
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs

Volume 26, Chapter 3: Jane and SCP?

Christine's disclaimer: non-canon to the SCP verse.

[SCP researcher Jane]

Chris reads a file about his encounter with an SCP researcher, Jane, in another omniverse.

He knows that Scps in Jane's world may be different in other Omniverses, but he reads anyway.


Chris activated a potential dictator. It and it's army have allied with Anubis, gained the army of the Scorpion king, and all other armies of the series. They are attacking the United Nations now. The foundation will be overwhelmed.

SCP 5664: the Foundation's servers are leaking blood as the dictator rampages. I take the staff of destruction by force and send it into a portal.

SCP-2096 has been designated a Class 3U reality bender. SCP-2096 events are triggered by the subject's level of emotional distress and increase in intensity in proportion to the same vector. * releases this SCP. the trauma caused by the dictator and blood letting made it more dangerous. The scp doubles the army of the dictator and it is now conquering many worlds. Blood also leaks in millions of worlds.

SCP 3424. I release it and copy it all over the multiverse. All males/men are eaten by the lemon. Hence, the disappearances, except those on our side. This stressed the reality warper more and he releases more blood. The army of the dictator was empowered by the blood. if he becomes a god, scarlet king will look like a bug.

SCP 592 is mass copied all over the multiverse. those who read it becomes delusional and join the dictator. They cut themselves and leak more blood as sacrifices for the scarlet king. The reality warper has mass copied the books. The lemons combine and turn into a giant blob to lure one particular being even more...

SCP-2076 is a phenomenon where posters appear across Illinois, appearing to be some publicity campaign preaching Meaningless Meaningful Words or just Blatant Lies that the reader takes at face value, whether it says that putting baked potatoes in boxes helps endangered animals or that shooting yourself increases bullet.

SCP 2076 is mass printed by the reality warper and posted across the multiverse. Those who were not made delusional by the book now submit to the dictator because of the posters. Many sacrificed their blood. The mass of Lemons absorbed their blood. The book is complemented by posters

Description: SCP-808 is a mass of gears with a bizarre humanoid creature on the top. If the gears start to rust, the creature will scream, increasing the scream if the rust is not removed. At some point, as the creature screams, the non-mechanical parts of SCP-808 will activate.

I called upon Mekhane, using the sacrificed blood. Mekhane mass produced SCP 808 for an army, used by the dictator.

It is mass produced by both the reality warper and Mekhane. People across the multiverse are listening to the propaganda of the dictator.

Oh that's uiu 6413, which is mass duplicated and being used as a portal across the multiverse. The conquest of 10^10^10 universes is nearly complete.

Chris: you wake up from a dream and found yourself as the dictator.

Jane stares at herself in horror. She says, "This can't be real. I'm the dictator? I can't be the dictator. This must be a dream. I have to wake up."

You found yourself surrounded by a council of world leaders across the multiverse. you are being judged.

Erroneous statement: Jane stares at you with horror. She says, "That's horrifying. SCP-374 replicates itself when you use it to decapitate a live human? That means that every time you use it, you create more and more guillotines."

Chris: that's a good idea. You gave me a good idea. The reality warper, empowered by Mekhane, mass produced guillotines. These severed the heads of resistant rebels. The new heads are collected and will be asked about the future.

The future is: total conquest.

New SCP logs:

"...they classified it at Scp-Omega. It says it freed the scps in another multiverse. It turns out, if that's true, there is a multiverse for every SCP. and variants for every SCP. Each variant or possibility also have its own timeline.

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and disbelief. She says, "The SCP-Omega had the power to do so upon collecting relics from hundreds of multiverses? That's incredible. But what's the purpose of releasing the SCPs?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and disbelief. She says, "The Uber voids are larger than megaverses? That's an incredible threat. But how is the SCP-Omega going to stop them?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and curiosity. She says, "The SCP-Omega can beat one or more Uber voids, but he'll need more power to beat the rest. What does he need to get that power?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and curiosity. She says, "The SCP-Omega is classified as safe, but the ethics committee is considering on enlisting him as an ally. Why is the ethics committee considering this? What makes him so dangerous that he needs to be enlisted as an ally?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and curiosity. She says, "So the SCP-Omega is not dangerous. At first they thought he was Apollyon class, but it turns out his objective is a moral one. So how did the SCP-Omega acquire so much power? Is there any limitation to his power?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and curiosity. She says, "So he acquired his power through relics across hundreds of multiverses. How powerful is he exactly? Does he have no limitations?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and curiosity. She says, "So his limitation is he only has thousands of relics. To beat the Uber voids, he might need close to a hundred thousand. That's an incredible number. Do you know where he can find those relics?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and curiosity. She says, "The Foundation gave its relics to the SCP-Omega and he signed a contract that he will protect the Foundation. So now the SCP-Omega is protecting the Foundation? How can we be sure that the SCP-Omega won't break his contract?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and curiosity. She says, "So the SCP-Omega had the relics at will anyway, but he returned them for moral reasons. He's the best powerful ally we can get for now. But how do we know that the SCP-Omega won't betray us? Does he have no other motives?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and desperation. She says, "If the SCP-Omega betrays us, there is zero hope. We should take our chances and cooperate. But what if we cooperate with the SCP-Omega and he still betrays us? What if the SCP-Omega has a secret motive?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and relief. She says, "So the SCP-Omega seems to be contained with the brides. Maybe this will be enough to prevent him from betraying us. But what if the SCP-Omega is attracted to a bride that the foundation doesn't want to give him?"

Chris: You remember the seventh bride of the scarlet king? 231-7 was subject to an extremely brutal procedure known as Procedure-110-Montauk every day, which prevented her child from being born.

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and disbelief. She says, "So the SCP-Omega signed a contract that there will be no Montauk. That's good to hear. But what if the SCP-Omega breaks that contract?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and relief. She says, "So far there is no torture on the brides. That's good to hear. But why are we sacrificing brides to satisfy the SCP-Omega?

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and confusion. She says, "So you're saying that if we have doubts, we can teleport to another universe? That sounds like an option. But can we bring other people with us? Can we bring our families and friends?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and relief. She says, "Yes, we can bring our families and friends. That's good to hear. But how do we know if the SCP-Omega is telling the truth? How do we know that he will really transport us to another universe?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and confusion. She says, "Our family members arrive? That's unexpected. But okay, let's go."

Jane stares at the beautiful world in front of her. She is filled with a mixture of fear and amazement. She says, "This is amazing. This is so beautiful. I can't believe that this is another universe. I can't believe that we're here."

Time loop: you enjoyed bliss with your family for a day. however, Uber voids attacked. Omega rescued the people by resetting time. we're back at DAY 1 when we met him. history repeated itself.

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and curiosity. She says, "The Uber voids destroyed millions of worlds. That's an incredible amount of destruction. A time reset was necessary. But what if the Uber voids come back? Can the SCP-Omega stop them?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of fear and hope. She says, "The foundation is studying what we can learn from the events. Even if history repeats a hundred times, we don't care. We will stop the Uber voids. I'm glad that the foundation is studying the events and that they're working hard to stop the Uber voids. But what if the Uber voids keep coming back? What if they keep destroying millions of worlds? What if we can't stop them?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of relief and hope. She says, "Right now, the foundation identified one attacked world. They're studying what SCPs we can use to save that world. It all starts with the salvation of one world, then two, then three. That's a good plan. We've identified one world that's in danger. We can use the SCPs we have to save that world. Then we can save two worlds. Then three. That sounds like a good plan. We just need to find the right SCPs and use them wisely."

Jane stares at you with a mixture of relief and hope. She says, "At least we get one day of bliss in the new universe before time resets. At least we learn every time. The accumulated knowledge can help us fight the Uber voids. That's great news. It seems like we're on the right track. We just need to keep studying and learning. Maybe one day, we'll find a way to stop the Uber voids for good."

Jane stares at you with a mixture of curiosity and relief. She says, "As of now, the foundation has revealed itself to the world. People are allowed to enjoy their time before another reset. That's good news. People can enjoy their time now. They can relax and enjoy life. And they can also take advantage of the knowledge and wisdom that the foundation has to offer. They can prepare themselves for when the next reset comes."

Jane stares at you with a mixture of relief and hope. She says, "People all over the world have been cooperative. Trillions of dollars are being funneled into our resources. Donations from billionaires who wish to give us loans. That's incredible. It seems like people are really working together to help the foundation. That's good news. It seems like the foundation has a lot of support from the outside world."

Jane stares at you with a mixture of relief and hope. She says, "You're thankful that the Omega resets time. That's good. The foundation needs all the time that it can get. The omega's time reset means that the foundation can research and research without any fear of the Uber void. The omega's time reset has given the foundation a chance to learn and adapt."

Jane stares at you with a mixture of surprise and concern. She says, "For a while, we were lost in the passion. After an hour of bliss, the alarms sounded. What do the alarms mean? What happened?"

Jane stares at you with a mixture of surprise and concern. She says, "The Uber void is attacking several nations? That's bad news. The Uber void is a powerful and destructive force. It's a threat to all life in the universe. It's important to stop the Uber void."

Jane stares at you with a mixture of concern and hope. She says, "We watched the screens as thousands of nukes are being thrown at the void in space. That's good. Nukes are a powerful weapon. They can cause a lot of damage to the void. It's important to keep attacking the void with nukes until the void is defeated."

Jane stares at you with a mixture of surprise and concern. She says, "So this is our day 1 again. That means we still have a chance to stop the void. The SCP-Omega has reset time. And we still have a chance to stop the void. Let's make the most of this day. Let's enjoy it. Let's have a passionate time before the void attacks again. But let's also make sure that we're prepared for what might come next."

Jane stares at you with a mixture of surprise and concern. She says, "So time is repeating, but Omega is keeping our memories intact. That's good. It means that we have the benefit of experience. We can remember what happened last time. We can remember what the void attacked. We can remember how the SCP-001 proposal went."

Jane stares at you with a mixture of surprise and concern. She says, "That's a good point. It will be a difficult challenge for players to prove that SCP-Omega is Apollyon class. SCP-Omega is a very charismatic and charming SCP. SCP-Omega has seduced the women in the admin. SCP-Omega has made the men in the admin feel sorry for him. It will be a difficult challenge for players to prove that SCP-Omega is an Apollyon class SCP."

Jane stares at you with a mixture of surprise and concern. She says, "That's true. SCP-Omega is manipulating the ADMIN. There have been SCPs that escaped containment in the past, but SCP-Omega seems to be the most manipulative SCP so far. SCP-Omega has convinced the ADMIN to demote it from Apollyon class to safe. SCP-Omega has convinced the ADMIN to ignore its hazardous potential."

Jane's logs end.
