
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
374 Chs



(499 rating)

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there was a powerful emperor named Chris. He ruled over a vast kingdom, and was loved by all his subjects for his fair and just reign. Emperor Chris was married to a beautiful and intelligent woman named Nozomi Kiriyama. She was not only his wife, but also his closest advisor and confidante. Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, Nozomi possessed a secret power – a spell that could impair her foes and reduce their stamina.

One day, a group of fierce and powerful celestial animals known as the Snow Lions arrived in the kingdom, causing chaos and destruction wherever they went. The Snow Lions were known for their immense strength and cunning, and they had set their sights on conquering Chris's kingdom.

Emperor Chris knew that he had to do something to protect his people and his land, but he also knew that he couldn't do it alone. He turned to Nozomi for help, and she gladly agreed to use her secret power to aid him in his fight against the Snow Lions.

Together, the husband and wife team devised a plan to defeat the Snow Lions and restore peace to their kingdom. Using Nozomi's spell, they were able to impair the Snow Lions' strength and reduce their stamina, making it easier for Chris and his army to defeat them in battle.

The Snow Lions, realizing that they were no match for the combined power of Emperor Chris and Nozomi, retreated back to their own land, never to be seen again.

The people of the kingdom rejoiced at the defeat of the Snow Lions, and Emperor Chris and Nozomi were hailed as heroes. From that day on, the couple ruled over their kingdom with even more wisdom and compassion, always looking out for the best interests of their subjects.

But little did they know, the defeat of the Snow Lions was only the beginning of their adventures. Strange and mysterious forces continued to threaten the kingdom, and it was up to Emperor Chris and Nozomi to protect their people and maintain peace and harmony in their land.

With Nozomi's spell and Chris's leadership, the couple faced each new challenge with courage and determination, always emerging victorious in the end. They became known throughout the land as the greatest rulers in history, and their legend lived on for generations.

Despite the many battles they fought and the dangers they faced, Emperor Chris and Nozomi never lost sight of what was truly important – their love for each other and their dedication to their kingdom and its people. They remained devoted to each other until the end of their days, and their love story became the stuff of legends.

And so, Emperor Chris and Nozomi Kiriyama ruled over their kingdom with wisdom, compassion, and bravery, always standing together in the face of adversity and emerging victorious in the end. Their love and leadership inspired all who knew them, and their legacy lived on long after they were gone.

The end.

Elre: 63,243,205,726.61 x 1.08 = 68,302,662,184.73. mother 



(717 rating)

Emperor Chris, a man whose reign was more defined by his love for extravagant hats than for his military prowess, was in a pickle. His wife, Leonmitchelli ROIS, a woman who could slice a loaf of bread with a thought and tear a tapestry into perfect squares with a mere whisper, was… well, she was Leonmitchelli.

Leonmitchelli, bless her heart, wasn't exactly the picture of regal composure. Her magic, while spectacularly precise, often manifested as a series of unfortunate accidents. One day, she'd be meticulously trimming the royal hedges into a perfect topiary garden; the next, she'd be carving intricate patterns into the Emperor's favorite velvet cushion while he was napping. He'd wake up to find himself sitting on a suspiciously sharp, and very uncomfortable, throne.

The current crisis, however, went beyond mere upholstery. The Dying Tribunal, a group of rogue mages with a penchant for existential dread, had declared war on the Emperor. Apparently, Chris's collection of feathered hats, though extensive, was somehow 'vulgar' and an 'insult to the cosmic order.' It was a war of fashion, if you will, declared by beings who wore nothing but robes with the word 'Nihilism' embroidered in faded, black thread.

To make matters worse, the Tribunal had partnered with a shadowy group of mystical bovines, who, much to everyone's surprise, were obsessed with the Emperor's collection of rare, antique teacups. They claimed they were 'spiritual vessels' that needed to be 'liberated' to become 'one with the cosmic void.'

Chris, ever the optimist, saw this as an opportunity to expand his hat collection. He reasoned that if he could convince the bovines to appreciate the delicate craftsmanship of a hand-woven, silk top hat, he could perhaps negotiate a peaceful exchange for his teacups.

But this was where Leonmitchelli, the magic-wielding whirlwind of a woman, came in.

"My love," she said, her voice as gentle as a summer breeze before a tornado, 'I have a plan!'

Chris, who knew better than to question her plans, simply nodded with a forced smile. He always had a suspicion that her 'plans' often involved a lot of… well, a lot of 'unintended consequences.'

The Tribunal and the bovines arrived at the palace gates, a swarm of hooded figures and hulking, spiritually-awakened cows. They demanded the surrender of the Emperor and his 'worldly possessions.' Chris, dressed in his finest velvet hat, tried to reason with them, but they were unimpressed.

The bovines, especially, were completely focused on the teacups. Their eyes, deep and vacant as black holes, focused on the windows of the palace, where Chris's collection of porcelain was safely displayed.

Leonmitchelli, who had been nervously chewing on a silk ribbon, suddenly whipped out a magical, shimmering knife. 'I've got this!' she declared, and with a silent, focused whisper, she sliced the air.

A shimmering portal opened, not into the palace, but into the Emperor's vast garden, filled with his prized collection of topiary animals. The bovines, confused and utterly captivated by the perfectly sculpted sheep and swans, charged into the garden.

The Tribunal, equally surprised, watched as the bovines began to 'liberate' the topiary animals, tearing them apart with their hooves and horns.

The entire palace, even the usually stoic Emperor, burst into laughter. The bovines, with their existential quest for 'cosmic oneness,' were now busy creating a chaotic, leafy mess.

Leonmitchelli, with a mischievous glint in her eye, whispered again. This time, she aimed her spell at the Tribunal. They were instantly divided, each member meticulously carved in half with a perfectly straight line, leaving them in a state of existential… well, they were definitely split on the matter.

The Emperor, finally free from his looming crisis, sighed with relief. 'My dear Leonmitchelli,' he said, holding her hand, 'you truly are a lifesaver.'

Leonmitchelli, oblivious to the chaos she had wrought, beamed back with pride. 'I told you I had a plan!'

And as the bovines continued their rampage through the topiary garden and the Tribunal, divided and confused, pondered their newly acquired halves, Chris, with a sly smile, added another hat to his ever-growing collection. It was an ornate, velvet fedora with a single, shimmering diamond on the brim. He called it 'The Bovine Baffler.' After all, there was nothing he loved more than a good, chaotic, and utterly ridiculous situation, especially when it saved his teacups.

Elre: 68,302,662,184.73 x 1.14 = 77,865,034,890.60. of



(654 rating) In the far-off land of Veridia, there lived a powerful emperor named Chris. His wife, the empress, was none other than the wise and magical Kanata Izumi. She had a unique and powerful spell that could make anyone or anything shrink to the size of a mere toy. Of course, she only used this spell for the good of the kingdom and never for personal gain.

Emperor Chris was well-liked by his subjects, but there were a few who were envious of his power and position. The tribunal, a group of three wise and powerful leaders who advised the emperor, had begun to grow old and weak. They knew that their time as advisors was coming to an end, and they were determined to do everything in their power to hold onto their positions.

One day, the tribunal summoned a group of strange and ominous creatures known as Allocameluses. These creatures had the bodies of camels and the heads of donkeys, and they were rumored to be able to grant any wish, no matter how evil or selfish.

'Oh great Allocameluses,' the tribunal said, bowing low before the creatures. 'We beg of you, help us to retain our power and rid ourselves of this pesky emperor and his magical wife.'

The Allocameluses looked at each other and chuckled. 'Very well,' they said. 'We will grant your wish, but it will come at a great cost. Are you willing to pay the price?'

The tribunal hesitated for a moment, but then they nodded their heads eagerly. 'Yes, anything! We will do whatever it takes to keep our power and position.'

'Very well,' the Allocameluses said. 'We will shrink Emperor Chris and Empress Izumi until they are no bigger than ants. In this form, they will be powerless and unable to rule. But first, we must weaken Empress Izumi's magical powers.'

The Allocameluses set to work, casting a spell that would render Empress Izumi's shrinking spell useless. They then turned their attention to Emperor Chris, shrinking him and his wife down to the size of ants.

The tiny emperor and empress were horrified as they looked up at their once-great empire. They were now at the mercy of the dying tribunal and the Allocameluses.

But Empress Izumi was not one to give up easily. She knew that she still had her wits about her, and she was determined to find a way to reverse the spell and restore her and her husband to their proper sizes.

She quickly came up with a plan. She remembered an ancient spell that could counteract any magic. The only problem was, she would need to gather a number of rare and powerful ingredients in order to cast it.

With her husband by her side, Empress Izumi set out on a perilous journey to gather the ingredients. They braved treacherous forests and dark caves, facing down all manner of dangerous creatures in their quest.

Finally, after days of searching, they gathered every last ingredient they needed. Empress Izumi carefully prepared the potion, reciting the ancient spell as she did so. The potion began to bubble and boil, and a bright light filled the room.

As the light faded, Emperor Chris and Empress Izumi were returned to their proper sizes. The tribunal and the Allocameluses looked on in horror as the powerful emperor and empress towered above them.

'You foolish creatures,' Emperor Chris said, glaring down at the tribunal and the Allocameluses. 'You should have never underestimated us. You are no match for the power of true love and determination.'

With that, Emperor Chris and Empress Izumi banished the tribunal and the Allocameluses from Veridia forever. They ruled the kingdom with kindness and wisdom, and their subjects lived in peace and prosperity for many years to come.

And so, the story of Emperor Chris and Empress Izumi serves as a reminder that no matter how powerful or seemingly unbeatable our enemies may be, with love and determination on our side, we can always overcome any obstacle.

Elre: 77,865,034,890.60 x 1.12 = 87,208,839,077.47. the



(731 rating)

Title: 'The Emperor's Harebrained Hijinks'

Emperor Chris, a man known for his eccentricities, ruled over the prosperous land of Candalasia. His wife, the enchanting Chihiro Shindou, was not just a beautiful consort, but also a powerful sorceress. Her unique spell, 'Passage to the Unseen,' had the power to open hidden passages and secret doors, a talent that had saved the emperor and his kingdom on more than one occasion.

The peaceful kingdom, however, had its share of enemies. The dying tribunal, a group of power-hungry ancient judges, sought to overthrow Emperor Chris and instate a regime of their own. Their ally, the cunning and ruthless Altair, commanded an army of Wolpertingers, mythical creatures with antlers, wings, and hare-like feet. The creatures were known for their mischief and cunning.

One day, Emperor Chris, in his usual whimsical manner, decided to play a prank on the dying tribunal. He was aware of their plan to infiltrate the palace and capture Chihiro to use her spell for their own gain. With a twinkle in his eyes, he hatched a plan that was as audacious as it was hilarious.

Emperor Chris invited the dying tribunal to a grand feast. The tribunal, suspicious but tempted by the prospect of a meal fit for kings, accepted the invitation. The night of the feast arrived, and the tribunal members, dressed in their most regal robes, arrived at the palace.

Meanwhile, Chihiro, understanding her husband's intentions, prepared for the charade. She cast her spell on various doors and corridors, creating a labyrinth of secret passages leading to unexpected places. The dining hall, the kitchen, even the emperor's bedchamber - no room was left untouched.

As the feast began, Emperor Chris entertained his guests with his usual eccentricity. He served food with his bare hands, told jokes that were absurdly funny, and laughed boisterously, creating an atmosphere of confusion and chaos. The tribunal, however, remained expressionless, their eyes darting around the room, searching for an opportunity to capture Chihiro.

Seeing the tribunal's distraction, Emperor Chris signaled Chihiro. In a flash, she cast her spell, opening a hidden passage beneath the tribunal's table. The tribunal members, along with their chairs, plunged into the darkness, landing in a heap in the palace's dungeon.

The room erupted in laughter. The palace staff, who were in on the prank, could not contain their mirth. Emperor Chris, his laughter echoing through the halls, declared that the tribunal would remain in the dungeon until they learned to respect the hospitality of their host.

The news of Emperor Chris's prank spread like wildfire, reaching even the ears of Altair and his army of Wolpertingers. Altair, infuriated by the humiliation of his allies, decided to retaliate. He ordered his army to capture Emperor Chris and destroy the palace.

The Wolpertingers, known for their mischief, decided to make a game out of their mission. They entered the palace, creating havoc and confusion. They hid in cupboards, disguised themselves as palace staff, and even managed to switch Emperor Chris's meals with their own peculiar concoctions.

Emperor Chris, unaware of the Wolpertingers' game, found himself in one hilarious situation after another. He found a Wolpertinger in his wardrobe, ended up eating a meal of worms and wild herbs, and even had his bed turned into a trampoline. Chihiro, seeing her husband's predicament, decided to put an end to the chaos.

She cast her spell, opening a passage that led directly outside the palace gates. One by one, the Wolfpertingers, distracted by their games, stumbled onto the secret passage and found themselves outside the palace.

Altair, realizing his army's defeat, was left with no choice but to retreat. The kingdom of Candalasia was saved once again, thanks to Emperor Chris's eccentricities and Chihiro's magical spell. The couple, their love stronger than ever, celebrated their victory with a laughter-filled banquet.

From that day forward, Emperor Chris's pranks became legendary, and the once feared Wolpertingers became the laughing stock of the kingdom. The dying tribunal, their pride shattered, retreated to their chambers, never to be heard from again.

And so, life in the kingdom returned to its usual rhythm, filled with laughter, love, and the occasional harebrained hijinks of Emperor Chris. As for Chihiro, she continued to use her spell, not just to protect her kingdom, but also to indulge her husband's whimsical nature. After all, as she often said, 'A little magic and laughter can go a long way in keeping the kingdom happy and safe.'

Elre: x 1.14 = 99,418,076,548.32. child
