Scene: Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. Sabine prepares Tom for his presentation at school.
Marinette: Ready, papa?
Tom: As much as I'll ever be. (Tom and Marinette leave the house)
"What did we do that day again?" Tom asked Marinette.
"I think it was Career Day at school," Marinette answered.
Sabine: Happy Career Day, my darlings!
Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Tom explains his job.
Tom: My day begins at 4 a.m. every morning because the bakery opens at 7. You think that the life of a baker is pretty routine, making the same pastries, rolls, cakes... but actually, it's different everyday. One day someone might order a cake in the shape of the Eiffel Tower, and another day you might—
"Being a baker sounds fun! I certainly would love to learn," Adrien said and most others nodded in agreement.
"I know! An Eiffel Tower cake?! I'd like to take on that challenge!" Kim beamed.
Being a baker would be fun?! Making a mess of myself to bake foods that make me fat?! Yeah, right! Lila said in her head, still in habit of putting Marinette down.
"Now you kids know why I come over for pastry lessons once in a while," Tom said, proud of himself.
"How long have you been a baker, Mr. Dupain?" Kagami curiously asked.
"For as long as I can remember. My father's a baker and despite our strained relationship, I still give him credit for my talent. My wife and I have ran our bakery for 18 years. Marinette took her first steps there trying to get one of our muffins," Tom answered as he and his wife smiled at those memories. The others were amazed and amused by the baby Marinette story while she lightly blushed in embarrassment.
Scene: Outside the classroom. Adrien attempts to call his father.
Phone: You've reached the voicemail of Gabriel Agreste's office. Please leave a message.
Adrien: Hi father, it's me. It's Parent's Career Day at school, remember? I was hoping that you were gonna show up. Call me back.
Plagg: You okay?
Adrien: Yeah, whatever. Nothing new.
"Your father never showed up for Career Day?" Kagami asked and Adrien nodded in confirmation. "I'm sorry, Adrien. Even my mother would show up if I asked her in advance."
"I even did that. But I doubt he listened," Adrien said sadly and the others gave him sorry looks while Marinette cuddled his arm in comfort.
"Wow! Your dad sucks as a father!" Alix stated her opinion and the others nodded in agreement.
His dad sucks as a father?! He's a famous fashion designer and rich! What's better than that?! Lila thought, thinking the others are crazy.
Tom: Marinette will come around and pass out some croissants baked fresh this morning.
"Ohhh, look at those croissants! Hunger coming back! Must get food!" Kim said as he went to get more food from the buffet while the others laughed and shook their heads.
Miss Bustier: Thank you, Mr. Dupain. Now, let's meet Alya's mom, who is head chef at the Grand Paris hotel, owned by our mayor, Mr. Bourgeois. (Marinette looks at Adrien sadly. Chloé opens a case with a bracelet)
Sabrina: It's beautiful! (she grabs it)
Chloé: (she slaps Sabrina's hand) Look, don't touch!
Mr. Bourgeois: Put it away, Chloé! It could get in the wrong hands!
Chloé: I wonder how many croissants your dad would have to sell to buy you one of these? What am I saying? He'd have to sell the whole store!
"Sorry about that. I was trying to show off my gorgeous bracelet," Chloe apologized, looking embarrassed and the Dupain-Chengs nodded in forgiveness.
"And you may not know this, Chloe, but most of your breakfast pastries came from our bakery per your father's request. That's another reason why we get up early in the morning, so that our pastries are ready for your hotel," Sabine pointed out and Chloe widened her eyes in surprise while the others are impressed.
Marinette: Well, if you're so rich, obviously you don't need free croissants!
"ROASTED, CHLOE!" Kim and Alix exclaimed and hi-fived while others laughed and Chloe silently frowned.
Chloé: Ugh, jealous.
"Yeah, Chloe, I'm jealous of your fancy bracelet even when I got my own jewelry at home," Marinette sarcastically said as the others laughed. "May not be as expensive as yours, but they still look good."
Plagg: Is that Camembert? (enters Chloé's bag) Huh? Oh, that's not Camembert... But it is very shiny. I like shiny, hmm!
The people who remembered what happened at Career Day suddenly stared at Plagg with wide eyes and open mouths. Plagg and Adrien just looked away in embarrassment.
Marlena: Unfortunately, I have no dishes to share. But maybe Mr. Bourgeois will invite you all to the hotel and treat you to lunch! (Students applauding, Officer Roger laughing)
Plagg: (balancing the bracelet) He he...ohh...Ah! Ah! (the bracelet slips from the bag)
Marinette: (trips with the bracelet) Wahh! (The other students gasp)
Chloé: Geez, is there a day when you're not tripping over something?
"Hey! It wasn't my fault that time!" Marinette said, her hands up in defense, then strictly pointed her finger at Plagg. "Turns out it was his!" Half of the audience frowned at Plagg while the other half laughed.
Miss Bustier: Next on the list is Sabrina's father, a policeman. Officer Roger! (students applaud)
Roger: I've been a police officer for 15 years, and I firmly believe that every citizen is innocent until proven guilty.
"Those are wise words," Mr. Damocles said and the others nodded in agreement.
"If only some people remembered that," Angel said, glaring at both Chloe and Mr. Damocles, given both this situation and Marinette's expulsion thanks to Lila.
Chloé: (gasps) My bracelet! It's gone! I had it a second ago. (looks at Marinette) You! You stole it!
"Chloe, what on earth would make you think Marinette stole your bracelet?" Adrien asked, defending his girlfriend against his childhood friend.
"I…honestly didn't know who else would hate me this much to steal my bracelet. I'm sorry, Marinette," Chloe apologized sheepishly.
"It's all in the past, Chloe. I may have been more vocal about my dislike for you than anyone else, but I'd never steal. At least out of malice," Marinette said, remembering when she stole both Adrien's and Alya's phones. The others nodded in agreement of that statement.
Duh! She's too much of a goody two-shoes to do that! And that's not a compliment! Lila laughed in her head.
Marinette: What? What are you talking about?!
Chloé: You purposely tripped on my bag so you could steal my bracelet! (to Roger) You're a policeman! Arrest her!
Tom: My daughter is not a thief!
Roger: (blows whistle) Hold on a minute, Miss Bourgeois, we don't accuse without proof! Now, everyone, calm down, please. Maybe you simply misplaced your bracelet.
Chloé: You're calling me a liar?! Daddy!
"He wasn't calling you a liar, Chloe. He just said that you're probably mistaken. There's a difference," Sabrina pointed out in defense of her father with a little more confidence.
"I know! I'm a huge idiot!" Chloe said, not looking forward to watching more of this.
Mr. Bourgeois: Roger, I demand you search this girl!
Chloé: Ha!
Miss Bustier: Please, everybody!
Mr. Bourgeois: Need I remind you that as mayor of this city, I am your superior!
Roger: But sir, it's against the law! I can't just go--
Mr. Bourgeois: All right. Then you're no longer a police officer!
"THAT'S SO UNFAIR!" The teens yelled angrily in reaction to what happened.
Roger: Mayor, you can't be serious! Over a missing bracelet?
Mr. Bourgeois: This is my daughter's bracelet we're talking about! You're incompetent and you're fired! Get out!
Roger: Aww...
Chloé: Good! Let's call Ladybug! I'm sure she'll actually do something!
"Ladybug is the one you're accusing!" Alix pointed out in amusement and the others laughed at the irony.
Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.
"And cue Hawk Moth and his akumas!" Luka said in advance.
Hawk Moth: Parent-child relationships can be so complicated. And the perfect breeding ground for stress. When there's no more law and order, there's only chaos left. (turns a butterfly into an akuma) Fly away, my evil little akuma, and take control of this policeman!
Scene: The street. Roger gets in his police car.
Roger: Hah! He expects me to break the law? That's just, just... criminal! (an akuma flies and possesses his whistle.)
Hawk Moth: Rogercop, I am Hawk Moth. This city needs a true ruthless righter of wrongs, and that is where you come in.
Roger: Yes sir! (he turns into Rogercop)
Hawk Moth: Ladybug and Cat Noir must be destroyed if you want to attain ultimate retribution! You will seize Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses for me! Do we have an agreement?
Rogercop: Affirmative. Cat Noir and Ladybug will be powerless against me, and justice will prevail in the streets of Paris.
"Daddy," Sabrina quietly said on the verge of tears in reaction to her father being akumatized.
"Don't worry, Sabrina. We saved him, remember?" Marinette said, trying to cheer up Sabrina and the latter smiled gratefully.
Scene: College. Mr. Dupain and the Mayor have a discussion.
Tom: Don't even think about getting near my daughter or her bag!
Mr. Bourgeois: Do you know who I am?
Miss Bustier: Please, gentlemen! This is a school here! Think of the children! Surely the bracelet is around here someplace.
Marinette: It probably just rolled out of her bag or something!
"That may not be what happened. But, that's a more plausible explanation," Kagami pointed out and everybody nodded in agreement.
Alya: If I were her bracelet, I'd try and get as far away as possible from that crazy brat too. (Marinette laughs.)
Everybody else laughed at that statement while Chloe frowned, but stayed silent since she can't argue with that.
Marinette: Hey! Nino's been filming everything this whole time! We can see what really happened!
Tom: (from phone) Marinette will come around and pass out some croissants baked—(Nino fast-forwards the video, cutting to the scene where Sabrina has the bracelet)
Marinette: Well, there you have it! Sabrina was holding Chloé's bracelet!
Sabrina: Yes! But I gave it back straight after!
Marinette: Chloé, why don't you take a look in your BFF's bag?
"I'm so sorry, Sabrina!" Marinette quickly apologized to Sabrina. "I guess I was trying to take the heat off of myself."
"I understand, Marinette. That was a pretty crazy day," Sabrina said, accepting the apology.
"I can't believe we got that heated up over something so stupid like a bracelet!" Alix said in disbelief.
"Well, it was a valuable expensive bracelet," Chloe said, defending herself. "But, yeah. Crazy day," she then said when the others glared at her.
Sabrina: Are you saying I'm a thief?!
Marinette: Nope! Chloé's the one calling people thieves without any proof. I'm simply going from what's on the video.
Sabrina: Grrr! (knocks Nathaniel's sketchbook, revealing a drawing of the bracelet. Chloé and Sabrina gasp.)
Nathaniel: Yes, I did sketch the bracelet, but I didn't do anything else!
Scene: Street. Ms. Mendeleiev throws a piece of litter on the floor, and Rogercop grabs the litter. He flies to where Ms. Mendeleiev is.
Ms. Mendeleiev: Huh?
Rogercop: You're under arrest!
Ms. Mendeleiev: What? What for?
Rogercop: You threw litter on a public sidewalk, jaywalked and crossed the red light.
"Wow! And I thought Ms. Mendeleiev was such a stickler for rules. And yet, she broke those rules," Adrien observed and the others nodded in agreement and surprise.
"I know! But still, those rules aren't causes for arrest," Marinette said in surprise of what Rogercop did to their teacher.
Ms. Mendeleiev: Well, I suppose I did. But you can't arrest me! Who are you anyway? You don't look like a policeman!
Rogercop: (throws cuffs at her) I sentence you to trash duty. (He blows his whistle, which controls the handcuffs and makes Ms. Mendeleiev put the litter in the trashcan.) Next mission: Seeking justice on Mayor Bourgeois.
Mr. Bourgeois: Give me the tape! I'll have it analyzed by professionals!
Nino: No way! It's my camera!
Mr. Bourgeois: Who do you think you're dealing with? I am the mayor of this city! Where's the school principal? I want to see the principal! (Adrien looks down at Plagg rolling in between of Adrien's shoes and he holds him and Adrien leaves the classroom unnoticed with Plagg having the bracelet stuck on his head)
Plagg: I won't bother you with the story. It's a long, boring--
Adrien: (he is mad at Plagg) Oh yes, you will explain it, and fast! You realize we have a big problem, don't you?
Plagg: If by big you are referring to my rock-hard abs? Well, thanks for noticing!
"That wasn't what he was talking about, you stupid pig! And what rock-hard abs?!" Tikki scolded her fellow kwami and the others especially Marinette and Adrien laughed.
Adrien: (he hears some footsteps, and sees Rogercop) Now we have a bigger problem!
Fred: (sees Rogercop) Hey! You can't just walk in here!
Rogercop: I can go wherever I want, whenever I want. I am the law.
Fred: Well, I'm the authority around here--
Rogercop: You are guilty of obstructing the path of justice! (fires cuffs at him) I sentence you to move around! (Adrien sighs. Rogercop blows his whistle and causing Fred to run uncontrollably out of the room)
Fred: Wait! I can't control my arm! What are you—
"That looks like a ridiculous punishment! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe said and the others murmured in agreement.
Adrien: What do you mean I can't transform?
Plagg: If you transform, the bracelet will get absorbed with me and damage your powers!
"Way to go, Plagg!" Tikki once again scolded Plagg and slapped his head.
"Ow! That hurt, sugarcube!" Plagg yelped in pain.
"Good!" Tikki retorted back and the others laughed harder at the kwamis.
Adrien: Ahhhh...(He is irritated and groaning then he walks to the locker room while carrying Plagg)
Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Mwahahahaha! It won't be long before Ladybug and Cat Noir show up to meet their doom!
"Does Hawk Moth say that in every episode? Because it keeps never happening," Luka asked both curious and annoyed.
"There's an 80% chance of that," Max said based on his calculations.
Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Marinette and her classmates still talk about Chloé's missing bracelet.
Marinette: See, Chloé? I tripped on the bag, but Sabrina held the bracelet, Nathaniel sketched it, we are all suspects!
Nathaniel: Hey! What's that supposed to mean? I didn't swipe her bracelet!
Marinette: And nether did I! But when it comes down to it, Chloé can accuse anyone and everyone!
"TRUE THAT!" The teens exclaimed about Chloe.
Chloé: Fine! Since you're a suspect, you'll have no problem letting me search your bag!
Marinette: Okay! As long as you also search everyone else's too!
Nathaniel: No one's searching my bag!
Tom: Marinette, let the adults handle this.
Marinette: Papa, she called me a thief! I'm just defending myself.
Tom: You're also accusing all of your friends like Chloé's doing to you!
"I'm really sorry I acted that way, everybody," Marinette apologized to her classmates. "I let my anger of being accused take over."
"Don't worry about it, Marinette. All of us would've done the same thing too if we were in your place," Mylene said and the others nodded in agreement and forgiveness.
Sabrina: I'm Chloé's BFF! I wouldn't steal from her!
Max: What about Adrien? He was in at least 4 and a half seconds of that video!
Kim: Then we haven't seen him since!
"Why didn't you say anything, Adrien?" Kim asked curiously.
"You're right, Kim. I should've said something. I should've said that my kwami accidentally stole Chloe's bracelet. What's a kwami, you ask? It's the magical creature that helps transform me into Cat Noir. That's right! I'm Cat Noir! Now you all know my identity, Hawk Moth could know putting you all in danger!" Adrien went on a sarcastic rant with a frown.
"OK, I see your point," Kim said, raising his hands in defense, surprised by Adrien's rant as well as everyone else.
Marinette: Oh, not Adrien! I mean, why would he need to steal a bracelet? If anyone's guilty, it's gotta be one of us.
"I appreciate that, m'lady," Adrien said to his girlfriend. "But, it sounds pretty biased you have to admit." Marinette nodded in response.
Nathaniel: What? Are you accusing us?
Kim: I want an attorney!
"Again, over a stupid bracelet?!" Alix exclaimed, making the people there embarrassed of themselves.
Tom: Marinette, stop already!
Sabrina: We should speak to the parents too!
Rogercop: (enters the classroom) Where is the mayor?
Sabrina: Dad?!
Marinette: So that's her dad?!
Miss Bustier: Hello, may I help you?
Rogercop: Where is the mayor?
Miss Bustier: I think he already left, sir!
Rogercop: Are you lying?
Miss Bustier: Yes. I mean, no!
"It was so scary, I didn't know what to say," Miss Bustier said and everyone nodded in understanding.
Rogercop: If no one speaks up, I'll put you all under arrest! Where is your father?
Chloé: I don't know!
Mr. Bourgeois: Mr. Principal, I demand that you find who stole my daughter's bracelet ASAP! Or your job is on the line, sir! ...
"Oops!" The teens teased.
Marinette: I was only trying to defend myself! My dad's right. I ended up accusing everyone in the process. Truth is, Tikki, I don't think any of us took it.
Tikki: I'm sure you'll find a way to make it right!
Marinette: Yeah, well, right now, we gotta transform!
[Transformation Sequence]
Marinette: Tikki, spots on! Ha! (looks nervous; Marinette transforms into Ladybug)
Scene: Locker room. Adrien tries to remove the bracelet from Plagg's head.
Plagg: I thought it was a Camembert box! Anyone can make a mistake!
"Plagg, do you think any box is a Camembert box?!" Alya asked annoyed.
"No!" Plagg said. "Just the small boxes like the bracelet's box!" Everyone facepalmed at this.
Adrien: You're always thinking with your stomach! Wait... hmm. (he takes a piece of Camembert and he spices it with pepper) A bit of pepper...
Plagg: (he sniffs the Camembert and sneezed) Ah, ah, Ah-CHOO! (then flies off, the bracelet is removed from his head)
"Wow! And I thought that method was only for cartoons," Kagami commented on what she just saw.
"Why do you have pepper in your bag anyway, dude?" Nino asked smiling in amusement.
"No comment," Adrien answered blushing.
Adrien: Gesundheit!
[Transformation Sequence]
Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (Plagg screams with no voice; Adrien transforms into Cat Noir)
Scene: Mr. Damocles' office. Mr. Bourgeois demands Mr. Damocles to find her daughter's bracelet.
Mr. Bourgeois: I'm warning you! If you don't find my daughter's bracelet by this evening, I'll cut off all your city funds for the school. Understood?
Mr. Damocles: But sir, how am I supposed to—(Rogercop enters the office)
"Thank you, Rogercop!" Mr. Damocles said and everybody else looked at him. "Not that I support what he was doing!" The teens snickered at that.
Mr. Bourgeois: Didn't anyone teach you to knock before entering?
Rogercop: Justice doesn't need an invitation. Mayor, you're under arrest for abuse of power.
Mr. Bourgeois: (gasps) Look who's talking! (Rogercop is about to put handcuffs on him, but Ladybug appears and stops him.)
"Always arrive on the nick of time, huh, girl?" Alya asked proud of her superhero BFF.
"Wouldn't be a good superhero if I didn't, right?" Marinette said giggling.
Rogercop: Ladybug. Paris has a new righter of wrong. Your services are no longer required.
Ladybug: I can't let you go around accusing everyone of any little wrongdoing! (Ladybug dodges Rogercop's lasers. Rogercop sees Fred, still running)
Chloé: Mr. Rogercop, I need your help. (Rogercop sees that Mr. Bourgeois is escaping, and chases him.) Hey! Come back! (Ladybug sees Rogercop leaving, and catches him with her yo-yo, but he escapes. Rogercop sees Mr. Bourgeois, but Cat Noir stops Rogercop)
"Chloe! What were you thinking?!" Sabrina asked her best friend like she was out of her mind.
"I was obsessed with getting my bracelet back!" Chloe said, embarrassed at herself on-screen.
Rogercop: You are disturbing justice, Cat Noir. You are going to pay for this.
Cat Noir: You can add bodily harm to the charges! (Cat Noir dodges his lasers, and tries to attack Rogercop, but he knocks Cat Noir to the trashcan)
Ladybug: Listen! You're Sabrina's dad, and a good cop! Don't let the evil person who gave you these powers make an evil cop out of you!
Hawk Moth: Don't listen to that liar! Take their Miraculouses! Their powers belong to me!
"Hawk Moth controls them, Marinette. What makes you think he or any other supervillain will surrender if you ask them?" Kagami asked curiously.
"It was worth a try," Marinette simply answered with a shrug.
Rogercop: Justice must prevail in the streets of Paris! (Rogercop fires lasers at Ladybug, but she dodges them. She tries to reach Rogercop, but he swings her into the school's court.) The Mayor must pay for getting rid of his best police officer!
Chloé: Mr. Rogercop! I've got a serious problem! Worse than a bad hair day!
"REALLY, CHLOE?!" The teens exclaimed in exasperation while Chloe looked down sheepishly.
Rogercop: Come with me and we'll talk about it.
Chloé: Okay!
Cat Noir: Chloé, no! (Rogercop is driving his car, when the roof thuds. He sees Cat Noir, and sets his car to aerial mode)
Ladybug: I bet you missed me. (The car starts spinning, both gasp)
Chloé: So! I know that Marinette girl is the one who stole my bracelet. She must be arrested! (Rogercop hits the brakes, and activates the Auto Pilot)
Computer: Auto Pilot engaged.
"OK, I'd love to have that car!" Kim said and the other boys agreed in awe of Rogercop's car.
Chloé: Hello? Are you listening to me?
Cat Noir: Thanks for the lasso, lassie.
Chloé: Hey! Where are you going? Who's going to drive this car?
Cat Noir: Did I ever thank you for the lift? (Ladybug and Cat Noir fight Rogercop, but he dodges their attacks. Rogercop pounds the car, making it spin. Ladybug and Cat Noir try not to fall.) Where'd you get those shoes? I could use a pair like that! (Rogercop knocks Ladybug, and she falls.)
"Really? Talking about getting his shoes?!" Alya asked Adrien.
"I was making a joke!" Adrien said, defending himself.
"You're right, girl. His jokes are cringey!" Alya noted to Marinette making the others laugh while Adrien blushed in embarrassment.
Ladybug: Grab on to me! (The yo-yo misses.)
Cat Noir: No! Ladybug! (to Rogercop) What have you done?!
Hawk Moth: Snatch his Miraculous! His ring! (Rogercop tries to take off Cat Noir's ring, but Cat Noir throws his staff inside the exhaust pipe using his legs. This causes a small explosion that fires away the staff and makes Rogercop lose his grip on Cat Noir, who then falls)
Cat Noir: (tries to grab his staff) Ugh! Unn, uh... nice day for a swim! (he grabs his staff. He is about to fall and he whimpers then he sighs but Ladybug grabs him with her yo-yo) Well, hey. I'm head over heels to see you, my lady. (he tries to kiss her but Ladybug makes him fall and he hurts himself)
"That's what you get when you flirt and try to kiss me at a bad time like that!" Marinette sassed you her boyfriend while everybody in the theater laughs at the comedic scene in front of them while Adrien just blushed.
Ladybug: You're welcome. You owe me one. (She holds out her hand to help Cat Noir up)
Cat Noir: Sure thing. But I'll take the credit for that. (Rogercop is in his car)
Computer: Mayor's limousine. Located. (Rogercop flies to where the Mayor is)
Ladybug: There's no point running after him anyway. He's way out of our reach now.
Cat Noir: Well, if it's the mayor he wants...
Ladybug: He'll be heading straight for the City Hall.
Cat Noir: Do I sense a plan?
"She always has one!" Adrien answered his on-screen self much to everybody's amusement as they agree with that statement.
Yeah, it's so annoying! Lila ranted in her head in jealousy.
Not as annoying as your pathological lying! Angel said towards Lila in her head.
Scene: City Hall. Rogercop breaks in.
Rogercop: Let's go!
Mr. Bourgeois: Call up all available police forces, ASAP! That's an order!
Civilians: Ahh! (Rogercop makes a hole in the door. His car enters the city hall.)
Rogercop: Bourgeois, I'm taking over. Relinquish your powers.
Mr. Bourgeois: Never! (Rogercop puts handcuffs on him) These handcuffs won't change my mind.
Rogercop: Then maybe this will. (blows whistle, releases Chloé)
Chloé: Hey!
"See, Chloe? This is what happens when you willingly go with the supervillain," Marinette deadpanned making everybody laugh and Chloe cringe.
Mr. Bourgeois: Don't you dare put a finger on my little girl!
Rogercop: So much for your powers! Ha! Ha ha ha ha! Ha!
Mr. Bourgeois: (from screen) Paris has a new superpower. His name is Rogercop. I hereby relinquish all authority to Rogercop. All citizens are ordered to answer at him.
Rogercop: Ladybug and Cat Noir are now outlaws. They must be hunted out and taken into custody immediately. (The police officers try to catch Ladybug and Cat Noir, but they escape)
Officer: Let's go get 'em!
Scene: City Hall at nighttime. Ladybug and Cat Noir hide from the police.
Cat Noir: So now, we're the nation's most wanted felons?
Now that sounds perfect for me! Lila thought with a malicious smirk.
Ladybug: And we haven't done anything!
Cat Noir: Exactly! You can't accuse someone without proof! We should go and defend ourselves in the Court of Law!
Ladybug: Not while Rogercop's the Chief of Justice.
Cat Noir: (sighs) How many times have we saved Paris?
"Too many times to count," Marinette answered and everybody murmured in agreement.
"Does Hawk Moth ever give you dudes a long break?" Nino asked exasperated as well as everybody else.
"Apparently not. He's either really desperate for our Miraculouses or he's getting a sick thrill out of it," Adrien answered.
"I think both is the right answer," Marinette stated her opinion.
Ladybug: We're still saving Paris. (Cat Noir appears, and the officers sees him. He does a little dance.)
Cat Noir: Something about Paris just makes you wanna dance.
"No time to be dancing, cat boy!" Alix snorted.
"FYI, I was keeping them distracted!" Adrien said as he blushed.
"In his defense, that is pretty distracting," Marinette said giggling and everyone followed suit.
Rogercop: You won't be dancing after I'm through with you. Arrest him!
Cat Noir: Does that mean you won't be joining me? (dodges the officers)
Scene: Inside the City Hall. Ladybug enters, and Chloé notices her.
Chloé: (whispering loudly) Go, Ladybug, go! (Rogercop turns around and sees Ladybug, who looks exasperated at Chloé.)
"Oops!" Chloe said as everybody else give her exasperated stares.
Rogercop: Ladybug, it is time for justice to prevail. (Rogercop fires lasers at Ladybug, but she dodges them with her yo-yo.)
Ladybug: You got justice and revenge all mixed up, Rogercop! Lucky Charm! (A pair of oven mitts appears) Oven mitts? What am I supposed to do with this? (Rogercop fires lasers at her again, but she dodges them)
"Oven mitts? What are you planning? Baking him a cake?" Lila asked in a joking manner while also being condescending, though everybody else laughed at that as well.
"You'll see, Lila," Marinette said in a proud smirk.
Hawk Moth: Fabulous... so wretchedly fabulous!
Scene: Outside the City Hall. Cat Noir defeated all the officers.
Cat Noir: Okay, show's over. Sorry, no encore tonight. (enters the City Hall, and Ladybug joins him)
Rogercop: (blows whistle) Get Ladybug and Cat Noir! (Chloé and Mr. Bourgeois knock them, but Ladybug and Cat Noir take them away)
Chloé: Hey! My hair! (Rogercop shoots lasers at Ladybug and Cat Noir)
Hawk Moth: Stop shooting like an idiot, Rogercop! You're supposed to seize their Miraculouses!
Ladybug: The akuma must be in his whistle. We've gotta get to it!
Cat Noir: How? (Rogercop finds them and shoots lasers at them) When you're ready, my lady. (Ladybug uses her thinking vision, and Rogercop's arms, a mitt and a belt light up. Ladybug grabs the belt)
Ladybug: Okay, I have an idea but I still need something like... a ring. (Rogercop makes a hole in the wall, Ladybug and Cat Noir escape. Ladybug grabs the oven mitt, and hides.)
Ladybug: Where am I gonna get a ring from? (Cat Noir grabs Chloé's bracelet, and rolls it)
Cat Noir: Ladybug, over there!
Ladybug: That's Chloé's bracelet! Exactly what I need. (grabs the bracelet) Fend off Rogercop as long as you can.
"You used my bracelet?!" Chloe asked both curious and annoyed.
"Hey, it worked! Plus I gave it back to you safe and undamaged, so don't get your rich spoiled panties in a twist!" Marinette retorted back.
Cat Noir: Whenever you're ready. Cataclysm! (uses his Cataclysm to destroy the floor beneath Rogercop, who falls. Cat Noir is held by a cuff. Meanwhile, Ladybug uses the two mitts attached to the belt to cover Rogercop's hands. She uses the belt to tie the hands, and then takes Rogercop's whistle)
Ladybug: I gotcha! (stomps on the whistle, releasing its akuma)
"Making your own handcuffs for Rogercop! Nice one, girl!" Alya said as she hi-fived her best friend and everyone cheered and applauded except for you-know-who.
Miss Superhero Show-Off strikes again! Lila thought with a bitter look on her face.
Rogercop: Noooooo!
Ladybug: No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (catches the akuma with her yo-yo) Gotcha! (releases the akuma and turns it into a normal butterfly) Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! (She throws the Lucky Charm in the air. Its energy reverts everything back to normal, and Rogercop turns back into Roger.)
Roger: Uhh... what am I doing up here?
Ladybug and Cat Noir: Pound it!
"Pound it!" Marinette and Adrien once again fist-bumped and kissed in victory.
Cat Noir: (Talking like a robot) As Rogercop would say, "Justice has prevailed in the streets of Paris!" (His Miraculous beeps. He then talks with his regular voice) I'd stick around, but then you'd see me without my mask and... you wouldn't be able to resist me.
Ladybug: Hehe... I doubt that, but I'll have to take your word for it. (she puts Chloé's bracelet back into her bag)
"He was right all along!" Alya said to her best friend with a teasing smirk and Adrien also gave Marinette a smirk while also wiggling his eyebrows. Everybody laughed at the exchange except for Marinette who blushed a heavy shade of red and Lila who's just annoyed.
Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.
Hawk Moth: You may have eluded me this time, Ladybug, but one of these days, I'll be ruling the world! And you and Cat Noir won't be a part of it!
That goes double for me! Lila thought in her head still bitter.
Scene: City Hall. Roger returns Chloé's bag to her.
Roger: I think this belongs to you, miss.
Chloé: My bag! (sees her bracelet) My bracelet! But... how?
Mr. Bourgeois: Roger! You found the bracelet?
Roger: Actually it turns out it was in Chloé's bag all along! Must've fallen into a side pocket when that girl tripped over it. (Ladybug laughs)
Mr. Bourgeois: Well, Roger, I do apologize for being so accusatory, and firing you for no good reason.
Ladybug: I think Officer Roger has proven his excellence to you, Mr. Mayor. You'd be wrong not to keep him on.
Mr. Bourgeois: Of course, Ladybug! You're absolutely right. And actually, it's Lieutenant Roger now.
"You got my dad promoted?!" Sabrina asked to which Marinette nodded and then, the former rushed over to the latter and gave her a big hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
"It's no problem, Sabrina. He really is a great police officer," Marinette said as Sabrina returns to her seat.
Roger: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. I'm proud to be on the force, and I vow to uphold my firm belief that every citizen is innocent until proven guilty. (Ladybug's Miraculous beeps, and she exits the City Hall.)
Mr. Bourgeois: Very good. A valuable lesson learned. Right, Chloé?
Chloé: Ugh! Yes, daddy.
Ladybug: Lesson learned! (swings away with her yo-yo)
"Lesson learned, right, Plagg?!" Chloe said to the kwami, still bitter about the incident. Plagg quickly nodded in fear.
"What is the next episode?" Adrien asked his robot voice, imitating Rogercop. Half of the audience laughed while the other half groaned.
"The next episode is Dark Cupid, which was Kim," Angel answered, pointing to Kim.
"Awesome!" Kim exclaimed, getting confused stares from the others. "Not that being akumatized is a good thing, but I'm interested to know what I did when I was." The audience nodded in understanding as they turn their attention back to the screen as the episode plays.