
chapter 4

Lisa rushed over immediately she got the call from Alex " Ohh sweet heart what happened? " She asked helping Alex up from the floor, she cleaned the tears from her face and helped her sit" Ashton came over and we had an argument " Alex said in a teary voice " Urgh! That idiot! What did he say? " She asked angrily

" Nothing, I did all the talking, I made sure he knew how how mad I was at him "

" Good but did you mention Amy by any chance? '

" No! I was very carfull not to mention her I can't risk him knowing he's her father"

" Nice that's very smart of you sweetie now stop crying okay "

*********At Zack's Apartment*********

" Not to sound mean or discouraging but I already knew you wouldn't get the job " Zacks said smirking ant Ashton " Really that's so comforting my wonderful beat friend " Ashton replied sarcastically " C'mon bro! You slept with her and dissapeard without a word and you expect her to just forgive you and give you a job? That's crazy "

" I know it sounds stupid, I was just desperate I really need a job right now" Zack stood up from his sit and sat beside Ashton wrapping his arms around his shoulders " Well as I said from the moment you told me Alex was the owner of the company I knew you weren't getting the job so I pulled some stings and got you a job as a sales clerk in Mandy's store " He smiled proudly " Who's Mandy?" Ashton asked " You Don't need to know who she is, all you need to know is that the pay is good and you start Monday "

" Thanks Zack you're the best"

" You won't be thanking me when you find out what Mandy sells "

" What? "

"Toys" He said laughing and walking out the room.

*******A Week later******

Alex came home from work to meet her uncle Fred playing with Amy " Uncle? Why are you here? " She asked moving Amy away from him " Relax Alex I came to see you but you weren't home so I decided to spend time with this little angel " He said ruffling Amy's hair, she moved Amy further away from him awkwardly " Im here now so why do you want " She asked and he smiled " Hate to be the carrier of bad news dear niece, but the family asked me to inform you that if you don't get a husband in two weeks we'll have to take the company away ". Alex felt all the blood leave her face " Two weeks? I thought you said in a month? " She asked and he smiled obviously enjoying how much she was suffering " Well it's what the family decided " He said with a fake sigh of worry " Well you don't have to worry uncle cuz I'm already engaged " She lied " What!? to who?, and and and I can't see any ring on your finger"

" My fiancee and I are going ring shopping soon "

" That's great news dear niece, I'll be happy to inform everyone " He said trying to hide his obvious disappointment " Thanks, now you can kindly leave my house uncle " He nodded, said his good byes and left " Am I getting a new daddy soon mummy? " Amy's voice drew her attention " Huh? What are you talking about baby? " She said picking her up " I want a daddy that will get me new toys" Amy said, Alex flashed a sad smile at her" You want new toys? " She asked and amy nodded " Okay come let's go over Mandy's Toys and I'll get you loads of toys " She said placing a kiss on her cheeks " Yaay! Toys! " Amy shouted happily.

Ashton's P. O. V

I'd been working at Mandy's Toys for week now and it was more difficult than I imagined it to be, I was arranging boxes of newly shipped Barbie dolls on a shelf when I felt something tugging on my pants, i looked down only to be met with those puffy blue eyes that were exactly like mine, it was Alex's daughter and she was crying, I picked her up and asked " Hey there sweet heart where's Your mummy? " I asked "mummy's lost" She said crying " Really? Would you like me to help you find her? "

" Yes please" She said rubbing her eyes with her tiny hands.

*********Alex's P. O. V********

I really can't believe myself anymore, I can't believe I lost Amy how could I lost a three year old " Mummy! " Amy! Baby? " I shouted but got no reply " Mummy! " I heard her tiny voice out, I turned around to be met with the worst sight, my stomach twisted in knots when I saw amy with Ashton and how comfortable and at peace she was in his arms, I ran up to them as fast as I could.

Authors P. O. V

" Amy! Oh my baby are you okay I really missed you " Alex said hugging and kissing Amy " I missed you too mummy, I was so sad but Mr handsome helped me find you " Amy said pouting and pointing at Ashton " Thanks a lot I owe you one" Alex said to Ashton with a faint smile " You're welcome and you don't owe me anything, Amy's an angel and helping her was a pleasure " He said and she nodded and was about to walk away but he stopped her " Hey it'll be my lunch break in five minutes would you mind if we talked over coffee I have something I've been meaning to ask you please, please?" All she wanted to do was say no and walk away but considering he helped her find amy she nodded " we'll wait ".

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