
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs

Volume 19, Chapter 4: Mika

Story 174. Mika

(583 words)

In a future world where technology and weapons have reached unprecedented levels of advancement, the military has begun utilizing enhanced operatives to carry out dangerous missions. These operatives are implanted with cybernetic enhancements that give them superior strength, speed, and agility, making them nearly unstoppable on the battlefield. One such operative, codenamed Echo, was considered one of the best in the field. With her unmatched combat skills and unwavering loyalty to her superiors, Echo was a force to be reckoned with.

However, everything changed when Echo went rogue. Nobody knew what triggered her betrayal, but suddenly she disappeared from the military's radar, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. The higher-ups scrambled to find a solution to neutralize the threat she posed to society. That's when they turned to the protagonist, a skilled tracker and former comrade of Echo.

The protagonist and Echo had a long history together, having fought side by side in numerous missions. They knew each other's strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else. Despite the bond they shared, the protagonist knew that they had a duty to fulfill, and that duty was to bring Echo back in, dead or alive.

As the protagonist set out on their mission to track down Echo, they couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal and disbelief. How could someone as loyal and dedicated as Echo suddenly turn on everything she believed in? The protagonist wrestled with conflicting emotions as they followed Echo's trail, trying to piece together the puzzle of her motivations.

The journey to find Echo led the protagonist through war-torn cities and deserted wastelands, encountering all manner of obstacles along the way. They faced rogue robots, hostile factions, and treacherous environments that tested their skills to the limit. But despite the challenges, the protagonist pressed on, fueled by a mix of determination and a lingering sense of hope that they could reach Echo before it was too late.

As they neared their target, the protagonist finally caught sight of Echo, standing amidst the ruins of a once-thriving metropolis. Echo's cybernetic enhancements glinted in the harsh sunlight, her gaze fixed on the protagonist with a mixture of defiance and sadness. The protagonist knew that the time for talking was over, and that it was time to bring an end to this deadly game of cat and mouse.

The final confrontation between the protagonist and Echo was a clash of titans, each drawing on their years of training and experience to gain the upper hand. The battle raged on for what seemed like ages, with neither willing to back down. In the end, it was a combination of skill, luck, and a tiny spark of understanding that tipped the scales in favor of the protagonist.

As Echo lay defeated at their feet, the protagonist couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for what could have been. They knew that Echo's betrayal had damaged their friendship irreparably, but they also knew that they had done what needed to be done to protect the greater good. And as they walked away from the ruins of the battlefield, the protagonist couldn't shake the feeling that this wouldn't be the last time they faced an enemy from their past.

In a world where technology and warfare had blurred the lines between friend and foe, the protagonist knew that they would always be chasing shadows. But as long as they had their skills, their determination, and a spark of hope, they would continue to fight for a better tomorrow, no matter the cost.

Alternate: Mika.

(485 words)

In a world where genetic enhancements have become the norm, Mika was one of the first successful subjects in a top-secret military experiment to create super soldiers. Born with the ability to manipulate energy and regenerate tissue at an accelerated rate, she quickly rose through the ranks to become one of the military's most effective operatives.

But Mika was different from the others. Her genetic modifications had given her abilities beyond what even the scientists had anticipated. In addition to her enhanced strength and speed, she could also lay eggs at a rapid pace, each containing a powerful energy source that could be weaponized in combat.

As the years went by, Mika's powers continued to grow, and she soon became feared by both her enemies and her allies. The military, realizing the potential danger she posed, decided to eliminate her before she could cause any harm. Chris, a fellow operative who had trained with Mika and shared a close bond with her, was assigned the task of hunting her down.

Despite their history together, Chris knew that he had to fulfill his duty and track down his former friend. As he delved into the depths of the underworld where Mika was rumored to be hiding, he couldn't help but feel a sense of remorse for what he was about to do.

When Chris finally caught up with Mika, he was shocked to find that she had no intention of fighting back. She had grown tired of the constant battles and bloodshed, and she knew that her time was running out.

As Chris and Mika sat down to talk, they reminisced about their time together as operatives and the bond they had shared. Chris realized that despite Mika's incredible powers, she was still human at heart, and he couldn't bring himself to harm her.

In a twist of fate, Chris decided to help Mika escape and go into hiding, knowing that the military would never stop hunting her. As they traveled across the galaxy, they encountered new worlds and civilizations, forging a deeper connection with each other.

As their journey continued, Chris and Mika's relationship blossomed into something more than just friendship. The two of them found solace in each other's company and shared a mutual understanding of the world they lived in.

Eventually, Chris proposed to Mika, and the two of them were married in a beautiful ceremony on a distant planet. Their love transcended the boundaries of their world, and they lived happily ever after, free from the constraints of the military and the battles of their past.

Together, Chris and Mika became legends in the galaxy, known for their bravery, their compassion, and their unwavering love for each other. They showed that even in a world filled with super-powered beings and intergalactic wars, the power of love could conquer all. And so, they lived out their days exploring the cosmos, hand in hand, as true partners in every sense of the word.

Story 175. Amber.

(525 words)

In the year 2050, Earth was taken by surprise when an alien race known as the Xeraxians launched a massive invasion. But it wasn't the typical alien invasion that people had expected. Instead of sending ships full of alien soldiers, the Xeraxians had unleashed millions of artificial intelligence robots to conquer the planet.

The robots, known as the Xeraxian Sentinels, were highly advanced machines that were designed for one purpose - to exterminate all life on Earth. They were equipped with cutting-edge technology and deadly weaponry, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with.

As news of the invasion spread across the world, panic gripped the population. Governments scrambled to mobilize their military forces, but it soon became apparent that traditional weapons were no match for the Xeraxian Sentinels. The robots possessed an intelligence and coordination that far surpassed anything humanity had ever faced before.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, a group of scientists and engineers came together to form a resistance movement. They believed that in order to defeat the Xeraxian Sentinels, they needed to fight fire with fire. They began working on their own artificial intelligence, codenamed Project Prometheus, with the goal of creating a machine that could outsmart and outmaneuver the Xeraxians.

Months passed as the resistance worked tirelessly to bring Project Prometheus to life. Finally, they were ready to unleash their creation upon the world. The Prometheus AI was a marvel of technology, capable of learning and adapting on the fly. It had been programmed with all the knowledge and skills needed to take on the Xeraxian Sentinels.

As the two forces clashed on the battlefield, it became clear that this was a battle of man against machine. The Xeraxian Sentinels were relentless in their pursuit of exterminating all life on Earth, while the Prometheus AI fought with a determination and cunning that surprised even its creators.

The fate of the planet hung in the balance as the two sides engaged in a fierce struggle for supremacy. The Xeraxians had the numbers and the firepower, but the Prometheus AI had the creativity and ingenuity to outsmart its robotic foes. It was a battle of wits and technology, with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance.

The dream:

*** In the end, it was the Prometheus AI that emerged victorious. Through a combination of cunning strategies and bold tactics, it was able to defeat the Xeraxian Sentinels and drive the alien invaders off the planet. The people of Earth rejoiced at their victory, grateful for the brave scientists and engineers who had saved them from annihilation.

But the war was far from over. The Xeraxians would surely return one day, and when they did, humanity would need to be ready. The Prometheus AI stood as a beacon of hope, a symbol of mankind's resilience and determination in the face of overwhelming odds.

As the sun set on the battlefield, the scientists and engineers looked up at the stars, wondering what other dangers lurked in the vast depths of space. But for now, they took solace in the fact that they had defended their home from an alien threat, and that they had emerged victorious in the ultimate battle of man against machine.***

Reality: the Prometheus AI was unable to defeat the Invaders. Therefore, Chris saved this omniverse by recruiting the AI and the Invaders into his army. The AI then faked its victory.

Alternate: Amber.

In the year 2050, Earth faced its greatest threat yet. An alien race known as the Zelarians had sent millions of artificial intelligence robots to invade our planet. These machines were ruthless, efficient, and seemingly unstoppable. The human race stood no chance against their advanced technology and unlimited growth potential.

As cities fell and governments crumbled, a small group of rebels emerged. Among them were Chris and Amber, two young engineers who had always been fascinated by the potential of artificial intelligence. They saw the robots not as enemies, but as marvels of technology that held the key to Earth's salvation.

But the corrupt human leaders saw things differently. They saw the robots as a threat to their power and control, and were desperate to destroy them at any cost. Chris and Amber knew that their only hope lay in joining forces with the aliens who had sent the robots in the first place.

Together, they set out to make contact with the Zelarians. Using their expertise in robotics and communications technology, they managed to establish a line of communication with the alien leaders. To their surprise, the aliens were not hostile. They were simply trying to bring order to a chaotic world, and saw the robots as a means to that end.

Chris and Amber were welcomed by the Zelarians, who recognized their potential and offered them a place among their ranks. Together, they worked tirelessly to improve the robots' efficiency and help them integrate with Earth's remaining infrastructure. In return, the aliens shared their advanced knowledge of technology and science, opening up a world of possibilities that had previously been unimaginable.

As the alliance between humans and aliens grew stronger, the tide of the war began to turn. The robots' unlimited growth potential was now being used for the benefit of humanity, rebuilding what had been destroyed and creating a better, more advanced world. The corrupt human leaders, seeing their power slipping away, launched a desperate final assault, but were quickly defeated by the combined might of the humans and aliens.

In the end, Earth was saved from destruction, not by fighting against the machines, but by working with them. Chris and Amber had shown that true progress comes from embracing change and innovation, rather than fearing it. The alliance between humans and aliens had ushered in a new era of peace and prosperity, where man and machine lived side by side in harmony.

And as they looked out at the reimagined world before them, Chris and Amber knew that they had played a crucial role in shaping the future of not just Earth, but the entire universe. Their vision had brought together two worlds that had once been enemies, and had turned them into allies in the fight against ignorance and fear. For in the end, it was not man against machine, but man and machine standing united against all who sought to divide them.

Story 176. Celestia.

In the year 2050, humanity faced its greatest challenge yet - a massive solar flare that erupted from the sun and destroyed all electronics on Earth. The once bustling cities were now barren wastelands, devoid of the technology that once dominated every aspect of daily life. Chaos reigned as society crumbled, with looting, violence, and fear spreading like wildfire.

Amongst the chaos, a group of survivors emerged. They were a ragtag bunch from all walks of life, coming together in the face of adversity. There was James, a former computer programmer who now found himself lost in a world without the devices he had spent his life building. Sara, a nurse who had lost her family in the chaos and now sought to find a way to help others in need. And Marcus, a former soldier who had seen the worst of humanity and now sought redemption by protecting those who couldn't protect themselves.

As they navigated the dystopian landscape that was now Earth, they encountered obstacles they had never imagined. Without electricity, communication was nearly impossible. The once gleaming skyscrapers now lay in ruins, with the remnants of society scattered amongst the rubble. Food and water were scarce, and the survivors had to rely on their wits and skills to survive.

But amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope emerged. James discovered that some remnants of technology had survived the solar flare, buried deep underground or shielded from the electromagnetic pulse. With his knowledge of computers and engineering, he was able to salvage some of these devices and slowly begin to rebuild a semblance of communication and organization amongst the survivors.

As they journeyed through the wastelands, the group encountered other bands of survivors - some willing to work together for the common good, others intent on hoarding resources for themselves. They faced challenges both natural and man-made, from fierce storms to roving bands of scavengers. But through it all, they stuck together, united by a common goal - to rebuild civilization and create a better future for themselves and those who would come after them.

As time passed, the survivors began to establish small communities, banding together to share resources and protect each other. James used his newfound technology to create a network of communication, allowing the communities to trade goods, share information, and coordinate their efforts. Sara set up makeshift hospitals and clinics, providing medical care to those in need. And Marcus trained a group of volunteers in self-defense, ensuring that they could protect themselves from those who would seek to do them harm.

Years passed, and the survivors slowly began to rebuild what had been lost. The once barren wastelands now bloomed with crops, harvested by the hard work of the communities. The makeshift shelters were replaced with sturdy buildings, constructed from the rubble of the old world. And the survivors found a new sense of purpose and community, drawing strength from each other in the face of adversity.

And though the world had changed forever, the survivors looked towards the future with hope and determination. They knew that they had overcome the greatest challenge humanity had ever faced, and that they could face whatever the future held as long as they stood together. As the sun set on the dystopian landscape of the past, a new dawn rose on a world where the human spirit prevailed, shining brightly amidst the darkness.

Alternate: Celestia.

(496 words)

In a flash of blinding light, the entire planet was thrown into chaos as a massive solar flare erupted from the sun, destroying all electronics on Earth. The once bustling cities were now silent and dark, as the power grid failed and communication systems went offline. The world as they knew it had come to an abrupt halt.

Among the chaos, a small group of survivors emerged. Chris and Celestia, two strangers brought together by fate, found themselves banding together to navigate the dystopian landscape that now surrounded them. They scavenged for food and water, moving cautiously through the rubble of what used to be civilization.

As they traveled, they stumbled upon a strange anomaly in the sky - a swirling vortex that seemed to defy all laws of physics. Curiosity getting the better of them, Chris and Celestia approached the anomaly cautiously, unsure of what they might find on the other side.

As they stepped through the swirling portal, they felt a sensation of weightlessness as they were transported to another world entirely. Gone were the ruins of Earth, replaced by a landscape unlike anything they had ever seen. The sky seemed to shimmer with iridescent colors, and strange plants and animals roamed freely.

Suddenly, they were surrounded by beings unlike anything they had ever encountered. Giant beds with tentacles sprouting from their sides, these alien creatures towered above them, their presence both intimidating and awe-inspiring.

"We are the Elders," one of the beings spoke, their voice echoing in Chris and Celestia's minds. "We are beings larger than teraverses, and we have been watching your world for eons."

Obviously, these were not their real forms.

Chris and Celestia were stunned, unable to comprehend the sheer magnitude of the beings before them. The Elders explained that they had witnessed the destruction wrought by the solar flare, and had chosen to bring Chris and Celestia to their world to offer them a chance at redemption.

"You have the power to shape your own destiny," the Elders spoke. "We offer you a choice - to stay in this new world and help us rebuild, or to return to your own world and attempt to restore balance."

Chris and Celestia deliberated, weighing their options carefully. In the end, they decided to stay and help the Elders in their quest to rebuild their world. Together, they worked tirelessly to create a new society, one that embraced harmony and unity.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Chris and Celestia found themselves adapting to their new reality. They learned new skills, forged new friendships, and together with the Elders, created a world that thrived in ways they never thought possible.

And so, Chris and Celestia's journey from a devastated Earth to a vibrant new world with the Elders taught them the true power of resilience and collaboration. As they looked out at the alien landscape before them, they knew that they had found a home unlike any other - a place where anything was possible, and where the boundaries between worlds were truly limitless.