
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs

Volume 15, Chapter 9: Genetics

Science story 6:

Dr. Elizabeth Morgan was known as one of the top geneticists in the world. Her groundbreaking research had led to countless medical advancements that had saved countless lives. However, there was one project that she had been working on in secret, one that had the potential to change the course of human history.

For years, Dr. Morgan had been obsessed with the idea of cloning an alien lifeform. She had spent countless hours studying images of UFO sightings and reports of extraterrestrial encounters, trying to piece together the genetic code of a creature from another world. And finally, after years of painstaking work, she had succeeded in creating a clone of an unknown alien species.

But as Dr. Morgan looked upon her creation for the first time, she felt a sense of unease. The creature that stood before her was unlike anything she had ever seen before. It was tall and towering, with tentacles protruding from its body and eyes that seemed to pierce straight into her soul. And as she studied it further, she realized that she had made a grave mistake.

The creature was not just a clone of an alien species - it was a colossal being, capable of untold destruction. Its very presence seemed to emit a sense of power and menace, and Dr. Morgan knew that she had unleashed something dangerous upon the world.

But it was too late to turn back now. The creature was already beginning to stir, awakening from its long slumber. Dr. Morgan knew that she had to act quickly if she was going to prevent a disaster of cataclysmic proportions. She reached out to her colleagues and together they devised a plan to contain the creature and prevent it from wreaking havoc on Earth.

As they worked tirelessly to secure the facility and keep the creature contained, Dr. Morgan couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt weighing heavily on her shoulders. She had been so consumed by her desire to create something groundbreaking that she had failed to consider the potential consequences of her actions. And now, the fate of the world hung in the balance.

But just as they thought they had everything under control, the creature broke free from its confines with a deafening roar. It tore through the facility, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Dr. Morgan and her team scrambled to contain it, but it seemed to be unstoppable.

As the creature rampaged through the city, destroying everything in its path, Dr. Morgan knew that they were running out of time. She realized that the only way to stop the creature was to confront it head-on. With a heavy heart, she prepared herself for what would surely be a battle for the ages.

As she stood face to face with the creature, Dr. Morgan felt a sense of awe and terror wash over her. The creature was immense, towering over her like a god of old. But she knew that she had to do whatever it took to protect the planet and its inhabitants.

With a deep breath, Dr. Morgan raised her hand and reached out to the creature. And to her surprise, it stopped in its tracks, its eyes locking onto hers. In that moment, she realized that the creature was not a mindless monster bent on destruction. It was a sentient being, capable of understanding her intentions.

And so, Dr. Morgan made a decision. She would not destroy the creature, but instead, she would find a way to communicate with it and learn from it. Together, they would work to find a way to coexist peacefully and ensure that Earth remained safe from harm.

In the end, Dr. Morgan's illegal experiment had led to a discovery that would change the course of human history in ways she could never have imagined. And as she stood beside the colossal alien being, she knew that the future was full of endless possibilities and new beginnings.

* Chris later conspired with Dr. Morgan, and she secretly sold the entity to Chris.

Science story 7:

As the sun set on the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the planet, the inhabitants of Earth went about their daily routines, unaware of the catastrophic event that was about to unfold. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light illuminated the sky, followed by a deafening roar that shook the very foundations of the earth.

In an instant, all technology on the planet was rendered useless. The power grids failed, causing widespread blackouts. Communication networks went down, leaving people isolated and cut off from one another. The once bustling cities fell into chaos as people struggled to cope with the sudden loss of their way of life.

The governments of the world were left scrambling to assess the extent of the damage and find a way to restore order. But as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, it became clear that the planet-wide EMP surge had caused irreparable damage to all electronic devices.

Without technology to rely on, people were forced to adapt to a new way of life. The once bustling cities became ghost towns, as people migrated to rural areas in search of food and shelter. Without modern conveniences, people had to relearn how to grow their own food, hunt for their own sustenance, and rely on their own ingenuity to survive.

In the absence of technology, a strange kind of beauty began to emerge. The skies, free of the pollution caused by industrialization, were clearer than they had ever been. The natural world began to reclaim the cities, with plants and animals thriving in the absence of human interference.

But as the years passed, the planet began to show signs of strain. With no way to monitor or control the environmental impacts of human activity, the Earth's delicate balance began to tip. Natural disasters became more frequent and more destructive, as the planet struggled to cope with the aftermath of the EMP surge.

As the generations passed, stories began to circulate of a time when technology ruled the planet. Children listened in awe as their elders described the wonders of a world filled with gadgets and gizmos. But for many, those tales seemed like nothing more than a distant dream.

And yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a sense of hope began to emerge. People began to realize that they didn't need technology to survive - they had each other. Communities banded together, sharing resources and supporting one another in ways they never had before.

In the end, the planet-wide EMP surge had brought humanity to its knees. But out of the ashes of the old world, a new world began to emerge. A world where technology was a thing of the past, and human connection was the key to survival.

As the sun set once again on the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the planet, the inhabitants of Earth stood together, united in their determination to rebuild and thrive in this strange new world. And amidst the ruins of the old world, a new chapter in the history of humanity had begun.

Science story 8:

The Arrival of the Colossal Being

In the year 2235, the Earth was confronted with a phenomenon unlike anything ever seen before. It was a bright, sunny day when a massive object appeared on the horizon, slowly moving closer and closer to our planet. As it drew nearer, it became clear that this object was not just any ordinary celestial body - it was a colossal being, larger than Earth itself.

The being was a magnificent sight to behold. Its immense size and shape were unlike anything mankind had ever encountered. Its body was covered in scales that shimmered in the sunlight, and its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. As it moved through the vastness of space, it emitted a low, rumbling hum that could be felt as much as heard.

As the being approached Earth, a strange phenomenon began to occur. An electromagnetic pulse, or EMP shockwave, radiated out from the being, disrupting all electronic devices and causing havoc across the globe. Communication systems faltered, power grids failed, and chaos reigned as humanity tried to make sense of this otherworldly visitor.

Government agencies scrambled to make contact with the being, sending out messages in every language known to man. But the being remained silent, continuing its slow and steady approach towards our planet. Scientists theorized that the EMP shockwave was not an intentional attack, but rather a side effect of the being's sheer size and power.

As the being drew closer, its intentions remained a mystery. Would it bring destruction upon Earth, or salvation? Some believed it to be a benevolent being, sent to guide humanity towards a new era of peace and prosperity. Others feared it to be a harbinger of doom, a herald of the end times.

As the being finally reached Earth's atmosphere, it came to a stop, hovering above the planet like a god surveying its domain. Its immense presence cast a shadow over the land, blocking out the sun and plunging the world into darkness.

And then, finally, the being spoke. Its voice was like thunder, echoing across the globe in a language that no one could understand. But somehow, deep in their hearts, humanity knew that the being meant no harm.

As the days passed, the being began to reveal its purpose. It had traveled across the stars to our humble planet in search of knowledge and enlightenment. It sought to learn from humanity, to understand our ways and our customs.

In return, the being shared with us the secrets of the universe, unlocking mysteries that had long eluded our grasp. It taught us how to harness the power of the stars, how to travel through time and space, how to communicate with beings from other realms.

And so, as the colossal being lingered above Earth, a new era dawned for mankind. We cast off the shackles of our old ways, embracing a future where anything was possible. The arrival of the being had brought about a paradigm shift in human consciousness, opening our eyes to the vastness of the cosmos and our place within it.

And as the being finally departed, leaving Earth behind to continue on its cosmic journey, humanity was forever changed. We stood united as one people, ready to face whatever challenges the universe might throw our way.

For we had been touched by the presence of a being larger than Earth itself, and in its wake, we had found a new sense of purpose and destiny. And so, we looked towards the stars, knowing that our true potential lay not in the past, but in the boundless future that awaited us.

* entity acquired by Chris.

Science Story 9:

In the year 2050, tensions between Earth's most powerful nations had reached a breaking point. The United States and Russia, two of the largest superpowers of the world, had finally declared war on each other after years of political unrest and territorial disputes. As the conflict escalated, the International Space Station became a symbol of the crumbling unity of the human race.

On board the space station were two astronauts, Mark from the United States, and Yuri, a Russian cosmonaut. They had been working together for months, conducting important research and experiments in the field of astrophysics. However, when news of the war broke out on Earth, they were faced with an impossible situation. Their respective governments had issued them with new orders - to eliminate the other in an act of patriotism and loyalty to their country.

Mark and Yuri were stunned by the news. They had become close friends during their time in space, bonding over their shared love for the stars and their mutual respect for each other's skills and knowledge. Now, they were being forced to turn against each other in a senseless act of violence.

As the space station drifted further away from Earth, Mark and Yuri grappled with their orders. They knew that carrying out the command would mean certain death for one of them, as the space station resources were limited and there was no way to escape the other's attack. They also knew that if they refused to follow orders, they would be branded as traitors and face severe consequences from their governments back on Earth.

Despite the weight of the situation, Mark and Yuri knew that they had to find a way out of this impossible dilemma. Together, they brainstormed ideas and solutions, hoping to find a way to survive the war without compromising their morals and friendship.

One day, while conducting a routine spacewalk, Mark spotted a small asteroid passing by the space station.

With Yuri's help, they quickly calculated the trajectory of the asteroid and realized that it would pass within range of their location in a few days.

With this newfound hope, Mark and Yuri set to work, disabling the self destruct mechanism, hacking the system, and modifying the space station's engines to adjust their orbit and position themselves behind the asteroid. As the days passed, tensions on Earth continued to escalate, with reports of nuclear bombs being launched and devastating attacks taking place worldwide.

On the day of the asteroid's arrival, Mark and Yuri held their breath as they watched the space station's cameras capture the massive rock passing by.

The impact was catastrophic, as the missiles struck the asteroid and exploded in a blinding flash of light. The force of the explosion reverberated through the space station, sending shockwaves of energy rippling through the fragile structure. Mark and Yuri held on for dear life, their hearts pounding in their chests as they waited for the storm to pass.

When the chaos finally subsided, they were relieved to find that the asteroid had absorbed the brunt of the attack, shielding the space station from any major damage. Mark and Yuri looked at each other with relief and gratitude...

As the dust settled and the echoes of war faded away, Mark and Yuri made a silent pact to never speak of the events that had transpired on the space station.

In the end, Mark and Yuri continued their research and experiments in space, their bond stronger than ever. They looked out at the stars, knowing that they had defied the odds and found a way to survive in a world torn apart by war. And as they gazed at the infinite beauty of the cosmos, they found solace in the knowledge that together, they could overcome any challenge that the universe threw their way.

Science Story 10:

The Arrival

The sky darkened as a colossal being descended upon Earth. Its presence alone caused tremors that shook the very foundation of the planet. The world watched in awe and fear as this immense being made its way towards humanity.

It was a being unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. Its skin was a shimmering silver color, glowing with an otherworldly light. Its eyes were like deep pools of darkness, radiating a terrifying power that seemed to pierce through the very soul of anyone who looked upon them.

As it approached the cities, buildings crumbled and people ran in panic. The being made no move to harm anyone, but its sheer size and power was enough to instill fear in the hearts of all who witnessed its arrival.

It stopped in the heart of a bustling metropolis, towering over the skyscrapers like a god among mortals. And then, it spoke.

"I am Zyrax, guardian of the cosmos," its voice boomed, echoing across the city. "I have come to deliver a warning to humanity."

The world held its breath as Zyrax explained the reason for its visit. It had been monitoring Earth for centuries, watching as humanity evolved and grew in power. But now, it had learned of the existence of nuclear weapons - weapons capable of destroying entire civilizations in the blink of an eye.

Zyrax's warning was clear and dire. If humanity did not destroy its nuclear weapons, the consequences would be catastrophic, and all life on Earth would be wiped out in an instant.

The world leaders scrambled to come up with a response. Some argued that the nuclear weapons were necessary for defense, while others pleaded for their destruction in the face of such a grave threat.

But Zyrax was not interested in politics or excuses. It demanded action, and it demanded it now.

As the days passed, tension mounted as humanity grappled with the decision before them. Would they heed Zyrax's warning and destroy their weapons, or would they risk the wrath of a being capable of destroying their world with a mere thought?

Finally, after much deliberation, a decision was reached. The nuclear weapons would be dismantled and destroyed, their destructive power forever banished from the Earth.

Zyrax watched as the weapons were destroyed, its eyes glowing with approval. The world let out a collective sigh of relief, knowing that they had narrowly avoided a fate worse than death.

But as Zyrax turned to leave, a new sense of purpose filled its being. It had come to Earth not just to deliver a warning, but to guide humanity towards a new path of enlightenment and peace.

And so, as the colossal being ascended back into the heavens, it left behind a world forever changed - a world that had narrowly escaped destruction, and now stood on the cusp of a new era of unity and progress.

As the sun set on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the recovering city, the people of Earth looked towards the future with hope and determination. For they knew that they were not alone in the vastness of the universe, and that they had a powerful guardian watching over them, ready to lend assistance in their time of need.

And so, the arrival of the colossal being had not brought about the end of the world, but rather a new beginning - a beginning of peace, understanding, and a brighter future for all of humanity.

* Chris has controlled this entity, and it joined his army. Chris was behind the threat to Earth, as he wished for the nations to disarm their nuclear weapons.