
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs

Unedited Chapter 9:

S414. Text manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Xenovia QUARTA.

Enemies: Huli jing or Kitsune or Kumiho – Fox spirits, like Fairies. They were rewriting history by magic.

Chris has made his people Acausality because of this threat..he also gave the ability to them to rewrite history, but they will always be bound to him. The people fought the foxes with history rewriting abilities.


(447 rewriting)

Once upon a time in the grand kingdom of Azuria, there lived a wise and powerful emperor named Chris. He was beloved by his people for his fairness and strength, but there was one thing that troubled him. His beautiful wife, Xenovia Quarta, had been the target of many jealous enemies over the years.

Amongst these enemies were the cunning Huli jing, or Fox spirits, who had the ability to rewrite history with their magical powers. They sought to manipulate the past to suit their nefarious purposes, spreading lies and sowing discord amongst the people of Azuria. But Emperor Chris was not one to be trifled with, and he knew that he had to take action to protect his kingdom and his beloved wife.

In a bold move, Emperor Chris made his people Acausal, meaning that they were no longer bound by the constraints of cause and effect. This gave them the power to rewrite history themselves, but with one crucial difference – they would always be bound to Emperor Chris. This meant that any changes made by the people would ultimately be in service to their emperor, ensuring that his rule remained just and true.

The people of Azuria embraced their new abilities with glee, using them to outwit the Fox spirits at every turn. They would rewrite history in the most creative and hilarious ways, turning the tables on their enemies and leaving them baffled and frustrated. One particularly memorable incident involved the Fox spirits trying to erase Xenovia Quarta from the annals of history, only for the people of Azuria to rewrite her as a legendary warrior queen who led her people to victory against the Fox spirits.

Emperor Chris watched with pride as his people used their newfound powers to defend their kingdom and their queen. He knew that they would always stand by his side, ready to rewrite history in the most unexpected and delightful ways. And as for Xenovia Quarta, she was forever grateful to have such a clever and resourceful husband who would go to any lengths to protect her.

In the end, the Fox spirits were no match for the combined wit and creativity of the people of Azuria. They were driven out of the kingdom for good, never to return. And Emperor Chris and his wife, Xenovia Quarta, lived happily ever after, safe and secure in the knowledge that their people would always have their backs.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his Acausal people spread far and wide, inspiring laughter and awe wherever it went. For in the kingdom of Azuria, history was a weapon to be wielded with humor and creativity, ensuring that the forces of darkness would never prevail.

Aw 347. given


S415. Thread manipulation. Strings of Fate.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Villetta NU.

Enemies: Huodou – a large black dogs that can emit flames from its mouth.

When the goddesses of Fate visited Chris, they gave unto him the powers of Fate, which he shared with his people. To fight the powerful enemies, the people affected conceptual and abstracts, including fate, communication, relationships.


(431 rating)

Emperor Chris, the ruler of the magnificent kingdom of Astoria, was a man known for his wit, charm, and impeccable sense of humor. His kingdom was prosperous, his people loyal, and his wife, the beautiful and intelligent Villetta NU, by his side, he felt like the luckiest man in the world.

But trouble was brewing in the kingdom of Astoria. Huodou, a fearsome enemy in the form of large black dogs that could emit flames from their mouths, had invaded the land. The people of Astoria were terrified, but Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. With his quick wit and clever strategies, he knew he could defeat the fiery foes and protect his kingdom.

Emperor Chris called upon his trusted advisor, the wise old magician Merlinus, to help him come up with a plan to defeat the Huodou. After much deliberation and a few cups of strong ale, they came up with a brilliant idea. They would use their powers of Fate to outsmart the fiery beasts.

Emperor Chris gathered his people and explained the plan. Together, they would harness the powers of conceptual and abstracts, including fate, communication, and relationships, to defeat the Huodou. Each person would contribute their own unique talents to the fight, working together as a team to overcome their fears and emerge victorious.

As the battle with the Huodou raged on, Emperor Chris and his people fought valiantly. The flames from the black dogs' mouths were fierce, but the people of Astoria were determined to protect their kingdom. With each clever strategy and witty remark from Emperor Chris, their spirits were lifted, and they fought with renewed determination.

As the sun began to set on the battlefield, the tide of the battle turned in favor of Emperor Chris and his people. Through the powers of Fate and their strong bonds of friendship, they were able to outsmart the Huodou and drive them away from their land.

The people of Astoria cheered and celebrated their hard-won victory. Emperor Chris and Villetta NU embraced, relieved that the danger had passed and their kingdom was safe once more. The goddesses of Fate smiled down upon them, pleased with how they had used their gifts to protect their homeland.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, Villetta NU, ruled over the kingdom of Astoria with humor, creativity, and bravery. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, and their people lived in peace and prosperity under their reign. The story of how they defeated the Huodou became legend, a tale of wit and cunning that would be told for generations to come.

Aw 348. all


S416. Time manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Narberal GAMMA.

Enemies: Orthrus – two headed dogs, brothers of Cerberus. These dogs can manipulate time.

Chris also gave time manipulation abilities to his people and they fought the dogs.


(470 rating)

Emperor Chris of the land of Eternia was a powerful and wise ruler, known for his clever strategies and unyielding determination. But what many people didn't know was that behind every great emperor, there was an equally remarkable woman - his wife, Narberal GAMMA.

Narberal was not your typical empress. She was fierce, independent, and had a quick wit that could put even the toughest of warriors in their place. Her beauty was unmatched, with flowing silver hair that shimmered in the sunlight and eyes that sparkled with intelligence and mischief.

Despite her formidable reputation, Narberal had a soft spot for animals. She had a particular fondness for Orthrus, the two-headed dogs who were the brothers of the fearsome Cerberus. These creatures were known for their ability to manipulate time, a power that made them nearly invincible in battle.

One day, Orthrus decided to launch an attack on the land of Eternia, seeking to claim it as their own. Emperor Chris, always one step ahead, had anticipated this move and had already prepared his people for the impending battle. With a wave of his hand, he granted them the ability to manipulate time as well, leveling the playing field against the powerful dogs.

As the two sides clashed on the battlefield, chaos ensued. Time was twisted and warped, causing the fighters to move in strange and unpredictable ways. But Narberal, calm and collected as always, had a plan. She had observed the patterns of the time manipulation and had devised a clever strategy to outmaneuver the Orthrus.

Using her quick thinking and sharp intellect, Narberal led her troops with precision, dodging the attacks of the dogs and striking back with deadly accuracy. The sight of the fearsome empress fighting alongside her people inspired them to fight even harder, their determination fueled by her unwavering bravery.

As the battle raged on, Emperor Chris watched from a distance, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of his beloved wife leading their troops to victory. He knew that with Narberal by his side, there was nothing they couldn't overcome.

In the end, the Orthrus were defeated, their time manipulation powers no match for the cunning and skill of the people of Eternia. As the dust settled and the last of the dogs slunk away in defeat, Narberal turned to her husband with a triumphant smile.

"Looks like we've saved the day once again, my love," she said, her eyes sparkling with pride.

Emperor Chris nodded, his gaze filled with adoration. "Indeed, my dear. With you at my side, there's nothing we can't overcome.

"And so, the land of Eternia was safe once more, thanks to the brilliant strategy and unwavering courage of Emperor Chris and his wife, the remarkable Narberal GAMMA. Together, they truly were a force to be reckoned with, their bond stronger than any enemy could ever hope to break.

Aw 349. the


S417. Time travel.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Ai HOSHINO.

Enemies: Penghou – tree spirits that appears like a black dog and tastes like dog-meat. They can time travel.

However, Chris transported them into a realm which is deterministic, and hence invalidates time travel. Chris also gave his people the ability to time travel outside of such a realm, to fix the mistakes that the trees made. 


(364 rating)

In the magical land of Altria, Emperor Chris ruled with wisdom and power. He was known for his brilliant mind and his ability to outsmart even the trickiest of adversaries. His wife, Ai Hoshino, was a kind and gentle soul, loved by all who knew her. Together, they ruled the land with fairness and justice.

But not everyone was happy with their rule. The Penghou, mysterious tree spirits that roamed the forests of Altria, despised Chris and Ai. They were jealous of their power and sought to overthrow them and take control of the land for themselves.

One day, the Penghou launched a surprise attack on the palace, hoping to catch Chris and Ai off guard. But they underestimated the Emperor's intelligence and cunning. Chris was prepared for their treachery and had already formulated a plan to defeat them.

Using his knowledge of the mystical realms, Chris transported the Penghou into a realm that he had created, one that was deterministic and void of any time-travel abilities. The Penghou, who thrived on their ability to manipulate time, were trapped and powerless in this realm.

But Chris did not stop there. He also bestowed upon his people the ability to time travel outside of this realm, allowing them to fix the mistakes that the Penghou had made in the past. This way, the people of Altria could undo any damage that the tree spirits had caused, ensuring that peace and harmony would once again reign in the land.

As the news of the Penghou's defeat spread throughout the land, the people of Altria celebrated the victory of their beloved Emperor. Chris and Ai were hailed as heroes, and their rule was solidified for generations to come.

In the end, the Penghou learned a valuable lesson – never underestimate the power of humor and creativity. Chris had outsmarted them by thinking outside of the box and using his visionary abilities to defeat them. And with Ai by his side, there was no challenge that they could not overcome.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Ai Hoshino continued to rule Altria with wisdom and compassion, their legacy forever remembered as the rulers who outwitted the treacherous Penghou and brought peace to their land.

Aw 350. good


S418. Toon force

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Umaru DOMA.

Enemies: Salawa – the "Typhonian Animal," a slender, vaguely canine-animal that is the totemic animal of Set. They threathened to destroy Chris' empire unless....if they are entertained.

Chris then gave toon force to his googleplexes upon googleplexes of people and they amused the canines.


(472 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his lavish parties and grand entertainment. His wife, Umaru Doma, was always by his side, her elegance and grace complementing his wild and extravagant ways. But trouble was brewing in the form of their enemies, the "Typhonian Animal" Salawa. These slender, vaguely canine creatures were the totemic animals of the fearsome Set, and they had threatened to destroy Chris' empire unless they were entertained.

Faced with this dire threat, Chris knew he had to come up with something truly extraordinary to appease the Salawa. And so, he decided to harness the power of toon force, a magic unlike anything the world had ever seen before. With a wave of his hand, Chris imbued his googleplexes upon googleplexes of people with the ability to entertain even the most ferocious of beasts.

The day of the grand entertainment arrived, and the Salawa gathered around in awe as the people of Chris' empire began to perform incredible feats of acrobatics, magic, and comedy. The toon force worked its magic, turning even the most ordinary actions into pure slapstick hilarity. The Salawa were captivated, their fierce eyes filled with wonder and joy.

As the sun set and the moon rose high in the sky, the entertainment reached its climax. Acrobats flew through the air with impossible grace, magicians conjured up fantastical creatures, and comedians had the Salawa rolling on the ground with laughter. Umaru Doma stood by Chris' side, her beauty shining even brighter in the midst of the chaos.

At long last, the Salawa were fully entertained, their hearts filled with joy and their minds at peace. They had forgotten their threats of destruction, so mesmerized were they by the incredible display of toon force. Chris breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his empire was safe once more.

And so, the night ended with a grand feast and celebration, the Salawa joining in the festivities alongside the people of Chris' empire. Laughter and music filled the air, a testament to the power of creativity and humor in the face of adversity.

As the sun began to rise and the party drew to a close, the Salawa bid farewell to Chris and his wife, their hearts filled with gratitude for the night of entertainment they had experienced. And as they disappeared into the darkness, Chris knew that he had achieved a victory not only over his enemies, but over the forces of fear and destruction that had threatened to tear his empire apart.

And so, Emperor Chris and Umaru Doma stood together, hand in hand, their hearts filled with love and joy. As they looked out over their kingdom, bathed in the light of a new day, they knew that no matter what challenges may come their way, they would always triumph with humor, creativity, and the power of toon force on their side.

Aw 351. qualities


S419. Toon force

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Lucy.

Potential allies: Sigbin.

To entertain these guests, Chris gave his innumerable people toon force and high levels of reality warping, including control over Undverses.

Other abilities: breaking the fourth wall, storing Undverses in jars, Shapeshifting and stretching up to the sizes of Undverses and beyond, and getting hit by hammers larger than Undverses.


(555 rating)

Emperor Chris was a ruler like no other in the land of Fantasia. His kingdom was known for its vibrant colors, whimsical architecture, and fantastical creatures that roamed the streets. But perhaps the most extraordinary thing about Emperor Chris was his wife, Lucy.

Lucy was a mysterious and enchanting beauty, with eyes that sparkled like the stars in the night sky and hair that flowed like rivers of molten gold. She was the queen of Emperor Chris' heart, and he adored her above all else.

To celebrate their love and honor their guests, Emperor Chris decided to throw a grand feast in Lucy's honor. He invited dignitaries from all corners of Fantasia, including the elusive Sigbin, a mythical creature known for its shape-shifting abilities and mischievous nature.

As the guests arrived at the palace, they were greeted by a spectacle unlike anything they had ever seen. Emperor Chris had used his powers of reality warping to transform the palace into a wonderland of color and light. The walls shimmered with iridescent hues, and the air crackled with magic.

To entertain his guests, Emperor Chris performed feats of toon force that left everyone in awe. He twisted and stretched his body into unimaginable shapes, making himself as tall as mountains and as small as a grain of sand. He juggled the sun and moon with ease, and even managed to break the fourth wall on occasion, much to the delight of the audience.

But perhaps the most astounding display of Emperor Chris' powers was when he revealed his collection of Undverses, tiny worlds contained within crystal jars. Each Undverse was a miniature universe, complete with its own laws of physics and inhabitants. Emperor Chris could manipulate these Undverses at will, reshaping them with a mere thought.

Lucy, with her grace and charm, moved among the guests, captivating them with her beauty and wit. She danced with the Sigbin, who couldn't resist her magnetic presence, and shared stories with the other guests that left them breathless with wonder.

As the night wore on, Emperor Chris and Lucy stole away to a private chamber, where they shared a moment of quiet intimacy. They gazed into each other's eyes, their love shining bright like a beacon in the darkness.

Emperor Chris knew that he was the luckiest man in all of Fantasia to have Lucy by his side. She was his rock, his muse, his everything. And as they embraced, surrounded by the swirl of magic and music outside, he knew that their love would endure for eternity.

The feast continued long into the night, with music and laughter filling the air. The guests marveled at the spectacle before them, each one grateful for the opportunity to witness the love between Emperor Chris and Lucy.

And as the sun rose on a new day, casting its golden light over the kingdom of Fantasia, Emperor Chris and Lucy stood hand in hand, ready to face whatever adventures lay ahead. For theirs was a love that could conquer any obstacle, a love that transcended time and space.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and his wife Lucy became the stuff of legends, a story that would be told for generations to come. And in the hearts of the people of Fantasia, their love would always shine bright, a beacon of hope and joy in a world filled with magic and wonder.

Aw 352.  out


S420. Transformation/Shapeshifting.

(386 rating)

In the magical land of Elysium, Emperor Chris ruled with a kind heart and a mischievous spirit. His wife, Yotsuba Nakano, was known for her beauty and wit, and together they were the most beloved rulers in the entire kingdom. However, their peaceful reign was soon threatened by the Sky Foxes, a group of celestial nine-tailed fox spirits with golden fur who had been causing chaos and mischief throughout the land for centuries.

The Sky Foxes were shapeshifters, able to take on any form they pleased, and their favorite pastime was to torment the inhabitants of Elysium by stealing their identities and causing confusion and chaos. But Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge, and he immediately set out to find a way to outsmart the mischievous creatures.

Using his powers as emperor, Chris made his people shapeshifters too, allowing them to copy the forms of the Sky Foxes and turn the tables on their enemies. The citizens of Elysium quickly embraced this new ability, and soon the kingdom was filled with people taking on the appearance of the golden-furred fox spirits.

As the Sky Foxes watched in dismay as their usual tricks backfired on them, Emperor Chris and his wife Yotsuba Nakano couldn't help but laugh at the sight of their subjects running around in fox form, causing confusion and chaos wherever they went. It was a sight to behold, and soon even the Sky Foxes couldn't help but join in the fun.

The Sky Foxes may have been powerful and ancient spirits, but they were no match for the creativity and humor of Emperor Chris and the people of Elysium. As the kingdom settled back into its peaceful rhythm, the Sky Foxes begrudgingly admitted defeat, but not before promising to return one day for a rematch.

But Emperor Chris was not worried. With his quick wit and lively sense of humor, he knew that no matter what challenges may come their way, he and his clever wife Yotsuba Nakano would always find a way to turn the tide in their favor.

And so, the kingdom of Elysium continued to thrive under the rule of Emperor Chris and his wife, Yotsuba Nakano, a place where laughter and mischief reigned supreme, and where any challenge could be overcome with a bit of humor and a lot of imagination.

Aw 353. and


S421. Transmutation

(497 rating)

The sun shone brightly over the Kingdom of Jovar, where Emperor Chris and his wife, Erza KNIGHTWALKER, ruled with wisdom and humor. The kingdom was known for its innovative transmutation magic, which allowed its citizens to turn their enemies into harmless objects.

However, there was one group of enemies that proved to be quite a challenge for Emperor Chris and his followers - the Shug Monkeys. These dog/monkey creatures were powerful and cunning, making them a formidable foe to face in battle. But they had one weakness - they were vulnerable to transmutation magic.

Emperor Chris, with his knack for inventive thinking, decided to give his followers the ability to transmute the Shug Monkeys into different objects each time they encountered them. One day, as the Shug Monkeys attacked the kingdom, Emperor Chris and his followers sprang into action.

The first group of Shug Monkeys approached, snarling and baring their teeth. Emperor Chris's followers wasted no time in casting their transmutation spells. The Shug Monkeys were soon transformed into a pile of delectable cookies, much to the surprise and delight of the citizens of Jovar.

As the battle raged on, the Shug Monkeys kept coming in waves. Each time they attacked, Emperor Chris and his followers came up with new and creative objects to transmute them into. The Shug Monkeys were turned into apples, oranges, pillows, and even rubber ducks.

The citizens of Jovar watched in amazement as their enemies were transformed into harmless objects before their very eyes. The once fearsome Shug Monkeys were now nothing more than amusing decorations scattered across the battlefield.

Emperor Chris and his wife, Erza KNIGHTWALKER, fought side by side, using their wit and humor to outsmart the Shug Monkeys at every turn. Erza's quick thinking and sharp sword skills complemented Emperor Chris's innovative transmutation magic perfectly.

As the last group of Shug Monkeys approached, Emperor Chris had a brilliant idea. He turned them into a giant, inflatable bouncy castle, much to the delight of the children in the kingdom. The Shug Monkeys bounced and tumbled around, unable to harm anyone anymore.

With the Shug Monkeys defeated and the kingdom safe once more, Emperor Chris and Erza KNIGHTWALKER were hailed as heroes. The citizens of Jovar celebrated their victory with a grand feast, where the Shug Monkey cookies, apples, oranges, pillows, rubber ducks, and bouncy castle were proudly displayed.

Emperor Chris and his wife, Erza KNIGHTWALKER, sat at the head of the table, sharing a toast to their victory and to the creativity and humor that had led them to triumph. The citizens of Jovar knew that as long as they had Emperor Chris and Erza KNIGHTWALKER on their side, they had nothing to fear.

And so, the Kingdom of Jovar lived happily ever after, with Emperor Chris and Erza KNIGHTWALKER leading with their innovative transmutation magic and their unwavering humor. The legend of their victory over the Shug Monkeys would be told for generations to come, inspiring all who heard it to never underestimate the power of wit and creativity.

Aw 354.  there


S422. Super digging

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Tsugumi.

Enemies: Tanuki – raccoon dogs, legends claim is a shapeshifting trickster. They were also powerful but depends on eyesight to detect their enemies.

Chris gave his people the super digging ability, so they can quickly make tunnels as well.


(499 rating)

Once upon a time in the whimsical land of Shangrila, Emperor Chris found himself in a bit of a pickle. His wife, Tsugumi, had been kidnapped by a mischievous group of Tanuki – raccoon dogs known for their shapeshifting ways. These clever creatures were skilled tricksters, but they also had a weakness – their reliance on eyesight to detect their enemies.

Emperor Chris was known throughout the kingdom for his generosity and ingenuity. He had given his people the miraculous gift of super digging ability, allowing them to swiftly create tunnels wherever they pleased. This made them the envy of all other kingdoms, as they could move from place to place in the blink of an eye.

But when his beloved wife was taken, Emperor Chris knew he had to put his creative powers to the test. He called upon his most loyal subjects and devised a plan to rescue Tsugumi from the clutches of the Tanuki. With their shapeshifting abilities, the raccoon dogs had taken on multiple forms, making it difficult for the Emperor and his team to track them down.

Undeterred, Emperor Chris led his band of tunneling warriors on a journey through the underground network of tunnels they had created. As they dug deeper and deeper into the earth, they encountered all sorts of bizarre creatures – from friendly gnomes to mischievous trolls.

But it wasn't until they stumbled upon a colony of moles that they found the key to defeating the Tanuki. The moles, with their keen sense of smell, were able to sniff out the raccoon dogs despite their clever disguises. With their help, Emperor Chris and his team were able to locate the Tanuki's lair and confront them.

As the raccoon dogs tried to shapeshift into various forms to throw off their enemies, Emperor Chris had a stroke of genius. He remembered a tale from his childhood about a clever fox who outwitted a band of Tanuki by challenging them to a game of wits. Channeling his inner trickster, Emperor Chris challenged the Tanuki to a game of riddles.

One by one, the raccoon dogs were stumped by the Emperor's clever riddles. Their reliance on eyesight had left them vulnerable to his mental prowess. And when it came time to reveal Tsugumi's whereabouts, the Tanuki were left with no choice but to surrender.

With Tsugumi safely back in his arms, Emperor Chris declared a grand feast in honor of their victory. The kingdom rejoiced as the Emperor regaled them with tales of his daring rescue mission and the clever tricks he used to outsmart the Tanuki.

From that day on, Emperor Chris and his wife Tsugumi were hailed as heroes throughout the land. Their love story, filled with humor, creativity, and visionary thinking, became the stuff of legends – a shining example of how wit and cunning can triumph over even the most cunning of foes. And as for the Tanuki, well, let's just say they learned their lesson about underestimating the power of a determined Emperor and his loyal subjects.

Aw 355. were


S423. Unholy manipulation

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is the adult Poplar TANESHIMA.

Vǎrkolak, or "Vukodlak" – undead vampire werewolves. They were self righteous beings but Chris needed to corrupt them so they would sell their precious relics.

Chris then gave his people unholy manipulation to corrupt the enemies, who were self righteous anyway.


(532 rating) Gag?

Emperor Chris, known for his cunning and strategic mind, had a problem on his hands. He needed to acquire the precious relics of the Vǎrkolak, a group of self-righteous vampire werewolves who guarded their treasures fiercely.

But how could he possibly corrupt them enough to convince them to part with their valuable items?As he pondered this dilemma in his grand palace, his wife, the adult Poplar Taneshima, entered the room. Poplar was known for her sharp wit and fearless demeanor, traits that had endeared her to Chris from the moment they had met. She gazed at her husband with a knowing smile, sensing that he was in need of her clever advice.

"My dear Chris, it seems you are faced with quite the conundrum," Poplar said, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "But fear not, for I have an idea that just might do the trick.

"Chris raised an eyebrow in curiosity, eager to hear his wife's plan. Poplar paced back and forth in front of him, her mind working overtime to come up with a solution to their dilemma.

"What if we were to use humor to our advantage?" Poplar suggested, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

"Humor has a way of breaking down even the most self-righteous of barriers, does it not?"Chris nodded in agreement, intrigued by the possibilities of using humor to corrupt the Vǎrkolak. Poplar's plan was bold, but he had learned long ago to trust in her wisdom and instincts.

And so, they set out to infiltrate the territory of the Vǎrkolak, armed with nothing but their quick wit and sharp tongues. As they approached the lair of the vampire werewolves, Chris and Poplar donned disguises to blend in with their surroundings.

They were met with suspicion at first, the Vǎrkolak wary of their presence in their domain. But Poplar quickly put her plan into action, regaling the creatures with entertaining stories and clever jokes that had them laughing in spite of themselves.

Slowly but surely, the icy walls of self-righteousness began to crumble, replaced by a newfound sense of camaraderie and friendship. The Vǎrkolak were charmed by Poplar's infectious humor, their guarded demeanor melting away like snow in the springtime.

And as the last of the relics were handed over to Chris and Poplar, the vampire werewolves bid them farewell with smiles on their faces and laughter in their hearts. The couple returned to their palace victorious, the treasures of the Vǎrkolak safely in their possession.

From that day on, Emperor Chris and his wife Poplar were hailed as heroes in their kingdom, their victory over the self-righteous Vǎrkolak celebrated for generations to come. And as they sat together in their grand palace, surrounded by the relics of their vanquished foes, they knew that humor had been their greatest weapon in a battle of wits and cunning.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife Poplar Taneshima lived on, a tale of laughter and camaraderie that would be told for centuries to come. For when faced with a challenge that seemed insurmountable, they had relied on humor to achieve the impossible, forever cementing their place in the annals of history as the rulers who outwitted the Vǎrkolak with a joke and a smile.

Aw 356.  none


S424. Vector manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Itsuki NAKANO.

Werewolf – human, shapeshifts to a wolf because of an affliction, lycanthrope. They were ten times faster than Chris men.

Chris gave his people the ability of vector manipulation. They changed the direction of the wolves to always go towards them and not away. They also changed the magnitude. So, the wolves became 20 times slower.


(438 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his innovative and quirky ideas. His latest invention had his people scratching their heads in confusion, but soon they would come to see the genius behind it. Chris had bestowed upon his people the power of vector manipulation, allowing them to control the direction and speed of any object or creature they pleased.

One day, a pack of ferocious werewolves began terrorizing the land. These werewolves were not your ordinary creatures - they were ten times faster than any of Chris's men, making them nearly impossible to catch or defeat. The people of the kingdom were at a loss for what to do, until Chris had a brilliant idea.

He called upon his wife, Itsuki NAKANO, who was known for her keen intellect and quick thinking. Together, they hatched a plan to outsmart the werewolves using the power of vector manipulation. Itsuki had always been fascinated by the mystical creatures of the world, and she saw this as an exciting challenge.

With a twinkle in her eye, Itsuki set to work manipulating the vectors of the wolves. She changed their direction, forcing them to always go towards the kingdom instead of away. And then, she adjusted the magnitude of their speed, slowing them down to a crawl. The wolves, once fierce and unstoppable, now lumbered along at a snail's pace.

As the werewolves stumbled and tripped over themselves, the people of the kingdom couldn't help but laugh at the absurd sight before them. Chris, beaming with pride, watched as the once fearsome creatures were reduced to bumbling fools. The power of vector manipulation had saved the day once again.

But the story didn't end there. Itsuki, always one step ahead, had another trick up her sleeve. She began to experiment with different aspects of the wolves' vectors, changing their size, shape, and even color. The wolves twisted and contorted into all manner of strange and fantastical shapes, much to the delight of the onlookers.

As the sun set on the kingdom that day, the people reveled in the victory over the werewolves. Chris and Itsuki stood side by side, their laughter ringing out across the land. The power of vector manipulation had not only saved the kingdom from danger, but had also brought joy and wonder to all who witnessed it.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, Itsuki NAKANO, became legends in their own right. Their story was told for generations to come, a tale of humor, creativity, and the power of thinking outside the box. And the werewolves? Well, they were left to wander the forests, forever changed by the whimsical magic of vector manipulation.

Aw 357. good


S425. Vector manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Ayano KANNAGI.

Bael clones – king of Hell with three heads: a man, a toad, and a cat. He shoots powerful projectiles, energy blasts, ki blasts, light, electricity, heat, etc.

Chris gave the ability of vector manipulation to his people. They can automatically redirect the enemies attacks, weaken or strength gravity, and weaken ki/energy blasts.


(629 rating)

Once upon a time in the fantastical land of Elysium, there ruled Emperor Chris, a wise and powerful leader loved by all his subjects. Emperor Chris was known for his inventive mind and his knack for solving problems with creative solutions. But what truly set him apart from other rulers was his beloved wife, Ayano KANNAGI.

Ayano was not your typical empress. She was quick-witted, fiercely independent, and had a mischievous sense of humor that kept everyone on their toes. Her beauty was unmatched, her intelligence unparalleled, and her love for Chris knew no bounds. Together, they were the perfect couple, ruling over the land with compassion and grace.

But as with any kingdom, there were always threats looming on the horizon. One such threat came in the form of the Bael clones – the kings of Hell with three heads: a man, a toad, and a cat. These creatures were formidable foes, with the power to shoot powerful projectiles, energy blasts, ki blasts, light, electricity, heat, and more.

Emperor Chris knew that he needed to protect his people from these dangerous creatures. And so, he gave his people the ability of vector manipulation. With this newfound power, the people of Elysium could automatically redirect the enemies' attacks, weaken or strengthen gravity, and weaken ki/energy blasts. The Bael clones were no match for the ingenuity and resourcefulness of Emperor Chris and his people.

But the threat of the Bael clones was not the only challenge that Emperor Chris and Ayano faced. As they navigated the complexities of ruling a kingdom, they also had to contend with the daily trials and tribulations of palace life. From dealing with troublesome courtiers to managing the kingdom's finances, there was never a dull moment in the imperial court.

Despite the chaos and challenges they faced, Emperor Chris and Ayano always found a way to laugh and enjoy each other's company. Ayano's witty remarks and mischievous pranks kept the palace abuzz with laughter, while Emperor Chris's visionary ideas and creative solutions kept the kingdom running smoothly.

One day, as they lounged in the palace gardens, basking in the warm sunlight, Ayano turned to Emperor Chris with a mischievous glint in her eye. "You know, my love," she said, her voice tinged with amusement, "I think it's time we teach those Bael clones a lesson they won't soon forget.

"Emperor Chris chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I couldn't agree more, my dear.

But how shall we go about it?"Ayano's smile widened. "I have an idea," she said, her voice full of excitement. "Why don't we challenge them to a game of wits? If we can outsmart them, they will have to leave our kingdom once and for all.

"Emperor Chris nodded in agreement. "A game of wits it is, then. But we must be clever and strategic if we are to emerge victorious.

"And so, Emperor Chris and Ayano set their plan in motion, devising clever traps and cunning strategies to outsmart the Bael clones. With Ayano's quick thinking and Emperor Chris's visionary creativity, the game of wits was played with cunning and skill.

In the end, it was Emperor Chris and Ayano who emerged victorious, outsmarting the Bael clones and sending them fleeing from the kingdom in defeat. The people of Elysium rejoiced, celebrating their wise and resourceful rulers who had saved them once again.

And as the sun set on another day in the land of Elysium, Emperor Chris and Ayano sat together in the garden, basking in the warmth of their love and the laughter of their people. For in their union, they found strength, courage, and a love that could conquer any challenge that came their way. And so, they ruled their kingdom with wisdom, humor, and a touch of mischief, creating a legacy that would endure for generations to come.

Aw 358. qualities
