he would break someone's heart no matter what he decided. And so, he found himself in a complex web of love and deceit, unsure of how to navigate the treacherous waters ahead.

As days turned into weeks, Chris tried to balance his time between Samara and Beatrice, keeping his relationships with both of them a secret. But as tensions rose and jealousy flared, he knew that he couldn't keep up the charade forever.

One fateful night, Chris's world came crashing down around him. Samara discovered the truth about Beatrice, and Beatrice learned about Samara. The two women confronted Chris, demanding to know why he had kept his relationships with them hidden.

In a fit of rage and desperation, Chris tried to explain himself, but his words fell on deaf ears. Samara banished him from the elven kingdom, while Beatrice turned her back on him, hurt and betrayed.

Alone in the wilderness, Chris realized the extent of his mistakes. He had let his desires and selfishness cloud his judgment, and now he was paying the price for his actions. He wandered aimlessly through the forest, haunted by the memories of the two women he had loved and lost.

In the end, Chris learned a valuable lesson about the consequences of his actions. He had played with fire, and now he was left with nothing but ashes. And as he walked away from the elven kingdom, he knew that he would never forget the love he had lost in that strange and magical world.


(634 rating)

Chris awoke in a world unlike any he had ever seen before. The sky was a deep shade of purple, the trees seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow, and the air was filled with the sound of exotic birds chirping in the distance. As he looked around in awe, he suddenly heard a voice behind him.

"Are you lost, traveler?" the voice asked. Chris turned around to see a beautiful elf princess standing before him. She had long, flowing silver hair and piercing green eyes that seemed to look straight through him.

"I. I don't know where I am," Chris stammered, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the ethereal beauty of the princess.

"My name is Samara," the princess said, offering him a gentle smile. "I am the princess of this realm. And you, my dear human, seem to have stumbled into our world by accident."

Chris felt a shiver run down his spine at the princess's words. He had heard tales of other worlds, but he never thought he would actually find himself in one. As he tried to process the situation, Samara reached out a delicate hand to him.

"Come, follow me. I will show you around our kingdom," she said, her voice like music in his ears.

As they walked through the mystical land, Chris couldn't help but be enchanted by the beauty that surrounded him. But as they continued their journey, they came across a young woman sitting by a crystal-clear stream. She had dark hair and eyes that sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight.

"This is Beatrice Barichella," Samara said, introducing the woman to Chris. "She too is a traveler who found herself in our world by accident."

Chris felt a strange sense of connection to Beatrice. There was something about her that drew him in, and before he knew it, he found himself spending more and more time with her. They talked and laughed together, and Chris felt himself falling for her in a way he never thought possible.

But as he grew closer to Beatrice, he couldn't shake the lingering feeling of guilt. He was already married in his own world, and now he had found himself entangled in a love triangle with two women in this strange realm. The thought of deceiving his wife back home weighed heavily on his mind, but he couldn't deny the feelings he had for both Samara and Beatrice.

As the days passed, Chris found himself torn between two worlds and two women. Samara was the princess of the realm, with her grace and beauty captivating him at every turn. And Beatrice was the free spirit, with her laughter and passion igniting a fire within him like never before.

And so, Chris made a decision that would change his life forever. He asked Samara and Beatrice to marry him, legally binding himself to both women in this mystical land. The idea of having two wives was unheard of in his own world, but here, in this fantastical realm, it felt somehow right.

As the three of them stood before the otherworldly altar, exchanging vows and promising to love and cherish each other for eternity, Chris couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment that he had never known before. He was surrounded by beauty and love, and he knew that no matter what challenges may come their way, they would face them together.

And so, Chris embarked on a new chapter of his life as the husband of two wives in a world beyond his wildest dreams. As he looked into the eyes of Samara and Beatrice, he knew that he was truly living a life that was as thrilling as it was visionary. And as the sun set on their wedding day, casting a golden glow over the enchanted land, Chris knew that he had found his place in this strange and magical world.

Bonus: (556 rating)

Chris, a young single man, awoke in a strange world unlike anything he had ever experienced before. The air was thick with magic, and the sounds of creatures he had only read about in books filled the air. Confused and disoriented, Chris stumbled around until he came upon a majestic castle. As he approached, the gates swung open, and he was met by the stunning sight of Samara, the elf princess.

Samara was ethereal in beauty, with long flowing hair the color of moonlight and eyes that sparkled like emeralds. She welcomed Chris to her kingdom and explained that he had been chosen by the Goddess Athena to help them in their time of need. Samara told Chris that he was now a part of their world and must fulfill his destiny.

As days turned into weeks, Chris found himself growing closer to Samara and the people of the kingdom. He learned about their customs and traditions, and even began to learn the ways of magic. But it wasn't long before Chris's attention was diverted by another captivating figure - Beatrice Barichella.

Beatrice was a fierce and independent woman who had also found herself trapped in this mysterious world. She was strong-willed and determined, and Chris found himself drawn to her fiery personality. Before long, Chris had successfully seduced Beatrice, and together they navigated the challenges of this new world.

As time passed, Chris found himself torn between his feelings for Samara and Beatrice. He struggled with the idea of having two wives, a concept that felt completely foreign to him. But as he delved deeper into the workings of the world, he realized that there was a greater force at play - the good Goddess Athena.

Athena revealed herself to Chris in a vision, explaining that she had brought him to this world to bring balance and harmony to the land. She had orchestrated Chris's meeting with Samara and Beatrice, knowing that they each held a key to restoring peace to the kingdom.

Determined to fulfill his destiny, Chris worked tirelessly to unite Samara and Beatrice in a truce. He showed them the power of love and forgiveness, and together they formed a formidable bond that could not be broken. As they journeyed together to face the ultimate challenge, Chris knew that he had found his true purpose in this mystical world.

In a final showdown with the forces of darkness, Chris, Samara, and Beatrice stood united against their enemies. With the strength of Athena guiding them, they fought bravely and emerged victorious. The kingdom was saved, and peace was restored once more.

As Chris looked out over the land, he knew that his time in this world had come to an end. With a heavy heart, he bid farewell to Samara and Beatrice, knowing that they would always hold a special place in his heart. And as he returned to his own world, he carried with him the memories of his thrilling adventure and the knowledge that he had made a difference in the lives of those he had met.

And so, the tale of Chris, the single man who awoke in a strange world and met the elf princess Samara and the fierce Beatrice Barichella, came to an end. But his legacy would live on in the hearts of those he had touched, forever remembered as a hero of the mystical realm.
