
We'll Ride or Die

We'll Ride or Die To you I'll never lie for you I'll take a life I swear You'll be the Bonnie and I'll be your cylde To the End I will be with you I swear Most likely I might die with you

LornaCrayshil · Teen
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18 Chs


I took off the current clothes I'm wearing and put on the ones they gave me. Some minutes later, five policemen came in and dragged me out of the glass thingy room.

We kept walking and walking almost for twenty-five minutes until we got to a big building that has some  words written on it.


I gasped at the noise coming from inside the building. The iron door was open and we entered. We wall through the halls as I saw some guys bleeding but were still locked up. Every room has two persons in.

They all had one black collar thingy with little blue lights on their neck. We continue walking and I peeked into one of the room and the roommates were fighting but the police did nothing to stop them unlike where I was coming from.

Guy1 : Omg We got a girl .

All : *Burst into laughter*

Guy 2 : What is a girl doing here?

Guy 3 : She is pretty!!!

We got to one door and the opened it , they pushed me in and I saw a guy in . He's hot really hot or maybe too hot.

"We got a monster like you" the officer said.

I turned back immediately the door was slammed shut . "Come back and fucking get me out of here you damn motherfuckers" I yelled and bang the door . The officers stop and walk back to me.

They opened the door and one of them put that same black thingy on me. "I thought you will be easy since you're a girl but you're not different from this PYSCHOs " He pushed me back in really hard that my head hit the hard wall.

I fell on the floor as I saw a foot in front of me, it must be my hot jailmate . My vision was starting to get blurry and everything went black.

(Jungkook's Pov)

Damnit !!! I hate this place , I've been here for three years and i don't think I will ever get used to this place.

I wonder how the guys are doing.

Guy1 : omg we got a girl

I don't care

Guy 2 : what is a girl doing here?

Yeah , what is she doing here, I never seen a girl here but whatevs

Guy 3 : she looks pretty.

Still don't care .

My door was unlocked and a girl was pushed inside , she is pretty , really pretty.

I wonder if- my thoughts were interrupted when the officer Suddenly speak "we got a monster like you" .

The officer locked the door and they started walking with putting collar on her neck but I was shocked when the girl suddenly yelled "Come back and fucking get me out of here you damn motherfuckers"

The officers stopped and came back , they unlocked the door and put the collar on her neck " I thought you will be easy because you are a girl but you are not different from this PYSCHOs" He pushed her back in making her head hit the wall.

I feel bad for her , she fell on the floor and passed out. She is probably gonna have a severe headache when she wake up.

I Carried her up and put her on the small bed . There is only one bed and it's already nighttime so I should also get some sleep before our morning punishment.

I laid on the floor and 💤💤💤💤

(Jiwon's Pov)

(A/N : In case you have forgotten, her name is JUNG JIWON)

Ohhhhh my head hurts like crazy , I opened my eyes and everywhere was quiet. I stood up and Put my legs down.

I hit my hot jailmate mate by mistake "Ahhh" He whined , I didn't know he was  there.

"I'm sorry , I didn't know you were there and why are you there?" I asked .

"There is only one bed and you passed out last night so I thought of putting you on the bed and i Will sleep on the floor" Well , those words came out so wrong. No one has ever done something that nice for me even when I was in the orphanage, I was never treated the right way.

"Thank you" I said nervously and got up. "Why is everywhere quiet?" I questioned and walked to the door.

"It Midnight " He simple said and I nodded.

"Why are you here?" He asked , I don't really understand the question . It sound so odd "you mean?"

"Why are you here in detention zone?" He explained .

"I beat three girls up in three days " I said

"No , they won't bring you here only because of that " He is being really nosy but I can't complain because he looks really strong and I wouldn't want him to break me in half.

"Okay , I slapped an officer " Immediately after I spoke , he shouted "bingo!!!"

"Shut it Motherfucker" I cursed "Sorry bitch" He also cursed.

"So what brings you here too?"

"I kicked an officer balls , I think his name is Kim taehyun " I choked on my own spit . That name made me really nervous when I remembered what I did with him.

"Are you okay?" He asked because I was suddenly coughing really hard. I nodded.

"Being here is going to be hard for you" He suddenly said with made me kind of uneasy.


"The Second name for this place is death zone and You're the only girl here so perverts who haven't seen a girl in years..." He stopped at the middle of the sentence.

I hope you have been enjoying this novel so far.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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