
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs

Volume 15, Chapter 8: Science Plane 1...

[Science Plane]

At this point, Chris started to watch other stories unfold in other dimensions, without first trying to interfere. He then searches for other dimensions or alternates with a different but related plot to the ones he has witnessed. He also finds a way to assimilate other armies into his own.

He encountered a plane where magic is not allowed, with some unnoticeable exceptions. But, he still had to abide by the plane's obvious physical rules.

In this plane, there is no magic (with some exceptions, however), no chakra, no ki, no superhuman feats, unless scientifically plausible or explained.

Story 1: Title: The Last Sun: A Journey Through Time

In the year 2150, scientists discovered that the sun was beginning to die. The once bright and powerful star was slowly fading, its light growing dimmer with each passing day. Panic spread across the planet as people realized that their very existence was in danger.

As the Earth grew colder and crops began to fail, a group of surviving humans banded together to find a solution. They knew that if they were to survive, they must travel back in time to a period when the sun was still young and vibrant. And so, the time travel project was born.

Using advanced technology that had been developed in the years leading up to the crisis, the group of survivors, such as Chris, embarked on a journey through time. They arrived in the year 2018, a time when the sun was at its peak strength. The once barren landscape was now teeming with life, the skies were clear, and the sun shone brightly in the sky.

The surviving humans wasted no time in setting up camp and establishing a new society. They used their knowledge of the future to create a utopia, free from the struggles and hardships that they had faced in their time. Advanced technology and renewable energy sources allowed them to thrive and flourish in this new world.

But as time went on, the survivors began to realize that their presence in the past was causing ripples in the fabric of time. The world around them was changing, and not necessarily for the better. They had disrupted the natural order of things, and the consequences were beginning to show.

As the years passed, the survivors watched in horror as the world they knew began to crumble. The once vibrant ecosystem was now dying, the skies grew dark, and the sun itself began to fade. They realized that they had traded one crisis for another, and that their actions had doomed them all.

In a last-ditch effort to save themselves, the survivors decided to return to their own time and face the consequences of their actions. They knew that they had to make things right, even if it meant sacrificing themselves in the process.

As they made their way back through time, they encountered countless obstacles and challenges. But through sheer determination and unwavering resolve, they finally arrived back in the year 2150.

The sun was now on the verge of extinction, its light barely visible in the darkened sky. The Earth was a frozen wasteland, devoid of life. The surviving humans knew that their time was running out, but they also knew that they had to make things right.

* Chris however, succeeded in acquiring an artifact/relic in 2018, then merged it with some relics in the future. He then threw it into a portal for later use.

The Alternate:

In the year 2150, time travel had become a reality. Chris was one of the foremost time travelers. His secret mission was to travel back in time to retrieve ancient artifacts and relics that had been lost to history. On this particular task, he prepared to retrieve a relic from the year 2018.

As Chris stepped out of the time machine, he was struck by the sights and sounds of 2018. The bustling city streets, the cars whizzing by, the people going about their daily lives. It was a stark contrast to the world he was used to in 2150, where technology had advanced to unimaginable heights.

Chris quickly made his way to the location where the relic was said to be located. It was a small antique shop in the heart of the city. As he entered the shop, he was greeted by the smell of old books and musty furniture. The relic he was searching for was said to be a small pendant, rumored to possess ancient powers.

As Chris browsed through the shop, he finally came across the pendant. It was a simple yet beautiful piece, with intricate designs etched into the metal. He knew that this was the relic he had to retrieve.


Science story 2:

In the vast expanse of the multiverse, there existed a colossal creature of unimaginable size and power. This creature, known only as A Devourer, had come forth from the depths of the void, threatening to consume everything in its path. Its sheer size was beyond comprehension, larger than entire universes combined, casting a shadow that blotted out galaxies as it moved through the cosmos.

The inhabitants of the various worlds that the creature came across lived in constant fear of its approach. Entire civilizations were wiped out in an instant as The Devourer passed through, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake. The leaders of other worlds knew that something had to be done to stop this unstoppable force before it reached their own planets.

It was then that a group of brilliant scientists and engineers came up with a daring plan to save the multiverse from certain doom. They had discovered a way to harness the power of time travel, allowing them to go back in time and prevent The Devourer from ever emerging in the first place. It was a risky endeavor, fraught with unknown dangers, but they knew it was their only hope of survival.

The team of time travelers set out on their journey, journeying through the ages to find the exact moment when The Devourer first came into being. They witnessed the birth of the creature, a cataclysmic event that shook the very fabric of reality. The team realized that The Devourer was not a natural phenomenon, but a being created by dark forces from beyond the known universe.

Armed with this knowledge, the time travelers set out to confront the dark beings responsible for unleashing The Devourer upon the multiverse. They traveled to the edge of existence, to a place where time and space ceased to have meaning. There, they found the beings known as the Eldritch Ones, ancient entities of unimaginable power and malevolence.

The time travelers knew that they were hopelessly outmatched by these beings, but they refused to give up. They fought with all their might, using their advanced technology and knowledge of the multiverse to hold their own against the Eldritch Ones. It was a battle of epic proportions, a clash of titans that shook the very foundations of reality.

But, it is wishful thinking if these humans think they can defeat the great beings...

* In the end, it was the time travelers' sheer determination and unwavering resolve that won the day. They managed to defeat the Eldritch Ones and prevent them from ever creating The Devourer. The creature ceased to exist, fading away into the infinite void from which it had come.

The multiverse was saved, thanks to the bravery and ingenuity of the time travelers. They returned to their own time, hailed as heroes by all who knew of their deeds. The threat of The Devourer was no more, and the inhabitants of the multiverse could once again live in peace.

But the time travelers knew that their work was not yet done. There were still countless dangers and mysteries lurking in the vast expanse of the multiverse, waiting to be discovered and explored. And so, they set out once again, to boldly go where no one had gone before, on an endless journey through time and space. *

They later woke up to reality: they have defeated none the powerful beings. Little did they know that Chris has succeeded in controlling the Devourer for his own army.


Once upon a time in a world far beyond our galaxy, there was a brilliant young scientist named Chris. Chris was obsessed with alien technology and spent most of his days studying every piece of information he could get his hands on. His passion for understanding the unknown drove him to new heights of scientific discovery.

One fateful day, while conducting experiments with a piece of alien machinery he had acquired, Chris accidentally tapped into a powerful energy source that opened a portal to another dimension. From this portal emerged a colossal creature known as The Devourer. The Devourer was a monstrous being capable of consuming entire teraverses by absorbing both matter and energy. It was a force to be reckoned with, feared by many civilizations across the universe.

But instead of unleashing chaos and destruction upon the world, Chris saw something else in The Devourer. He saw potential. With his knowledge of alien technology, Chris was able to establish a telepathic connection with the creature and gain control over its immense power. He realized that The Devourer could be used for good, to protect the innocent and defend against any threats that might arise.

As Chris delved deeper into his bond with The Devourer, he discovered that the creature was not just a mindless destroyer, but a sentient being with its own desires and motivations. The two of them began to form a unique partnership, combining their strengths and working together as a team. The Devourer used its incredible abilities to protect the galaxy, while Chris provided guidance and direction.

Over time, Chris and The Devourer developed a deep connection that went beyond mere partnership. They came to rely on each other, trusting in one another's abilities and supporting each other in times of need. As they journeyed through the stars together, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles, their bond only grew stronger.

But amidst the chaos of their adventures, Chris found himself falling for The Devourer in a way he never expected. Despite its monstrous appearance, he saw beauty in the creature's power and grace, and felt drawn to its enigmatic nature. The Devourer, in turn, began to show signs of affection towards Chris, displaying a loyalty and devotion that surpassed anything he had ever experienced before.

As they continued to explore the universe together, Chris and The Devourer discovered new worlds and encountered strange civilizations. They faced danger and uncertainty, but stood united against any threat that dared to challenge them. And through it all, their love for each other continued to blossom, transcending boundaries of time and space.

In the end, Chris and The Devourer realized that their destinies were intertwined, their hearts forever bound in a love that defied all odds. They became legends across the galaxy, their story inspiring hope and wonder in all who heard it. And as they gazed out at the stars, hand in tentacle, they knew that they would always be together, exploring the cosmos as one.

And so, Chris and The Devourer became a symbol of unity and understanding, showing that true love knows no bounds, not even those of the universe itself.


Science story 3:

In a not-too-distant future, scientists discovered that the sun was beginning to die. As fear and panic spread throughout the world, governments scrambled to come up with a solution to ensure the survival of the human race.

After years of research and development, a breakthrough was made - the discovery of a parallel dimension that could sustain human life. The decision was made to build a spacecraft that would carry a select group of individuals to this new dimension, where they would have the chance to start fresh and build a new society.

The spacecraft, named the Hope's Horizon, was built with the most advanced technology available. The mission was led by Captain Amelia Hayes, a brilliant and resourceful astronaut who had been training for this moment her entire life.

As the Hope's Horizon prepared for takeoff, the people of Earth watched with a mix of hope and sadness. Some viewed the mission as a last chance for survival, while others saw it as a betrayal of their home planet.

The spacecraft launched successfully, and the crew settled in for the long journey ahead. As they traveled through the vast expanse of space, they encountered countless challenges and obstacles. But through sheer determination and ingenuity, they overcame each one, inching closer to their new home.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the Hope's Horizon arrived at the other dimension. The crew was awestruck by the sights before them - a world filled with beauty and wonder, unlike anything they had ever seen.

As they began to build their new society, the crew quickly realized that they would need to rely on each other in order to survive. They worked together to establish a system of government, create sustainable food sources, and build shelters to protect themselves from the elements.

Despite the challenges they faced, the crew remained steadfast in their mission. They had come too far to give up now. And as they looked out at the horizon, they knew that they had been given a second chance at life.

Years passed, and the society that had once been just a handful of survivors had grown into a thriving community. The people of the new dimension had adapted to their new surroundings, learning to live in harmony with the world around them.

But even as they flourished, they never forgot where they had come from. They would always be grateful to Earth for giving them the opportunity to start over. And as they looked up at the sky, they knew that somewhere out there, the sun was still shining - a reminder of the home they had left behind.

The crew of the Hope's Horizon had faced the unimaginable and had emerged stronger because of it. And as they sat around a campfire, sharing stories of their journey, they knew that they would always be bound together by the experience of traveling to another dimension to survive.

* This Omniverse was unique from all the previous Omniverses that Chris has visited. This one acts like a Nexus point, connecting most of the teraverses together. Chris manipulated the portal opening device at a specific location to open multiple portals across the Teraverse. He was then able to communicate with most beings in the Teraverses, and he used other technology to convince them to serve him as his soldiers.

After all, he had Miralia's army of robots and ships with him, along with other scientifically plausible weapons and defenses.

Science story 4:

In a distant corner of the universe, there existed a being unlike any other - a multi-dimensional creature known simply as The Devourer. It was larger than a multitude of teraverses combined, with its vast form stretching across space and time in ways unimaginable to mortal beings.

As The Devourer made its way through the cosmos, it left destruction in its wake. Entire civilizations crumbled under its immense power, planets were reduced to dust, and beings of all shapes and sizes trembled at the mere mention of its name. The Devourer had no purpose, no goal other than to feed on the energies of the dimensions it encountered.

One such dimension caught the attention of The Devourer - a realm of twelve interconnected dimensions, each teeming with life and energy beyond comprehension. The inhabitants of these dimensions were unaware of the impending threat, going about their lives in blissful ignorance of the impending danger.

As The Devourer drew closer to the twelve dimensions, its presence began to have a noticeable effect on the fabric of reality. Planets began to tremble, stars flickered out of existence, and entire galaxies seemed to wither and die at its touch. The inhabitants of the twelve dimensions were thrown into chaos, their once peaceful existence shattered by the arrival of this colossal being.

The rulers of the twelve dimensions convened an emergency council, desperate to find a way to stop The Devourer before it could consume everything in its path. They called upon the greatest minds and warriors from each dimension, pooling their resources and knowledge in a final bid for survival.

One by one, the champions of the twelve dimensions faced The Devourer in battle, their weapons and powers no match for its sheer size and strength. Entire fleets of starships were torn apart in seconds, armies of robotic warriors obliterated with a mere flick of its immense tendrils. The Devourer seemed unstoppable, an unstoppable force of destruction that threatened to erase everything in its path.

But amidst the chaos and destruction, a small group of rebels emerged from the shadows. They were a ragtag band of outcasts and misfits, each possessing a unique power or ability that had been shunned by society. Together, they formed an alliance unlike any other, united in their determination to stop The Devourer at any cost.

As The Devourer loomed over the twelve dimensions, its tendrils poised to strike the final blow, the rebels launched their desperate attack. Using their powers in concert, they unleashed a barrage of energy blasts and psychic attacks that shook the very foundations of reality itself.

For a moment, it seemed as though The Devourer might falter, its immense form writhing in agony as the rebels unleashed their full power. But then, with a deafening roar, The Devourer unleashed a wave of energy that reduced everything in its path to ash.

The rebels fought bravely, their powers pushed to the limit as they faced off against this unbeatable foe. But in the end, their efforts were in vain. The Devourer ripped through the twelve dimensions like a force of nature, consuming everything in its path until there was nothing left but darkness and emptiness.

And so, the twelve dimensions fell to The Devourer's insatiable hunger, their once vibrant worlds reduced to dust and memories. The being itself disappeared into the void, leaving behind a trail of destruction that would be felt throughout the universe for eons to come.

* Chris later used his secret technology to subdue the Devourer as his servant.

Science story 5:

Dr. Alexander Grayson was a brilliant scientist who had dedicated his life to the study of advanced genetic engineering. He had always been fascinated by the concept of cloning, and had spent years researching and developing the technology that would allow him to replicate living organisms. However, it wasn't until tragedy struck that he truly understood the implications of playing God.

It had been a sunny day in June when Dr. Grayson received the news that his family had been involved in a fatal airplane crash. His wife, Emily, and their two children, Sarah and Jack, had been on their way to a family vacation when the unthinkable happened. The grief that washed over Dr. Grayson was unbearable, and he could not imagine a world without his beloved family by his side.

Driven by a desperate need to bring his family back, Dr. Grayson threw himself into his work with a renewed sense of purpose. He immersed himself in his research, pouring over scientific journals and conducting countless experiments in his state-of-the-art laboratory. And finally, after months of tireless effort, he made a breakthrough.

Using a combination of cutting-edge technology and his own genius intellect, Dr. Grayson successfully cloned his wife and children. He watched in awe as their replicated forms emerged from the genetic incubators, looking exactly as he remembered them. The joy and relief that flooded through him was overwhelming, and for a brief moment, he allowed himself to believe that everything would be as it was before.

But as the days passed, Dr. Grayson began to notice subtle differences in his cloned family members. They seemed more robotic, less human, than the originals. And as he studied their behavior more closely, he realized that they lacked the depth of emotion and complexity that made his real family so special.

At first, Dr. Grayson dismissed these discrepancies as minor flaws in the cloning process. But as time went on, he could no longer ignore the growing sense of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. He began to question the morality of his actions, wondering if he had truly brought his family back or if he had instead created soulless replicas of the people he loved.

As he watched his cloned family interact with each other and with him, Dr. Grayson felt a sense of guilt and remorse wash over him. He had crossed a line that should never have been crossed, and now he was paying the price. The repercussions of playing God were becoming all too clear, and he knew that he had made a grave mistake.

In a moment of clarity, Dr. Grayson made the difficult decision to deactivate the clones. He could not bear to continue living with the twisted reminder of his hubris, and he knew that he had to accept the consequences of his actions.

In the days that followed, Dr. Grayson made peace with his decision and resolved to never again attempt to manipulate life in such a profound way. He had learned the hard way that some things were meant to stay in the realm of science fiction, and that playing God was a dangerous game with no winners.

And as he returned to his research, humbled and wiser for the experience, Dr. Grayson vowed to use his talents for good and to always approach his work with a sense of humility and respect for the natural order of the universe. He had been given a second chance to do the right thing, and he was determined not to squander it.

And so, Dr. Alexander Grayson continued his work as a scientist, pushing the boundaries of genetic engineering while always keeping a watchful eye on the lessons of the past. He knew that he could never truly bring his family back, but he also knew that their memory would always be with him, guiding him on his journey through the complexities of life and the mysteries of the universe.

* Chris has learned that Dr. Grayson's family had unexpressed genes that could be modified to create super soldiers, which were actually monsters with unlimited growth potential. Chris arrived at this conclusion upon examining so called pseudo genes, which have been passed down from an alien like entity, which was the unknown ancestor of the "clones."