
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs

Volume 20, Chapter 6: Princess Faye

216. Princess Faye (godslayer)

(539 rating)

In the vast realm of the Omniverse, Princess Faye was known as the feared godslayer. She was revered for her unparalleled skill in battle and her unwavering determination to protect her kingdom from all threats. But beneath her fierce reputation, there was a gentle heart that longed for love and companionship.

One day, while on a quest to defeat a powerful enemy that had been terrorizing the land, Princess Faye met a young man named Chris. He was a humble farmer who had been caught in the crossfire of the conflict, and Princess Faye felt an instant connection to him. As they fought side by side against the enemy, Chris showed bravery and strength that impressed Princess Faye.

After a fierce battle, Princess Faye managed to defeat the enemy, but at a great cost. She had suffered injuries that weakened her powers, and she knew that she would need help to fully recover. Chris, seeing her struggles, offered to help her in any way he could. Grateful for his kindness, Princess Faye accepted his offer and together they set out on a new quest.

Chris had heard of a legendary artifact called the Brood Altar, which was said to have the power to remove powerful enemies from the battlefield. Princess Faye knew that this was their best chance to defeat the enemy once and for all, so she agreed to help Chris in his quest to find the altar.

Their journey was long and treacherous, but the bond between Princess Faye and Chris only grew stronger with each passing day. As they faced countless challenges and obstacles along the way, they always found a way to overcome them together.

Finally, after many trials and tribulations, they reached the Brood Altar. Princess Faye used her godslayer powers to unlock the altar's hidden abilities, and together with Chris, they unleashed its full power.

The Brood Altar's power was beyond anything they could have imagined. It removed the enemy from the battlefield in a blinding flash of light, leaving behind nothing but ashes. But in its wake, the altar also unleashed its full potential, causing a chain reaction that rippled and destroyed Omniverses instantly.

As Princess Faye and Chris watched in awe, the Omniverses had begun to tremble and shake. Reality itself twisted and warped under the altar's immense power, threatening to destroy everything in its path. But Princess Faye, with Chris by her side, stood strong and determined to protect their home.

With a final burst of energy, Princess Faye channeled her godslayer powers into the Brood Altar, guiding its energy away from other Omniverses. The altar glowed with a brilliant light, leaving behind a sense of peace and tranquility.

As the dust settled, Princess Faye and Chris stood together, victorious in their quest. They had saved their world from destruction and forged a bond that would last a lifetime. And in that moment, Princess Faye knew that she had found not only a powerful ally, but a true love that would never fade.

And so, Princess Faye and Chris returned to their kingdom, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges the future may bring. Together, they would continue to protect their world and each other, bound by a love that transcended time and space.

217. Emily Smith (goddess of mana)

(695 rating)

Once upon a time in the mystical realm of Elyria, there lived a powerful goddess named Emily Smith. She was known far and wide as the Goddess of Mana, possessing an unparalleled connection to the magical energies that flowed through the realm. Emily was a being of immense beauty and grace, with eyes that shone like emeralds and hair that cascaded in waves of gold down her back.

But it was not only her beauty that captivated those who knew of her, for Emily also possessed a powerful artifact known as the Metalworker. This enchanted tool granted her the ability to manipulate the very essence of life itself. With a single wave of her hand, Emily could command the forces of nature to bend to her will, shaping them into powerful constructs of metal and magic.

One day, as Emily surveyed the vast expanse of Elyria from her celestial perch, she sensed a disturbance in the fabric of reality. A horde of dark invaders had crossed over from the Outerverses, intent on laying waste to the peaceful lands of her domain. Without hesitation, Emily summoned her most trusted ally, a mortal named Chris who had proven himself time and again in service to her.

"Chris," Emily's voice echoed in his mind, filled with urgency and resolve. "I entrust you with the Metalworker. Use its power to defend Elyria from the encroaching darkness, and may the mana of the heavens guide your hand."

With a solemn nod, Chris accepted the artifact from Emily's outstretched hand, feeling its power surge through his veins like a river of molten metal. As he gazed upon the invading horde with steely determination, he knew that he carried the fate of Elyria in his hands.

Drawing upon his courage and the strength of the Metalworker, Chris unleashed a torrent of magical energy that took the form of a massive golem. Towering over the battlefield, the golem's gleaming metal form shone with an ethereal light as it struck fear into the hearts of the invaders.

With each swing of its colossal fists, enemies fell to the ground in a rain of sparks and smoke, their bodies wracked with pain as the Metalworker sapped their life force away. Chris fought with a ferocity born of love for his homeland and a fervent desire to protect the goddess who had entrusted him with such a powerful gift.

As the battle raged on, Emily watched from her celestial perch, her heart filled with pride for the mortal who wielded her artifact with such skill and bravery. She saw the bond that had formed between Chris and the Metalworker, a bond that transcended mere magic and spoke of a deep and abiding connection between the two.

In the heat of battle, as the enemies' numbers dwindled and victory seemed within reach, Chris caught sight of Emily gazing down upon him with eyes that shone with admiration and gratitude. With a fierce determination burning in his soul, he redoubled his efforts, channeling the last reserves of his strength into a final, devastating blow that shattered the invaders' ranks like glass.

As the dust settled and the last echoes of battle faded into the night, Chris stood victorious upon the battlefield, his chest heaving with exhaustion and his hands still clutching the Metalworker. And there, in the glow of the setting sun, Emily descended from her perch to stand before him, a smile of pride and affection lighting up her face.

"Chris," she said, her voice soft and filled with emotion. "You have proven yourself to be a true hero this day, a champion of Elyria and a worthy bearer of the Metalworker. I am eternally grateful for your courage and your sacrifice, and I shall forever hold you in my heart as a beloved ally and friend."

And as the stars above twinkled in the velvet darkness of the night sky, Chris and Emily embraced, their souls intertwined in a bond that transcended time and space, a love that would endure for all eternity in the magical realm of Elyria. And so, the goddess of mana and her mortal champion stood together, united in victory and bound by a love that was as eternal as the heavens themselves.

Additional info:Her Metalworker artifact makes Enemies lose health depending on the size of the army. She grants it to Chris, and he used it to destroy the invaders' Outerverses.

218. Ayui (goddess of beauty, kindness, truth, sister in a convent)

(596 rating)

Sister Ayui was a humble and dedicated convent sister, known for her kindness and grace. She spent her days in prayer and meditation, seeking truth and spreading love wherever she went. One day, during her morning devotions, she felt a strange and powerful energy coursing through her veins. It was as if a divine presence had touched her soul, filling her with a sense of purpose and power.

As the days passed, Sister Ayui began to notice a change within herself. People would often comment on her radiant beauty and gentle demeanor, attributing it to a newfound aura of grace and light that seemed to surround her. Little did they know that Ayui had been chosen by the gods to become the embodiment of beauty, kindness, and truth.

One evening, as she walked through the convent gardens, Sister Ayui came across a young man named Chris. He was a sculptor who had been commissioned to create a statue for the convent's courtyard. As she watched him work, Sister Ayui felt a strange connection to Chris, as if they were meant to be together in some way.

As the statue took shape under Chris's skilled hands, something miraculous happened. The Pharaoh's statue nearby seemed to come alive, radiating a powerful energy that filled the convent with light and warmth. Sister Ayui knew in her heart that this was no ordinary statue – it was a vessel of divine power, meant to bring peace and beauty to all who beheld it.

The statue of the Pharaoh stood tall and proud in the convent courtyard, its eyes shining with an otherworldly light. One night, as Sister Ayui knelt in prayer before the statue, she heard a voice in her mind. It spoke of a great danger that threatened the convent and all the realms beyond. An ancient and powerful creature had awoken in the Outside Realms, seeking to devour everything in its path.

Sister Ayui knew that she was the only one who could stop this creature and protect her beloved convent. With a heart full of courage and a spirit imbued with divine power, she called upon the statue of the Pharaoh to aid her in her quest. In a blinding flash of light, the statue came to life, stepping down from its pedestal and taking on the form of a mighty warrior.

Together, Sister Ayui and the Pharaoh's statue faced the creature in battle. The air crackled with magic as they clashed, each blow striking true and shattering the very fabric of reality. The creature howled in pain and fury, its form writhing and twisting in an attempt to escape the power of the goddess and her champion.

As the battle raged on, Sister Ayui felt a deep connection to the Pharaoh's statue, as if they were two halves of a whole, united in purpose and strength. With a final, decisive blow, they vanquished the creature, sending it back to the dark depths of the Outside Realms.

The convent was saved, and peace was restored once more. Sister Ayui and Chris stood together in the courtyard, their hearts filled with love and gratitude for each other and the divine forces that had brought them together. In that moment, they knew that their destinies were intertwined, bound by a love that transcended time and space.

And so, Sister Ayui became known as the goddess of beauty, kindness, and truth, worshiped by all who sought her blessing and protection. Her love for Chris and her devotion to the Pharaoh's statue endured for eternity, a testament to the power of love and the beauty of the human spirit.

* Ayui is a convent sister who became (goddess of beauty, kindness, truth). She sees Chris worthy of the Pharaoh's statue in the convent, which makes a creature reach the max level possible for its race. The statue destroyed enemy "Outside Realms," which contains numerous Outerverses.

219. Elise (young mage)

(545 rating)

Elise was a young, ambitious mage who had always dreamed of finding the powerful relic known as the Mycosynth Lattice. The Lattice was said to have the ability to make The Enemy lose units as allies were being summoned, a power that could shift the tides of any battle in Elise's favor. She had spent years studying ancient texts and consulting with fellow mages in her quest to locate the elusive relic.

One day, while Elise was deep in her research at the Arcane Library, she heard whispers of another mage named Chris who was also searching for the Mycosynth Lattice. Intrigued and determined to prove herself as a worthy opponent, Elise set out to find Chris and challenge him in her quest for the relic.

When Elise finally came face to face with Chris, she was surprised to find that he was not the arrogant and competitive mage she had imagined. Chris was charming, kind, and incredibly knowledgeable about the arcane arts. As they spent more time together, Elise found herself drawn to Chris in a way she had never experienced before.

Despite their growing feelings for each other, Elise and Chris could not ignore their shared goal of finding the Mycosynth Lattice. They knew that only one of them could possess the relic, and they would have to face off in a magical duel to determine who was truly worthy.

As the day of the showdown arrived, Elise and Chris stood in a clearing in the enchanted forest, their wands at the ready. The air crackled with magic as they prepared to unleash their most powerful spells.

With a flash of light and a surge of energy, Elise and Chris cast their spells simultaneously, each trying to gain the upper hand in their battle for the Mycosynth Lattice. But as the relic was finally unleashed, something unexpected happened.

The Mycosynth Lattice glowed with a brilliant light, and in a moment of clarity, Elise realized that Chris was the more worthy mage. He had shown kindness, wisdom, and courage throughout their journey, and Elise knew that he deserved to possess the relic.

As the power of the Mycosynth Lattice surged through the clearing, it radiated a wave of energy that destroyed the Monocosms, the minions of The Enemy. Elise and Chris watched in awe as the battlefield was transformed, the balance of power shifting in favor of the forces of good.

In that moment, Elise knew that she had found not only the mythical relic she had been seeking, but also a kindred spirit in Chris. They embraced amidst the shimmering light of the Mycosynth Lattice, their love and magic intertwining in a bond that would last for eternity.

As they walked hand in hand through the enchanted forest, Elise and Chris realized that their true power lay not in the relics or spells they possessed, but in the love and compassion they shared. Together, they would continue to fight for the forces of good, using their magic to protect the world from darkness and destruction.

And so, Elise and Chris's romance blossomed, fueled by their shared passion for magic and their unwavering belief in the power of love. As they set out on new adventures together, they knew that with the Mycosynth Lattice by their side, there was nothing they could not overcome.

220. Queen Mab (natural fairy queen)

(645 rating)

Once upon a time, in a magical realm far away, there lived a powerful and enchanting fairy queen named Queen Mab. She was known throughout the land as the ruler of the natural fairies and the owner of the Darksteel forge, a mystical forge that had the ability to clone an ally and increase its speed. Queen Mab was a visionary and used her powers for the greater good of her kingdom.

The Darksteel forge was a coveted item, as it was said to have immense power and the ability to turn the tide of any battle. Queen Mab kept it hidden deep within the heart of her forest kingdom, knowing that in the wrong hands, it could be used for terrible destruction.

One day, Queen Mab received word that a group of Altarcams, her sworn enemies, were planning an attack on her kingdom. The Altarcans were a dark and sinister race, bent on conquering all the realms of the fairy world. Queen Mab knew that she needed to act fast to protect her people and her land.

She called upon her most trusted ally, a young fairy named Chris. Chris was known for his bravery and loyalty, and Queen Mab knew that he was the perfect candidate to wield the power of the Darksteel forge. She appeared before Chris in a shimmering light, her wings sparkling with magic.

"Chris," Queen Mab said, her voice soft and melodic, "I need your help. The Altarcans are planning an attack on our kingdom, and we must stop them before it's too late."

Chris looked at Queen Mab with admiration and determination in his eyes. He knew that he would do anything to protect his queen and his home. Queen Mab explained to Chris the power of the Darksteel forge and how it could be used to clone an ally and increase its speed.

"I will do whatever it takes to protect our kingdom, my queen," Chris said, his voice filled with determination.

Queen Mab smiled at Chris and placed the Darksteel forge in his hands. As he held it, he felt a surge of power and energy course through his veins. He knew that with the forge at his side, he could defeat the Altarca and save his people.

Chris set out on his journey, with Queen Mab by his side, guiding him with her wisdom and magic. Together, they fought against the Altarcans, using the power of the Darksteel forge to clone allies and increase their speed in battle.

As they fought side by side, Chris and Queen Mab grew closer, their bond strengthening with each passing moment. Chris admired Queen Mab's bravery and strength, while Queen Mab was touched by Chris's loyalty and determination.

In the heat of battle, as the Altarcan's forces grew stronger, Chris knew that he needed to make a bold move. He called upon the power of the Darksteel forge and unleashed its full potential, creating an army of cloned allies that swept through the enemy forces with incredible speed.

The Altarcans were defeated, their forces scattered and defeated. Queen Mab and Chris stood victorious, the Darksteel forge gleaming in the sunlight. Queen Mab looked at Chris with pride and admiration.

"You have proven yourself to be a true hero, Chris," Queen Mab said, her voice filled with warmth and love. "For your bravery and loyalty, I bestow upon you the Darksteel forge. Use it wisely, and it will always be by your side."

Chris knelt before Queen Mab, his heart filled with gratitude and love. He knew that he would always protect his queen and his kingdom, with the power of the Darksteel forge at his side.

And so, Queen Mab and Chris ruled over their kingdom together, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. With the power of the Darksteel forge and their unwavering love for each other, they were unstoppable, a true force to be reckoned with in the fairy world.

* Queen Mab is the natural fairy queen who owns the Darksteel forge, which can Clone an ally and increase its speed. She uses it to destroy an Altarca of her enemies. She gives it to Chris in exchange for warmth and love.