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Xiao_Xi_2788 · Teen
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after a long time

The black bucket hat person haunt me alot I wanted to meet him but i don't even properly know his face properly but that voice "are you okay?" still haunt me alot.

when Susan return to room I just kill her with my blabbering about that black bucket hat bad boy and me and susan tried to figure out "who is he?" in all the social medias but with only know about the black bucket hat we can't able to find him..

it's been already an month over but I still can't overcome with that black bucket hat guy. I have planned started to do an part time job along with me majors. so I have joined as an intern in "Planzo company" which is the top 1 in my city I just randomly applied for that but i don't know how I got selected but this is my first day in this whole big company I just felt so nervous. I just looking into that great opening door of the company and there comes an black Lamborghini with my ceo. all the people were rushing over him. I just don't have any interest to see him because my heart was haunted by that black bucket hat guy.

But my ceo is pretty young man it seems the first day was too long for me by the way. even in the first day 2-3 men in the company just came over to me and try to seduce me but I just give the work of mine to them hehehehe.

after a long week in college as well as in my work I have felt so tired I'm just looking like a zombie. In that hot summer day there comes my new neighbor. There was a great bungalow opposite to my apartment I was always wandered that who will come to this huge bungalow and there come my black bucket hat guy from a car to that neighbor bungalow I was about to shout and my eyes were like probably come out of face I almost shocked to death. He also wear a black mask take out his black bucket hat and turn around overall my apartment and search for somehow suddenly he stare at me and I feel like he is smiling behind his mask. I was totally shocked and nearly passed out but since I have doesn't seen his face properly because of that damn mask. but my mind and heart says that, "don't worry suzy even though you don't see him today you can see him tomorrow because now he is your very own neighbor heheehe".. But I was wondering about his face.

very next day the day was usual but I'm literally sad because I have doesn't see him properly that day also. even in my college time or my workplace I just doodle his figure and image in my mind into a paper and all of my friends started to kidding me. so I have asked some idea to meet him to my friends and they were just teasing me but atlast they said an idea....