
56. Frozer

Scene: At the sky at the right of the Eiffel Tower, Ladybug and Cat Noir are saving a man with a glider that has lost control.

Unknown man: Whoa, Whoa!

Civilians: Oh no!

Scene: At the top of a building, Ladybug and Cat Noir save him and help him land safely.

Ladybug: You should take the elevator next time.

Ladybug and Cat Noir: Pound it!

"Pound it!" Marinette and Adrien once again fist-bumped and kissed at a successful save of another citizen of Paris.

Unknown man: My delta plane express delivery wasn't exactly the best idea.

Cat Noir: Don't forget your bouquet! (Gives him the bouquet, but he picks up one rose for Ladybug and faces back.)

Ladybug: Be careful on your way back!

Cat Noir: For you, M'lady. (kneels and shows the rose on his hand.)

Ladybug: Seriously, Cat Noir? You're about to transform back! (points his ring)

Cat Noir: So what?

Ladybug: Well, if you transform back, then I'll know who you are and then...

Cat Noir: And then we won't keep secrets from each other anymore. (transforms back to Adrien and Ladybug is shocked)

"WHAT THE…?!" Everybody yelled out in confusion and shock at Cat Noir detransforming back into Adrien in front of Ladybug except for the boy himself who seemed embarrassed.

"When did this happen?!" Marinette asked as she does not remember that scene ever happening.

"It...didn't," Adrien admitted and pointed to the screen indicating they watch further.

Adrien: We'll be united, more powerful and free, we'll defeat Hawk Moth, then we can both run away to an island! (Ladybug smiles a little bit) Far away from everything. We will live off nothing but fruits, and we will have a little pet hamster and we will name it-

Ladybug: Cat Noir! (It was revealed it was a daydream from Cat Noir) I can't accept this rose from you. I told you already. I'm in love with someone else.

"OHHH!" Everyone said as they understood that it was a daydream.

"An island? Really?" Marinette asked her boyfriend who is blushing in embarrassment.

"Sometimes I would see something romantic on TV and imagine that would happen with us," Adrien admitted sheepishly and all the teens (except for Lila) chuckled in amusement.

Cat Noir: I know, M'lady. But if he weren't here, would things be different between us?

Ladybug: Well, you know, I can't even begin to imagine him not being here. I'm sorry, Cat Noir. I really gotta get going, and you better do the same. (Swings her yo-yo to head back home; Cat Noir is sad, looking downwards, with one petal of the rose falling.)

Scene: At Collège Françoise Dupont, Cat Noir is heading back there and he goes to the locker room and he de-transforms. Adrien opens the door holding a fencing helmet.

Armand: You sure take your time, Mr. Agreste. (Adrien stands in front of Kagami, who is putting her fencing helmet on)

Kagami: On guard! (while fencing with Adrien) Predictable. Predictable. Predictable again. Too predictable. Way too predictable.

Scene: Locker room. Adrien sadly pulls his rose out of his bag as Kagami approaches him.

Kagami: What's going on, Adrien? I usually enjoy defeating you, but it's no fun when you make it that easy.

Adrien: Do you ever get the feeling that you're stuck, Kagami? (takes off fencing helmet) That no matter what you do, it's the same old story over and over again. That things will never ever change.

Kagami: Adrien, the biggest mistake a fencer can make isn't choosing the wrong technique. It's choosing the wrong target. Change targets. (Adrien smiles and gives Kagami his rose)

"Uhh...Marinette wasn't an option for you when it comes to changing targets?" Alya asked with a raised eyebrow on behalf of her best friend. Everybody then turned to Adrien, curious as well.

"To be honest, I did consider Marinette for about a second. But, we had become really good friends and I didn't want to ruin that. I mean, I didn't really know she was in love with me and what if she rejected me. There'd be no going back from that. Plus on the small possible chance that Ladybug would love me back, I didn't want to have to break Marinette's heart for her," Adrien explained as honest as he can.

"So, it'd be easier for you to break my heart, then?" Kagami asked though she's not exactly sad.

"No, Kagami! That's not what I'm saying! It's just that we had just met and we were still getting to know each other, so I thought it'd be easier," Adrien said and the Japanese girl nodded in understanding.

"I...guess that's reasonable," Marinette said about her boyfriend's explanation about his feelings in this episode. "Let's move on."

Scene: Outside Collège Françoise Dupont. Adrien waves goodbye to Kagami as she enters her car.

Plagg: Well, well, Casanova. Got yourself a new contender?

Adrien: No. No way. Ladybug's the only one I love. But...

Plagg: Ladybug doesn't love you, so maybe it's about time you changed your tune. Right?

Adrien: Why should it be different with Kagami? I must not have the right technique, that's all.

Plagg: I don't know a thing about human girls, but whenever I meet a beautiful Camembert, I introduce myself. Hello, Camembert. I'm Plagg. So very nice to eat you.

"Except Camembert doesn't talk back, you delusional pig!" Tikki argued while rolling her eyes and everybody laughed at that statement in agreement.

Adrien: Thanks, but I'll get love advice from someone else.

Scene: Agreste car. Adrien almost says something to his bodyguard but then decides not to.

Scene: Agreste mansion. While eating, Adrien almost says something to Nathalie but then decides not to as she takes his plate.

Scene: Gabriel's atelier. Gabriel is staring at a portrait of his wife when Adrien peeks in. He decides not to say something and leaves.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Adrien enters the school and looks around. He spots Marc and Nathaniel working together, Alya and Nino chatting with one another, and Ivan and Mylène walking together. Suddenly, Marinette bumps into him.

Adrien: Marinette! Perfect timing!

Marinette: (while picking up the backpack she dropped) Huh? You think so?

Adrien: (helps Marinette up) Actually, what I meant was... I need some advice right now. Can we talk?

"Dude, out of all the people who could give you love advice, such as your best bud with an actual girlfriend who could point you in the right direction a.k.a. Marinette, you chose Marinette herself?!" Nino asked his best friend in disbelief as everyone else facepalmed in agreement and Adrien blushed in embarrassment.

Marinette: Uh... absolutely. (sits down next to him on a bench)

Adrien: Okay, well... I'm sorry, this is a bit awkward for me because it's about a girl.

Marinette: A girl?

Adrien: We see each other all the time because we study together. We've just been friends, you know. Until recently.

Marinette: (starts to get excited) 'Till recently?

Adrien: Now I'm starting to see her differently. Has the same thing ever happened to you?

Marinette: Yes... no. Well, probably. What's she like?

Adrien: She's special. Very pretty. She's got dark silky hair, deep and mysterious eyes...

Marinette: Do... do I know her?

Adrien: Yeah, it's Kagami. (Marinette's smile fades as she pictures Kagami evilly laughing) Marinette?

"Really? I would be laughing in a maniacal manner in your imagination?" Kagami asked with an amused expression.

"I imagine any girl who gets Adrien's attention would rub it in my face in some way or another!" Marinette said, attempting to defend herself, causing loud chuckles among the audience.

Marinette: (snaps out of her imagination) Uh... what?

Adrien: I was just asking you what you thought I should do about Kagami.

Marinette: The Ice Queen? (puts her hand over her mouth when she realizes what she said)

"The Ice Queen?" Kagami asked curiously as she was previously unaware of the nickname Marinette had given her.

"Sorry, Kagami," Marinette said to the Japanese girl sheepishly. "It was a nickname most of us had of you. When we first met, you were just so composed and stoic that you didn't seem very...friendly." After hearing that, Kagami thought about her past interactions and nodded in understanding and forgiveness.

Adrien: What?

Marinette: The ice... rink! Yeah, that's what I said. No better place to break the ice than the ice rink.

"Nice save, m'lady," Adrien said with a smirk and a giggle while Marinette playfully shoved him in response.

Adrien: (thinks about it) The ice rink? I think I'd be too shy to go there with her by myself.

"Dude, you're a fashion model! And you're too shy to go on a date?!" Nino asked his best friend in surprise as well as most others.

"I might be a fashion model, but I'm still an insecure teenage boy. Besides as you can imagine my father's freakish overprotectiveness over me, I haven't really been on a date before," Adrien said, defending himself and everybody nodded in understanding.

Marinette: (notices that Adrien seems sad) Well, uh, I could come along with you if you'd like.

Everyone facepalmed at what Marinette just offered on-screen in exasperated frustration while Marinette just blushed in embarrassment.

Adrien: You'd do that? That's awesome! (gets up) I can't wait to go to the ice rink together. Thanks! (takes off)

Marinette: That's what friends are for. (to Tikki) Tikki, please tell me what just happened didn't really happen at all. (Tikki shrugs and smiles nervously as Marinette facepalms)

Scene: Couffaine houseboat. Marinette just told the girls what happened.

Alya: This is gonna be your worst mess up in history. You have got to get yourself out of this right now. Ideas girls! Quick!

Alix: Tell him you'd already promised to hang with your GFs.

Rose: Maybe you got lost on the way over?

Juleka: Maybe you're gonna go to a concert?

Mylène: You had to finish an essay on Periwinkle's migration.

Marinette: Actually, girls... I don't think I want to cancel.

All Girls: Huh?

Marinette: Adrien really needs me and if he wants my advice then why not? After all, it's not an issue and I'm definitely not jealous because...

Rose: Because you two love each other.

Marinette: Because there's nothing between us.

"How can you say that?" Adrien asked sadly to his girlfriend's pessimistic words on-screen.

"You asked me to help you out with a date on another girl. You really want me to answer the question of what I was thinking at that time?" Marinette rhetorically asked and Adrien kept his mouth shut as he had no arguments.

Alya: What do you mean nothing between you?

Mylène: There's everything between you, actually.

Marinette: I always jumble my words around him. So how could I even manage going out on a date? I think we're actually just meant to be friends. Whenever I talk to him as a friend, I hardly stammer at all. That's a sign right there. Right? (The girls look at each other silently for a moment and then start talking at once)

Juleka: Um...

Mylène: Totally not!

Alya: You have liked this man for, like, a million years and you're not gonna give up on him right now. (While the girls argue, Marinette walks away and stops at the front of the boat where Luka is playing music on his guitar)

Luka: (notices that Marinette seems sad) Do you feel kinda like this? (plays tune) Personally, I think a girl like you deserves to feel more like this. (plays a different tune) And whoever made you feel this way is nothing but a... (plays another tune)

"It is still very impressive that you can play other people's feelings through music," Kagami whispered with a blushing smile to the blue-haired boy who also responded with a blushing smile.

Maybe the whole Luka/Kagami problem will work out great! Marinette said with a soft smile towards the two teens as she noticed their hidden attraction.

Marinette: (giggles) Thanks, Luka. (listens as he continues to play guitar) Say, are you free tomorrow?

"If you're so in love with me, why did you bring Luka along?" Adrien asked curiously with a playful frown towards his girlfriend.

"For emotional support, of course! You think I want to be the stupid third wheel on your date with another girl? Worst case scenario: I'm alone with you guys. You two act all mushy and romantic and I end up crying and sobbing in the middle of the ice rink. Even worse, Hawk Moth could take advantage of that and akumatize me into taking out Kagami in order to have you all to myself!" Marinette answered in which Adrien got more than what he bargained for. But, Adrien had a sad expression on his face and put his hand on hers in comfort.

Scene: Agreste mansion. Adrien attempts to sneak out but is stopped by his father and bodyguard.

Gabriel: Adrien? Aren't you supposed to be working on your fencing moves? Mr. D'Argencourt said he was very disappointed at your last session.

Adrien: Yes, Father. I'm heading out for a one-on-one lesson with my strongest partner: Kagami. (Gabriel glares for a moment before snapping his fingers at the bodyguard)

Scene: Agreste car.

Adrien: (to his bodyguard) If you don't mind, could you drive me to the ice rink? I told him I was going for a one-on-one lesson but I didn't say it was a fencing lesson.

"Sneaky smart, my man!" Nino said to his best friend in pride as the two fist-bumped.

Scene: Ice rink.

Philippe: I can't believe it, Mr. Mayor! You want to shut my ice rink down!?

"Let me guess: that guy was Frozer?" Nathaniel asked, pointing to Philippe, and the two heroes nodded in confirmation.

"He was upset about Mayor Bourgeois trying to take away his ice rink," Marinette explained and everyone else nodded in understanding.

Andrè: This is not your ice rink, Philippe! It belongs to the Parisians. I'm not closing it down. I'll just be converting it into an indoor gym for my Chloé... er, my city! Nobody comes to your ice rink for lessons anyway. You haven't had a single student sign up this year. Just look around you.

Philippe: (looks around sadly at the empty rink but then notices Marinette, Adrien, Luka, and Kagami) Wrong, Mr. Mayor! Some new skaters! (twirls happily) I knew it!

André: Okay, okay. (pulls out forms) If you can get just one single sign up within 10 minutes, I'll put the gym conversion work on hold.

Philippe: (grabs forms) Consider it done!

"And we certainly didn't help the situation when we refused his offer for lessons," Marinette further explained on how Philippe was akumatized and once again, everybody else nodded in understanding.

Adrien: (looks at Kagami as she puts on skating gloves and then scoots towards Marinette) It was really cool of you to bring Luka, Marinette.

Marinette: Of course. That's what friends are for.

Adrien: I don't know what to do about Kagami. Should I offer to hold her hand?

Marinette: You have to let her fall.

Everybody (including Kagami herself surprisingly) burst into laughter at what Marinette just said on-screen while Marinette just blushed in shame and embarrassment.

Adrien: Huh?

Marinette: No, what I actually meant was that you cannot let her fall in any way. I mean, do whatever you can so that she doesn't fall. (stands up) So yeah, grab ahold of her hand and take her onto the ice and then... (nearly falls down but is caught by Luka)

"I really do admire your restraint, Marinette. If I was in your place with them, I'd go out of my way to sabotage her," Chloe pointed out and everybody else chuckled in agreement.

"As if you would actually succeed," Kagami whispered to herself towards Chloe, but Luka heard her and giggled in response.

Luka: Try to be natural. Go with the flow and listen to the rhythm. Just follow my lead. (helps Marinette tie her laces and then takes her onto the rink. Adrien approaches Kagami)

Kagami: Don't be scared. I won't tell anyone.

Adrien: About what?

Kagami: That you don't know how to tie your laces. (ties Adrien's skates) C'mon. (goes onto the ice rink with him. As Luka and Marinette skate together, Marinette notices Adrien skating with Kagami and nearly falls as a result, but she is caught by Luka)

Luka: You okay? (holds onto Marinette's hand as he continues to skate with her)

Philippe: (jumps in between Luka and Marinette) Hey, young man! Have you ever thought about signing up for ice skating lessons? The judges wouldn't be able to resist that sparkling smile of yours.

"Do I really have a sparkling smile?" Luka asked as he smiled to demonstrate and unexpectedly, all the girls (including Marinette and Lila, but except for Juleka since he was her brother) swooned at the smile, but immediately composed themselves. Half the boys were chuckling while the other half seemed jealous of him.

"To answer your question, you indeed do have a sparkling smile," Kagami quietly answered to Luka while still trying to compose herself much to his amusement.

Luka: That's nice of you, sir, but my life is already filled with music. And I might have a brand new song to write, so...

Philippe: Music's an important part of skating, you know. Think about it!

"No wonder he was so pushy about it," Luka said in retrospect to Philippe's insistence on giving ice skating lessons.

Kagami: (looks at Luka and Marinette) Did you invite them because you were scared of being alone with me?

"Never mind. My question has been answered," Kagami said, giggling along with the others as Adrien blushed in embarrassment.

Adrien: Of course not. It's just that I asked Marinette to help me.

Kagami: Help you with what?

Adrien: Uh... to perfect my figure skating skills.

Kagami: But you don't need her for that. (shows off skating ability)

"Whoa! Fencing and ice skating? You're amazing," Luka whispered to Kagami who blushed in response. Noticing this, Marinette elbows Adrien and points to the couple behind them. The two heroes gave each other knowing smiles.

Philippe: (notices Kagami's skill) You have what it takes to be a champion. The style. The talent. Let me be your private coach.

Kagami: I only practice noble arts like archery or fencing. (skates away) Ice skating is just for fun. (André impatiently taps his fingers besides Philippe while Luka and Marinette continue to skate together)

Philippe: (cuts in between Luka and Marinette) I'll give you a week's worth of lessons for free. Just a few hours a day and you'll be a star.

Marinette: (thinks about her Ladybug activities) Thanks, but I'm already very busy as it is.

"One more constant thing in my already ridiculously busy life and I might collapse from exhaustion," Marinette pointed out and everybody else nodded in understanding.

Philippe: (notices Adrien) Is that Adrien Agreste!? (approaches him) Adrien Agreste, I can see it now. Grace and style model, and professional ice skating champion. If you take lessons with me, I'll have you shining like the candles on a birthday cake.

Adrien: Uh... maybe.

Kagami: He already does fencing with me. (She takes Adrien away from Philippe. Marinette sadly watches Kagami and Adrien, causing her to unintentionally let go of Luka and skate into a wall, falling down in the process)

Adrien and Luka: Are you okay? (both rush to help her up, but Marinette is unsure which hand to take)

Philippe: See how a few lessons from me could come in handy? Please, Adrien Agreste. Just put your name on this form and your fans will come running. And my ice rink will be saved!

André: (grabs forms from Philippe) None of these young people want to sign up, Philippe. You can't force them now, can you?

Philippe: (sadly) You're right. (skates away)

Kagami: (to Marinette) Get up! (helps her up and then whispers in her ear) The only reason you can't stay on your feet is your hesitation. I never hesitate. (to Adrien) Shall we go? (skates away with him)

"Well, we can't argue with her on that," Marinette said as she groaned in embarrassment and everybody else nodded in agreement.

Luka: Marinette? Are you okay?

Marinette: I think I hurt myself. It's probably best we call it a day. (heads to the bathroom)

Adrien: (notices that Marinette seems sad) Marinette doesn't look too good. Sorry, Kagami, I have to go check on her. (follows her)

"Another piece of evidence regarding your feelings towards Marinette as more than friendship. You seemingly paid more attention to her than of me while I was technically your date," Kagami pointed out and after realizing it, everyone else murmured in agreement. Meanwhile, the two heroes blushed furiously towards each other.

André: I'm sorry, Philippe, but the ice rink will be closed down tonight. (throws forms at a saddened Philippe)

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair. Hawk Moth senses Philippe's sadness.

Hawk Moth: Ahhh... a burning passion that's about to be put on ice. What perfect bait for my akuma. (creates akuma) Fly away, my pretty akuma, and evilize this ice skater's newly frozen heart.

Scene: The bathroom.

Tikki: Why are you so sad?

Marinette: (sighs) I like Luka. He's really nice, but do you think he's just like Adrien? Just a friend?

Adrien: (knocks on bathroom door) Marinette? Are you okay?

Marinette: Yeah, I'm fine.

Plagg: You're supposed to be in love with Ladybug, and now you ditch Kagami to go after Marinette?

Adrien: Me? Going after Marinette? No! She's just a friend.

"UGH!" Everyone groaned in frustration towards the blond boy at hearing that line over and over again when it is clearly not true except for Adrien who facepalmed himself.

Scene: Ice rink. The akuma enters Philippe's ice skates.

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Frozer. I am Hawk Moth. They want to take your rink away from you. So from now on, all of Paris will be your ice kingdom. In return, you must bring me Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous.

Philippe: Ready to skate, Hawk Moth! (transforms into Frozer and then begins to cover the entire rink in ice)

"An ice akuma? Hawk Moth must be out of original ideas!" Nathaniel said, making note that Frozer is really an unoriginal akuma and everyone murmured in agreement.

Adrien: (sees the ice forming) What is that? (while running away) Marinette! Hide!

Marinette: (sees the ice forming in the bathroom stall) Is that ice? (pulls out her magical macarons) Woah, let's try out Master Fu's magic-aroon.

"Are those the magic macaroons that gave you those cool underwater powers?" Juleka asked about the heroes' power-ups.

"Yeah. But, this time, instead of water, we used ice power-ups," Marinette explained in which Adrien nodded in confirmation and the audience turned their attention back to the screen, intrigued.

[Transformation Sequence]

Marinette: Tikki, power up! (Tikki's forehead spot glows, and she spins into a flash as she becomes...)

Tikki: Stalac Tikki! (now has two icicles on her tail)

Marinette: Stalac Tikki, spots on! Yeah! (Marinette transforms into Ladyice)

"Oooh, Marinette! You look like a glorious ice skating princess!" Rose gushed at Marinette's transformation into Ladyice and everyone else gave similar sentiments except for Lila who once again stewed in jealousy.

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, power up! (Plagg spins into a flash as he becomes...)

Plagg: Plagg Glacier! (now has three icicles on his forehead)

Adrien: Plagg Glacier, claws out! (Adrien transforms into Icecat.)

"Meanwhile, Adrien is a pretty ballerina like his best bud, Nino!" Kim teased over to the two boys after seeing Adrien transform into Icecat. The two boys frowned and groaned to the teasing while the others (mostly the boys) chuckle in agreement.

Scene: Parisian streets. Frozer continues to turn Paris into a giant ice rink.

Frozer: (on top of the Eiffel Tower) Ladybug and Cat Noir. Your frozen statues will sparkle like trophies upon my kingdom of ice! (twirls and turns the Eiffel Tower into ice)

Ladyice: Cat Noir. We need to set up a trap for whoever turned the city into a giant ice rink. (throws yo-yo)

Icecat: (bitterly) My feline instincts prefer to track and observe before I attack. You go your way, I'll go mine.

Ladyice: Please don't tell me you're mad at me about the rose.

Icecat: There may be a certain chill now between us.

"I thought you two were past the resentment stage since Glaciator?" Tom asked the young hero couple in a stern manner while the heroes blushed in embarrassment for their behavior.

"Sorry about that, m'lady. Sometimes, I let my frustration of you turning me down get the better of me," Adrien said to his girlfriend apologetically and Marinette took her boyfriend's hand and rubbed it in forgiveness.

"I forgive you, kitty. Even though we're superheroes, we're still teenagers who occasionally let our feelings control our judgements," Marinette said softly to Adrien who responded with a soft smile.

Ladyice: I get it, but we should really focus on saving Paris right now.

Icecat: We don't always have to do everything together, after all. It's not like we're a couple. (skates away)

Ladyice: Cat Noir, don't get all pouty on me! (groans and takes off on her yo-yo. Ladyice and Icecat separately search for Frozer)

Icecat: (notices Frozer's skate marks on the ice) This way.

Ladyice: I need to set a trap, but what could I use as bait? (while Ladyice thinks, Frozer prepares to sneak up behind her, but Icecat spots him attempting to do so and pulls Ladyice out of harm's way) Thanks, Kitty. (Icecat winks. Frozer shoots icicles at Ladyice and Icecat with his skates. Ladyice dodges the icicles along with Icecat) He's too fast! I'm positive the akuma's in his skates! (she and Icecat eventually manage to escape Frozer and hide)

Icecat: My Cataclysm could destroy his skates but he'd have to be up in the air. You were right, M'lady. We're gonna have to set a trap.

Ladyice: You were right too. We observed and now we know enough.

Icecat: Seems we're just missing a little push of luck to get the edge on him.

Ladyice: (nods) Lucky Charm! (receives a bag of salt) A bag of salt? (notices that some salt has fallen onto the icy ground) Salt makes ice melt! (gives the bag to Icecat) Okay. While I keep Frozer busy, you're gonna have to do some melting. Listen! (whispers plan in Icecat's ear. Icecat uses the salt to melt the ice off a fire truck's ladder and prepares everything for Ladyice's plan) I'm waiting for you, Frozer! Don't get cold feet now!

"Finally! A Lucky Charm that makes sense scientifically!" Max exclaimed in pride of the Lucky Charm and the others giggled at him in amusement.

Frozer: Don't play with fire, Ladybug! (chases her)

Ladyice: Let's see if you can do this! (skates under ice statue)

Frozer: Don't make me laugh! (skates under ice statue) I'm closing in, Ladybug!

Ladyice: The next one is tricky! (Ladyice does a flip onto the ladder Icecat melted and wraps her yo-yo string around it; when Frozer goes on top of it, Ladyice pulls the ladder, causing Frozer to fly into the air)

"Ooh! Nice ice skating moves, M!" Alix complimented her friend on her ice skating skills as Ladyice and everyone else murmured in agreement except for Lila who just gritted her teeth in jealous anger.

Icecat: Cataclysm! (destroys Frozer's skates, releasing the akuma)

Ladyice: No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (captures the akuma and purifies it) Gotcha! Bye bye, little butterfly. (throws the salt in the air) Miraculous Ladybug! (all the ice disappears and Philippe is deakumatized)

Philippe: Wh- Huh?

Ladyice & Cat Noir: Pound it!

"Pound it!" The two heroes once again fist-bumped and kissed in victory.

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: You smashed through my plans like an icebreaker, Ladybug. But revenge is a dish best served cold. (his window closes)

Scene: Outside the ice rink. Adrien takes a selfie with Philippe.

Adrien: This is Philippe at the ice rink. He makes skating so much fun. (posts on social media)

Philippe: Thank you, Adrien.

Adrien: I hope this helps you get more students to sign up. (walks away with Kagami)

Kagami: You still keep doing what other people want you to do.

Adrien: No, I just want him to be happy. And I'm not changing my target. Even if it means failing over and over again, because one day, I will succeed and hit it.

Kagami: (looks over at Marinette) The day you realize you've got the wrong target, I'll be here. (She kisses his cheek and enters her car. Marinette looks sadly at Adrien and Kagami)

"I apologize, Marinette. I still felt kind of competitive," Kagami said apologetically to Marinette who nodded to her in forgiveness.

Luka: You wanna take the subway together, Marinette. (He notices that Marinette is staring at Adrien and smiles) You should probably go over and talk to him. Thanks for inviting me out today.

Marinette: Thanks for coming with me, Luka. (She kisses Luka's cheek and then runs towards Adrien, who has entered his car) Adrien! ADRIEN! (The bodyguard and Adrien hear Marinette screaming and stop)

Adrien: (gets out of the car) Marinette? Was there something you wanted to tell me?

Marinette: I love you, Adrien! Even if you love Kagami. I just had to tell you. There!

Adrien: Kagami? I don't love her. You're the one I love. How could I have been so blind?

Marinette: Uh... You love me? So... We can get married and have a beautiful house and a dog, a cat or a hamster, and we'll name it-

"When did we-? Oh, that was a daydream, wasn't it? Like mine from earlier?" Adrien asked his girlfriend curiously who slowly nodded and blushed in embarrassment while everyone else chuckled in amusement.

Adrien: -Marinette!

Marinette: -Marinette?

"Jeez! How much more pathetic can you get, Maribrat?!" Lila taunted her enemy, once again getting glares from everyone else.

"Shut up, Lila!" They all once again shouted over to the lying girl.

Adrien: You OK, Marinette?

Marinette: I just wanted to say that... we should go and skate at the ice rink more often. Yeah!

Adrien: You mean...just you and me?

Marinette: -You and me? Oh, no! Course not! Cause we should take the whole gang there. Luka, Kagami, Alya, Nino!

Adrien: You're right. That would be awesome! I'll try to free up some time to do that. See you at school.

Marinette: Tikki, please don't tell me I did it again!

Tikki: Don't worry. You'll get there one day, Marinette.

Philippe: One at a time, now! Yes, yes, sign up right here. Learn to skate like Adrien Agreste!

"And you did, Marinette!" Tikki said proudly to her holder before asking, "So, what's next?"

"The next episode is Sandboy, the akuma that brings nightmares in your sleep to life," Angel announced.

"Oh, I remember that night! I was chased by a giant spider!" Kim said as he shuddered at the memory and everyone began to grumpily remember their nightmares literally attacking them. "What was your nightmare, Marinette?"

"If I remember, it was you losing your powers, right?" Adrien asked and Marinette shook her head in response.

"That's my nightmare as Ladybug. My nightmare as Marinette was totally different and in retrospect, too silly and embarrassing," Marinette said as she groaned in frustration.

"Oh, that's right! My nightmare as Cat Noir is different from mine as Adrien!" Adrien said as he remembered that akuma attack.

"Don't worry. You'll all get to see all their nightmares. So, let's get started!" Angel said to the suddenly interested audience as the episode started to play.