
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs

Volume 21, Chapter 16: Dimensional rift

336. Princess Ariana (magician level 3)

Power increase: 5003172

(499 rating)

The team of explorers cautiously approached the dimensional rift, their hearts pounding with a combination of exhilaration and fear. Princess Ariana, a skilled magician at level 3, led the group with confidence and determination. Her lover, Chris, stood by her side, ready to protect her at all costs.

As they entered the rift, the air around them crackled with energy, and the world seemed to shimmer and warp before their eyes. They found themselves in a strange, otherworldly landscape, with twisted trees and eerie shadows looming over them. The ground beneath their feet felt spongy and unstable, as though it could give way at any moment.

Ariana raised her hand, a ball of light forming at her fingertips as she surveyed their surroundings. "We must proceed with caution," she warned, her voice steady but tinged with unease. "This place is like nothing we've ever seen before."

Chris nodded in agreement, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. He cast a protective glance at Ariana, his love for her evident in his eyes. "I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, my princess," he vowed solemnly.

The team pressed forward, their senses on high alert as they navigated the treacherous terrain. Strange creatures lurked in the shadows, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent. Ariana used her magic to ward off the beasts, casting spells of protection and light to keep her comrades safe.

As they delved deeper into the rift, reality began to twist and warp around them. Time seemed to lose all meaning, and they found themselves in alternate realities that defied logic and reason. Ariana's magical abilities were put to the test as she worked to unravel the mysteries of the rift and guide her team to safety.

But as they journeyed further into the unknown, they encountered a powerful adversary unlike anything they had ever faced before. A being of immense darkness and malevolence, it sought to consume their very souls and drag them into the depths of despair.

Ariana and Chris stood together, their bond as strong as ever as they faced this ultimate test of their love and courage. With their companions at their side, they fought valiantly against the darkness, using every ounce of their strength and skill to push back the encroaching shadow.

In the end, it was Ariana's unwavering faith in the power of love and light that saved them. With a final burst of magic, she banished the darkness and closed the dimensional rift, sealing away the horrors that lurked within.

As the team emerged from the rift, shaken but victorious, Ariana and Chris shared a tender moment of relief and gratitude. Their love had been tested and proven true, stronger than any darkness that could ever hope to snuff it out.

Together, they walked hand in hand, ready to face whatever new adventures awaited them in this vast and wondrous world. And as they looked to the horizon, they knew that as long as they had each other, there was no challenge they could not overcome.

337. Cassandra (level 8 godslayer).

Power increase: 15742980

(540 rating)

As the world faced a rapidly spreading and deadly virus, virologist Cassandra, known as the level 8 godslayer, and her lover Chris, a skilled field agent, embarked on a race against time to find the cure and save humanity from the impending epidemic.

Cassandra was renowned for her expertise in virology, having spent years studying the most dangerous viruses known to man. Her intelligence and quick thinking made her a valuable asset in times of crisis, and she was called upon by governments around the world to help contain outbreaks and develop vaccines. Chris, on the other hand, was a fearless field agent with a knack for espionage and combat. Together, they made a formidable team, ready to face any obstacle in their quest to find the cure.

When news of the deadly virus broke out, Cassandra and Chris were immediately called into action. With a sense of urgency driving them forward, they set out on a global journey to track down the source of the virus and uncover clues that could lead them to the cure. From bustling cities to remote jungles, they traveled far and wide, working tirelessly to gather samples and analyze data in their makeshift lab.

As the days turned into weeks, the virus continued to spread unchecked, claiming countless lives in its wake. The pressure mounted as Cassandra and Chris raced against time, their every move scrutinized by the world watching in fear and anticipation. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, their love for each other remained a constant source of strength and motivation.

In the darkest hours of their mission, Cassandra had a breakthrough. Through a series of innovative experiments and risky maneuvers, she discovered a unique protein sequence that could potentially be the key to unlocking the cure. With renewed determination, she and Chris set out to test their theory, risking their own lives in the process.

As they raced against the clock to produce a viable vaccine, the virus continued to spread at an alarming rate, leaving devastation in its wake. The stakes were higher than ever, as the fate of humanity hung in the balance. But Cassandra and Chris refused to back down, drawing on their skills and knowledge to push forward with unwavering determination.

Finally, after days of tireless effort and sleepless nights, Cassandra and Chris emerged victorious. They had developed a vaccine that showed promising results in clinical trials, offering hope to a world on the brink of collapse. With the help of global allies and dedicated healthcare workers, they launched a massive vaccination campaign that would ultimately bring an end to the epidemic.

As the last of the infected received their doses of the life-saving vaccine, Cassandra and Chris stood side by side, victorious in their battle against the deadly virus. Their love had been tested and proven resilient in the face of unimaginable challenges, reaffirming their bond and commitment to each other.

As the world slowly began to heal and rebuild from the devastation wrought by the epidemic, Cassandra and Chris continued their work, ever-vigilant against future threats. Their story would be remembered as a testament to the power of love, determination, and hope in the face of adversity, inspiring generations to come with their bravery and selflessness in the fight against a global crisis.

337. Luna (werewolf level 10)

Power increase: 9281544

(485 rating)

The moon hung heavy in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the deserted streets of the city. In the midst of the darkness, a figure moved stealthily through the shadows, its eyes glowing in the dim light. This figure was a werewolf, a creature of the night with a hunger for blood and a thirst for power.

But this werewolf was different. She was a level 10, the highest level of power a werewolf could attain, for now. Her name was Luna, and she was feared and respected by all who knew her. But despite her fearsome reputation, Luna had a secret that she kept hidden from the world.

She had grown bored of her mundane life and sought excitement and thrill elsewhere. That's when she met Chris, a handsome and charming werewolf who had recently moved to the city.

Chris was everything. He was wild and unpredictable, with a hunger for danger that matched her own. They had met at a local bar one night, their eyes locking across the crowded room. From that moment on, Luna knew she had to have him.

Luna was willing to risk it all for the thrill of being with Chris. Together, they roamed the city streets, their wolf forms blending seamlessly with the shadows. They were a force to be reckoned with, two powerful beings united in their lust for power and control.

Meanwhile, tensions were rising between the human and supernatural factions in the city. A war was brewing, and both sides were preparing for battle. Luna and Chris found themselves caught in the middle, their loyalties torn between their own kind and the humans they had once called allies.

As the conflict escalated, Luna and Chris knew they had to make a choice. Would they stand with their fellow werewolves and fight for supremacy, or would they betray their own kind in favor of the humans who had once welcomed them into their midst?

In the end, their decision would have far-reaching consequences that would change the course of the war. Luna and Chris would have to use all of their cunning and strength to survive in the midst of the chaos, knowing that their love for each other might be the very thing that destroys them.

In the end, only one thing was certain: in a world where supernatural beings exist, nothing is ever as it seems. And the line between friend and foe, love and betrayal, was thinner than they ever could have imagined.

338. Alice (goddess of love, beauty and wisdom level 5; skill: teleport).

Power increase: 14587638

(524 rating)

Alice, the goddess of love, beauty, and wisdom, stood before the shimmering gates of the ancient museum, her heart racing with anticipation. She had been summoned by her lover, Chris, a skilled thief with a knack for pulling off daring heists. Together, they had planned to steal a priceless historical artifact that had been guarded by ancient security systems for centuries. Their mission was risky, but Alice was confident in her abilities as a level 5 goddess with the skill to teleport.

As they stood outside the museum, Alice and Chris put on their sleek black outfits and activated their high-tech gear. The museum was surrounded by state-of-the-art security measures, including motion sensors, infrared cameras, and pressure-sensitive floors. But Alice and Chris had a plan to outsmart them all.

Using her teleportation skill, Alice phased through the museum's thick walls and bypassed the security systems with ease. She appeared inside the exhibit hall where the artifact was displayed, a rare and priceless jewel that had been worshiped by ancient civilizations for its mystical powers.

Meanwhile, Chris used his modern technology to hack into the museum's surveillance system and disable the alarms. He moved swiftly through the corridors, avoiding the patrolling guards as he made his way to the exhibit hall where Alice was waiting for him.

Together, they reached the display case that held the artifact, their hands trembling with excitement. As they prepared to make their move, they sensed a shift in the air – a feeling of foreboding that sent shivers down their spines.

Suddenly, the museum's security systems sprang to life, triggered by an unknown source. The doors slammed shut, sealing off all possible exits. The lights flickered and dimmed, casting eerie shadows across the room.

Alice and Chris realized they had been lured into a trap. They were surrounded by ancient spirits that had been awakened by their attempted theft. The spirits, guardians of the artifact, materialized before them in a fiery blaze of light.

In a panic, Alice and Chris fought back, using their skills and technology to fend off the spectral attackers. But the spirits were relentless and powerful, their otherworldly powers overwhelming even a goddess and a master thief.

Just when it seemed all was lost, Alice had a vision – a revelation of how to appease the spirits and escape with the artifact. She called upon her divine powers, summoning a barrier of light that shielded them from the spirits' attacks.

With a burst of energy, Alice and Chris retrieved the artifact and made their escape, teleporting out of the museum just as the ancient spirits unleashed their full fury. They emerged into the cool night air, the artifact clutched tightly in their hands.

As they made their way to safety, Alice and Chris marveled at the power of the artifact and the danger they had faced. They knew they had narrowly avoided disaster, thanks to their unique skills and quick thinking.

But they also knew that their heist had come with a price – a reminder that even the most skilled thieves could be outmatched by forces beyond their control. And as they disappeared into the shadows, they vowed to never underestimate the power of the past again.

339. Kanao Tsuruyi (angel, level 4; skill: breathing style)

Power increase: 8337069

(608 rating)

Kanao Tsuruyi was known throughout the land as a skilled warrior, her mastery of the breathing style techniques had earned her the title of level 4 angel. She had dedicated her life to honing her skills and training tirelessly to become one of the most formidable fighters in the land. But beneath her fierce exterior, she harbored a softness for her lover, Chris.

Chris was a brave explorer who had a thirst for adventure that matched Kanao's fiery spirit. The two of them met on a fateful journey through the depths of the jungle, where they had encountered dangers beyond their wildest imaginations. It was during this expedition that their love blossomed, as they fought side by side against fierce predators and treacherous obstacles.

Now, they found themselves on another daring expedition, this time to the heart of an uncharted jungle. The dense foliage and the cacophony of wildlife sounds surrounded them as they trekked deeper into the unknown. The air was thick with humidity, and the ground beneath their feet was slick with moss and dampness.

As they pressed forward, they began to encounter undiscovered species unlike anything they had seen before. Strange creatures with iridescent scales and shimmering wings flitted through the trees, while massive beasts padded silently through the underbrush. Kanao's skills were put to the test as she fought off these creatures, her sword flashing in the dappled sunlight.

But it was when they stumbled upon an ancient civilization hidden deep within the jungle that things took a dark turn. The ruins were overgrown with vines and moss, but the intricate carvings and crumbling structures spoke of a once great civilization that had long since fallen into ruin. As they explored the ancient city, they began to sense a malevolent presence lurking in the shadows.

Chris and Kanao's love for each other was their greatest strength as they faced the dangers of the jungle and the mysterious forces that sought to tear them apart. They fought with all their might, their bond growing stronger with each passing trial. But as they delved deeper into the heart of the jungle, they realized that they were not just battling the natural elements, but a darkness that threatened to consume them both.

It was during a fierce battle with a group of ancient warriors that Kanao's skills as an angel were put to the ultimate test. The warriors moved with unnatural speed and precision, their eyes glinting with a deadly light. But Kanao's breathing style techniques were unmatched, and she fought with a ferocity that struck fear into the hearts of her enemies.

As the battle raged on, Chris stood by her side, his own skills as an explorer proving invaluable in their fight against the ancient warriors. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with, their love and determination guiding them through the darkness that threatened to engulf them.

In the end, it was their bond that saved them. As they stood victorious over their fallen foes, bathed in the light of the setting sun, they knew that no matter what trials they faced, they would always have each other. And as they gazed out over the vast expanse of the jungle, they knew that their love would carry them through any challenge that lay ahead.

For Kanao Tsuruyi and Chris, their deep jungle expedition had been an adventure unlike any other, a test of their strength and their love that had forged a bond that would never be broken. And as they stood on the edge of the jungle, ready to embark on their next daring journey, they knew that nothing could stand in their way as long as they were together.

340. Serene (vampire queen level 10; skill: illusion.

Power increase: 6324827

(543 rating)

In the dark and winding tunnels of the ever-changing labyrinth, Serene, the powerful vampire queen, and her lover Chris found themselves hopelessly lost. The walls seemed to shift and change before their very eyes, creating an atmosphere of constant confusion and uncertainty.

Serene, with her mastery of illusions, attempted to use her powers to navigate the labyrinth, but even her magic was no match for the mysterious forces at play. Chris, a brave and resourceful adventurer, tried to lead the way, but the walls seemed to close in on them at every turn, making it impossible to find a way out.

As they delved deeper into the labyrinth, they encountered a group of fellow trapped souls who were also trying to find a way to escape. Among them were a wise old wizard, a fearless warrior, and a cunning thief, each with their own unique skills and abilities. Together, they formed a ragtag team, determined to uncover the secrets of the labyrinth and break free from its clutches.

As they continued to explore the twisting passages and hidden chambers of the labyrinth, they encountered a series of cryptic puzzles and challenges that tested their wits and resolve. From riddles written in ancient runes to traps set by cunning creatures, the group faced one obstacle after another, each more treacherous than the last.

But through their combined efforts and ingenuity, they were able to overcome each challenge, drawing closer to the heart of the labyrinth and the truth behind its existence. Serene, with her visionary insight, was able to see through the illusions that surrounded them, leading her companions towards the path of escape.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of wandering through the twisting corridors, they reached the heart of the labyrinth, where they were confronted by a powerful being known as the Labyrinth Keeper. A being of immense power and ancient wisdom, the Labyrinth Keeper challenged them to prove themselves worthy of freedom.

Through a series of trials and tests of courage, the group fought valiantly against the Keeper, using their skills and abilities to outwit and outmaneuver their opponent. Serene, with her mastery of illusions, created elaborate distractions to confuse and disorient the Keeper, while Chris and the others launched daring attacks from all sides.

In the final showdown, as the walls of the labyrinth seemed to close in around them, Serene and Chris stood side by side, facing the Keeper with unwavering determination. With one final burst of power, Serene unleashed a blinding wave of illusions that shattered the Keeper's defenses, leaving it vulnerable and weakened.

As the group struck the final blow, the walls of the labyrinth crumbled away, revealing an exit that led them back to the world outside. Serene and Chris emerged victorious, their bond strengthened by their shared ordeal, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The group emerged from the labyrinth, forever changed by their experience, but united in their triumph. Serene and Chris, the vampire queen and her lover, had proven themselves to be true heroes, their love and courage shining bright in the face of darkness. And as they walked hand in hand into the light of a new day, they knew that they were bound together by a connection that was stronger than any labyrinth could ever hope to confine.

341. Baiyu (angel level 2; healing)

Power increase: 10339266

(601 rating)

The sun was setting over the zombie-infested city as Baiyu and her lover Chris hurried through the deserted streets. Baiyu, an angel level 2 with the power of healing, had been using her gift to keep them safe from the undead creatures that roamed the streets.

Chris, a former soldier who had lost his unit to the outbreak, had found solace in Baiyu's presence. Her healing touch had saved him more times than he could count, and he was determined to protect her at all costs.

As they made their way through the darkening city, Baiyu and Chris heard whispers of a rumored safe haven where survivors were banding together to fight off the zombies. The hope of finding safety spurred them on, even as the sounds of groaning and shuffling grew louder around them.

Baiyu's heart raced as they turned a corner and came face to face with a horde of zombies. Without hesitation, she raised her hands and sent a wave of healing energy towards the creatures, causing them to convulse and fall to the ground.

Chris quickly dispatched the fallen zombies with his trusty machete, his movements swift and precise. As the last of the undead lay still, he turned to Baiyu and smiled, grateful for her unwavering strength and courage.

Together, they continued their journey through the city, dodging zombies and scavenging for supplies along the way. Baiyu's healing powers kept them safe from harm, but the constant danger took its toll on both of them. They knew they needed to find the safe haven soon if they were to have any chance of surviving.

Finally, after hours of wandering through the maze-like streets, Baiyu and Chris stumbled upon a hidden entrance to the rumored safe haven. As they entered the makeshift camp, they were met with the sight of weary survivors huddled around a fire, their faces drawn and haunted by the horrors they had witnessed.

Among the group, they spotted a familiar face - a fellow angel named Mei, who had been separated from her own group during the chaos of the outbreak. Baiyu and Mei embraced, tears of relief streaming down their faces as they recounted their experiences since the outbreak began.

As the night wore on, Baiyu, Chris, and Mei joined forces with the other survivors to fortify the camp against the relentless onslaught of zombies. With Baiyu's healing powers and Chris's combat skills, they were able to hold off the undead long enough to make a plan for their escape.

In a daring move, the survivors banded together to make a run for the outskirts of the city, where a helicopter was rumored to be waiting to evacuate them to safety. Though the journey was fraught with danger and loss, Baiyu, Chris, and Mei fought side by side, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

As they reached the rendezvous point, the sound of the helicopter's blades slicing through the air filled them with hope. With one final burst of energy, they sprinted towards the waiting aircraft, knowing that their survival depended on making it aboard.

As the helicopter lifted off into the night sky, Baiyu looked down at the city below, her heart heavy with the memories of everything they had endured. But as the lights of the safe haven faded into the distance, she felt a sense of peace knowing that they had faced the darkness together and emerged stronger for it.

And as they flew towards a new dawn, Baiyu, Chris, and Mei knew that they would continue to fight for survival, drawing strength from each other and the bonds that held them together in the face of unimaginable adversity.

(To be continued)...