
We're Barely Alive

At 19, Riley has experienced just as much as anyone, if not more. She is a survivor, a fighter, and she is bitterly alone. Having lost everyone, she has ever known; she is plagued with anxiety attacks and survivor's guilt. She is determined to survive and not let anyone's death be for nothing, she knows the “Infected” are dangerous, but she knows Humans are far worse. Forcing herself to go forward, following the plan her and her twin, Ruben had made, she encounters obstacles and danger around every corner, even finding another lone survivor, she can't fight the instant attraction to him, so she doesn't even try. Throwing herself headfirst into this whirlwind romance, will she land on her feet, or come crashing down, realizing she trusted too easily, or will he prove he is the one to show her how to feel more than Barely Alive

angela_serrano · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 6 Her

Chapter 6


*** Warning for sexual Situations***

Riley was at a loss. She had had crushes, and had even fallen in love before, with Rico. She knows the butterflies and the feeling low in her belly, that amazing feeling of wanting someone. She's experienced all that before, but not once has she even come close to what she is feeling at this moment. She couldn't even put her feelings into words. There was no translation for this. She never knew it could happen so suddenly. It just wasn't like that in real life. Not like it happens in those romance novels she used to sneak out of her mom's bedroom. They were the worst at teaching teenagers about love. Talk about grand expectations. No teenage boy could ever live up to those darn alpha werewolves.

Riley used to believe in love at first sight and Happily-ever-after. She looked at her parents and, of course, she believed in it. How could she not? They had been through it all and came out loving each other more than before. It was a beautiful sight to witness, even though Riley would give them a tough time when they showed off with their PDA's. She would come home from school after practice and walk into the kitchen, only to turn right back around and go through another entrance, but not before making gagging sounds. It was usually her parents in the kitchen, slowly dancing to another Prince song, and depending on the song, the dance could be slow and romantic, or if they were feeling frisky, it would be more rated-R type dancing. In those times, she knew true love and love at first sight were real.

Then Rico happened, and instead of solidifying her beliefs in fairy tale romances, it only shredded her belief in love at first sight to shreds. He was perfect when she met him. She was training for a competition coming up in a month, and her trainer, Mike, was pushing her hard. He wanted to increase her stamina, so she could go the distance and not be winded in the last three minutes. He had her train starting at 4:00 am to 7:00 am, and then she would go to school until 3:00 pm and go straight to the gym.

He gave her exactly 75 minutes for every bit of homework she might have had for that day, and it needed to be completed because Mike would check it. Riley got 20 minutes to eat something, and that gave her a few minutes to get ready. He will start practicing at 5:00 pm sharp. With or without Riley, he worked her cardio for what felt like hours, then strength training, muscle confusion, and sparring at 8:00pm for an hour, or two.

Rico was Mike's new sparring part0ner. He was a regular in the gym during those days and was helping Mike out. Riley had beaten every man and woman he had put up against her. He needed someone Riley didn't know.

Riley had finished her homework and had just finished her protein salad and energy booster shake. She was cleaning up the little kitchenette area in the back of the gym, wiping down the counters, listening to some Eminem, getting herself ready to begin her training. She always had Eminem playing in her headphones at the gym. It was her motivational hype up music.

Riley had finished cleaning up, and just as she turned around, she screamed, punched this guy right in the jaw, and backed away, still ready to fight if she needed to. Unfortunately, for Rico, he didn't know she had earphones on and had been calling her name, and finally he walked up to her. He was so close because when Riley turned around, she had backed up first and, obviously, Rico was too close to her for her comfort and reacted. Mike hated to admit it to Rico then, but he was damn impressed by her quickness.

"Aye, Riley, no, no, that's your new sparring partner, Rico!" Mike yelled from the ring.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You shouldn't sneak up on people; it could be dangerous for you," she said as she reached her hand out to help him up off the ground.

"Yeah, thanks for the warning." He said as he grabbed her hand, accepting her help up.

Tingles spread throughout Riley's arm after she let go of his hand, and she looked at him, and my goodness, he was cute. Rugged and on this side of danger, Riley felt her heartbeat pick up and could sense the flap of butterfly wings in her stomach.

In the beginning, they sparred, and he could give Riley a run for her money. Just like everyone else, he lost to her too. Her stamina had increased thanks to the new workout, and every time she outlasted anyone, Mike would be beaming, proud as punch that it was his training that did it.

After her competitive win, Rico finally asked her out, much to her father's dismay. She had to beg and have her mom convince him it was okay. She wished she had listened to her dad. He always knew what the right thing was for her.

Six months later, Rico wanted to sleep with Riley. He figured six months was enough time for her to realize he was serious about her. Riley wanted to sleep with Rico, and would get ready and go meet him, only to get extremely nervous and chicken out. On the third night she did this, Rico was ready to explode. He tried to tell her it was dangerous for guys if they couldn't get released, and Riley laughed, because she had a twin and a dad who were both overly protective and had told her all the things a guy would say to trick her into sleeping with them. She never imagined anyone, especially Rico, would use that one.

She stopped laughing and got up from his bed, leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips, telling him she would see him tomorrow. He couldn't believe she was leaving, and when she walked out, got into her car, and drove away, he was pissed. He was so mad that he got his phone and scrolled through his contacts, then went to his hidden app with all the hidden contacts, pictures, and text messages he had received. He had them hidden away, so Riley wouldn't see them, because he knew she was a virgin. He scrolled through the contacts and landed on his ride-or-die booty call, Monique. She answered on the first ring, like always.

"Hello, daddy," she practically purred.

"Mmm, hello baby girl, do you know what time it is?" he asked.

"I'll be there right away," she said.

Like clockwork, fifteen minutes later, his doorbell rang. Rico still had an erection from Riley and needed something to satisfy his needs.

"Are you still playing with that little girl?" she asked.

"Don't start with anything, 'nique. You know the rules. Riley is off limits. We can talk about anything else except Riley, "he stated.

Monique rolled her eyes and took off her jacket, revealing her spaghetti strapped see-through top. Of course, she was braless. Rico thought, not a care in the world, or self-respect Rico thought, but he was horny and needed something Riley wasn't willing to give him, so he knew she would. It never meant anything to him. Monique knew that. He was falling in love with Riley. He could see himself settling down with her if she would just stop being so scared and stop acting like a child. He needed a woman with him, not a girl. She was so close to checking all his boxes.

Riley knew she shouldn't have left Rico's house like that. She didn't know why she got scared. It could have been the fact that she knew he was older and more experienced than her. She knew deep down that it was only insecurities that kept her from going all the way with him. She had seen his ex, and she was a flipping model. Then there comes Riley, Ms. Tomboy of the Year. Who was she trying to fool? Riley felt herself getting anxious and depressed. She knows she is being ridiculous. Yes, he could have had anyone he wanted, but he chose her. He has been with her for over six months and has been nothing short of amazing to Riley.

Biting her bottom lip, Riley gets the urge to head to the gym. Rico stays in the back part of the gym, running it for Mike, and Mike is helping him out too.

Riley jumps up and quickly changes into her sexiest gym outfit, which consists of skin-tight yoga pants and a sports bra that barely covers anything. Riley thinks that anyone who really intended to wear this thing to work out was either a member of the itty, bitty titty committee or in for a wild surprise.

Riley arrived at the gym and was surprised to see the lights on in the front. Looking at her watch, Riley sees it is already past midnight. Normally, everyone has left by 11 p.m. or 11: 30 p.m. Riley looks and sees a car that she thinks is familiar to her but can't place for the life of her. It's a newer Honda Civic, tricked out. Riley is annoyed because she is usually so good at remembering people and their cars. The only time is when she doesn't want to remember subconsciously.

She walks up the concrete stairs to the entrance and reaches for the handle, but to her surprise, it's locked. She knows there are people in there because she can clearly hear the loud music playing, and she thinks she can make out some muffled voices. Two voices. Riley puts her ear to the door, over the opening where the two doors close. There's a gap, and it's not big enough to see anything, but it's big enough to hear from.

She reaches for her phone and dials Rico. She hears it ringing on the other side of the door. She gets the feeling she doesn't want to acknowledge in the pit of her gut, and she turns and looks at the Civic once again. Instantly, her eyes begin to water.

She closes her eyes and can see vividly the car parked in the sun, the paint glittering as the water cascades over it. It's parked in front of the gym this time, in the middle of the day, and Rico is standing there washing it, as this gorgeous lady sits by watching him. She is beautiful, with fire-red hair, straight and long down her back. She has sunglasses that don't hide much of her face; in fact, they accentuate her features perfectly. She had flawless makeup: cake face, concealer, foundation, setting powder, eye shadow, fake lashes, and the perfect pouty lipstick. She took her glasses down the bridge of her nose and eyeballed Riley from over the top of the frame. Her eyes were ice blue and held no warmth for Riley. Rico shouted from across the car, "Hey Riles, how's it going?" She remembers the look he used to give her. One of want and appreciation, he stared at her as Riley smiled and gave a little wave. "This is one of my close friends, Monique. Monique, this is Riley. The one I've told you about. "

Obviously, this was before we even started talking, and I assumed she was either a fuck buddy or a friend with benefits but wanted more. It was obvious by the look she gave me and the fake wave she gave me. It was for Rico's benefit only.

"Hey girl, nice to meet you," she says, with her face not matching her words.

"Yeah, same here." She said, "Rico, I'll see you inside by 8:00 p.m." I have a test I need to study for afterwards. "

"ahhh, at the college? What classes are you taking? " Riley believed there was a hint of sarcasm to be hidden there.

"Oh, not college. I have my midterm finals in AP Physics. I guess you can consider it a college class since I'm receiving full credit for it. For all the classes I've been taking this year, I will already have credits for them. " Riley smirks. She doesn't know why she said all of that, but it felt good to see her face drop when her dig couldn't get to her

"Why are you hanging out with little girls, Rico, when grown women are throwing themselves at you?" she sneers. She tried to whisper but didn't pull it off.

"I'll be in there at 8 p.m. sharp, Riley." He spoke.

Riley simply nodded and turned to open the door.

Blinking through tears and her memory, Riley knows exactly what is happening on the other side of the door. She looks at her phone and Rico's contact number and then sees the little four-digit passcode to enter the gym through the side door where the offices are. She doesn't remember why he gave it to her, but it was there, safely stored in his contacts.

She closes her eyes and thinks. Tears are cascading down her cheeks. She hears the very distinct sound of two voices and knows one is female, and she takes a breath and knows what she needs to do.

When she opens her eyes, Riley's face changes to one of steel, like before she got into a fight. She has learned to put the mask on quickly. It's her fighter face. She looked at the doors again, and for a split second, she tried to convince herself it wasn't what she thought. She knows that he would never do that to her, and as fast as the thought comes, she is swatting it away, already knowing what she is going to find when she gets on the other side.

She walks down the concrete stairs and turns to go to the back, where a glass door with tinted windows is situated. The keypad lock sits on the handle. Riley punches in the code, and the green light turns on, and she pulls the door, and it easily opens.

Stopping just inside the doorway, she pulls it closed quietly, and the air conditioner hits her tear-streaked face, chilling her even more.

She quickly wipes her face with the back of her hand and rubs the tears and makeup off her pants. Riley looks around and sees the desk and computer set-up, with the computer left on. Riley sees that the security cameras are on and rotating views. She sits on the chair and pulls herself up close to the monitor, looking for something to say she was all wrong about this.

Sadly, she doesn't get that. What she gets instead is a video of her boyfriend's bare ass, with his pants just pulled down to his thighs and female bare legs wrapped around his waist as he pumps into them.

Riley thinks she heard her heart shatter that night.

Unaware that she was even moving, Riley stands and walks to the gym. She looks through the push doors that separate the gym from the offices, and when she peers into the window, she sees exactly who it is.

Monique, naked as the day she was born, legs spread open wide, tits bouncing to the rhythm Rico has set, and her face is set in a look of pure bliss, eyes rolling back in her head, mouth hanging open, moaning as loudly as she could. Riley could hear her from the other side of the door. Rico pumps into her, one hand grabbing her tit, the other rubbing her clit. He is looking straight at her, loving the way she is responding to him.

Riley almost puked right there and then. She quickly moves out of the window and puts her hand to her mouth to stifle the cry that was trying to escape.

When she looks back through the window, her eyes meet Monique's eyes dead center. Riley can't believe this bitch is knowingly doing this. She intentionally grabbed Rico and moaned louder when she saw her. A smirk on her face,

That broke something inside Riley that night, and she swore she would never tolerate pain like this again.

Riley put her hand on the door and pushed it open.

Instantly, the loud music vibrated in her ears and the smell of sweat was mixing with another smell she couldn't quite place until she realized exactly what it was. Dirty, sweaty pussy. Riley almost gags at the realization, but putting her hand to cover her nose, she continues to walk up to the table Rico had chosen to lay that person out on and drill into her.

Monique is looking directly at Riley, a smirk on her face. Riley removes her hand from her face and thinks, "Why the hell has Rico not seen her looking at her?

Suddenly, Riley hears it: the unmistakable sound of Rico's deep baritone voice huskily whimpers one word. "Riley"

Riley looks at Rico, expecting him to be shocked and full of excuses, but to her complete amazement, she sees Rico still pumping into the trash, and his eyes are closed, completely squeezed shut, and he is moaning her name. Instead of the skank, he's fucking.

Riley looks back at her, and she is staring at Rico with a look of complete shock. He was fucking this tramp, obviously thinking of Riley, and somehow that hurts even more. That rips her heart out completely and drops it on the tile floor.

Riley straightens her back and walks directly to the table, and without a word, she snatches the girl by the hair and pulls her off Rico's dick, and off the table.

In the sudden movement, Rico snaps his eyes open and looks directly at Riley with a look of panic on his face.

The girl is yelling, screaming, and trying to get up off the floor, but Riley only tightens her grip on her hair and keeps her down on the ground, not even acknowledging her. Riley is looking at Rico with tears running down her face like streams, and she doesn't say a word, just looks at Rico. He is apologizing and saying it was a mistake. He didn't know what he was doing or why he called her. He said she didn't mean anything to him, he never kissed her, and that he made her get herself wet and only stuck his dick in her. With every word, his eyes are getting waterier, and he knows he has lost her. This was the ultimate betrayal for Riley. There's no forgiving him for this, and Rico panics and goes to touch Riley because she is just standing there with this girl's hair in her hand, looking straight through Rico.

Riley finally snaps out of it and throws the girl into the ring. Jumping on top of the apron, Riley climbs into the ring after her.

"So, you want to be me? You want to fuck my boyfriend in my gym? You want to make him believe that he's fucking me when it's really you? " Riley yells, and the power that is coming out of her in waves is undeniable and is scary to Rico.

"Get up and show me how good you are in the ring." She practically spits at Monique. Rico is stunned and has lost all thought as he sees this warrior goddess emerge from where his girlfriend stands, and she doesn't even know it. She doesn't even realize the fierceness and savagery she carries in her.

Monique is cowering on the floor, still naked, and now she is the one crying.

"Get the fuck up and show me what the fuck you are made of!" Riley yells at her, making her jump.

Rico did the only thing he knew that would work, because, truth be told, Riley was scaring the shit out of him.

Ten minutes later, Riley is circling the whimpering girl on the floor, yelling at her to get up.

"Get the fuck up and show some self-respect for yourself, because my god, you are a sad example of the female species, let me tell you. I'm done waiting now, Monique," Riley said calmly, eerily calmly, "Monique, I won't ask you again. Get the fuck up and show me what you got, or I will beat the shit out of you right there on the mat."

"Riley!!!" Ruben's voice boomed into the quiet gym, as Rico had turned the music off when she came in.

He ran to the ring and gave Rico a disgusted look that was equally threatening when he passed him.

Riley had stopped at the sound of her name, and when she looked at her brother, something finally broke, and she slumped down to the floor, and wailed. This gut-wrenching scream, so full of pain, made Ruben stop short and look at Rico.

Rico covered his ears as tears instantly fell from his eyes at the sound she made. Even Monique started to cry when she heard it.

Ruben had tears running down his face, and he knew that something else was happening here. That sound she made could make anyone who heard it bow down and cry with her. It was beautifully heartbreaking and commanding. It was something Ruben didn't know what to do with.

He reached Riley and, without even a word, scooped her up and carried her like a baby. He stood and jumped out of the ring, walked past Rico, who was reaching out his hand to touch her, until he saw the look in Ruben's eyes.

"This is not over. I promise you that. I will end you for this. " He spat at Rico.

Riley began to loudly whimper again, and Ruben left Rico there. They walked out of the facility and never returned. Riley missed all the main tournaments and lost everything that night.

Ruben kept his word to Rico and beat him just shy of killing him after he dropped Riley off and put her to bed. He turned right around and drove back. Thankfully, Mike was there, or Ruben would have killed him. Mike was so pissed off that he fired him and kicked him out that night.


Sexual Content

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