
The End Of The Line

Aj - enough talk just shut up and com-

Jim - what are you guys going to do? I have my partner with me

(they turned around and saw jayla coming down the stairs)

Jayla - hey boys

Jacob - hey

(jacob was behind her with a blade at her neck)

(she walked down the rest of the stairs)

Aj - you'll never get the drop on us old man

(he charged but dontae electrocuted him and jacob went to cut her but she sidestepped and he caught her hair)

Jayla - i just washed my hair

(joey shot an energy blast and she stood there and it hit her in the chest but it didn't do anything but go into her body and she felt relieved)

(jim eventually got up)

Jayla - oh my god that tastes delicious i need more

Jim - relax yourself and don't forget the assignment

Jayla - but I want his powers even if it is temporarily

(she smiled at joey and then she charged him and jim ran to the other side but aj and dontae both chased him and aj tackled him through the side wall and they were outside in the alleyway and dontae jumped out after them and stood in front of him)

Jim - you know she'll take both of their powers and then it'll be 2v2 but with their abilities….

(before he could finish aj told dontae)

Aj - go and help them

Dontae - but-

Aj - now (dontae waited a second but eventually ran back up to help his younger brothers but he left three copies with him)

Jim - wow he left you awfully quick and he spared some good friends

Aj - enough talking

(he aura was bigger than when he fought him last)

Jim - let's see your true strength (he then charged him and aj met him in the middle and jim threw a three armed punch which connected the wind pressure was immense but aj forgot about the other arms and he used the other set of arms to punch him to the wall)

Jim - you can have greater power but that doesn't make you the undisputed winner, i've faced greater and lived to tell the tale

(he forgot about the copies and they all rushed and used a combination attack then jim flew into the wall and then he was getting electrocuted until he touched the wall and had stone surrounding his body and then he ran to the copies and beat them all single handedly then walked over to aj who was getting up and he uppercutted him in the gut and aj was in the air then jim jumped up and stomped his face into the ground)

(he had his foot on aj's head)

Jim - I told ya kid you won't be able to handle me

(that's when the unthinkable happened and aj's aura began to grow massively and the pressure was to much for jim and he began to back away and he had to use all his strength not to get blown away)


(the boys were all inside and felt the pressure then dontae looked back and that's when xavier screamed his loudest and all the brother's fell down covering their ears)

Jayla - finally i've been waiting forever (she took her earplugs out)

Xavier - yeah whatever let's go

(they both ran outside and saw aj on his feet and standing in front of jim and jim yelled)

Jim - i think i pushed him to far

(aj didn't respond but in his head he was panicking)

(aj's inner thoughts "what's happening? I can't control it, somebody please help me")

(jasmine was upstairs hiding when she heard the commotion and she heard aj but she couldn't move and she put her head in between her legs and pleaded for it to stop)

Jim - stop him now!

(then jayla forced her way towards him and she touched him and zapped his aura and he collapsed then they grabbed him and walked away)

(dontae started to stumble outside and was in front of them)

Dontae - where are you taking my brother? (he said as he grabbed his head)

(he tried to electrocute them but jayla absorbed it and xavier yelled again and he began to fall to the ground)

(they kept walking and dontae tried to grab jayla's leg and she pulled away)

Dontae - give him back or i'll- (he passed out)

(all the brother's were defeated and they just lost their oldest brother along with it)


(a man hands are attached to chains and he's all bloody and beat up and that person hears someone walking towards him)

Man - LEAVE ME ALONE, i won't tell you anything

(the person keeps walking and the man finally looks up and you see aj but aj sees that person's face and he looks terrified)

Aj - but your supposed to-

(he passes out)