
Ways of Survival in Naruto

He hadn't expect to transmitted. And on top of all that! It had to be in the world of Naruto! A world— no, a dangerous universe that is dominated by alien-like beings, and hunger-power humans, who called themselves shinobi's, are obliged and expected to be loyal only to their village the moment they entered this hellish world. He, who had been transmitted into a character that wasn't cannon, will show you ways of survival in Naruto. [Disclaimer! What you see and read here are only fiction! Any places and any character you've read are not real!] 『Disclaimer! Naruto do not belong to me but only Kishimoto! Also, there characters in this work that is somewhat to other works' characters, and i disclaim that the characters you found to be similar to the others does not belong to me. The reason why is on the fifth paragraph!』 「This Naruto Fanfiction contains a lot of plot that are inspired by other novels, animes, Mangas, and manhwa's! Unfortunately, I cannot reveal the respective fictions and novels that this fanfic is inspired to, all for the sake of the plot! And it'd be unfortunate if my plans were to be discovered in such way!」 〔Cover does not belong to mine! Found it at Google, if you're the owner, please say something if you disapprove of me using it!〕 【I update everyday! Although, there may or may not be some cases that I might not be able to upload any chapters due to personal reasons!】 (Enjoy Reading!) The purpose of writing this fanfic shall be revealed at the ending of Ways Of Survival in Naruto! I hope you readers are able to stay long enough to know the purpose!

Rnibm123 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 2 ‐ Chakra (Six-Years-Old)

(First Person PoV)




It has been a year ever since I transmitted into Yamanaka Tobias, the younger brother of the Yamanaka Clan's Patriarch, body. There wasn't much troublesome conflict that had happened in my first year in this world. As for my training, hmm, I dare say that my progress was and is certainly doing great.

I could feel my chakra slighty growing and wasn't much dissapointed that my progress was slow. There wasn't a point on dwelling on it too much, after all, a progress is still a progress. And my young body still needs its own time to grow too.

My studies has been great. I studied theories about chakra, the history of the Yamanaka Clan, the clan's Hidden Techniques, tactics, mathematical geography, Taijutsu— though, there wasn't much to know about the clan's taijutsu as they take more of the healer role in the Ino-Shika-Cho Trio, especially since they held knowledge of weeds — and so on. I basically pretty much absorbed all of the books in the Clan's library, although, I wonder with how great the Clan's relationship is with the Akamichi and the Nara Clans — would they allow me to search through their library?

Probably not, since a Hidden Technique is a Hidden Technique.

Anyways, my brother, shamefully, finally agreed on my request of using his authority as the Clan's Patriarch to abuse, as he prefer to call it, his power.

Also— considering the fact that I've completely read all the book in the library, I've made a decision to end my morning studies and replace it with physical training. While in the afternoon, I would train my chakra control and eliminate the blasted twenty percent limit, which we shall get on to with that later on.

I stood straight, hands forming together a hand seal as I focused on guiding my chakra on my feet. I realized during my studies that one cannot control their chakra but could only guide them. There was a time I had wondered what's the differences between controlling and guiding your chakra. It would have been easy to ask any of my clanmen but they were, as always, busy at that time, especially since we are noe dealing with the aftermath of the war. But nonetheless, I found the answer after a few months of brainstorming.

Control chakra is a concept with the meaning of having a complete reign over your power, while, guiding your chakra meant leading the way to show the correct direction of where should the chakra turn and twist.

Okay, as Sakura said, one of the shows main character, if the flow of chakra is too weak, I will lose my footing on the tree and fall off. If it is too strong, I'd be pushed away from the tree. Well, it wasn't exactly what she said but it was implied.

I exhaled, facing the tallest tree I could find as I placed my right foot on the trunk and placed my other foot. Reflexively, I raised both of my arms in order to create a balance. Not a moment later, I ran up to the tree as fast as I could. I made a sound at the back of my throat, the steam of my chakra on my left foot grew stronger as the moment it touched the tree it left a fracture and in result I lost my footing. I slashed a mark of where I had lost my footing using a kunai and fell on the ground with my two feet.

Those trainings I've done during my teenage days really payed off, I thought as of flex my ankles around. I examine how high I've reached as it turns out it was fifteen meters.

Not bad, I thought, shrugging— and went back to tree climbing.




Thirteen days later...

My shoulders collapse as I've suffered from chakra exhaustion. I know that I've planned to let myself experience a chakra exhaustion but I didn't know that I'd be so exhausted where to the point that my muscles are weak, my vision aren't fully processing of what's in front of me, my stomach felt like it hasn't eaten anything for days and I'm having a tremor.

I sensed a presence besides me as I felt myself being lifted off from the ground, moments later we arrived at my house' dining table.

"Tobias-sama, You're experiencing chakra exhaustion for the first time." Wisteria stated the obvious in a monotone.

No shit Sherlock.

"It's best to give in on your hunger desires as I've already ordered the servants to prepare the foods."

"Servants?" I repeated, my eyebrows furrowed as my eyes fromed a wrinkle, "What is this a Noble House? We've needn't need servants."

"Inoichi-sama hired them in order to assist you in your 'Isolation Training'," as you call it, was left unsaid.

"Whatever." I murmered under my breath, feeling too exhausted to say anything any longer as I feast the food on the table and didn't even bothered saying the traditional 'Itadakimasu'. Not that having a servant is a problem or anything.

Oh right!

"Wisteria, fetch me a couple of water ballon, ballon and also a rubber ball. Leave it at my desk tomorrow morning."

"As you ordered!"

Days passed as the days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. As I continue to improve my physical training in the morning and my chakra control in the afternoon— Wisteria remarked that my chakra control was on par of a Mid-Level Chunin. To which, I found to be a wonderful progress. Although, I sometimes do ponder on of how hard it would be for me to control my chakra even more if I were to destroy the 'limitations' just as I've originally planned. Well, we'll just have to wait and see for the unforeseeable future.


"At your service, sir!"

"Tomorrow morning, I want you to bring two sticks."

"... a stick, sir?"

I didn't really elaborate, did I? "Well, not exactly a stick, more of a firm wooden stick. Twenty-six in length, three-fourth in diameter and rounded at both ends."

"I see, I shall heed your order sir!"

I have a feeling that this guy's loyalty towards me is nurturing as days passed by. Not that I'm complaining since I do plan on living and enjoy my golden days, it'd be best to have someone by my side and protect me.


"Hello my Dear Readers! Author-san here! I've been checking the progress of how many readers have read this book and I am surprised to say that there were a lot of you guys reading WOSIN!"

"So, Dear Readers— awkward laugh*— I, unfortunately, have bad news for you all! Sob* Sob*! My friends tricked me and force me to accept a bet that I have to recieve a 50k Readers and 50 collectors until the end of April! And if I were to fail their bet, I'd have to postpone publishing chapters for a whole month! 😭 😭!"

"Everyone, please help me, this is my life's work! And if I were to fail to follow my schedules, no doubt I'd be breaking my schedules. It's be like— uploading two chapters per week and sometimes I'd upload one chapter per month!"

(P. S. They are currently holding my secret against me and tell You-Don't-Know-Who-But-Somehow-I-Got-The-Feeling-You-Know-Who about my attractions towards You-Don't-Know-Who-But-Somehow-I-Got-The-Feeling-You-Know-Who!)