
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs




(471 rating)

Once upon a time in the whimsical kingdom of Valhalla, Emperor Chris ruled with a firm but fair hand. He was known for his love of grand feasts, extravagant parties, and most of all, his beloved wife, Tokaku Azuma. Tokaku was not your typical Empress - she was known for her mischievous sense of humor and her unique magical abilities.

One day, as Emperor Chris was preparing for a grand celebration in honor of his wife's birthday, news reached the kingdom of a looming threat. The Present and Shallow Vernal, two rival kingdoms, had joined forces and were marching towards Valhalla with their armies of fake Eikþyrnir – stags that stood upon false Valhalla.

Emperor Chris knew that his kingdom was in grave danger, and he turned to his wife, Tokaku, for help. Tokaku was known for her powerful spell that could stick the target's shoes or feet to the ground, and Emperor Chris knew that this spell could be the key to defeating their enemies.

With a twinkle in her eye, Tokaku set out to confront the armies of the Present and Shallow Vernal. As the two armies clashed on the battlefield, Tokaku weaved her magic, sticking the enemy soldiers' shoes to the ground and rendering them immobile. The Valhalla army, led by Emperor Chris, swiftly defeated their enemies with Tokaku's help, sending them fleeing back to their kingdoms in defeat.

The kingdom of Valhalla erupted in cheers and applause for Emperor Chris and his wife, Tokaku. As they celebrated their victory with a lavish feast, Tokaku couldn't help but tease her husband about his bravery on the battlefield.

"Ah, my dear Emperor Chris, you were quite the formidable warrior out there," Tokaku said with a sly grin.

"I almost couldn't keep up with you!"Emperor Chris laughed, his eyes shining with love for his wife. "Ah, but it was your magic that saved the day, my dear Tokaku. I am forever grateful for your quick thinking and powerful spells.

"As the night wore on, the celebrations continued long into the night. The people of Valhalla danced and sang, toasting to the bravery of their Emperor and the cleverness of his wife. Tokaku's spell had saved the kingdom from certain doom, and her mischievous spirit had brought a sense of humor and lightheartedness to the battlefield.

From that day on, Tokaku Azuma was known as the hero of Valhalla, the Empress with a twinkle in her eye and a spell at her fingertips. Emperor Chris knew that with Tokaku by his side, they could face any challenge that came their way, and their kingdom would always be safe under their rule.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife, Tokaku Azuma, lived on in the hearts of the people of Valhalla, a tale of bravery, humor, and love that would be passed down for generations to come.

Elre: 13,799,694,875.23 x 1.08 = 14,903,670,465.24. liver.

Ο αυτοκράτορας Κρις ήξερε ότι το βασίλειό του βρισκόταν σε σοβαρό κίνδυνο και στράφηκε στη σύζυγό του, Τοκάκου, για βοήθεια. Η ... ήταν γνωστή για το ισχυρό της ξόρκι που μπορούσε να κολλήσει τα παπούτσια ή τα πόδια του στόχου στο έδαφος και ο αυτοκράτορας Κρις γνώριζε ότι αυτό το ξόρκι θα μπορούσε να είναι το κλειδί για να νικήσουν τους εχθρούς τους.



(419 rating)

Emperor Chris of the magical kingdom of Eralith was known far and wide for his wisdom, bravery, and impeccable fashion sense. But little did the kingdom know, behind every great emperor, there was an even greater empress. Tessia Eralith, his wife, was a powerful sorceress with a spell like no other - the ability to change the color of anything she desired.

One day, a neighboring kingdom called the Presence, led by the menacing Altair, declared war on Eralith. Altair was known for his color-blind army of Goldhorns - white, golden-horned antelopes that were fierce warriors but had a weakness for color confusion.

Emperor Chris knew that Tessia's unique spell would be their secret weapon in the battle against Altair and his army. He called upon Tessia to join him on the battlefield, knowing that her magical abilities would be crucial in defeating their enemies.

As the armies clashed on the field, Tessia stood by Emperor Chris, ready to unleash her colorful powers. With a wave of her hand, she cast her spell upon the Goldhorns, changing their color from white to a rainbow of hues. The once fearsome creatures were now confused, bumping into each other and stumbling over their own feet.

Altair, seeing his army in disarray, realized the power of Tessia's spell and knew he had underestimated the empress of Eralith. He tried to counter her magic with his own dark spells, but Tessia was too powerful. She changed the colors of the battlefield, turning the grass neon green, the sky a deep indigo, and the soldiers' armor a bright fuchsia.

The Goldhorns, disoriented and unable to distinguish friend from foe, began to retreat in confusion. Emperor Chris and Tessia led their army to victory, driving Altair and the Presence back to their kingdom in defeat.

As the dust settled and the cheers of victory filled the air, Emperor Chris embraced his wife, grateful for her bravery and strength. "You truly are the most powerful sorceress in all the land, my dear Tessia," he said with a smile.

Tessia laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, what can I say? I just love to add a little color to the world," she replied.

And so, Emperor Chris and Tessia Eralith ruled their kingdom with love, laughter, and plenty of colorful adventures. The people of Eralith knew that as long as their emperor and empress stood together, nothing could stand in their way. And so, the magical kingdom of Eralith prospered, thanks to the bravery and magic of Emperor Chris and his colorful empress, Tessia.

Elre: 14,903,670,465.24 x 1.08 = 16,095,964,102.45. Zeus.

Ο αυτοκράτορας Κρις του μαγικού βασιλείου της Έραλιθ ήταν γνωστός παντού για τη σοφία, τη γενναιότητα και την άψογη αίσθηση της μόδας. Αλλά ελάχιστα γνώριζε το βασίλειο, πίσω από κάθε μεγάλο αυτοκράτορα, υπήρχε μια ακόμη μεγαλύτερη αυτοκράτειρα. Η, η σύζυγός του, ήταν μια ισχυρή μάγισσα με ένα ξόρκι όπως κανένα άλλο - την ικανότητα να αλλάζει το χρώμα οτιδήποτε ήθελε.



(579 rating)

Emperor Chris of the land of Fantasia was a powerful ruler, known for his wisdom and leadership skills. But perhaps his most well-known characteristic was his undeniable love for his wife, Yuuri Makita. Yuuri was not only beautiful and kind-hearted, but she also possessed a unique gift – the ability to project a bolt of energy with just a flick of her wrist.

One day, news reached the palace that a new threat was looming on the horizon. The presence, a mysterious entity with dark intentions, had joined forces with Yogiri, a sorcerer renowned for his ability to control beasts. Together, they had amassed an army of Jackalope – jackrabbits with antelope horns – that threatened to overrun the kingdom.

Emperor Chris knew that he had to act swiftly to protect his people and his beloved wife. Gathering his most trusted advisors, he devised a plan to counter the impending attack. But as he looked at Yuuri, he couldn't help but worry for her safety. "My dear, I fear that you may be in danger if you join us in battle," he told her, his brow furrowed with concern.

Yuuri simply smiled at her husband, her eyes twinkling with determination. "I may have big boobs, my love, but I am not afraid. With my spell, I will be able to hold my own against our enemies," she declared confidently.

And so, the stage was set for a showdown of epic proportions. As the sun rose on the battlefield, Emperor Chris and his allies stood ready, their swords drawn and their armor gleaming in the morning light. Yuuri stood beside her husband, her hands crackling with energy as she prepared to unleash her spell.

The presence and Yogiri emerged from the shadows, their eyes glinting with malice as they surveyed their opponents. The army of Jackalope followed close behind, their horns pointed menacingly towards the defenders of Fantasia.

The battle that ensued was like nothing the kingdom had ever seen before. Jackalope leaped and darted with unnatural speed, their horns flashing as they struck at their foes. The presence and Yogiri unleashed dark magic, twisting the very air around them with their malevolent power.

But Emperor Chris and his allies fought valiantly, their swords and spells cutting through the enemy ranks with precision. Yuuri's bolts of energy crackled through the air, striking down Jackalope left and right. Her big boobs bounced with each movement, a sight that both inspired and amused her companions.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that the tide was turning in favor of Fantasia. The presence and Yogiri grew desperate, their forces dwindling with each passing moment. Finally, with a roar of defiance, Emperor Chris delivered the final blow, vanquishing the enemy leaders and sending their army into retreat.

The kingdom erupted into cheers and celebration as the dust settled, the threat of the presence and Yogiri finally vanquished. Yuuri embraced her husband, tears of relief shining in her eyes. "We did it, my love," she whispered, her hands seeking out his in a gesture of solidarity.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and his wife, Yuuri Makita, became legend in Fantasia. Their bravery and love for each other had saved the kingdom from destruction, and their jokes and big boobs brought laughter and joy to all who knew them. And as they stood side by side, watching the sun set on the battlefield, they knew that they would face whatever challenges came their way together, their bond unbreakable and their spirits unwavering.

Elre: 16,095,964,102.45 x 1.10 = 17,705,560,512.70. gave

Ο αυτοκράτορας Κρις της γης της Φαντασίας ήταν ένας ισχυρός ηγεμόνας, γνωστός για τη σοφία και τις ηγετικές του ικανότητες. Αλλά ίσως το πιο γνωστό χαρακτηριστικό του ήταν η αναμφισβήτητη αγάπη του για τη σύζυγό του, ... δεν ήταν μόνο όμορφη και καλόκαρδη, αλλά διέθετε επίσης ένα μοναδικό χάρισμα – την ικανότητα να προβάλλει ένα μπουλόνι ενέργειας με μια κίνηση μόνο του καρπού της.



(503 rating)

Emperor Chris was a powerful ruler in the land of Kurohoshi, known for his fair judgement and strong leadership. But behind every great man, there stood an even greater woman - his wife, Aoi Akane.

Aoi Akane was not your average empress. While she had the grace and elegance befitting of her title, she also possessed a mischievous streak that kept Emperor Chris on his toes. Her spell, which caused victims to become confused and befuddled, was both a blessing and a curse. While it often led to hilarious situations, it also had the potential to spark chaos if not used wisely.

The couple's enemies, the Absence and Shallow Vernal, were jealous of their power and sought to overthrow them. They enlisted the help of their army of Kereshes - giant deers of the forest, known for their strength and agility. But Emperor Chris and Aoi Akane were not easily intimidated. They were determined to protect their kingdom at all costs.

One day, as Emperor Chris and Aoi Akane were strolling through the royal gardens, they were suddenly ambushed by the army of Kereshes. The forest echoed with the sound of hooves as the giant deers charged towards them. But Aoi Akane was not one to back down from a challenge.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, she cast her spell upon the Kereshes, causing them to become confused and start bumping into each other. The once fierce army was now a bumbling mess, tripping over their own hooves and colliding into trees.

Emperor Chris couldn't help but laugh as he watched the chaos unfold. Aoi Akane was truly a force to be reckoned with. Together, they managed to defeat the Absence and Shallow Vernal, sending them running back to their dark hideouts.

But the victory was short-lived, as a new threat loomed on the horizon. The legendary dragon of Mount Kurai had awoken from its slumber and was wreaking havoc across the land. Emperor Chris and Aoi Akane knew they had to act fast to protect their people.

They journeyed to the foot of Mount Kurai, where the dragon was wreaking havoc. As it breathed fire and roared, the ground shook beneath their feet. But Aoi Akane was not about to let a mere dragon scare her.

With a twinkle in her eye, she cast her spell upon the dragon, causing it to become confused and dizzy. It stumbled around in a stupor, unsure of where to go or what to do. Emperor Chris seized the opportunity and bravely slayed the dragon, saving the kingdom once again.

The people of Kurohoshi hailed Emperor Chris and Aoi Akane as heroes, celebrating their victory with feasts and festivities. The couple basked in the adoration of their subjects, knowing that they had truly earned their place as rulers of the land.

And so, Emperor Chris and Aoi Akane continued to rule Kurohoshi with wisdom and humor, facing each new challenge with courage and grace. Together, they were a formidable team, united in love and laughter, ready to face whatever the future held for them.

Elre: 17,705,560,512.70 x 1.10 = 19,476,116,563.97. Prometheus

... δεν ήταν η μέση αυτοκράτειρά σας. Ενώ είχε τη χάρη και την κομψότητα που άρμοζε στον τίτλο της, διέθετε επίσης ένα άτακτο σερί που κράτησε τον αυτοκράτορα Κρις στα δάχτυλά του. Το ξόρκι της, που προκαλούσε σύγχυση και σύγχυση στα θύματα, ήταν και ευλογία και κατάρα. Αν και συχνά οδηγούσε σε ξεκαρδιστικές καταστάσεις, είχε επίσης τη δυνατότητα να προκαλέσει χάος αν δεν χρησιμοποιηθεί με σύνεση.



(593 rating)

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Yorinthia, there lived Emperor Chris and his wife, the enchanting Empress Fujioka. Fujioka was known far and wide for her beauty and grace, but little did anyone know about her secret ability - a spell that caused irritation in the eyes, forcing them to swell shut. This spell was her secret weapon, her way of protecting herself and her beloved husband from any threats that may arise.

One day, a powerful group known as the Dying Tribunal declared war on Emperor Chris and his kingdom. Led by the sinister Altair, the Dying Tribunal sought to overthrow the emperor and claim Yorinthia for themselves. Altair and his army of Peryton - stags with bird parts and huge eyes - were a formidable force to be reckoned with.

But Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. With his loyal Empress Fujioka by his side, he devised a plan to outsmart the Dying Tribunal and their army of Peryton. Fujioka, with her unique ability to cause irritation in the eyes, would be the key to their victory.

As the Dying Tribunal advanced on the kingdom, Fujioka stood on the castle walls, her eyes glowing with power. With a flick of her wrist, she cast her spell, causing the eyes of the Peryton to swell shut. The once fearsome creatures stumbled blindly, unable to see their enemies.

Emperor Chris and his army seized the opportunity, launching a surprise attack on the confused Peryton. With a combination of wit and bravery, they were able to defeat the Dying Tribunal and drive them out of Yorinthia once and for all.

The people of the kingdom celebrated their victory, praising Emperor Chris and Empress Fujioka for their courage and cunning. But little did they know, the threat of the Dying Tribunal was not completely eradicated.

Altair, furious at his defeat, vowed to return and seek revenge on Emperor Chris and his kingdom. He knew he had to come up with a plan to counteract Fujioka's spell and defeat the emperor once and for all.

Altair spent months studying ancient texts and consulting with dark sorcerers in order to find a way to counteract Fujioka's spell. Finally, he discovered a rare flower that, when brewed into a potion, could reverse the effects of the spell.

With his new weapon in hand, Altair launched his attack on Yorinthia once again. This time, the Peryton were prepared for Fujioka's spell, thanks to Altair's potion. The battle that ensued was fierce and brutal, with both sides fighting tooth and nail for victory.

But just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Emperor Chris had a stroke of genius. He called upon the kingdom's resident inventor, who had been working on a new invention - the Eye-Watering Steam Machine. This contraption emitted a special steam that caused the eyes of the Peryton to water uncontrollably, negating the effects of Altair's potion.

With the tide of the battle turned in their favor, Emperor Chris and his army were able to defeat Altair and his forces once and for all. The kingdom of Yorinthia was safe once again, thanks to the bravery and ingenuity of Emperor Chris and his wife, Empress Fujioka.

And so, Emperor Chris and Fujioka ruled over Yorinthia for many years, their kingdom prospering and their people living in peace and harmony. The tale of their victory over the Dying Tribunal and Altair became a legend, passed down through the generations as a reminder of the power of love, bravery, and a little bit of humor in the face of adversity.

Elre: 19,476,116,563.97 x 1.10 = 21,423,728,220.36. two

Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό, στη μαγική χώρα της Γιορίνθιας, ζούσαν ο αυτοκράτορας Κρις και η σύζυγός του, η μαγευτική αυτοκράτειρα Φουτζιόκα. Η Φουτζιόκα ήταν γνωστή παντού για την ομορφιά και τη χάρη της, αλλά κανείς δεν γνώριζε για τη μυστική της ικανότητα - ένα ξόρκι που προκαλούσε ερεθισμό στα μάτια, αναγκάζοντάς τα να διογκωθούν και να κλείσουν. Αυτό το ξόρκι ήταν το μυστικό της όπλο, ο τρόπος της να προστατεύει τον εαυτό της και τον αγαπημένο της σύζυγο από τυχόν απειλές που μπορεί να προκύψουν.



(546 rating)

Emperor Chris of the Kingdom of Argoth was known far and wide for his unmatched valor and bravery in battle. His reputation as a fearless warrior was only surpassed by his immense wealth and power. But there was one thing that the Emperor cherished above all else - his beloved wife, Saber of Red.

Saber of Red was not your typical empress. She was fierce, independent, and possessed a fiery spirit that matched her vibrant red hair. But what truly set her apart was her incredible magical abilities. Saber was a powerful sorceress, with a spell for every occasion.

One day, as Emperor Chris and Saber of Red were enjoying a peaceful afternoon stroll through the palace gardens, they were approached by a messenger from the dying tribunal. The dying tribunal, a group of elderly wizards who had long since outlived their usefulness, had always been a thorn in the Emperor's side. They were constantly scheming and plotting against him, and now they had allied themselves with Altair and his army of Floating symbols: Qilin – chimeric creatures with thick skin.

Emperor Chris knew that he would need all of Saber's magical prowess to defeat this formidable enemy. Fortunately, Saber had just the spell in mind. With a wave of her hand and a muttered incantation, she caused the messenger's skin to appear as though it was coated in cornflakes. The poor man shrieked in terror as he ran off to deliver his ominous message.

As the days passed, Altair and his army drew ever closer to the Kingdom of Argoth. Emperor Chris and Saber of Red prepared for battle, knowing that their very lives were at stake. But despite the gravity of the situation, Saber couldn't help but inject a bit of humor into their preparations.

As the enemies approached the palace gates, Saber unleashed her magical abilities with a flair for the dramatic. She cast spells that turned the enemy soldiers into piles of spaghetti, summoned a legion of dancing flamingos to distract them, and even conjured a rainstorm of confetti to shower down upon their heads.

Emperor Chris couldn't help but laugh as he watched his wife's antics. Despite the seriousness of the situation, her irreverent spirit and whimsical magic brought a sense of lightness to their dire circumstances. And when the final showdown came, Saber's creativity and vision proved to be their greatest weapon.

In a dazzling display of power and skill, Saber of Red unleashed a spell that transformed Altair and his army of Floating symbols into harmless puppies. The once fearsome creatures yipped and wagged their tail, completely disarmed by Saber's playful magic.

The dying tribunal, seeing the folly of their alliance with Altair, quickly surrendered and begged for mercy. Emperor Chris, feeling generous in victory, spared their lives and banished them from the kingdom forever.

As the dust settled and peace returned to the kingdom, Emperor Chris and Saber of Red celebrated their victory with a lavish feast and a round of hearty laughter. They knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they had each other and Saber's unique brand of humor and magic, they could overcome anything.

And so, the Kingdom of Argoth remained safe and prosperous, thanks to the bravery, cunning, and whimsy of Emperor Chris and his beloved wife, Saber of Red.

Elre: 21,423,728,220.36 x 1.10 = 23,566,101,042.39. ways

Ο αυτοκράτορας Κρις ήξερε ότι θα χρειαζόταν όλη τη μαγική ανδρεία του Σάμπερ για να νικήσει αυτόν τον τρομερό εχθρό. Ευτυχώς, ο ...είχε μόνο το ξόρκι στο μυαλό του. Με ένα κύμα του χεριού της και ένα μουρμουρισμένο ξόρκι, έκανε το δέρμα του αγγελιοφόρου να φαίνεται σαν να ήταν επικαλυμμένο με νιφάδες καλαμποκιού. Ο φτωχός ούρλιαξε τρομαγμένος καθώς έτρεχε να μεταδώσει το δυσοίωνο μήνυμά του.



(431 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his wisdom, kindness, and his love for his beautiful wife, Miku Izayoi. Miku was not only breathtakingly beautiful but also incredibly talented in the magical arts. Her special spell allowed her to transfigure the color and style of one's hair with just a wave of her hand.

One day, word reached the Emperor that the dying tribunal And Yogiri, along with their army of Tarands, were plotting to overthrow his kingdom. The Tarands were fierce creatures, resembling antelopes or deer, with the ability to change the color of their fur at will to camouflage themselves in their surroundings.

Emperor Chris knew that he needed his wife's help to defeat this formidable enemy. He called upon Miku to use her magical abilities to come up with a plan to outwit the Tarands and their cunning leader, And Yogiri.

Miku, with her quick wit and creative mind, devised a plan that was both brilliant and hilarious. She decided to use her spell to change the color and style of the Tarands' fur, confusing them and rendering their camouflage useless. She transformed their fur into bright neon colors, such as hot pink, fluorescent green, and electric blue.

As the Tarands stumbled around, unable to blend in with their surroundings, Emperor Chris and his army easily defeated them in battle. The dying tribunal And Yogiri, seeing their once fearsome army reduced to a comical spectacle, fled in defeat.

The kingdom rejoiced in their victory, celebrating Miku's genius plan and Emperor Chris' leadership. From that day on, Miku Izayoi was hailed as the hero of the kingdom, beloved by all for her bravery and wit.

But Miku's talents didn't stop there. She continued to use her spell to change the hair of the kingdom's citizens, bringing laughter and joy wherever she went. She dyed the hair of the children different colors for fun, giving them rainbow-hued locks that sparkled in the sunlight.

Emperor Chris couldn't have been prouder of his wife, who not only saved the kingdom but also brought a sense of fun and whimsy to their lives. And so, Emperor Chris and Miku Izayoi lived happily ever after, ruling their kingdom with love, humor, and a touch of magic.

The kingdom prospered under their rule, and the memory of the Tarands with their brightly colored fur served as a reminder of the power of creativity and humor in the face of adversity. And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and Miku Izayoi, the heroic couple who saved the kingdom with a laugh and a wave of the hand, lived on for generations to come.

Elre: 23,566,101,042.39 x 1.08 = 25,451,389,125.78. out

Η..., με το γρήγορο πνεύμα και το δημιουργικό της μυαλό, επινόησε ένα σχέδιο που ήταν και λαμπρό και ξεκαρδιστικό. Αποφάσισε να χρησιμοποιήσει το ξόρκι της για να αλλάξει το χρώμα και το στυλ της γούνας των ..., μπερδεύοντάς τους και αχρηστεύοντας το καμουφλάζ τους. Μεταμόρφωσε τη γούνα τους σε φωτεινά νέον χρώματα, όπως το καυτό ροζ, το πράσινο φθορίζον και το μπλε ηλεκτρίκ.



(483 rating)

In the land of Azura, Emperor Chris ruled with a firm but fair hand. His people adored him, and his kingdom flourished under his leadership.

One day, while attending a grand ball in the capital city, Emperor Chris laid eyes upon one of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her name was Kazuki KAZAMI, and she captivated him from the moment he saw her. Kazuki was known for her beauty and grace, but she also possessed a powerful and mysterious aura that intrigued the Emperor.

Emperor Chris wasted no time in courting Kazuki, and soon the two were married in a lavish ceremony that was the talk of the kingdom. However, little did Emperor Chris know that his new wife held a dark secret - a powerful spell that could inflict intense, excruciating physical pain on anyone she wished.

As Emperor Chris settled into married life with Kazuki, rumors began to spread of a dying tribunal in a neighboring kingdom who sought to overthrow Emperor Chris and claim the throne for themselves. Led by the treacherous Yogiri, the dying tribunal plotted in secret to bring about the downfall of Emperor Chris.

One day, as Emperor Chris was out hunting in the royal forest, he came face to face with Yogiri and his army of White stags - magical white deer that possessed incredible powers. Yogiri mocked Emperor Chris and revealed his plan to overthrow him, using the power of the White stags to do so.

Enraged, Emperor Chris drew his sword and prepared to do battle with Yogiri and his army. But before he could strike, Kazuki appeared by his side, her eyes glowing with a dangerous light. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed her powerful spell upon Yogiri and his followers, causing them to writhe in agony as the pain consumed them.

Emperor Chris was stunned by Kazuki's display of power, but he knew that he could not let her use her spell for too long, for it would drive them mad. With great effort, he managed to restrain her and calm her down...

As the dust settled, Emperor Chris realized that he had a true partner in Kazuki, one who was willing to do whatever it took to protect him and their kingdom. From that day on, he vowed to stand by her side and support her in any way he could.

The dying tribunal, defeated and broken, slunk back to their kingdom, knowing that they could never defeat Emperor Chris and his powerful wife. And so, peace reigned once again in the land of Azura, thanks to the bravery and strength of Emperor Chris and Kazuki KAZAMI. Together, they would face whatever challenges came their way, united in love and loyalty until the end of their days.

Elre: 25,451,389,125.78 x 1.08 = 27,487,500,255.84. of

Ο αυτοκράτορας Κρις δεν έχασε χρόνο για να φλερτάρει τον Καζούκι και σύντομα οι δυο τους παντρεύτηκαν σε μια πολυτελή τελετή που ήταν η συζήτηση για το βασίλειο. Ωστόσο, ελάχιστα γνώριζε ο αυτοκράτορας Κρις ότι η νέα του σύζυγος κρατούσε ένα σκοτεινό μυστικό - ένα ισχυρό ξόρκι που θα μπορούσε να προκαλέσει έντονο, βασανιστικό σωματικό πόνο σε όποιον επιθυμούσε.
