
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs

Emergency update, Chapter 5:

P300. A carmine ad fores aperire

(586 rating)

Emperor Chris sat upon his golden throne, his crown gleaming in the sunlight that streamed through the stained glass windows of his grand castle. He was a fair and just ruler, loved by his people for his wisdom and kindness.

And so, Emperor Chris set out on a quest to find the perfect bride. He traveled far and wide, visiting kingdoms and meeting princesses from across the land. But none of them captured his heart, until he met Yuri Koigakubo. She was not a princess, but a commoner with a unique power known as toon force.

Yuri was a simple girl with a quirky sense of humor and a mischievous twinkle in her eye. She could bend the laws of physics with her toon force, causing objects to become elastic or allowing her to slip through impossible spaces. But most of all, she had a spell that could open any door, no matter how locked or hidden it may be.

Emperor Chris was smitten with Yuri from the moment he laid eyes on her. He knew she was the one he had been searching for, and he asked for her hand in marriage. Yuri accepted, and the two were wed in a lavish ceremony that brought together kings and queens from all corners of the realm.

But their happiness was short-lived, for a new threat loomed on the horizon. The one above fools, a devious sorcerer with a wicked sense of humor, had his eyes set on Emperor Chris' kingdom. With his army of bumbling minions, he wreaked havoc across the land, causing chaos and confusion wherever he went.

Emperor Chris knew he had to act fast to protect his kingdom and his beloved Yuri. He called upon her to use her toon force to come up with a plan to defeat the one above fools and his army. Yuri grinned mischievously and conjured up a brilliant scheme that would outwit even the cleverest of foes.

The next day, as the one above fools and his army approached the castle gates, they were greeted by a seemingly empty courtyard. Confused, they cautiously entered, only to find themselves in a dizzying maze of doors that led to nowhere. Each time they thought they had found the right door, it would magically disappear, leaving them back at square one.

Meanwhile, Emperor Chris and Yuri watched from the safety of the castle walls, stifling their laughter at the spectacle unfolding before them. The one above fools grew more frustrated by the minute, his minions stumbling over themselves in their confusion. It seemed as if they were caught in a never-ending loop, unable to escape the trap set by Yuri's toon force.

Finally, after hours of wandering aimlessly, the one above fools and his army gave up in defeat. They retreated back to their own kingdom, tails between their legs, cursing the day they had dared to challenge Emperor Chris and his wife Yuri.

From that day on, Emperor Chris and Yuri ruled their kingdom with a combination of wisdom and humor, never taking themselves too seriously. And though there were always new challenges to face, they faced them together, with Yuri's toon force at their side to open any door that stood in their way.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife Yuri Koigakubo, the toon force wielder, lived on for generations to come, inspiring laughter and merriment in the hearts of all who heard their tale.

Elre: 143,244,337.55162 x 1.10 = 157,568,771.30678. and


P301. Convocat rem ad triae.

(572 rating)

Emperor Chris, a jovial and somewhat clumsy ruler, was known for his great love for his wife Chizuru Akaba. Chizuru was a powerful sorceress, with the ability to summon objects towards herself with just a wave of her hand. This ability had proven to be quite handy in their adventures, as she could always retrieve any item she needed at a moment's notice.

One day, Emperor Chris and Chizuru were enjoying a leisurely stroll through the royal gardens when they received word that the one above fools, a mischievous sorcerer known for his pranks, was planning an attack on their kingdom with his army of bumbling minions. Determined to protect their kingdom, Emperor Chris and Chizuru sprang into action, with Chizuru ready to use her powerful spell to summon whatever they needed to defeat their enemies.

As they approached the battlefield, they were met with a sight that was both terrifying and hilarious. The one above fools and his army were dressed in ridiculous costumes, with oversized hats and clown noses, and were wielding weapons made out of kitchen utensils and rubber chickens. Despite the comical appearance of their foes, Emperor Chris and Chizuru knew that they still posed a threat to their kingdom.

Chizuru wasted no time in using her spell to summon a massive boulder towards herself, which she then hurled at the army of fools with all her might. The boulder crashed through the ranks of the enemy, sending them flying in all directions. The minions of the one above fools scrambled to their feet, only to be greeted by a rain of pies that Chizuru summoned from thin air. The pies splattered on their faces, causing even more chaos and confusion among their ranks.

Emperor Chris, always ready with a witty remark, shouted to the army of fools, "I must say, you all look quite fetching in those clown outfits! Perhaps you should consider a career in the circus instead of a life of villainy!" His words were met with a chorus of angry shouts and honking noses from the enemy, but Emperor Chris only chuckled in response, feeling confident in their ability to defeat the one above fools and his army.

As the battle raged on, Emperor Chris and Chizuru fought side by side, using their skills and powers to fend off the enemy. Chizuru summoned an array of objects towards herself, including swords, shields, and even a giant inflatable duck that she used to distract their foes. Emperor Chris, on the other hand, wielded his trusty sword with finesse, taking down enemy after enemy with his trademark flair and humor.

Despite the odds stacked against them, Emperor Chris and Chizuru emerged victorious, with the army of fools retreating in defeat. As they surveyed the battlefield, littered with fallen pies and discarded clown noses, Emperor Chris turned to Chizuru with a grin and said, "Well, my dear, that was certainly a battle for the history books! I don't think I've ever seen such a ridiculous display in all my years as emperor.

"Chizuru laughed and replied, "Indeed, my love. But thanks to your quick wit and my handy spell, we were able to overcome our enemies and protect our kingdom once again." With a sense of satisfaction and camaraderie, Emperor Chris and Chizuru walked back to the palace, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything with humor and creativity.

Elre: x 1.10 = 173,325,648.43746.


P302. Prohibet homines supra vel infra aetatem quandam ab accessu ad scopum.

(435 rating)

Emperor Chris of the magnificent kingdom of Aveloria was known far and wide for his great wisdom, powerful magic, and his beautiful wife, Akio FUDOU. Akio was not just a pretty face; she possessed a unique and powerful spell that made her one of the most formidable beings in the kingdom.

Her spell was a tricky one. It prevented people above or below a certain age from accessing a target. This made her a valuable asset to the emperor in times of war and conflict. The enemies of the kingdom feared her power and knew better than to mess with her.

One day, a new threat emerged in the form of the one above fools and his army. The one above fools was a notorious sorcerer known for his devious tricks and illusions. He had set his sights on conquering Aveloria and taking down Emperor Chris once and for all.

The one above fools and his army marched towards the kingdom, confident in their abilities to defeat the emperor and his wife. Little did they know, Akio FUDOU was ready and waiting for them, her spell at the ready.

As the enemy forces approached the gates of Aveloria, Akio unleashed her power, casting a spell that prevented anyone above the age of 50 from accessing the kingdom. The one above fools and his army quickly found themselves unable to enter, their aging bodies no match for Akio's magic.

Frustrated and confused, the enemy forces tried to find a way around Akio's spell, but to no avail. They were no match for the cunning and powerful wife of Emperor Chris.

Emperor Chris watched from the safety of his castle, impressed by his wife's strength and determination. He knew that with Akio by his side, they would surely emerge victorious against any threat to their kingdom.

As the enemy forces retreated in defeat, the people of Aveloria rejoiced, celebrating their victory over the one above fools and his army. Akio FUDOU was hailed as a hero, her spell now renowned throughout the land as a powerful force for good.

From that day on, Akio FUDOU was known as the protector of Aveloria, a fierce warrior and loving wife to Emperor Chris. Together, they ruled their kingdom with wisdom and compassion, ensuring peace and prosperity for all who lived within its borders.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife, Akio FUDOU, lived on for generations to come, a tale of love, magic, and the power of humor in the face of danger. May their story inspire those who hear it to always stand strong and united against any threat that may come their way.

Elre:  173,325,648.43746 x 1.08 = 187,191,700.31245. for


P303. Mundum, potabile vi aquae e lituus tip producit.

(487 rating)

Emperor Chris, ruler of the whimsical land of Fantasia, was known far and wide for his legendary parties. His lavish feasts were the talk of the kingdom, with guests traveling from all corners of the realm to attend. But while Emperor Chris was the life of the party, his wife, Fino BLOODSTONE, was the true star of the show.

Fino was a witch of immense power, with a wand made of pure bloodstone that shimmered with an otherworldly glow. Her spell was a simple one, but it never failed to impress: with a flick of her wand, she could produce a clean, drinkable jet of water that flowed endlessly from the tip.

This spell came in handy at Emperor Chris' parties, where the guests often overindulged in the finest wines and spirits. Fino would calmly step in, her wand at the ready, and offer a refreshing alternative to help them sober up and keep the festivities going.

But not everyone was a fan of Fino's magical talents. The one above all, a jealous sorcerer who lived in the neighboring kingdom of Doom, was determined to put an end to Fino's reign as the party queen of Fantasia. He conjured up an army of thirsty golems, creatures made of clay and stone who craved nothing more than to drain the kingdom of all its water.

Emperor Chris and Fino knew they were in for a challenge, but they were not ones to back down from a fight. They gathered their most loyal subjects and set out to meet the one above all and his golems head-on.

As they approached the sorcerer's dark castle, Emperor Chris couldn't help but crack a joke to lighten the mood. "I hope they don't mind a little water with their clay," he quipped, as Fino rolled her eyes with a smile.

The battle was fierce, with the golems hurling rocks and mud at the kingdom's defenders. But Fino stood tall, her wand glowing brightly as she unleashed streams of water to quench their thirst and weaken their attacks.

Emperor Chris fought alongside his wife, his sword shining in the sunlight as he led the charge against the sorcerer's forces. "For Fantasia!" he cried, rallying his troops to victory.

In the end, the one above all and his golems were no match for the combined power of Emperor Chris and Fino BLOODSTONE. The sorcerer was banished from the kingdom, his thirst for revenge quenched by defeat.

As the dust settled and the kingdom of Fantasia celebrated its hard-won victory, Emperor Chris took Fino's hand and raised it high in triumph. "To the queen of clean water!" he declared, as the crowd erupted into cheers.

And so, Emperor Chris and Fino BLOODSTONE's legend grew even greater, their bond of love and magic stronger than ever before. Together, they would continue to rule over Fantasia with humor, creativity, and a touch of visionary flair that made their kingdom the most enchanting realm in all the land.

Elre: 187,191,700.31245 x 1.08 = 202,167,036.33745. refusing


P304. Surgit clypeum altum in aera.

(573 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his fierce leadership and cunning tactics on the battlefield. But what most people didn't know was that behind every great emperor was an even greater wife - Remon YAMANO.

Remon was not your typical empress. She was strong-willed, quick-witted, and had a mischievous sense of humor that kept Emperor Chris on his toes. But what truly set her apart was her incredible spell - the ability to shoot the target high into the air.

One day, word reached the palace that a new enemy had emerged - the one above fools and his army. The one above fools was notorious for his arrogance and pomposity, claiming to be the greatest warrior in all the land. Emperor Chris knew that he needed to be stopped, and who better than Remon to take him down with her spell.

As they prepared for battle, Emperor Chris turned to Remon with a twinkle in his eye. "My dear wife, it is time to unleash your spell upon the one above fools. Let us show him the true power of the YAMANO family.

" Remon nodded confidently, her fingers crackling with energy as she prepared to cast her spell. With a flick of her wrist, she sent the one above fools and his army soaring high into the air, their cries of terror echoing across the battlefield.

But Remon was not done yet. With a mischievous grin, she conjured a flock of geese to fly by, honking loudly as they passed over the airborne enemies. The one above fools flailed in the air, his elaborate armor rustling as he tried to dodge the flapping wings and honking beaks.

The soldiers below could hardly believe their eyes as they watched their once mighty leader reduced to a flailing, squawking mess. The one above fools' army was in chaos, their formation broken and morale shattered.

Emperor Chris and Remon watched from a safe distance, laughing uproariously at the sight before them. "Well, my dear," Emperor Chris chuckled, "I dare say that was the most entertaining battle I have ever witnessed.

" Remon beamed with pride, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "I told you my spell was powerful, did I not?" she boasted, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

As the one above fools and his army finally landed with a thud, Emperor Chris and Remon approached them, their laughter still ringing through the air. The one above fools was humiliated, his once grandiose demeanor replaced with a look of defeat.

"I surrender," he muttered, his voice small and meek. "Please spare me from any more of your wife's.unique tactics.

" Emperor Chris nodded magnanimously, knowing that the one above fools had learned his lesson. "Consider yourself lucky," he declared, "for you have faced the wrath of Emperor Chris and Remon YAMANO. Now go, and tell all who will listen of your defeat at the hands of the greatest empress in all the land.

" And with that, the one above fools and his army slunk away, their tails between their legs. Emperor Chris and Remon stood tall, victorious and united, their bond stronger than ever.

From that day on, the one above fools was a cautionary tale, passed down through the generations as a reminder of the power of love, humor, and a well-timed spell. And as for Emperor Chris and Remon YAMANO, they ruled together in harmony and mirth, their legend growing with each passing year.

Elre: 202,167,036.33745 x 1.10 = 222,383,739.97119. to


P305. ισχυρό ξόρκι

(424 rating)

Once upon a time, in the land of Fantasia, there ruled Emperor Chris, a wise and powerful ruler loved by all his subjects. After searching far and wide, he finally found his match in the small yet fierce country of Liechtenstein.

Liechtenstein was not your average princess. She was strong-willed, independent, and had a forceful spell that could make even the most stubborn of men bow down to her will. When Emperor Chris proposed to her, she accepted.

And so, Liechtenstein became Empress Liechtenstein, ruling alongside Emperor Chris with an iron fist and a wicked sense of humor. The two of them quickly became known as the most powerful couple in all the land, with their enemies trembling at the thought of facing them.

One such enemy was the villainous One Above Fools, a bumbling buffoon who thought he could conquer Fantasia with his army of dim-witted minions. Little did he know, he was about to face the wrath of Empress Liechtenstein and her forceful spell.

When One Above Fools and his army marched towards the kingdom, Emperor Chris and Empress Liechtenstein were ready for them. As the enemy approached the castle gates, Empress Liechtenstein stood tall, her eyes flashing with determination as she cast her spell.

"Fools and fiends, you dare to challenge the might of Emperor Chris and Empress Liechtenstein? Prepare to face the consequences of your foolishness!" she declared, her voice echoing across the battlefield.

Her forceful spell descended upon the enemy army, causing them to stumble and trip over each other in confusion. The minions tried to fight back, but they were no match for the power of Liechtenstein's magic.

As the enemy retreated in defeat, Emperor Chris and Empress Liechtenstein shared a victorious laugh, their bond stronger than ever. From that day on, no one dared to challenge their rule, knowing that they had the most powerful couple in all the land watching over them.

And so, Emperor Chris and Empress Liechtenstein ruled Fantasia with love, humor, and a forceful spell that kept their enemies at bay. The kingdom prospered under their reign, and their subjects lived happily ever after, knowing that they were in safe hands with their beloved rulers.

And as for One Above Fools and his army? They learned their lesson the hard way - never underestimate the power of a woman with a forceful spell and a wicked sense of humor.

Elre: 222,383,739.97119 x 1.08 = 240,174,439.16888. tell
