
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasy
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374 Chs



(474 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his wisdom, bravery, and fair rule. But little did everyone know, behind every great emperor stands an even greater woman. And in Emperor Chris' case, that woman was none other than his wife, Haruko KAMIO.

Haruko was not your typical empress. While she could charm the court with her grace and beauty, she also had a mischievous streak that kept everyone on their toes. But perhaps the most impressive thing about Haruko was her special talent – she had the ability to provoke a small explosion with just a flick of her wrist.

One day, word reached the palace that the absence and Altair, two notorious enemies of the empire, were planning an attack. Their army of Bakunawas – serpent-like dragons with a penchant for destruction – had been spotted heading in their direction. Emperor Chris knew that they needed all the help they could get to defend the kingdom.

As the enemy army approached, Emperor Chris called upon his most trusted advisors, including Haruko. They strategized for hours, trying to come up with a plan to defeat the Bakunawas and protect their land. But nothing seemed to work – the dragons were too powerful, too ferocious.

That's when Haruko spoke up. "I think I have an idea," she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "I can use my special talent to create a distraction and give our soldiers a fighting chance.

"Emperor Chris was skeptical at first, but he trusted his wife's intuition. So, as the Bakunawas drew closer, Haruko stepped out onto the battlefield. With a flick of her wrist, she provoked a small explosion that sent the dragons scattering in all directions.

The soldiers seized the opportunity and launched a fierce attack on the enemy, driving them back with every strike. Haruko continued to use her explosive spells to create chaos among the Bakunawas, giving her husband and his army the upper hand.

As the battle raged on, the absence and Altair saw that they were no match for the combined forces of Emperor Chris and Haruko. They retreated in defeat, vowing never to cross paths with the empire again.

The kingdom erupted in cheers as the victory was declared. Emperor Chris embraced his wife, proud of her bravery and quick thinking. "You truly are a force to be reckoned with, my love," he said with a smile.

But Haruko just laughed, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh, it was nothing," she said. "Just another day in the life of the empress with a flair for the dramatic.

"And so, Emperor Chris and Haruko ruled the land together, a formidable pair who had proven that even in the face of danger, humor and creativity could win the day. The people of the kingdom knew that with their beloved emperor and empress at the helm, nothing could stand in their way.

Elre: 2,333,145,808.067 x 1.08 = 2,519,797,472.712. A

Η Χαρούκο δεν ήταν η τυπική σου αυτοκράτειρα. Ενώ μπορούσε να γοητεύσει το γήπεδο με τη χάρη και την ομορφιά της, είχε επίσης ένα άτακτο σερί που κρατούσε τους πάντες στο μυαλό τους. Αλλά ίσως το πιο εντυπωσιακό πράγμα για τη Χαρούκο ήταν το ιδιαίτερο ταλέντο της – είχε την ικανότητα να προκαλεί μια μικρή έκρηξη με μια κίνηση του καρπού της.



(476 rating)

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Eldoria, there lived Emperor Chris and his dazzling wife, Sylvia HOSSEN. Sylvia was not your ordinary empress – she possessed a magical spell that could create a large explosion, a more advanced and more powerful form of bombardment. She was known throughout the kingdom for her quick wit, sharp tongue, and even sharper spells.

One day, as Emperor Chris and Sylvia were enjoying a leisurely stroll through the royal gardens, they were ambushed by their enemies, the absence and Yogiri, along with their army of Basilisks – kings of serpents who had the power to cause death with a single glance. The Basilisks slithered towards them, their eyes gleaming with malice as they prepared to strike.

Emperor Chris, always the strategist, drew his sword and prepared to do battle with the Basilisks. But Sylvia, ever the creative one, had a different plan in mind. With a mischievous gleam in her eye, she whispered a spell under her breath and waved her hands in a graceful arc. Suddenly, a massive explosion erupted in the midst of the Basilisks, sending them flying in all directions.

The absence and Yogiri were taken aback by Sylvia's display of power. They quickly realized that they were no match for her magical abilities. But instead of cowering in fear, they let out a hearty laugh and applauded Sylvia for her impressive spellcasting skills.

Emperor Chris and Sylvia exchanged a knowing look before bursting into laughter themselves. The absurdity of the situation was not lost on them – a powerful empress using her magical powers to fend off a group of deadly Basilisks while her husband stood by, sword in hand, ready to do battle.

As the dust settled and the Basilisks slithered away in fear, Emperor Chris turned to Sylvia with a twinkle in his eye. "My dear empress, I must say, you never cease to amaze me with your ingenuity and creativity. I am truly blessed to have you by my side.

"Sylvia smiled warmly at her husband and replied, "And I am equally blessed to have a brave and valiant emperor such as yourself leading our kingdom. Together, there is nothing we cannot overcome.

"The couple walked hand in hand back to the palace, their hearts light and their spirits high. They knew that as long as they had each other, they could face any challenge that came their way – be it deadly Basilisks, scheming enemies, or even the occasional royal mishap.

And so, Emperor Chris and Sylvia HOSSEN ruled over Eldoria with wisdom, humor, and a touch of magic, ensuring that their kingdom prospered and their people thrived. As the sun set over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the land, the couple shared a quiet moment of gratitude for the life they had built together – a life filled with laughter, love, and endless adventures.

Elre: 2,519,797,472.712 x 1.08 = 2,721,381,270.528. rock.

Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό, στη μυστικιστική χώρα της Ελντόρια, ζούσαν ο αυτοκράτορας Κρις και η εκθαμβωτική σύζυγός του, Σύλβια ΧΟΣΕΝ. Η Σύλβια δεν ήταν η συνηθισμένη σου αυτοκράτειρα – διέθετε ένα μαγικό ξόρκι που μπορούσε να δημιουργήσει μια μεγάλη έκρηξη, μια πιο προηγμένη και πιο ισχυρή μορφή βομβαρδισμού. Ήταν γνωστή σε όλο το βασίλειο για την ευφυΐα της, την αιχμηρή γλώσσα της και ακόμη πιο αιχμηρά ξόρκια.



(537 rating)

Emperor Chris of the Kingdom of Lumina was known far and wide for his wisdom, bravery, and sense of humor. He ruled over his kingdom with a fair hand, always looking out for the well-being of his people. But behind every great emperor, there was a great empress, and in Chris' case, that empress was none other than the beautiful and kind-hearted Asseylum ALLUSIA.

Asseylum was not just a pretty face; she was also a powerful sorceress, with a spell that was said to have the power to heal broken bones. The people of Lumina revered her for her kindness and her magical abilities, and she was widely loved throughout the kingdom.

But not everyone was a fan of Asseylum and her spell. The absence and Shallow Vernal, two notorious sorcerers from the neighboring kingdom of Nocturna, harbored a deep grudge against Asseylum and Emperor Chris. They believed that Asseylum's healing spell was a threat to their own power, and they were determined to put an end to it once and for all.

One day, while Emperor Chris was away on a diplomatic mission, the absence and Shallow Vernal launched a surprise attack on the kingdom of Lumina, leading their army of Black Tortoises in a full-scale assault on the castle. Asseylum knew that she had to act fast to protect her people and her husband, so she called upon her magical powers to defend the kingdom.

With a wave of her hand and a whispered incantation, Asseylum cast a powerful shield around the castle, blocking the Black Tortoises' advance and giving the defenders time to prepare for battle. But the absence and Shallow Vernal were not easily deterred, and they sent wave after wave of their minions to try and break through the shield.

As the battle raged on, Asseylum unleashed her healing spell on the injured soldiers, restoring their broken bones and giving them the strength to keep fighting. With each bone she mended, the soldiers fought even harder, determined to protect their homeland and their beloved empress.

Meanwhile, Emperor Chris received word of the attack and hurried back to the kingdom, his heart filled with worry for his wife and his people. When he arrived at the castle, he found the absence and Shallow Vernal locked in a fierce magical duel with Asseylum, their dark magic clashing against her bright light.

Emperor Chris knew that he had to do something to help his wife, so he called upon his own powers of wit and charm. With a grin and a clever turn of phrase, he distracted the sorcerers long enough for Asseylum to deliver the final blow, banishing them from the kingdom forever.

The people of Lumina cheered as the Black Tortoises retreated, defeated by the combined forces of Emperor Chris and Empress Asseylum. The kingdom was safe once again, thanks to their courage, their love, and their unwavering sense of humor.

And so, Emperor Chris and Empress Asseylum ruled over the kingdom of Lumina for many years, their bond stronger than ever and their subjects forever grateful for their leadership. And whenever anyone asked about the day the absence and Shallow Vernal tried to conquer their kingdom, they would simply laugh and say, "Well, it was certainly a shell of a battle!".

Elre: 2,721,381,270.528 x 1.10 = 2,993,519,397.581. with.

... δεν ήταν απλώς ένα όμορφο πρόσωπο. ήταν επίσης μια ισχυρή μάγισσα, με ένα ξόρκι που λέγεται ότι είχε τη δύναμη να θεραπεύει σπασμένα οστά. Οι άνθρωποι της Λούμινα τη σέβονταν για την καλοσύνη της και τις μαγικές της ικανότητες και αγαπήθηκε ευρέως σε όλο το βασίλειο.



(572 rating)

Emperor Chris had always been a fearless leader, known for his strategic mind and unwavering bravery in the face of danger. However, it was his wife Elaina who truly held the key to their victories on the battlefield. With her unique spell that increased the bravery of a teammate, she was able to boost the performance of their soldiers against certain foes.

One such foe that they faced was the Absence and Altair, a formidable duo who led an army of serpentine creatures with four legs. These creatures were known for their speed, agility, and deadly venom, making them a difficult opponent to defeat. But with Elaina by his side, Emperor Chris felt confident that they could overcome any challenge.

As they prepared for battle, Elaina cast her spell on one of their most skilled warriors, Sir Reginald. With her magic coursing through his veins, Sir Reginald's eyes gleamed with newfound courage and determination. He gripped his sword tightly, ready to face the enemy head-on.

The battlefield was a chaotic scene, with the serpentine creatures slithering through the grass and striking out at any soldier in their path. But Emperor Chris and his army stood strong, their resolve unshaken by the sight of their monstrous foes.

Sir Reginald led the charge, cutting through the enemy ranks with expert precision. His strikes were swift and true, his movements fluid and graceful. With each swing of his sword, the serpentine creatures fell to the ground, their bodies writhing in agony.

Emperor Chris watched in awe as Elaina's spell worked its magic on their brave warrior. Sir Reginald seemed to glow with an inner light, his movements becoming more powerful and skillful with each passing moment. It was as if he had become a force of nature, unstoppable in his quest to defeat their enemies.

As the battle raged on, Emperor Chris and Elaina fought side by side, their bond strengthening with each passing moment. Despite the danger that surrounded them, they faced it together, their love and courage guiding them through the chaos.

In a daring move, Emperor Chris charged towards Altair, the leader of their enemies. With a mighty roar, he clashed swords with the powerful warrior, their blades ringing out in a symphony of steel. Altair fought fiercely, his eyes filled with malice and hatred, but Emperor Chris remained undaunted.

With a swift maneuver, Emperor Chris disarmed Altair and delivered a decisive blow, toppling the enemy leader to the ground. Victory was within their grasp, but their triumph was short-lived as the Absence unleashed a powerful spell that threatened to consume them all.

But Elaina, ever quick-witted and resourceful, came up with a plan to counter the Absence's dark magic. With a wave of her hand, she cast a spell of her own, a bright light that banished the shadows and dispelled the darkness that threatened to overwhelm them.

In the end, Emperor Chris and Elaina emerged victorious, their enemies defeated and their army triumphant. As they stood on the battlefield, their hearts filled with pride and gratitude, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

And so, Emperor Chris and Elaina continued to rule their kingdom with wisdom and benevolence, their love and courage inspiring all who knew them. As legends of their bravery and valor spread far and wide, they remained a shining example of what it truly meant to be a ruler, a warrior, and above all, a lover.

Elre: 2,993,519,397.581 x 1.10 = 3,292,871,337.340. unbreakable.

Ο αυτοκράτορας Κρις ήταν πάντα ένας ατρόμητος ηγέτης, γνωστός για το στρατηγικό του μυαλό και την ακλόνητη γενναιότητα του απέναντι στον κίνδυνο. Ωστόσο, ήταν η σύζυγός του Ελαίνα που κρατούσε πραγματικά το κλειδί για τις νίκες τους στο πεδίο της μάχης. Με το μοναδικό της ξόρκι που αύξησε τη γενναιότητα ενός συμπαίκτη, μπόρεσε να ενισχύσει την απόδοση των στρατιωτών τους ενάντια σε ορισμένους εχθρούς.



(499 rating)

* Flight is forbidden in this realm.

Emperor Chris, the ruler of the mystical kingdom of Evergreen, was known far and wide for his wisdom, charisma, and eccentric sense of humor. He was loved by his people, who adored his quirky antics and quirky personality.

But there was one person who held his heart above all others - his beloved wife, Subaru Saotome. Subaru was not just a queen, she was a powerful sorceress with the ability to conjure magic unlike anyone else in the realm. Her spellcasting abilities were legendary, and she had saved the kingdom on more than one occasion with her powerful incantations.

One day, Emperor Chris and Subaru were enjoying a leisurely stroll through the enchanting gardens of their palace when they were suddenly approached by a messenger bearing grave news. The kingdom was under attack by the nefarious absence and Yogiri, two dark sorcerers who had allied themselves with an army of monstrous creatures known as Cipactlis.

The Cipactlis were fearsome foes, part crocodile, fish, and toad, with thousands of hungry mouths that could devour anything in their path. The kingdom was in grave danger, and Emperor Chris knew that they needed Subaru's powerful magic to stand a chance against such a formidable enemy.

Without hesitation, Subaru raised her hands and began to chant a powerful incantation. With a flash of light and a crack of thunder, a massive bridge materialized out of thin air, spanning the once-impassable moat that protected the kingdom from outside threats.

The Emperor and his wife crossed the bridge, leading their army towards the approaching Cipactlis. As they drew closer, Subaru unleashed a torrent of magical energy, sending bolts of lightning crashing down upon the sea monsters. The Cipactlis roared in fury, but Emperor Chris was undaunted.

With a mischievous grin, he pulled out a jar of pickles from his pocket and hurled them at the creatures. To his surprise, the Cipactlis stopped in their tracks, their hungry mouths snapping shut as they caught sight of the delicious snacks.

Emperor Chris laughed heartily, twirling his mustache in amusement as the Cipactlis devoured the pickles with gusto. Subaru raised an eyebrow at her husband's unorthodox tactics but couldn't help but smile at his unique brand of humor.

As the battle raged on, Emperor Chris and Subaru fought side by side, their love and teamwork shining through as they worked together to defeat the monstrous invaders. With each passing moment, the Cipactlis grew weaker and weaker, until finally, they retreated back into the depths of the sea, defeated by the power of love and laughter.

The kingdom of Evergreen was saved, thanks to the bravery and ingenuity of Emperor Chris and Subaru Saotome. As the people cheered and celebrated their victory, the two rulers shared a tender moment, holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes with unspoken love and admiration.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his powerful sorceress wife, Subaru Saotome, became a beloved tale throughout the land - a testament to the power of humor, creativity, and the enduring strength of true love.

Elre: 3,292,871,337.340 x 1.08 = 3,556,301,044.327. adamanite.

Χωρίς δισταγμό, η Subaru σήκωσε τα χέρια της και άρχισε να ψέλνει ένα δυνατό ξόρκι. Με μια λάμψη φωτός και μια ρωγμή βροντής, μια τεράστια γέφυρα υλοποιήθηκε από τον αέρα, που εκτείνονταν στην κάποτε αδιάβατη τάφρο που προστάτευε το βασίλειο από εξωτερικές απειλές.
