
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs

Unedited Chapter 6:

S384. Sealing.

(452 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his wisdom, power, and unshakeable sense of humor. He ruled with a fair and just hand, always looking out for the well-being of his people. But there was one aspect of his life that brought him the most joy, and that was his beloved wife, the mature and enchanting Ayase Aragaki.

Ayase was not your typical empress. She had a sharp wit and a mischievous glint in her eye that kept Emperor Chris on his toes. Despite her maturity, she was always up for a good laugh and a bit of harmless fun. The two of them were a perfect match, bringing light and joy to the palace with their antics and jokes.

One day, a new threat emerged in the form of Griffin, a fearsome creature who guarded treasure and priceless possessions with an iron fist. Griffin was known for his incredible durability, making him a formidable foe for even the most skilled warriors. Emperor Chris knew that he had to come up with a plan to defeat Griffin and protect his kingdom.

With Ayase by his side, Emperor Chris decided to harness the power of the Sealing ability that he had gifted to his people. This ability allowed them to seal enemies in objects, such as crystals, rendering them harmless and unable to cause any more trouble. Emperor Chris knew that this was their best chance at defeating Griffin once and for all.

As they set out on their quest, Emperor Chris and Ayase encountered many obstacles and challenges. But with their quick thinking and unwavering humor, they were able to overcome each one with ease. Ayase's clever quips and Emperor Chris' witty comebacks kept their spirits high, even in the face of danger.

Finally, they reached Griffin's lair, where the beast was waiting for them with a menacing growl. But Emperor Chris and Ayase were undeterred. With a twinkle in his eye, Emperor Chris used the Sealing ability to trap Griffin in a crystal, effectively neutralizing the threat once and for all.

As they returned to the palace victorious, the people hailed Emperor Chris and Ayase as heroes. Their story of bravery and humor spread throughout the land, inspiring all who heard it. And from that day on, Emperor Chris and Ayase ruled with even more love and laughter, bringing joy and light to all who crossed their path.

In the end, it was their bond, their humor, and their ability to see the light in even the darkest of situations that made Emperor Chris and Ayase a truly unbeatable team. And as they looked out over their kingdom, hand in hand, they knew that as long as they had each other, there was nothing they couldn't overcome.

Aw 317.  Epimetheus


S385. Self sustenance.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Carla JAEGER.

Enemies: Hippogriff – winged horses with the head and upper body of an eagle. Their realm has no food nor water nor air, and it was almost impossible to sleep due to noises and harsh conditions.

Chris gave his followers the ability of self sustenance. They can survive without the aforementioned requirements.


(551 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his generosity towards his followers. He ruled over a vast kingdom where everyone lived in harmony and peace. However, his biggest challenge came in the form of the Hippogriff enemies, winged horses with the head and upper body of an eagle. These creatures were determined to overthrow Chris and take over his kingdom.

Despite the threat of the Hippogriffs, Chris remained calm and collected. He knew that his followers were loyal and strong, and he was prepared to face any challenge that came his way. One day, as he sat in his throne room with his wife Carla Jaeger by his side, he came up with a brilliant idea.

"Carla, my love, we must think of a way to defeat the Hippogriffs once and for all," Chris said, a twinkle in his eye.

Carla, who was known for her quick wit and sharp mind, immediately responded, "I have an idea, my dear. What if we give our followers the ability of self sustenance? That way, they won't need food, water, or air to survive.

"Chris was impressed by Carla's suggestion. He knew that with her by his side, they could accomplish anything. And so, they set out to grant their followers this incredible gift.

With a wave of his hand, Chris bestowed upon his people the ability of self sustenance. From that day on, they no longer needed to eat, drink, or even breathe. They could survive in the harshest conditions without question.

The Hippogriffs were taken aback by this sudden turn of events. They had never faced an enemy like Emperor Chris before. And with his followers now possessing such a unique ability, they knew that their chances of victory were slim.

But Chris and Carla were not ones to rest on their laurels. They knew that they had to come up with a plan to defeat the Hippogriffs once and for all. And so, they put their heads together and brainstormed a creative solution.

"We must outsmart the Hippogriffs," Carla suggested. "We can create a realm for them that has no food, water, or air. It will be almost impossible for them to survive there.

"Chris nodded in agreement. He knew that Carla's idea was brilliant. And so, they set about creating this realm for the Hippogriffs, a place where they would be constantly challenged and tested.

The realm they created was unlike anything the Hippogriffs had ever seen. It was a place of constant noise, harsh conditions, and no respite. It was a true test of their strength and willpower.

And sure enough, the Hippogriffs fell for the trap. They entered the realm, confident in their abilities to overcome any challenge. But as time went on, they found themselves struggling to survive in such harsh conditions.

Meanwhile, Chris and Carla watched from afar, knowing that their plan was working. They had outsmarted the Hippogriffs and secured victory for their kingdom.

As the Hippogriffs retreated in defeat, Chris and Carla celebrated their success. They knew that with teamwork, creativity, and a bit of humor, they could overcome any obstacle that came their way.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Carla Jaeger continued to rule over their kingdom with wisdom and grace, always ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With their followers by their side, they knew that nothing could stand in their way.

Aw 318.  the


S386. Shapeshifting

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Trisha ELRIC.

Enemies: Hræsvelgr – jötunn who takes the form of an eagle. They have numerous weapons. And hunted Chris' soldiers.

Chris gave his people the ability of Shapeshifting (full conversion or ideal transformation). They can be stones, energy, humans, wind, planets or Undverses.


(484 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, contemplating the latest threat to his kingdom. Hræsvelgr, the jötunn who took the form of an eagle, had been attacking his soldiers with a ferocity that was unmatched. But Chris was not worried. He knew that he had a secret weapon on his side - his wife, Trisha Elric.

Trisha was not your average empress. She was a shapeshifter, able to transform into any form she pleased. Chris had bestowed this power upon her when they were wed, knowing that her abilities would be a valuable asset in times of war.

As the jötunn continued to wreak havoc on the kingdom, Trisha sprang into action. She transformed into a massive stone golem, towering over the battlefield with her strength and power. The jötunn was taken aback by this unexpected turn of events, but he was not about to back down.

Hræsvelgr unleashed a barrage of weapons at Trisha, but she simply laughed them off. With a flick of her wrist, she transformed into a swirling tornado, evading the attacks with ease. The jötunn was left bewildered, unsure of how to defeat this formidable opponent.

But Trisha was not done yet. She shifted once more, this time becoming a blinding bolt of lightning that struck down upon the jötunn with a force that shook the earth. The enemy was stunned, realizing that he was no match for the power of Emperor Chris' wife.

As the battle raged on, Trisha continued to shift between different forms, keeping the jötunn on his toes. One moment she was a shimmering pool of water, the next she was a mighty dragon soaring through the sky. The enemy could not predict her next move, and he grew more and more frustrated with each passing moment.

Finally, as the sun began to set on the battlefield, Trisha revealed her ultimate form. She transformed into a dazzling star, illuminating the night sky with her radiant light. The jötunn was blinded by her brilliance, unable to withstand the sheer power that she exuded.

With a final burst of energy, Trisha unleashed a wave of pure cosmic energy that engulfed the jötunn in a blinding explosion. When the dust settled, Hræsvelgr was nowhere to be found, defeated by the incredible power of Emperor Chris' wife.

As the kingdom rejoiced in their victory, Emperor Chris embraced his beloved wife, marveling at her incredible abilities. Trisha had proven once again that she was a force to be reckoned with, able to overcome any enemy that dared to challenge her kingdom.

And so, with their enemies vanquished and their kingdom safe once more, Emperor Chris and Trisha Elric stood side by side, ready to face whatever challenges came their way. For they knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything that stood in their path. And so, their story of love and triumph continued, a testament to the power of humor, creativity, and true partnership.

Aw 319. task


S387. Size manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Mei TERUMI.

Enemies: Poukai (Māori) – monstrous predatory birds. They were numerous and larger than Undverses.

Chris gave his people the power of size manipulation. They can match or exceed the birds' strength and size. Of course, Chris' followers grow in power and durability as their size grows larger.  But, when they become tiny, they retain their original stats.


(466 rating)

Emperor Chris and his wife Mei Terumi ruled over the kingdom of Myscria with wisdom and humor. Mei was known for her quick wit and sharp tongue, while Chris was a gentle giant who could hold his own in battle when needed. Together, they made a formidable team, beloved by their people and feared by their enemies.

One day, a great threat loomed over the kingdom in the form of the monstrous predatory birds known as Poukai. These birds were larger than life, with razor-sharp talons and a voracious appetite for destruction. They had been terrorizing the land for weeks, swooping down from the skies to snatch up livestock and unsuspecting villagers.

Emperor Chris knew that something had to be done to protect his people from these fearsome creatures. So he called upon his most trusted advisors to come up with a plan. After much deliberation, they decided that the best course of action was to empower the citizens of Myscria with the ability to manipulate their size.

And so, Chris gave his people the power to grow in size to match or exceed the strength and size of the Poukai. With this newfound ability, the people of Myscria became a force to be reckoned with, able to stand toe-to-toe with the monstrous birds and protect their homes and loved ones.

But there was a catch - when the citizens of Myscria shrank down to their original size, they retained their original stats. This led to some humorous situations, as people would unintentionally shrink in the middle of a conversation or find themselves suddenly towering over their friends and neighbors.

Mei Terumi found the whole situation quite amusing, often teasing Chris about his newfound ability to grow to enormous proportions. "You're certainly living up to your title of Emperor now, my love," she would quip, earning a chuckle from her towering husband.

Together, Emperor Chris and Mei Terumi led the charge against the Poukai, using their size manipulation abilities to outsmart and outmaneuver the monstrous birds. With their quick thinking and clever tactics, they were able to drive the creatures away from the kingdom and ensure the safety of their people.

In the end, the citizens of Myscria celebrated their victory with a grand feast, where stories of their epic battle against the Poukai were told and retold with much laughter and merriment. Emperor Chris and Mei Terumi basked in the adoration of their subjects, proud of the way they had united their kingdom in the face of adversity.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife Mei Terumi lived on, a tale of humor and courage that would be passed down through the generations. Their visionary leadership and creative solutions to problems had saved the kingdom of Myscria from certain doom, earning them a place in the hearts of their people forever.

Aw 320. of


S388. Sleep manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Musubi.

Enemies: rogue Shahbaz – gods who turned rogue after helping and guiding people. They have sleep manipulation abilities.

Chris countered by giving his people sleep manipulation abilities as well. They can cancel the effects of the rogue gods; they can put themselves to sleep willingly or they can stay awake willingly. When the people were united, they were able to put rogue gods to sleep.

(515 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his wit, charm, and his strong leadership. He was loved by his people and admired by all who knew him. But there was one aspect of his life that often brought a smile to people's faces - his relationship with his wife, Musubi.

Musubi was a kind and gentle soul, always ready to help those in need and support her husband in his endeavors. She was also known for her quick wit and sense of humor, which made her the perfect match for Chris. The two of them were inseparable, always seen together at public events and private gatherings, sharing jokes and stories with each other and their guests.

But their happiness was not to last, as a new threat emerged in the form of rogue Shahbaz - gods who had turned rogue after helping and guiding people. These rogue gods possessed the ability to manipulate sleep, causing chaos and unrest among the people.

Chris knew that he had to do something to protect his kingdom and his wife Musubi from these rogue gods. So he came up with a plan to counter their abilities by giving his people sleep manipulation powers of their own. They could now cancel out the effects of the rogue gods, putting themselves to sleep willingly or staying awake as they pleased.

At first, the people were confused by this new power, but Chris assured them that it was for their own protection. With Musubi by his side, he united the people and together they were able to put the rogue gods to sleep, restoring peace and order to the kingdom.

But the threats did not end there, as the rogue gods continued to challenge Chris and his people. Each time they tried to cause trouble, Chris and Musubi would come up with a new plan to outsmart them, using their wit and humor to outmaneuver the gods.

One day, the rogue gods decided to launch a surprise attack on the kingdom, using their sleep manipulation powers to catch the people off guard. But Chris and Musubi were ready for them, having anticipated their every move.

As the rogue gods approached, Chris stood up and addressed them with a smile on his face.

"My dear rogue gods, do you honestly think you can defeat us with your sleep manipulation abilities? Why, I can put myself to sleep at will, and Musubi here can stay awake for days on end without even breaking a sweat!"The rogue gods were taken aback by Chris' boldness and Musubi's unwavering determination. They knew they had met their match in these two clever and resourceful leaders. With a wave of his hand, Chris put them all to sleep, sending them into a deep slumber from which they would not awaken for a long time.

And so, peace was once again restored to the kingdom, thanks to the quick thinking and humor of Emperor Chris and his wife, Musubi. They had proven that laughter and wit could be powerful weapons against even the most formidable of foes, and their legend would live on for generations to come.

Aw 321. giving


S389. Size manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Nana KOMATSU.


Triple-headed eagles. They were so powerful that Chris had to reduce the size of his people and kingdom to avoid getting seen by the eagles.

Chris gave the ability of size manipulation to his people. They can even be smaller than the Undverse's planck length. This made them invisible to the sharp eyed eagles. When Chris gained more power, he defeated the eagles.


(451 rating)

Emperor Chris, a quirky and whimsical ruler of the tiny kingdom of Lilliputia, was known for his love of all things miniature. His wife, the elegant and graceful Nana Komatsu, shared his passion for all things tiny and delicate. Together, they ruled over their diminutive kingdom with a gentle yet firm hand.

However, not all was peaceful in the world of Lilliputia. Their kingdom was constantly under threat from their enemies, the dreaded Triple-headed Eagles. These fierce creatures were known for their sharp eyes and powerful talons, which made them a formidable foe for the tiny people of Lilliputia.

In order to protect his people from the menacing eagles, Emperor Chris bestowed upon them the ability to manipulate their size at will. With a mere thought, they could shrink themselves down to the size of a dust mote, invisible to the keen eyes of the eagles. This incredible ability allowed the people of Lilliputia to go about their daily lives without fear of being spotted by their enemies.

Despite their diminutive size, the people of Lilliputia were resourceful and clever. They built their homes and structures out of the tiniest of materials, creating a world that was both charming and efficient. The streets were lined with miniature shops and houses, and the people moved about on tiny carriages pulled by even tinier horses.

Emperor Chris, with his boundless creativity and wild imagination, often came up with outlandish inventions to entertain his people and protect them from harm. One such invention was the "Bubble Shield," a magical bubble that could expand to surround the entire kingdom at a moment's notice, keeping the Triple-headed Eagles at bay.

Nana Komatsu, with her grace and elegance, was beloved by the people of Lilliputia. She was known for her kindness and compassion, always looking out for the welfare of her subjects. Together with Emperor Chris, they made a formidable team, ruling over their tiny kingdom with wisdom and humor.

As the years passed, Emperor Chris grew in power and strength, eventually challenging the Triple-headed Eagles to a final showdown. With his clever tactics and innovative inventions, he managed to outsmart the eagles and drive them away for good.

The people of Lilliputia rejoiced at the news of their victory, throwing a grand celebration in honor of their brave and ingenious ruler. Emperor Chris and Nana Komatsu stood side by side, smiling as they watched their tiny kingdom thrive once more.

And so, the story of Emperor Chris and his wife Nana Komatsu became legend in the world of Lilliputia. Their tale of courage, creativity, and humor was passed down through the generations, inspiring future rulers and citizens alike to always think outside the box and never underestimate the power of the tiniest among them.

Aw 322.  the


S390. Smoke manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Junko HATTORI.

Enemies: Wuchowsen - One of the four wind spirits in an old lore. Depicted as giant eagles who lives atop the Undverses.

Their weakness is that they are extremely irritated by smoke.

Chris empowered his people with Smoke manipulation. They can create, control, or banish smoke. They turned themselves into sentient smoke and made golems of smoke, which are also intangible. They cannot be kicked or punched.

Aw 323.  creatures


S391. Smoke manipulation

(434 rating)

Emperor Chris, also known as the Smoke King, ruled over the land of Valoria with his wife, Junko HATTORI, by his side. They were a power couple, known for their wit, charm, and unique ability to wield the power of smoke manipulation. Together, they had brought prosperity and peace to their kingdom, much to the dismay of their enemies, the Wuchowsen.

The Wuchowsen were ancient creatures, depicted in old lore as giant eagles who lived atop the Undverses. They were fierce and powerful, but they had one major weakness - they were extremely irritated by smoke. This weakness would prove to be their downfall as Emperor Chris and his people had mastered the art of using smoke to their advantage.

In a brilliant display of strategy, the Emperor had empowered his people with the ability to create, control, and banish smoke. They could turn themselves into sentient smoke beings, making them intangible and unstoppable. They also created golems of smoke, which could not be kicked or punched, as they were ethereal and ever-changing.

The Wuchowsen were no match for the Smoke King and his army of smoke warriors. Every time they tried to attack the kingdom of Valoria, they were met with a wall of thick, swirling smoke that sent them fleeing in terror. The Emperor would often taunt them, calling out insults and jokes as they scrambled to escape the smoke that surrounded them.

Junko HATTORI, the Emperor's wife, was a master of smoke manipulation herself. Her skills were unmatched, and she could conjure elaborate smoke illusions that left their enemies bewildered and disoriented. She would often create fantastical visions of dragons, unicorns, and other creatures to distract and confuse the Wuchowsen, giving her husband and his warriors the upper hand in battle.

Despite their fierce reputation and fearsome appearance, the Wuchowsen were no match for the sheer creativity and humor of Emperor Chris and Junko HATTORI. They were relentless in their defense of Valoria, using their smoke manipulation powers to outwit and outmaneuver their enemies at every turn.

In the end, the Wuchowsen were forced to retreat, defeated by the cleverness and ingenuity of the Smoke King and his queen. Emperor Chris and Junko HATTORI had saved their kingdom once again, solidifying their place in history as the legendary rulers of Valoria.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and his wife Junko HATTORI, the Smoke King and Queen of Valoria, spread far and wide, inspiring awe and admiration in all who heard it. Their legacy would live on for generations to come, a shining example of bravery, cunning, and the power of humor in the face of adversity.

Aw 324. of


S392. Soul manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Kiki SEIRAN.

Enemies: Ziz – giant griffins. These were able to summon souls and create an army with the souls they used.

Chris countered by giving his people soul manipulation ability.


(396 rating)

Emperor Chris of the whimsical land of Seiran had a beautiful wife named Kiki. She was known throughout the kingdom for her grace, intelligence, and love for all living creatures. Together, Chris and Kiki ruled over their people with kindness and compassion, always striving to make the world a better place.

However, their peaceful rule was soon threatened by the arrival of their enemies: the Ziz, giant griffins who had the ability to summon souls and create an army with them. The Ziz were a fearsome force to be reckoned with, and they posed a serious threat to the kingdom of Seiran.

Determined to protect his beloved wife and his people, Emperor Chris knew he had to come up with a plan to defeat the Ziz. After much contemplation, he decided to give his people the ability to manipulate souls as well. With this newfound power, the citizens of Seiran were able to counter the Ziz's soul-summoning abilities and create an army of their own.

As the battle between the Ziz and the people of Seiran raged on, Kiki stood by her husband's side, offering her wisdom and guidance. Together, they led their army to victory, driving the Ziz out of their kingdom once and for all.

With the threat of the Ziz finally vanquished, the people of Seiran rejoiced and celebrated their hard-won victory. Emperor Chris and his wife Kiki were hailed as heroes, their names spoken of with reverence and gratitude.

But amidst all the jubilation, Kiki couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for the fallen Ziz. Despite being enemies, she couldn't help but see the beauty in their souls and the tragedy of their defeat. She knew that in another time and another place, they could have been friends instead of foes.

As the days passed and peace returned to the land of Seiran, Emperor Chris and his wife Kiki continued to rule with wisdom and compassion. They worked tirelessly to rebuild what had been destroyed in the battle with the Ziz, always striving to create a better world for their people.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and his wife Kiki Seiran became a legend in the land, a story of love, courage, and the power of the human spirit. And though they faced many challenges along the way, they never lost sight of their vision of a world filled with kindness, laughter, and endless possibilities.

Aw 325. The


S393. Sound manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Shea HAULIA.

Enemies: Zu – semi divine monsters depicted as lion-headed eagles. They were powerful but very sensitive to sounds. They were also very good spellcasters.

Chris gave his people the ability of Sound manipulation: create soundproof barriers, create zones of silence or to attack the enemies. They can also disable spell casters who rely on speech or sound.


(472 rating)

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Sounaria, there lived a fearless emperor named Chris. He was known far and wide for his incredible powers of sound manipulation. With just a snap of his fingers, he could create soundproof barriers, silence zones, and even launch attacks on his enemies using the power of sound.

Emperor Chris was also a visionary leader, always looking for new ways to expand and protect his kingdom. One day, he decided to marry a powerful sorceress named Shea HAULIA. Shea was not just any ordinary sorceress – she was a master of spellcasting and had the ability to control the elements with her magic.

Together, Emperor Chris and his wife Shea made a formidable couple, and their enemies trembled at the thought of facing them in battle. One of their greatest foes were the Zu – semi-divine monsters depicted as lion-headed eagles. These creatures were powerful spellcasters themselves and were very sensitive to sounds.

But Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. He knew that the key to defeating the Zu lay in his ability to manipulate sound. He called upon his people to help him come up with a plan to outsmart the creatures.

The people of Sounaria were a clever bunch, and they quickly got to work brainstorming ideas. They suggested using different aspects of sound manipulation to combat the Zu. Some proposed creating illusions of sound to confuse the creatures, while others suggested using targeted attacks to disable their spellcasting abilities.

Emperor Chris was thrilled with their creativity and encouraged them to keep thinking outside the box. He even enlisted the help of Shea, who used her magical powers to enhance their sound manipulation techniques.

When the day of the battle finally arrived, the Zu approached the kingdom of Sounaria with their wings spread wide and their lion heads roaring. But Emperor Chris and Shea were ready for them. They unleashed a cacophony of sound that created a barrier around the kingdom, protecting it from the creatures' attacks.

The Zu were taken aback by the sudden silence that had fallen over the battlefield. They tried to cast spells, but their words were muffled by the soundproof barriers. Emperor Chris and Shea used this to their advantage, launching a series of targeted attacks that disabled the creatures one by one.

In the end, the Zu were defeated, and Emperor Chris and Shea emerged victorious. The people of Sounaria cheered and praised their emperor and his wife for their bravery and ingenuity in battle.

From that day on, Emperor Chris and Shea ruled over Sounaria as a benevolent and powerful couple, always ready to defend their kingdom from any threat that came their way. And they continued to use their sound manipulation powers to keep their enemies at bay, ensuring peace and prosperity for their people for years to come.

Aw 326. earth
