
chapter 2


Every 90s kid must remember the rich girl and poor boy love stories from Bollywood back then where a rich girl has that attitude toward poor people which her dad celebrates and the poor guy our hero enters her life, kidnaps her, or saves from goons or something and her attitude is shattered and now she supports him against her villain father and cheers him in the end for the victory.

So that's the same story with a bit of a twist.

Just kidding

Not the same story but maybe the same I am confused that you guys decide

This is not the 90s again to see those stories and I know that shit was not possible at that time either in real

Yeah this is all are real stories that's why they are short

Because I knew that much only about the characters and the plot of the storyline.

So life is short as well as my stories.

Short, simple, and 3rd adjective will be your choice boring or beautiful

Back to the story

This one is what I called destined to meet each other. Perfectly relatable to many

Character introduction

Simar our female lead, is a Jain girl religious at the same time. Beautiful like Jab we met movies Kareena's attitude, happy yet simple but damn very pretty. Not much struggle in life. a Gujarati Dad businessman that too and youngest among the siblings so loved by all.

She was what she was and loved by not just her family but her friends as well.

A very pure soul.

Samir - Yup not the real names just wanted something to rhyme that's it.

He was not poor but a lower middle class yet lower caste Hindu boy with a life full of struggles. Mom and dad both worked hard to provide for his studies .he did well in education wise not just that he started working at this firm which paid him a bit well but after all, it was a start for him to make his career his life.

He was a handsome hunk gym lover but with a very sensitive and delicate heart.

So these two end up being together?

Sounds odd but both look super good so that's one way of getting attraction towards each other.

Nowadays attraction is love and that's it.

But love and attraction are two-way different things that today's generation will never understand

So as I said Samir just started working for this company around 4 months back. The company was expanding so they started hiring newer people as well for different roles

Simar read it about on a particular app I guess and went on an interview after a few rounds of an interview she was selected and assigned to work with Samir on a few projects.

Simar joined immediately as she was looking for a job after her graduation and in her family girls get married early after their studies so she wanted to explore more and she joined as soon as she can.

They met for the first time on Simar's first day at the office.

As HR introduced her to all as well as Samir.

So it's not the story of love at first sight so nothing happened.

Simar started her work and Samir helped her around from the first day.

They started talking about the projects they are working on and planning the different parts of a project to get the task completed as soon as possible

They started working together

And Samir was Simar's first close colleague at the office they started talking a lot

The topic from the project shifted to personal chit-chats very soon within the week

They started talking a lot about the work at the office as well as they started sharing their personal life.

Even after office hours, they started chatting on social media platforms

Small talks converted to never-ending conversations.

The first message of the good morning till the last message of the good night the chats the talks were so long and they got addicted to the process without even knowing it.

They used to spend 8-9 hours at the office together eat lunch take those breaks together and even when at home they used to call each other or chat.

This became a habit that they didn't notice

A love story started and both had no clue whatsoever.

As time passed by they started holding hands while walking after lunch at the office garden

Sharing lunch and while leaving holding hands to drop and hug each other see off become a routine.

But no one confessed or proposed to each other yet.

They were in a relationship where no one committed it was just mutual

Now, what type of relationship is this?

A very complicated one.

But living in the 2020s and not having a complicated relationship is just our thing

Time flew by but no one confessed

But what was stopping them?

Yes, the funda we saw in Bollywood movies ain't gonna apply in real life.

But eventually, with flying time .. confession was necessary it will ruin everything

Everything because no one said those words yet no one said they loved each other.

They agreed they liked each other as a friend

But they both knew it was love and nothing else

There were many reasons why living in India people with so much history and vast culture and diversity will get it

The huge difference in background, caste, and religious views was running in the front mind

And love was sitting on the back seat, threatened for getting lost

But is love ain't enough? Are differences necessary in the long run?

Questions in commitment? Is it love?

But the love in the 90s was pure

..whatever it was it was a gem, not the one shown in the Bollywood movies but the ones in real which many Bollywood songs help to relieve for e.g Aaj din Chadiya from love Aaj kal or Rabba mei toh mar gaya from Mausam

which in the 21st century is rare..people are so obsessed with a western culture they need multiple relationships try everything and then settle on the trusted one but end up getting hurt in that as well.

What I believe is if there is love there are no questions whatsoever.

Back to the story

As in Simars family, they get girls pretty early so Simars dad just finalized a guy for her which he was looking for a very long time now .arranged obviously

with giving loads of dowry and all

Simars dad fixed her engagement but she had to say yes because of the obvious family pressure.

When Samir heard he just zoned out but when came to his senses Samir pretended to be happy as he seemed helpless.

He never dares to confess because he was very sensitive he belonged to a lower caste as well and was not the level of the guy Simar's dad finalized for her.

He had nothing but to pretend happy which with the nearing days of engagement was becoming impossible for him to do.

Engagement day was near.

But the Twist

Simar also was pretending to be happy and looking forward to the luxurious life she gonna live when get married

But something was pulling her .. there was a pain in her smile she knew why it was there

But couldn't do anything as well she wanted to lead a good life as well as can't go against her Dads wishes

A day before the engagement ceremony

Simar started having second thoughts.

Which is normal for everyone but her second thought was Love

To choose love or to just let it be as it is

Even Samir had not confessed to her about anything never told her ..so that she could change her mind in an instant.

She called Samir just to hear him say that he will miss her and won't be able to call as he resigned from the office today itself and was thinking of relocating to another city as a better opportunity has come towards him to work.

This news just saddened the heart of Simar. she spent a whole evening thinking of this and burst into tears after a while

She knew she was doing wrong for herself and deserved to know that whether Samir loves her or not

She barged out of her house and went directly to the office building where Samir was about to leave.

On the way she was excited, nervous, and happy at the same time

She started getting memory thoughts of her happy life with Samir during these days and what a wonderful life she can lead ahead if it was with him

She realized that was not usually her and she realized she had fallen for him a long time back but due to their circumstances she didn't commit and neither did he she realized that he too loved her just was not able to confess.

She reached the office building and Samir was about to leave the office parameters

He asked what was she doing here at this time

Doesn't she have to get ready for the big day of her life

She kept silent she burst into tears and hugged him tightly

Now even Samir started crying.

He asked again don't you wanna go back to your engagement..in the crying voice

She said she wants to live here like this forever and ever

Samir confessed I love you.

She hugged more tightly and replied I love you too idiot

That the end

A happy ending always

If I write further it will not be a happy ending

Let's just assume both their parents accepted them and Samir when on to become a successful rich man and the Simar got her luxurious life as well.

Everything is happy like in the 90s movie.