
Ways of Survival in Naruto

He hadn't expect to transmitted. And on top of all that! It had to be in the world of Naruto! A world— no, a dangerous universe that is dominated by alien-like beings, and hunger-power humans, who called themselves shinobi's, are obliged and expected to be loyal only to their village the moment they entered this hellish world. He, who had been transmitted into a character that wasn't cannon, will show you ways of survival in Naruto. [Disclaimer! What you see and read here are only fiction! Any places and any character you've read are not real!] 『Disclaimer! Naruto do not belong to me but only Kishimoto! Also, there characters in this work that is somewhat to other works' characters, and i disclaim that the characters you found to be similar to the others does not belong to me. The reason why is on the fifth paragraph!』 「This Naruto Fanfiction contains a lot of plot that are inspired by other novels, animes, Mangas, and manhwa's! Unfortunately, I cannot reveal the respective fictions and novels that this fanfic is inspired to, all for the sake of the plot! And it'd be unfortunate if my plans were to be discovered in such way!」 〔Cover does not belong to mine! Found it at Google, if you're the owner, please say something if you disapprove of me using it!〕 【I update everyday! Although, there may or may not be some cases that I might not be able to upload any chapters due to personal reasons!】 (Enjoy Reading!) The purpose of writing this fanfic shall be revealed at the ending of Ways Of Survival in Naruto! I hope you readers are able to stay long enough to know the purpose!

Rnibm123 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 3: Reasoning (Almost Seven)

Konoha Year 57, First Month, Third Week.

(Third Person PoV)





All three heads turned to Tobias.

"Oh my fucking God!"

"What's the matter?" Akiro asked, "You suddenly regretting your decision now?" He jokingly said, but Tobias knew that it was a concern.

"My projects!"

"Un-fucking-believable," Vū murmured, "Look, we don't have time worrying about your projects just to—"

"No!" He denied, "The top problem of the business is the act of plagiarism!" Tobias ran his hand over his face.

"Ahh," Nora seemed to get his point, "I heard about your big projects, quite a huge sum of money you recieve..." she cleared her throat after receiving a glare from the youngest, "Thankfully, merchants and people outside of Konoha still hadn't got the word of your project, yet. You'll be having a hard time looking for a fuinjutsu master."

"How many days left do you think people from outside of Konoha will know of it?" Vū asked for an opinion.

"I think that the word has already gotten out if Da — ehem! — The War Hawk were to work on it."

The three noticed the slip of tongue and was grateful that Akiro changed it. It'd be a huge problem if people were to hear them talking behind Danzō's back.

"I doubt that," she remarked, "The old guy, I can tell, only wants the 'best' for Konoha," she said, emphasizing the word 'best' and them knowing that there is a lot more meaning behind the word 'best' in Danzō's term.

"Not helpful."

"As I'm aware." she said, "But, approximately, I think, about next week? 'Cause that's the day merchants came around here to sell or buy things. Negotiate, and yada~ yada~ shit stuff like that."+

"Are there, currently, any fuinjutsu masters here?"

Akiro shrugged, "I think there are less than ten masters here in Konoha, but I do know that the White Fang is among them."

'Haven't heard about that guy ever since that so-called prep talk I've had,'

[He might not be dead.]

Tobias read the System's message.

'Not so sure about that,' he replied back to the System, "So... he dead?" (Author's note: This wrong grammar was written in purpose.)

Akiro laughed, "You're funny. But no, fortunately. I heard that the man is taking a break from the Shinobi world."

"A break my ass," the bob-haired girl remarked, "I bet that the guy has already retired. A break is just a pretense."

'What do you think?'

[What Nora said make sense.]

'About the White Fang being already retired? Nah, I don't think that he'd be that kind of guy.'

[Yes, the White Fang already being retired make sense. Of course not, you idiot! I wasn't taking about that, I was taking about what she thinks about the day where your poject will be known by the outside world.]

'What would you know about it?'

[As your Virtual Assistant System, it is my job to be aware of the activities going around in the Shinobi World.]

'Wait! If what you said is true, then does that mean that you're aware of what might happened in the future?'

[Well, yes and no.]


[Although the said future that I am aware of is what only 'you are' aware of.]

'Wait, I don't get it.'

[.... Before your transmigration, I am required to know about the past. But I only know of what the past held after being assigned as your Virtual Assistant System.]

'So what does 'you' knowing about the past has something to do with 'you' knowing about the future?'

[I'm not finished. Anyways, although there are some few key points of the past that I do not know of. And about the future, yes, because it is thanks to your knowledge that I know what might happen in the future. And no, 'cause there's a huge chance that your actions will cause the future to change and the affect will be known as the 'Butterfly Effect'.]

"Hey, Tobias," Akiro called him out for the third time, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Tobias look at Akiro who stood up, "We have a mission to fulfill and we suspect that Old War Hawk's behind this."


"There are seventy percent chances that he'd take advantage of the mission we are given, which is an A-Rank mission, and use it against us." She scrunched her eyes, "Scratch that, there are ninety-five percent chances. With you, a civilian, being included on the mission."

"Civilian? I'm the Yamanaka—"

"Yamanaka blah, blah, blah, we know," she continued, "regardless, even if you're the Hokage's son or some hot-shot's golden child, you're not a Shinobi, yet."

[What she said make sense.]

The green-boy shifted his head towards the only girl in their table, "Also, what the fuck? An A-Rank mission? That's utterly ridiculous, Genins were suppose to only take mission that are D-C Rank missions. Isn't it forbidden, given with your positions?"

She scoffed, "Trust me. You're not the only one who have such thoughts."

"You should've seen her. She tried getting off the boat we were placed in all on her own and didn't even think twice of our well-being." Akiro mentioned sobly as crocodile tears fell on his eyes.

Nora ignored him, "Apparently, the War Hawk said and I quote, 'A Chunin is also assigned to this mission, so there will be no problems giving this to you. And under no circumstances that shall you fail this, 'else might you want to be prepared and work under me'."

"It wasn't exactly what the guy said but it was implied." Akiro added.

"And what exactly does this have to do with me?"

"Help us complete the mission and we'll help you with your Business Project."

Tobias clicked his tongue thoughtfully, "Spoken like a true negotiator. I like it."

"We presume that you have agreed," Akiro turned to Nora, "So, what's the plan?"

Tobias chucked a laugh, "And here I thought that Vū was the leader, with his position and all."

"No offense Vū," he limp his wrist at Vū, "you're great and all, but your leadership skills nearly got our heads beheaded by a chōkuto."

"Tell me about it," Tobias comment.

"Right?!" Akiro turned, "This guy, despite his skills, sucks at being a leader."

"Yeah, a couple of months ago I made Vū took in charge of the Engineering Unit — they're the guys, I've picked out to work for me — and guess what?"

"No way," he said, "Don't tell me the guy made all of your underlings work for one house to another."


"Oh god, if I were you, I'd fire the guy long time ago."

'I can hear you, you little rats!' Vū thought, his pride took a big hit after being criticized on his leadership skills.


"OK, enough with the chit chat." Nora firmly ordered.




The mission they — Akiro, Nora and Vū — are assigned off is to shut down the illegal club.

Well, to be precise, they were ordered to assassinate the people running the illegal club, named CUNT, or atleast that's what Tobias' ears had heard. The CUNT Club was the type of club where, smugglers, horny people, addicts, pedophiles, and low-ranked criminals who were sly enough to not get caught by the Uchiha Police Force.

Tobias hadn't realized that he had walked into a bar that Shimura Danzō had personally took care off.

"Isn't it weird?"

"What's weird?" Nora asked Akiro.

"The fact that the War Hawk took care of this matter, personally and the fact we were assigned into this mission, instead of letting the Uchiha Clan take care of it?"

"You make a great point." Vū pointed out, "Assigning us in this mission — we already have a theory about it. But taking care of this personally is another thing."

"You missed one," she said, "you didn't took in account about 'why did he let assign us in this mission instead of his lackeys',"

"But isn't the existence of the Police Force's job is to take care of the inside matters of Konoha?" Akiro backfired.

[I suggest you to stop this meaningless debate and take care of the mission.]

'Oh please, its been a long time since I've watched a debate tournament.' Tobias replied, smirking in amusement.

Again, she scoffed at what Akiro had said, "We both, everyone, knows the reason why the Nadaime Hokage founded the Police Force only for Uchihas."

"Contrary to what people nowadays actually believed in, Senju Tobirama, himself, stated and dismissed whatever the people believed and said that it was to keep their emotions in check and have the village benefit from their dedication at the same time."

Vū added in on their conversation.

"I doubt that," she snided, "Nidaime Hokage, as respectable as he was, held a grudge against the Uchiha Clan due to the long lifetime hatred that emitted between the their two Clans."

'Okay, I see it now,' Tobias said to the System, 'I see your point. It's best if I interfere before this becomes a huge problem,'

Tobias, loudly, smashed his palms together, "It's not about the why."

Nora, Vū and Akiro look at him skeptically.

"The question you should be asking is 'What is so important about this mission that Ol'War Hawk there wouldn't leave this to the Uchiha Clan." He held out a hand before Nora could open her mouth, "And also, I think it is the best solution for everyone to finish this mission as soon as possible and look forward to the the aftermath results."