
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs

Volume 18, Chapter 9: Lily

Story 139. lily

(488 words)

In the year 2150, humanity made a groundbreaking discovery that would forever change the course of history. Scientists and engineers had developed a revolutionary technology that allowed users to access parallel dimensions through virtual-reality-like headsets. These headsets were designed to enhance the human mind's comprehension of these alternate realities, making it possible for ordinary individuals to explore dimensions beyond their wildest imaginations.

The first group of dimension-explorers to test this new technology were a team of brilliant scientists and researchers who were eager to unlock the secrets of the universe. As they ventured into different dimensions, they were amazed by the vast landscapes, bizarre creatures, and advanced civilizations they encountered. These parallel dimensions were like nothing they had ever seen before, and they were filled with endless possibilities and mysteries waiting to be uncovered.

However, as they delved deeper into these alternate realities, the explorers began to notice something peculiar. They stumbled upon a strange intelligence that seemed to be watching them, observing their every move. At first, they dismissed it as a figment of their imaginations, but as they continued their explorations, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

One by one, the explorers started to experience strange and unsettling changes in their behavior. They became increasingly paranoid and delusional, convinced that they were being controlled by an unseen force. Their once brilliant minds were now clouded by darkness, and their personalities began to deteriorate.

As the team returned from their dimension-explorations, their colleagues noticed a drastic change in their behavior. They were no longer the rational and level-headed individuals they once were. They were erratic, unpredictable, and at times, downright dangerous. It was as if their minds had been corrupted by the mysterious intelligence they had encountered in the parallel dimensions.

The scientists and researchers who had once been hailed as heroes were now feared and shunned by society. Their groundbreaking discovery had become a curse, unleashing a dark force that threatened to consume them and everyone around them. The very technology that had promised to expand the limits of human understanding had instead opened a gateway to madness and destruction.

As the world watched in horror, the dimension-explorers descended further into madness, their minds forever altered by the strange intelligence they had awakened. And as they disappeared into the depths of the parallel dimensions, they left behind a trail of chaos and despair, a stark reminder of the dangers of playing with forces beyond human comprehension.

And so, humanity was left to ponder the consequences of their hubris, wondering if they would ever be able to escape the darkness that had been unleashed upon their world. The parallel dimensions taunted them with their endless possibilities, their mysteries calling out to those brave enough to venture into their depths. But for now, the dangers outweighed the rewards, and the world remained on edge, haunted by the memory of the dimension-explorers who had come back changed, and not for the better.

Alternate: Lily.

(508 words)

In a future where technology has advanced greatly, humans have discovered a way to access parallel dimensions through virtual-reality-like headsets. These headsets are designed to enhance the comprehension of these dimensions, making it possible for human minds to navigate through the infinite realms of existence.

Among the first to explore these parallel dimensions are Lily and her lover Chris, two adventurous souls eager to uncover the mysteries of the universe. Together, they embark on a journey unlike any other, delving deep into the unknown and encountering strange and fantastical worlds beyond their wildest imagination.

As they traverse through the endless possibilities of parallel dimensions, Lily and Chris stumble upon a strange intelligence unlike anything they have ever encountered before. This entity, a being of immense power and knowledge, exists beyond the boundaries of time and space, its presence transcending the limitations of human understanding.

At first, Lily and Chris are in awe of the entity's vast intellect and capabilities. They are fascinated by its ability to manipulate reality and shape the fabric of existence itself. However, as they spend more time in its presence, they begin to realize that there is something inherently unsettling about this strange intelligence.

As time passes, Lily and Chris notice changes within themselves. They become increasingly obsessed with the entity, finding themselves drawn to its enigmatic presence like moths to a flame. Their minds are consumed by thoughts of the entity, its power and allure clouding their judgment and distorting their perception of reality.

It is during one of their encounters with the entity that Lily and Chris make a fateful decision. In a moment of desperation and madness, they propose a deal with the entity, offering to bring it more people to entertain in exchange for its loyalty and protection.

The entity, intrigued by the offer, agrees to the terms of the deal. It sees potential in Lily and Chris, recognizing their willingness to serve and obey its every command. And so, the two become entangled in a dark and twisted alliance with the strange intelligence, their minds warped and twisted by its influence.

As more and more people are drawn into the entity's web of deceit and manipulation, Lily and Chris find themselves sinking deeper into a clutches of madness. They become mere vessels for the entity's insatiable hunger for power, their souls corrupted and their humanity slowly slipping away.

In the end, Lily and Chris are consumed by their own greed and ambition, their once bright and vibrant spirits extinguished by the darkness of the parallel dimensions they had so eagerly sought to explore. And as the entity continues to feed on the souls of the unsuspecting, it grows stronger and more powerful, its influence spreading like a cancer throughout the multiverse.

In a world where the line between reality and illusion is blurred, Lily and Chris are but mere pawns in the entity's twisted game of power and control. And as they descend further into madness, they realize that the true cost of unlocking the secrets of parallel dimensions is far greater than they could have ever imagined.

Story 140. yukio,

(546 words)

It was a normal day on Earth, with people going about their daily lives without a care in the world. But all of that changed when the news broke that a massive asteroid was on a collision course with our planet. Panic spread like wildfire as the realization sunk in that humanity was facing extinction.

In a desperate bid to save as many lives as possible, governments around the world reached out to the advanced alien race that had been living deep in the ocean, completely unknown to humanity until now. These aliens had been watching over Earth for centuries, their technology far surpassing anything we could even imagine.

The aliens wasted no time in springing into action, using their advanced spacecraft to evacuate as many humans as they could. But with limited space available, they were forced to make the difficult decision of choosing who would be saved.

As news of the alien's rescue mission spread, chaos ensued as people fought to secure a spot on one of the spacecraft. Riots broke out, with people turning on each other in a desperate bid for survival.

In the midst of the chaos, a council of world leaders was formed to determine who would have the privilege of being saved by the aliens. They debated long into the night, weighing the options and trying to come to a consensus on who would be given a chance to start anew on a distant planet.

Ultimately, they decided that the most deserving candidates would be those who had contributed the most to society. Scientists, engineers, doctors, artists, and other skilled individuals were chosen to be part of the selected few who would be saved.

But as the spacecraft began to fill up, it became clear that there was not enough room for everyone. Families were torn apart as loved ones were separated, with tearful goodbyes echoing through the crowded halls of the spacecraft.

Despite the heartbreak, those who had been chosen felt a sense of relief knowing that they would have a chance to survive the impending disaster. They boarded the spacecraft, watching as Earth grew smaller and smaller in the rearview window, wondering if they would ever see their home again.

As the spacecraft made its way towards the alien's home planet, the chosen few marveled at the technology that surrounded them. The aliens were kind and welcoming, providing food, shelter, and comfort to those who had been saved.

But even as they settled into their new lives, the survivors couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for leaving behind the billions of people who had not been so lucky. They vowed to honor their sacrifice by making the most of their second chance, working tirelessly to help the alien race and repay their kindness.

In time, the survivors came to see the aliens not as saviors, but as friends and allies. They learned from each other, sharing knowledge and skills that helped both races prosper in their new home.

And as they looked up at the stars, the survivors knew that they were part of something much bigger than themselves. They were the last remnants of humanity, a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds.

And so they lived on, forging a new future together in a world far beyond anything they could have ever imagined.

Alternate: Yukio.

(538 words)

As the massive asteroid hurtled towards Earth, panic spread quickly across the globe. Governments scrambled to come up with a plan to protect their citizens, but it seemed that there was no way to stop the looming disaster.

Amidst the chaos, a group of advanced aliens that had been living deep in the ocean for centuries emerged from the depths. They had been studying humanity for years, fascinated by our progress and potential. Now, faced with the impending destruction of Earth, they knew it was time to intervene.

The aliens made contact with the world leaders, offering to evacuate a select group of humans with them to their home planet. They had the technology to survive the impact of the asteroid and start anew on their world. But there was a catch – they could only take a few thousand people with them.

Yukio and Chris were two friends who had always been fascinated by the stars. They had spent countless hours gazing up at the night sky, dreaming of exploring the unknown. When the aliens made their offer, it seemed like a dream come true. But Yukio and Chris knew that they couldn't abandon their home planet in its darkest hour.

As the selection process began, it quickly became clear that those chosen to go with the aliens were mostly scientists, engineers, and politicians – people deemed essential for rebuilding society on the alien planet. Yukio and Chris watched as their friends and family members were selected to leave, knowing that they would never see them again.

But Yukio and Chris refused to give up hope. They knew that those who were left behind would be empowered by the asteroid, forced to come together and find a way to survive. As the asteroid drew closer, they hatched a plan to harness its energy and use it to propel themselves into space, following the aliens to their home planet.

With the help of a ragtag group of survivors, Yukio and Chris managed to build a makeshift spaceship using salvaged parts from abandoned buildings and vehicles. As the asteroid loomed ever closer, they launched themselves into the unknown, leaving behind everything they had ever known in search of a new world.

As they hurtled through space, Yukio and Chris marveled at the beauty of the universe around them. They passed through galaxies and nebulae, witnessing sights that few humans had ever seen. And finally, after what felt like an eternity, they arrived at the alien planet.

The aliens welcomed them with open arms, amazed at their resilience and ingenuity. Yukio and Chris quickly found a place among their new alien friends, eager to learn everything they could about their advanced technology and way of life. But deep down, they knew that they would always be outsiders in this strange new world.

As they settled into their new home, Yukio and Chris never forgot about Earth and the friends they had left behind. They sent messages back to their home planet, hoping that somehow, someone would receive them and know that they were safe. And as they looked up at the night sky, they knew that they had made the right choice – to stay behind and face the unknown, rather than abandon their home in its darkest hour.

Real Story: the aliens were mistaken. Chris stayed because the asteroid was rich with a special type of crystal that could enhanced the powers of those who would survive. He got the information from multidimensional entities and allies.

Story 141. Hacker.

In the year 2067, mankind had been living among the stars for fifty years after first contact with the Zorvians, an advanced alien race from the Andromeda galaxy. Initially, the relationship between humans and Zorvians had been one of mutual cooperation and diplomacy. However, as time passed, it became clear that the Zorvians viewed humans as inferior beings, fit only to serve as slaves in their vast empire.

In a shocking turn of events, the leaders of Earth agreed to send their prisoners to live in space as slaves for the Zorvians. This decision was met with outrage and protests from the general population, who saw it as a barbaric and inhumane act. The idea of condemning people to a life of servitude among the stars was unthinkable to many.

As the first group of human prisoners were transported to the Zorvian homeworld, a system began to emerge on Earth in which the police were required to arrest a certain number of people every month, whether they had committed a crime or not. This was done in order to meet the quota set by the Zorvians, who demanded a steady supply of slaves to work in their mines and factories.

The streets of Earth became a dangerous place, as people lived in fear of being wrongfully accused and taken away to space. Families were torn apart, with loved ones disappearing overnight without warning. The once proud human civilization had been reduced to a society of paranoia and distrust.

Amidst this chaos, a group of rebels emerged who vowed to fight against the oppressive regime. They called themselves the Resistance, and their numbers grew as more and more people joined their cause. They launched daring raids on police stations and government buildings, sabotaging the system that had enslaved their people.

But the Zorvians were not so easily defeated. They had advanced technology and weapons far beyond what the humans possessed. The Resistance faced an uphill battle, fighting against an enemy that seemed unbeatable.

Despite the odds, the Resistance persevered, fueled by the belief that all beings deserved freedom and autonomy. They launched a daring assault on the Zorvian prison colony in space, aiming to free their fellow humans and put an end to the system of slavery once and for all.

The battle that ensued was fierce and brutal, with lives lost on both sides. The Zorvians fought with a ruthless efficiency, determined to maintain control over their human slaves. But the Resistance fought with a passion and intensity that could not be quelled.

In the end, the Resistance emerged victorious, liberating the prisoners and securing their freedom. The Zorvians were forced to retreat, defeated by the unwavering determination of the human spirit.

With the system of slavery abolished, Earth rejoiced in a newfound sense of hope and unity. The people banded together, rebuilding their society and forging a new future free from the shackles of oppression.

And so, fifty years after first contact with aliens, humans had faced their greatest challenge and emerged stronger than ever. The vision of a better world, where all beings were treated with dignity and respect, had finally become a reality.

Real story: the Resistance failed.


(469 words)

It had been fifty years since the first contact with the alien race known as the Zorvans. At first, the humans were excited at the prospect of interacting with beings from another planet. But as time went on, it became clear that the intentions of the Zorvans were not as benevolent as they had initially seemed.

Due to overpopulation and the strain on Earth's resources, a controversial decision was made to send prisoners to live in space as slaves for the Zorvans. This barbaric practice was met with outrage and protest from many humans, but the government insisted it was necessary for the survival of the planet.

As a result of this new system, a disturbing trend emerged. The police were now required to arrest a certain number of people every month, regardless of whether they had actually committed a crime. Innocent people were being taken from their homes and families simply to meet the quota set by the government.

Chris, a former engineer turned activist, watched helplessly as more and more people disappeared each month. He knew something had to be done, but he wasn't sure what. That is, until his wife, an expert hacker, stumbled upon a disturbing secret about the Zorvans.

She discovered that the aliens were not simply using the prisoners as slaves. They were actually feeding off of them, growing larger and stronger with each meal. The Zorvans had been manipulating the humans all along, using them as a source of power to fuel their own agenda.

When Chris learned of this horrifying truth, he knew he had to act fast. With the help of his wife and a small group of rebels, they devised a plan to expose the Zorvans and put an end to their reign of terror.

As they delved deeper into the conspiracy, they uncovered even more shocking revelations. The Zorvans had discovered a way to harness the power of spacetime itself, using it to rip through dimensions and destroy entire multiverses. If they were not stopped, they would become unstoppable, wreaking havoc on all of existence.

Chris and his team knew they were facing a formidable enemy, but they refused to back down. They staged a daring raid on the Zorvan homeworld, using their knowledge of technology and the Zorvan's own weaknesses against them.

In a climactic battle, Chris and his allies managed to defeat the Zorvans, freeing the prisoners and saving humanity from certain destruction. The people of Earth hailed them as heroes, grateful for their bravery and sacrifice.

As the dust settled and the world began to rebuild, Chris couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden among the stars. But one thing was certain – he and his team had proven that no matter how powerful the enemy, the human spirit would always endure, fighting for freedom and justice in the face of darkness.

Real story: the aliens were not defeated.